
Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

author:Lele Storyteller
Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

Ma Yun, who is in the business world, has always hidden a dream of his youth in his heart. The name of this dream is "Junko Oshika" and it is a character played by Japanese actress Yumiko Araki in the TV series "Volleyball Girl".

For the young Jack Ma, Junko is not only a fictional character, but also a spiritual pillar at a low point in his life.

In 1994, Jack Ma set foot on Japanese soil for the first time. At that time, he was just an English teacher, with a simple desire to find an idol. However, the language barrier and lack of information made the search unsuccessful.

Over the next five years, Mr. Ma traveled to Japan several times, but he never got his wish. Each disappointment strengthened his determination to find Yumiko Araki.

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

In 2000, Jack Ma, who had already founded Alibaba, came to Japan again. This time, fate seems to have finally favored this persistent dreamer. Late one night, Jack Ma received an email from a reporter with a recent photo of Yumiko Araki.

The moment he saw the photo, Ma Yun was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night, as if he had returned to the youth inspired by "Volleyball Girl".

After many contacts, Ma Yun finally had a brief meeting with Yumiko Araki at the airport. Although the conversation was not long, Araki was moved by Jack Ma's sincerity and took the initiative to leave his contact information.

This encounter not only fulfilled Jack Ma's dream for many years, but also opened a new page in Yumiko Araki's life.

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

Four years later, in 2004, at the age of 44, Yumiko Araki was invited to China to visit Alibaba's headquarters. When she stood in front of this business empire, she couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion.

What was once a young man inspired by her role has now become a world-renowned entrepreneur. And she herself, in the baptism of the years, has embarked on a unique life path.

The story of Jack Ma and Yumiko Araki is like a wonderful chord that transcends time and space, composing a fate beyond imagination between idols and fans. This experience not only enriched the lives of the two of them, but also brought new opportunities and challenges to their respective careers.

Yumiko Araki's life is like a movie with ups and downs. Born in 1960, she has dreamed of becoming a star since she was a child. However, fate always likes to joke.

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

During a talent show, the petite Araki did not attract the attention of the judges, but he touched a camera on the television station with the sincere tears he shed when he was lost.

This seemingly unsuccessful experience instead became a turning point in Araki's acting career. The TV station decided to give her a "consolation prize" and tailored the TV series "Volleyball Girl" for her.

In 1981, after the broadcast of this TV series focusing on the struggle stories of female volleyball players, Yumiko Araki quickly became a household name with the role of "Junko Oshika".

However, behind the success is hard work. Araki, who is only 153 centimeters tall, has made unimaginable efforts to create an image of a tall and mighty volleyball player.

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

From rigorous physical training to repeated practice of difficult movements, she shows the same tenacity as her character. During filming, she was injured several times and even had a concussion.

But in order not to affect the progress of the crew, she always gritted her teeth and insisted.

The success of "Volleyball Girl" not only made Araki popular in Japan, but also set off a "volleyball fever" in China. The theme song of this drama spread all over the streets and alleys, inspiring countless young people, including Jack Ma when he was young.

However, just when her career was in full swing, Yumiko Araki in 1983 made a surprising decision: to quit the showbiz. This decision shocked the entire Japanese entertainment industry and made countless fans feel regretful and puzzled.

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

Araki, who was only 23 years old at the time, chose to shift his focus to his family. She met the famous Japanese musician Masayuki Yuhara and quickly fell in love. The two soon entered the marriage hall and began a new chapter in their lives.

Araki's decision shows another interpretation of her life. Instead of being fooled by the sudden fame, she chose to follow her inner voice. Although this decision took her away from the glamorous stage, it started a difficult but meaningful journey in her life.

From the much-anticipated national goddess to an obscure housewife, Yumiko Araki's transformation is both surprising and admirable. Her story teaches us that the value of life is not only about career success, but also about being able to make choices based on one's heart, whether that choice seems ideal to outsiders or not.

Yumiko Araki's retirement stems from an unexpected family change. Soon after they and musician Masayuki Yuhara entered the marriage hall, they received a heavy news: Yuhara's mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

This sudden blow caught the young couple off guard.

Faced with this situation, Araki made an admirable but also heart-wrenching decision: to leave all his work and take care of his mother-in-law wholeheartedly. This means that she has to say goodbye to her brilliant acting career completely and face a completely unfamiliar field.

Even more challenging, she has to face a mother-in-law who is hostile to her.

Over the next twenty years, Araki endured unimaginable hardships. Her mother-in-law's illness caused her to be often vexatious, and sometimes even spoke ill of Araki.

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

Once, the mother-in-law, who was emotionally out of control, smashed the belongings in the house and scolded Araki. Faced with this, Araki chose to endure in silence and bear the pain alone.

Caring for a sick person can be hard, especially with an unappreciative or even hostile patient. The mother-in-law will deliberately knock over Araki's carefully prepared meals, find fault with her shortcomings, and even maliciously slander her in front of her son.

Once, the mother-in-law even said to her son that Araki brought a strange man home, and such words hurt Araki deeply.

However, even in such a predicament, Araki chose to persevere. Whenever she feels tired, she remembers the "Junko Oga" she once played to motivate herself: "Hold on a little longer, and everything will be fine."

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

This kind of perseverance is the same as the character she portrayed in "Volleyball Girl".

