
Subsequent! A 14-year-old girl in Jingbian was bullied in her garage! The reason is exposed? The beater was picked up, and there was really a lot of material

author:A woman whose soul has a fragrance

Slapped more than 100 times in 5 minutes? What the hell is going on here! Another minor being bullied in the garage!

In the online video, an underage girl is thin and weak, facing the girl who beats her four times opposite.

She had no power to fight back, and let them slap them in the face, and after watching the video, she was really angry!

Subsequent! A 14-year-old girl in Jingbian was bullied in her garage! The reason is exposed? The beater was picked up, and there was really a lot of material

is also a girl, nothing will hit this girl like this, and girls can't hide if they want to.

And the video shows that the girl's face is red, and the nosebleeds are all out, and she continues to fight!

Subsequent! A 14-year-old girl in Jingbian was bullied in her garage! The reason is exposed? The beater was picked up, and there was really a lot of material

I saw that I was very hard, and what should I say in my mouth! Also said that this is the first and last time?

The girl won't be able to move when she is beaten, and how much damage she has to suffer in her heart and body!

Subsequent! A 14-year-old girl in Jingbian was bullied in her garage! The reason is exposed? The beater was picked up, and there was really a lot of material

There are a bunch of people next to him and no one is going to pull the rack, I guess they are all classmates of the girl in black!

Some people even said that the girl who was beaten in the video was also at the scene? Dealing with objects at such a young age? Really fake!

Subsequent! A 14-year-old girl in Jingbian was bullied in her garage! The reason is exposed? The beater was picked up, and there was really a lot of material

The netizens who watched the video felt as sorry for the beaten girl as I was, and they were even more angry.

Whose treasure is this, he was also held in the palm of his parents at home, but now he is treated like this!

Subsequent! A 14-year-old girl in Jingbian was bullied in her garage! The reason is exposed? The beater was picked up, and there was really a lot of material

It is reported that several people are minors, and there are conflicts because of some trivial matters, and an insider revealed that it is suspected that it is because of Xiao Xianrou, who is 3 years younger?

I don't know if it's true or not, but it's because of some trivial things, but today's children mature earlier.

Subsequent! A 14-year-old girl in Jingbian was bullied in her garage! The reason is exposed? The beater was picked up, and there was really a lot of material
Subsequent! A 14-year-old girl in Jingbian was bullied in her garage! The reason is exposed? The beater was picked up, and there was really a lot of material

In the video, the girl in black and the girl in yellow are fighting very hard, and there is a deep hatred.

The most angry also openly recorded a video and posted it on the Internet, and some netizens said that this was not a provocation? Some people applauded that this time the evidence was conclusive!

Some netizens watched the video and said that the girl in black was underage? Looks like a great age! And dressed very revealingly? is very mature, no wonder netizens say that she is old! Dress up maturely. There is no student look!

Subsequent! A 14-year-old girl in Jingbian was bullied in her garage! The reason is exposed? The beater was picked up, and there was really a lot of material

But it's really underage, it's officially announced, four underage! Some people say that it is no wonder that people are so arrogant, there are people in the institute?

Some people also say that the girl in yellow has a big leader in her family? Of course, this is all on the Internet, but looking at the behavior of a few people is really arrogant, don't you think?

Subsequent! A 14-year-old girl in Jingbian was bullied in her garage! The reason is exposed? The beater was picked up, and there was really a lot of material

Some people also said that they usually beat people and were very skilled, especially the girl in black, who was too arrogant!

And at present, according to the latest reports, several people have been summoned for investigation! The video shows the girl in black being a little embarrassed. At this time, she is no longer arrogant when she beats people!

Subsequent! A 14-year-old girl in Jingbian was bullied in her garage! The reason is exposed? The beater was picked up, and there was really a lot of material

Netizens said that they hope to be severely punished! After all, there is too much bullying in schools now, what do you think?

Subsequent! A 14-year-old girl in Jingbian was bullied in her garage! The reason is exposed? The beater was picked up, and there was really a lot of material

I really feel sorry for this girl, and the big mistake will not be beaten like this, I hit more than 100 times in 5 minutes, and I have suffered great physical and mental damage!!

Subsequent! A 14-year-old girl in Jingbian was bullied in her garage! The reason is exposed? The beater was picked up, and there was really a lot of material