
The man sells tofu and treats the monk well, the monk: Your wife has a treasure


In our Gada, there is a buddy who sells tofu named Li Erniu, he, he has to get up before dawn, pushing his broken car, shouting in the streets and alleys: "Hot tofu, freshly baked, come and buy it!" "Li Erniu is a real person, and the tofu is also authentic, and the neighbors love to buy his tofu. One day, Li Erniu was shouting, and a monk came. The monk was dressed in a gray robe, holding a rosary in his hand, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were so deep that he could see through people's hearts. He smiled and said to Li Erniu: "Donor, the poor monk is passing by, can you give some food?" Li Erniu saw that it was a monk, and quickly cut a piece of tofu for the monk. The monk took the tofu, thanked him repeatedly, and said mysteriously: "Donor, something strange may happen to your family recently, you have to keep an eye on it." Li Erniu's heart tightened, but after thinking about it, he was selling tofu, what strange thing could he have? He smiled and didn't take it to heart. When the monk saw him like this, he didn't say much, turned around and left.

In the evening, Li Erniu went home and told his daughter-in-law Wang Cuihua about it, and Wang Cuihua also laughed, thinking that the monk just wanted to order more tofu. But in the next few days, things really turned out to be weird. Li Erniu went out to sell tofu, and always felt that someone was following behind. When he turned around, there was nothing. When I go home at night, I can always smell a strange smell, as if it came from Wang Cuihua. Li Erniu asked her if she used any new spices, Wang Cuihua looked confused, and said that she didn't make anything.

On this day, Li Erniu went out to sell tofu again, walked to a remote alley, and suddenly heard someone calling him. As soon as I turned around, hey, it was the monk again. The monk looked serious and said to Li Erniu: "Donor, what I said before was not to scare you, your daughter-in-law really has a treasure, but this treasure is not a blessing, but a curse." If you don't believe me, take a good look at your daughter-in-law's back tonight. Li Erniu was skeptical, but thinking of the monk's seriousness, he decided to try. At night, Li Erniu lay on the bed, tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. He glanced at Wang Cuihua beside him, and under the moonlight, her face was frighteningly white. Li Erniu's heart tightened, remembered the monk's words, plucked up his courage, and gently turned over Wang Cuihua's body. At this look, he almost didn't faint - there was such a strange pattern on Wang Cuihua's back, like a snake and a dragon, and it was still glowing. Li Erniu was frightened and hurriedly woke up Wang Cuihua. As soon as Wang Cuihua woke up, she screamed in fright when she saw the pattern on her back. The two of them were so panicked that they didn't know what to do. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Li Erniu, this kid, has a horizontal heart and pushes the door, isn't the one in front of him the monk who turned into a relationship. The monk walked into the house, glanced at Wang Cuihua's back, shook his head, sighed, and said, "This matter is not simple, the evil things are entangled with your daughter-in-law, if you don't deal with it quickly, I'm afraid you won't be able to save your life." When Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua heard this, their legs were so frightened that their legs were weak, knelt on the ground, and begged the monk for help. The monk nodded, took out a yellow talisman from his arms, and pasted it on Wang Cuihua's back, hey, that weird-looking pattern, if you say no, it's gone. The monk told them that this demon had escaped from the ancient tomb, and although it was now suppressed by the yellow rune, if it was to be completely resolved, it was necessary to find the ancient tomb and seal the thing, and then it was over. Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua listened and nodded again and again, indicating that they understood. So, the servants set off overnight and embarked on a journey to find the ancient tomb.