Araki's husband, Masayuki Yuhara, saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. He was well aware of his mother's vexatiousness, but he couldn't do anything about it. Every time he saw Araki being wronged, he would take her to no one and apologize repeatedly.

And Araki always comforts her husband, believing that these are all responsibilities as a wife.

Eventually, under the care of Araki and her husband for 20 years, her mother-in-law passed away peacefully. At the last moment of her life, her mother-in-law rarely regained her senses, clasped Araki's hand and said, "I've worked so hard for you all these years, I'm really sorry!" This sincere apology made Araki's years of accumulated grievances and dissatisfaction disappear in an instant.

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

These 20 years of experience have made Araki deeply appreciate the meaning of life. She understands that it is precisely because her mother-in-law is the mother of her beloved that no matter how hard it is, she is willing to give unreservedly.

This experience not only honed her will, but also gave her a deeper understanding of life and family.

From the glamorous national goddess on the screen to the obscure caregiver, Yumiko Araki has spent twenty years interpreting another value of life. Her story teaches us that true greatness is not only in the spotlight, but more often than not, in the unnoticed corner.

After twenty years of silence, Yumiko Araki's life has ushered in a new chapter. However, fate seems to have another test for her. Not long after her mother-in-law passed away, she suddenly discovered that she was suffering from a tumor.

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

This blow came too suddenly, and it once gave her the idea of suicide.

However, as she played Junko Koga in "Volleyball Girl", Araki was not knocked down by difficulties. With the support of her husband and son, she regained the courage to survive.

Fortunately, further examination revealed that the tumor was benign and only needed to be surgically removed. This experience of brushing shoulders with death has given Araki a deeper understanding of life and a greater appreciation for what he has.

In 2004, Yumiko Araki accepted the invitation of the program "Art Life" and returned to the public eye. When she stood in the spotlight again, the audience erupted in thunderous applause.

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

Many spectators excitedly shouted the name of "Junko Oga", and Araki was deeply moved by this enthusiasm and burst into tears.

In the program, a well-known host from Chongqing TV admitted that it was precisely because of the tenacity shown by Junko Xiaolu in the film that inspired her to become an excellent host.

The host also affectionately performed three theme songs of "Volleyball Girl", which pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

The experience made Araki realize that even though she had been away from the screen for many years, there was still a large group of loyal fans who were quietly supporting her. This gave her the confidence and motivation to return to showbiz.

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

Subsequently, she published her personal book "Conscious Nursing", which tells her experience and insights about taking care of her mother-in-law. This book not only chronicles her two decades of dedication, but also provides valuable experience and spiritual support to many people facing similar difficulties.

Yumiko Araki's return proves that life doesn't start too late. At the age of 44, with 20 years of life experience, she faced the public with a more mature and calm attitude, opening a new chapter in her life.

Her story teaches us that as long as we have passions and dreams in our hearts, any age can be a new beginning.

After returning to the public eye, Yumiko Araki did not limit herself to her acting career, but set her sights on a broader stage. She has said in public on many occasions: "China is my second hometown, and I am willing to make unremitting efforts for the friendship between China and Japan."

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

This is not an empty slogan, Araki has demonstrated his commitment with practical actions.

She frequently traveled back and forth between China and Japan, spreading China's excellent traditional culture to the Japanese people, and became an important envoy of cultural exchanges between the two countries. In 2014, Araki was invited to participate in the Spring Festival Gala of Beijing Satellite TV, once again showing his charm and letting the Chinese audience feel the enthusiasm of Japanese artists.

In 2018, Yumiko Araki ushered in another peak in her career. At the "Weibo Japan Heroes Meeting" held in Tokyo, Japan, she won the highest honor of the "China-Japan Friendship Contribution Award" for her outstanding contributions to promoting Sino-Japanese friendship over the years.

This award is not only an affirmation of her personal efforts, but also highlights her important position in the cultural exchanges between the two countries.

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

Entering 2020, even in the face of the challenges of the global epidemic, Araki still did not stop. As a singer, she has toured various cities in China, such as Shanghai and Ningbo, building bridges between the two peoples through music.

During the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, she sent her best wishes to all Olympic athletes through the Weibo platform, demonstrating her support for sportsmanship and friendship with China.

These efforts by Yumiko Araki not only continue her influence in China, but also make important contributions to promoting people-to-people exchanges between China and Japan. In her own way, she interpreted the responsibilities and responsibilities of cultural exchange envoys, and became an important link in the friendly relations between China and Japan.

The trajectory of Yumiko Araki's life is like a legendary novel with ups and downs, leaving us with a profound inspiration. First of all, she showed extraordinary tenacity.

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

Whether it was overcoming his height disadvantage in the early days of his acting career or caring for his sick mother-in-law for twenty years, Araki showed extraordinary perseverance and determination.

Araki also showed the wisdom of balancing career and family. She chose her family at the right time and returned to the public eye at the right time. Even in her later years, she maintained her vigor and continued to contribute to society.

This attitude to life is worthy of our deep thought and learning.

Yumiko Araki's life is just like the spirit she conveyed in "Volleyball Girl" - never give up and move forward bravely. Her story has not only touched business giants like Jack Ma, but also inspired countless ordinary people, becoming a fond memory and motivation for a generation.

Junko Oga: Ma Yun's dream lover, who went to Japan several times and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

She used her life to interpret what is the real value of life, and let us see the extraordinary life that ordinary people can live.

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