
The stonemason looked for Lang Zhong to see the injured leg, but the good leg was treated as a bad leg doctor, and Lang Zhong self-destructed the signboard


On this day, Tiezhu carved a stone lion for the big family in the town, and he was so tired that his back hurt, so he went to the tavern and asked for a jar of good wine, wanting to relieve his fatigue. After a few cups, Tie Zhu felt much more comfortable, but suddenly, his right leg hurt, and when he looked down, it turned out that he had been scratched by a broken chair in the tavern. Tie Zhuxin said that this little injury was nothing, so he continued to drink. But it didn't take long for the wound to become red and swollen, and the pain made him sweat.

Tie Zhu felt that this matter had to be treated quickly, so he limped to the hospital. There is a Lang Zhong in the medical hall, named Bai Ren, who has superb medical skills and is a famous miracle doctor in the town. When Tie Zhu arrived at the medical hall, Bai Ren was busy seeing a doctor, and Tie Zhu was waiting on the side. Bai Ren looked at Tie Zhu's bitter face, and asked what's wrong. Tie Zhu told the situation 1510. Bai Ren carefully examined the wound and said, "Your wound is not deep, but it is already infected, so you have to deal with it quickly." With that, he took out the herbs from the medicine box, mashed them and applied them to the wound of the iron pillar, and then bandaged them. Bai Ren also instructed Tie Zhu: "After you go back, don't drink alcohol, and don't eat spicy food, otherwise the wound will not heal." Tie Zhu nodded in agreement, thanked Bai Ren and went home.

After returning home, Tie Zhu did not drink alcohol or eat spicy food according to Bai Ren's words. But a few days later, the wound not only did not heal, but became more serious, and his right leg was so swollen that he couldn't sleep at night. Tie Zhu was anxious and went to the hospital again. Bai Ren was also shocked to see that Tie Zhu was so seriously injured. He examined the wound again and said, "Your wound is very tricky, and it needs to be retreated." Then he took out the herbs and changed the medicine for the iron pillar. But after changing the dressing this time, Tiezhu's injury still did not improve, and even his left leg began to hurt.

The stonemason looked for Lang Zhong to see the injured leg, but the good leg was treated as a bad leg doctor, and Lang Zhong self-destructed the signboard

Tie Zhu muttered in his heart and asked Bai Ren: "My right leg is injured, why does my left leg also hurt?" Bai Ren was also stunned and said: "This thing is really strange, I have been practicing medicine for so many years, and I have never seen this kind of symptom." "Hey, that's a nuisance. At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the medical hall, and the sound was as loud as something. Tie Zhu and Bai Ren couldn't help but be curious, and craned their necks to look out. Good fellows, a group of people carrying a stretcher broke in in a hurry. There was a young man lying on the stretcher, his right leg was swollen like a steamed bun, red and purple, and it was distressing to look at.

As soon as Bai Ren saw this situation, he immediately stepped forward to take a look. His diagnosis, hey, guess what, the young man's wounds, and the iron pillar's wounds, were carved out of the same mold. Bai Ren felt a sigh in his heart, suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said to Tie Zhu: "Tie Zhu, look at your left leg, do you also have a hole?" When Tie Zhu heard this, he quickly lifted the trouser leg of his left leg, and there was really a wound, exactly the same as the one on his right leg.

Bai Ren understood at this moment, he sighed, and said to Tie Zhu: "Brother Tie Zhu, I'm really sorry for you, I treated your good leg as a bad leg." "It turns out that Tie Zhu came to the hospital that day, and the pain was so painful that his left leg unconsciously rested on his right leg. When Bai Ren showed Tie Zhu the injury, he didn't notice the stubble, so he made a mistake. The same is true of the young man's injury.

The stonemason looked for Lang Zhong to see the injured leg, but the good leg was treated as a bad leg doctor, and Lang Zhong self-destructed the signboard

When Tie Zhu heard this, he was stunned for a while. He thought to himself, why was he so careless, because of this little negligence, he suffered such a big sin. Although he was a little angry in his heart, he was more helpless and regretful. He sighed and said to Bai Ren: "Brother Bai Ren, I can't blame you for this, I was really careless that day. ”

Bai Ren saw that Tie Zhu was so magnanimous, and he felt even more unhappy in his heart. He hurriedly said, "Brother Tiezhu, don't worry, I will definitely cure you." So saying, he rummaged around, looking for an herb or secret recipe that could cure the wound. But this injury was so strange that Bai Ren searched through the medical books and herbs, but he couldn't find a suitable way. He was in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do.