The man sells tofu and treats the monk well, the monk: Your wife has a treasure

Li Erniu, Wang Cuihua and the monk who turned into a relationship, the servants went out, hurried along the way, and finally arrived at a desolate mountain forest. It is said that the ancient tomb is hidden deep in this mountain forest. The monk folded his hands and admonished: "Donors, I have to take the next step, you follow closely, but remember that the things in the ancient tomb should not be touched." Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua nodded like pounded garlic, followed the monk closely, and stepped into this gloomy mountain forest. In the mountains and forests, the moonlight is tightly blocked by the leaves, and only sporadic light and shadow are sprinkled. The servants walked one foot deep and one foot shallow, and from time to time there were the roars of wild beasts and the chirping of insects, which made people get goosebumps all over their bodies. I don't know how long I walked, but a huge stone gate suddenly appeared in front of me, with ancient patterns carved on the stone door, and a ghostly light. "This is the entrance to the tomb." The monk pointed to the stone gate and said. Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua glanced at each other, nervous and curious. They followed the monk to the stone gate, only to see the monk take out a string of prayer beads from his arms and begin to chant the scriptures. As the scriptures sounded, the stone door slowly opened, revealing a pitch-black passageway. "That demonic thing is hidden in this sarcophagus." The monk pointed to the sarcophagus and said. When Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua heard this, their faces turned pale. They held each other's hands tightly and cautiously approached the sarcophagus. At this moment, the sarcophagus suddenly "clicked", as if something was about to rush out. "Stand back!" The monk shouted, folded his hands, and chanted the scriptures faster. With the sound of the scriptures, a sudden gust of wind blew in the tomb, blowing the servants to the side. After the strong wind, a black shadow burst out of the sarcophagus and rushed straight towards Wang Cuihua. When Li Erniu saw it, he hurriedly stood in front of his daughter-in-law and the black shadow. That black shadow is extremely powerful, and Li Erniu is obviously not his opponent. After just a few rounds, Li Erniu was knocked to the ground. Wang Cuihua screamed in fright and tried to rush forward to rescue her husband, but was stopped by a monk in time. The monk comforted in a deep voice: "Donor, don't be impatient, the poor monk has his own way of dealing with it." With that, he drew a radiant sword from the placket of his robe, and slashed at the black shadow with a volley. With a crisp cracking sound, the black shadow was split in half, turning into a wisp of black smoke that drifted away with the wind. The monk put the sword into the sheath and announced to Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua: "The demon has been eliminated, and the two of you can rest assured." Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua hurriedly expressed their gratitude, and their hearts were full of admiration and gratitude for the monk's kind face and the golden sword.

The monk suddenly made a request: "The poor monk has wandered around, but has not yet found a place to live. I wonder if you can let the poor monk stay in your mansion for a few days? Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua immediately agreed. They believed that the monk had not only saved them, but also protected their homeland, and that it was natural to take him in. So, the three of them returned home together, and the monk settled down in Li Erniu's house. He chanted and practiced every day, and at the same time taught Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua some life wisdom. Under the guidance of the monk, Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua gradually became open-minded and began to cherish each other's emotions and family warmth more.

A few days later, the monk informed them that they were leaving. Although they were reluctant in their hearts, Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua also understood that there was no banquet in the world. They prepared a sumptuous meal for the monk and gave him a ride themselves. At the time of parting, the monk said: "Good will be rewarded, evil will be rewarded, it is not that it will not be reported, the time has not come." The two of them will surely enjoy long-term blessings and family harmony in the future. After Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua heard this, they were full of emotion. They felt that this monk had not only saved their lives, but also brought them endless blessings and good fortune.

The man sells tofu and treats the monk well, the monk: Your wife has a treasure

Since then, Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua's lives have been full of happiness and contentment. They work together and enjoy the warmth and happiness of the family together. The evil thing that had brought them disaster was no longer there. This story teaches us that those who are kind will be rewarded in the end, and those who have malicious intentions will be punished in the end. In this world, nothing is more precious than kindness and sincerity. Let's all be kind people!

The story continues, so let's move on. The monk's departure left Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua with an unforgettable memory. They often recall the kind monk, the Dharma he taught and the wisdom of life. Time flies, and Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua's small life is becoming more and more stable. The two of them still get up earlier than the chickens every day, sleep later than the dogs, and are busy making and selling tofu.

