
In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River

author:See Lijiang

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Jade Dragon A magically beautiful place

Mountains surround a vast land

Scattered with ancient villages

Some still retain the style of thousands of years, and Wumu Village is one of them, located in the Hengduan Mountains, a corner of the Jinsha River

The Naxi people, who have gone through the vicissitudes of time, thrived in the depths of the mountains

In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River

Wumu Village is located in Baoshan Township, Yulong County, which is an area inhabited by the Naxi people, and is also the only Naxi ancient village with the descendants of the four ancient clan branches of Shu, He, You and Mei, which is composed of seven families.

In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River
In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River

Under the influence of Dongba culture, the people here understand that man and nature should live in harmony, so that Wumu Village retains a rich traditional agricultural ecology, ancient Dongba culture and simple and colorful folk customs, and was selected into the "List of Chinese Traditional Ancient Villages" in 2014.

In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River

Located in the Hengduan Mountains, Wumu Village has been blessed with rugged and pristine natural scenery by mountains and rivers. The highest altitude here is 2,600 meters above sea level, and the lowest is 1,600 meters above sea level. With the social and economic development, the tourism economy of Wumu Village is also gradually developing, and many people are deeply attracted by the good ecological environment, ancient traditional culture and agricultural civilization here.

In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River
In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River

Walking into Wumu, passing through the winding mountain road, the old people in the village met along the way were both kind and enthusiastic. The rows of houses are scattered with the mountain, showing an irregular distribution, all in the traditional Naxi house style.

In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River
In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River
In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River

The whole village is not big, and the houses are denser, so the relationship between the families is closer, and the villagers say: "No matter which family is in trouble, everyone will come to help." ”

In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River
In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River

During the walk, it was found that the Dongba calligraphy and paintings on the walls on both sides of the village road and the street lamp poles are also very rich in Naxi characteristics.

In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River

Since ancient times, the Naxi people have believed that "everything has a spirit". They are in awe and grateful for nature, so they perform many rituals to give thanks and pray for blessings. Regularly organize the study of Dongba culture, and the Dongba in the village will teach it, covering Dongba characters, Dongba paintings, Dongba dances and Dongba ceremonies.

In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River

Continue to walk below the village, you will find a house with Dongba characteristics standing quietly here, this is the village's "Dongba Culture Institute", which was organized and established by the villagers in 1999, most of the villagers are members of the Institute, up to the 80-year-old elderly, down to the 20-year-old young people, forming an atmosphere of inheriting the national culture and everyone is responsible.

In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River

Hidden in the depths of the mountains, Wumu Village, with its simple village appearance, traditional buildings, as well as blue tiles and white walls, green waters and green mountains, are all frozen into a picture. I just want to put aside all my trivial things for a while, stroll through a certain alley in Wumu Village, and enjoy a rare tranquility and peace in the ancient village.

Picture: Zhu Xiaogang Source: "Cultural Tourism Jade Dragon" WeChat public account

In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River

Lijiang Xinsheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. Produced Typesetting Editor: Sona Ram Preliminary Review: He Fengqin Second Trial: Jia Huining Third Proofreading: Li Zhiwen Final Review: He Yunfeng Hotline: 0888-5596997 WeChat: ljwljxs

In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River
In Wumu, explore the ancient charm of Naxi on the banks of the Jinsha River