At this time, a mysterious wandering Taoist priest came to Bluestone Town. This Taoist priest boasted that he was a god descending to earth, and he could cure any incurable disease. When Bai Ren heard about it, he quickly told the Taoist priest about Tiezhu's injury. When the Taoist priest heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "Although this kind of injury is rare, for me, it is a piece of cake. As he spoke, he took out a gourd from his arms, poured out a golden pill, handed it to Bai Ren and said, "Dissolve this medicine in water, let Brother Tiezhu drink it, and the injury will naturally heal." ”

The stonemason looked for Lang Zhong to see the injured leg, but the good leg was treated as a bad leg doctor, and Lang Zhong self-destructed the signboard

Bai Ren took the pill, and he was so happy in his heart that he hurriedly thanked him. He hurriedly returned to the medical hall, dissolved the elixir in water, and let Tie Zhu drink it. Tie Zhu drank the water, and he felt a warm current rise from his stomach and quickly spread throughout his body. The red, swollen and painful wound began to disappear all of a sudden, and the pain slowly disappeared. It didn't take long for the iron pillar to heal all of his injuries and he was able to work as before.

Bai Ren saw that Tie Zhu's injury was healed, and he was both happy and embarrassed in his heart. He was well aware of the pain that his misdiagnosis had caused to Tiezhu, so he decided to express his remorse by self-destructing his sign. Under the gaze of the whole town, he smashed the signboard of the medical hall with his own hands, and then said bitterly: "I, Bai Ren, have always boasted of my excellent medical skills, but I never expected to misdiagnose Brother Tiezhu's injuries. In order to warn myself and future generations, I chose to destroy the signboard and never work in medicine again. Seeing Bai Ren blaming himself like this, Tie Zhu couldn't help but feel unbearable in his heart. He stepped forward, shook Bai Ren's hand, and comforted, "Brother Bai Ren, you don't have to blame yourself so much. To err is human? Your medical skills have saved countless lives, and this mistake was just a minor accident. Moreover, my injuries are fully recovered, and you don't have to feel sorry for yourself anymore. Bai Ren listened to Tie Zhu's words and felt a little comforted in his heart, but he still insisted on his decision, and decided to leave Qingshi Town and travel around to learn more medical skills to avoid misdiagnosis again. After bidding farewell to the iron pillar, he packed his bags and set out on a new journey. Tie Zhu watched Bai Ren leave, and his heart was full of emotion. He didn't expect that a small wound would cause so many changes. Standing in front of the medical hall, he looked at Bai Ren's back as he drifted away, and prayed silently, hoping that Bai Ren could return from his studies and become a real master of medicine.

Since then, Tie Zhu has been busy in every corner of Bluestone Town, carving exquisite stone monuments, stone lions and stone bridges with his hands. And Bai Ren's medical skills and the story of that misdiagnosis have also become a good story in Qingshi Town. Whenever people mention this story, they will sigh at the profundity of medical skills and the unpredictability of life. The mysterious wandering Taoist priest also left his own legend in Bluestone Town. Some people say that he is an immortal who descends to the earth, and some people say that he is just a charlatan, but in any case, the elixir and medical skills he left behind have become the precious wealth of Qingshi Town.

The stonemason looked for Lang Zhong to see the injured leg, but the good leg was treated as a bad leg doctor, and Lang Zhong self-destructed the signboard

Time passes like flowing water, and Bluestone Town still maintains its prosperity. The story of Tiezhu and Bai Ren has also been sung by generations of people. They used their own experiences to tell us to cherish life, respect medical skills, and be tolerant of others. The stories and legends that have been handed down have also become the unique cultural symbols and spiritual wealth of Qingshi Town. A bizarre story about a stonemason looking for Lang Zhong to see an injured leg, but was misdiagnosed, spread in Bluestone Town. This story not only shows the complexity and beauty of human nature, but also reflects the profundity of medical skills and the impermanence of life. It allows people to experience the bitterness of life in laughter and the true meaning of life in tears. And the wound that once brought pain to Tiezhu has also become an unforgettable memory and a valuable experience in his life. After Bai Ren self-destructed the signboard and left, the residents of Qingshi Town talked a lot, and they all sighed at the breadth and profundity of medical skills and Bai Ren's brave spirit. Tie Zhu, this buddy, although he is a little unhappy about Bai Ren's kid's departure, but he is more grateful. Bai Ren's boy's misdiagnosis, although it made Tie Zhu suffer a little, but it also allowed him to meet the mysterious Taoist priest of the mysterious You Fang, and he also got the magical elixir, and finally his body recovered. That Youfang Daoist, since he left Qingshi Town that day, it was like a gust of wind, no one knew where he had gone, and no one had ever seen him again. But the legends he left behind in Bluestone Town are like a seed, planted in everyone's hearts, and slowly grew into a towering tree.