One day, Li Erniu was setting up a stall in the market to sell tofu when he suddenly heard a commotion. As soon as he looked up, he saw a group of people around a stall, gossiping. Li Erniu was curious, so he leaned over. I saw a jade carved Buddha statue on the stall, and the Buddha statue was kind and kind, as if it could see through people's hearts. "This Buddha statue is a treasure!" An old man sighed and admired, "I heard that it can keep you safe and attract wealth and treasure!" "Yes, I heard that this Buddha statue was dug up from an ancient tomb, and the ancient tomb is full of treasures!" The other chimed in. As soon as Li Erniu heard the word "ancient tomb", his heart "chuckled", and he remembered the monk and the bizarre past. He looked at the Buddha statue carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar he felt - the eyebrows and eyes of the Buddha statue were somewhat similar to that monk! "This Buddha statue...... Could it be that it has something to do with that monk? Li Erniu pondered in his heart, and couldn't help but feel excited. He hurriedly asked the stall owner, "How much does this Buddha statue cost?" As soon as the stall owner saw that Li Erniu had the intention of buying, he opened his mouth: "This is a treasure, I don't sell it to ordinary people." If you really want it, give it this price! Li Erniu gritted his teeth, took out all his family funds, and bought the Buddha statue home. He returned home with the Buddha statue, and Wang Cuihua felt strange when he saw it: "This Buddha statue looks really good, where did you buy it?" Li Erniu told Wang Cuihua the ins and outs of the matter, and both of them felt that this Buddha statue must have something to do with the monk. So, they decided to offer the Buddha statue at home as a sign of gratitude and remembrance.

The man sells tofu and treats the monk well, the monk: Your wife has a treasure

Since the Buddha statue entered the house, Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua found that the family's business was becoming more and more prosperous. There are long queues of people who come to buy tofu every day, and their income has doubled. What's even more amazing is that whenever there is any difficulty or trouble at home, the Buddha statue will emit a faint golden light, as if to bless them. One night, Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua were resting at home when they suddenly heard a quick knock on the door. They opened the door and saw a beggar in rags lying at the door. The beggar was pale and breathless, and was evidently ill. Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua were kind-hearted, and hurriedly helped the beggar into the house and let him lie down and rest. Then he cooked a bowl of hot tofu soup for the beggar to drink. It didn't take long for the beggar's face to become rosy, and his breath was much calmer. "Thank you...... Thank you for saving my life! The beggar said gratefully, "I...... I have nothing to repay but to give this to you. As he spoke, he took out a worn-out package from his arms and handed it to Li Erniu. Li Erniu weighed it in his hand, the package was heavy, and when he opened it, he saw that there was a yellowed ancient book with a small note in it. He spread out the note, and it read: "This book is the secret book of Buddhism, and people who are destined to get it can cultivate to become a Buddha." "Can this be done?" Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua, you look at me, I look at you, both of them are a little confused.

When they opened the ancient book, it was densely packed with some unfathomable Buddhist principles and cultivation methods. Although they couldn't understand it, they could still feel the mystery and deep meaning in the book. Since then, Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua have followed the methods in ancient books and began to practice Buddhism. Although the path of cultivation was quite difficult, the two of them enjoyed it, and they knew in their hearts that this was the treasure and blessing left to them by the monk.

As time passed, Li Erniu and Wang Cuihua's Buddhist cultivation became deeper and deeper, and their hearts became more and more clean and kind. They have helped many people with their tofu stalls, and they often participate in charity, contributing a lot to the society. The evil thing that had brought them evil had never been seen again. Because they know that as long as there is good and good in their hearts, those evils and darkness will want to taint their souls.

The man sells tofu and treats the monk well, the monk: Your wife has a treasure

We can learn a truth from this story: kindness and sincerity are the most precious things in the world. As long as we have love and kindness in our hearts, no difficulties or evils matter, and we can live a happy and happy life!