Time passed day by day, and Tie Zhu was still guarding his craft in Bluestone Town, carving all kinds of beautiful stone gadgets for the people in the town. Every time he picked up the carving knife, he would think of Bai Ren in his heart, the wound that had made him miserable, and the mysterious Taoist priest.

One day, a young man came to Qingshi Town, claiming to be Bai Ren's apprentice, named Li Qing. He said that he was studying medicine outside, and now that he has returned from his studies, he wants to open a medical clinic in Qingshi Town to treat the people in the town. When Tie Zhu heard about it, his heart moved, and he decided to meet this Li Qing.

The stonemason looked for Lang Zhong to see the injured leg, but the good leg was treated as a bad leg doctor, and Lang Zhong self-destructed the signboard

Tie Zhu arrived at Li Qing's medical hall, where people came and went, and it was very lively. Tie Zhu went in to see that Li Qing was treating a little kid, his skills were skillful, the diagnosis was accurate, and he prescribed medicine after a while. Tie Zhu looked very interesting, and he admired Li Qing's medical skills very much. He walked over, introduced himself to Li Qing, and mentioned Bai Ren's matter.

When Li Qing heard this, he immediately stood in awe and said, "It turns out that you are Brother Tiezhu!" My master keeps mentioning you as a good man and a skilled stonemason. He misdiagnosed your injuries in the first place, and he never thought about it. Tie Zhu listened, and his heart was also mixed. "That's all in the past," he said. Although Bai Ren made mistakes, he also wanted to save people. Moreover, he also paid the price for this, smashed the signboard himself, and left Bluestone Town. We have to remember that he is good, not his fault. ”

Li Qing nodded and said, "Brother Tiezhu is right. My master practiced medicine and saved countless people in his life, but in the end, he smashed his signboard because of a mistake. This also tells us that no matter how skilled people are, there are times when they make mistakes, and the key is to dare to face and take responsibility. Although my Master has left us, his medical skills and spirit will remain in our hearts forever. ”

The stonemason looked for Lang Zhong to see the injured leg, but the good leg was treated as a bad leg doctor, and Lang Zhong self-destructed the signboard

When Tie Zhu heard this, he was also full of emotion in his heart. He said, "Brother Li Qing, your master's medical skills and spirit are indeed worth learning from. I believe that you will be able to carry on his legacy and open a good medical clinic in Qingshi Town to treat the residents and save lives. ”

Li Qing nodded and said, "Brother Tiezhu, don't worry, I will definitely study hard." Since then, Tie Zhu and Li Qing have become iron buddies. Tiezhu's kid ran to the hospital two times in three days to help Li Qing take care of those patients, Li Qing was not ambiguous, teaching Tiezhu some skills to cure diseases and save people, as well as the doorway of those herbs. The two of you come and go, learn from each other, and there are a lot of good stories about them in Qingshi Town.

As for the elusive wandering Taoist, he is like a legendary figure, adding a strong touch to the history of Bluestone Town. The elixirs and medical skills he left behind have become treasures in the town, guarding everyone's health. As for Tiezhu, he is still doing his old job, stonemasonry, and Li Qing has become one of the most famous Langzhong in the town. Their stories are like a moving piece of music that floats over Bluestone and inspires people to pursue a better day.

The stonemason looked for Lang Zhong to see the injured leg, but the good leg was treated as a bad leg doctor, and Lang Zhong self-destructed the signboard

The years are like songs, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Although Tie Zhu's hair is gray, his heart is still warm, and he is still in Bluestone Town, using his skills to carve all kinds of beautiful stone gadgets for everyone. Li Qing has also become a skilled old man, and his medical hall is famous in the town, and people come to seek medical advice every day.

Walking in the streets and alleys of Qingshi Town, you can see Tie Zhu and Li Qing side by side from time to time, they are talking and laughing, like a pair of old friends for many years. Their stories have also been passed down from generation to generation and have become a beautiful scenery in the town.

In this way, Tie Zhu and Li Qing used their own actions to interpret the profundity of medical skills and the kindness of human nature in the land of Qingshi Town, and they became legends and role models in everyone's hearts.

The stonemason looked for Lang Zhong to see the injured leg, but the good leg was treated as a bad leg doctor, and Lang Zhong self-destructed the signboard