
Mystic Buddha Beads: A fate-subversive fate

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

There is such a story in Nagada, in the northeast of our country, about a buddy named Li Ergou in a small mountain village in the south. This guy is five big and three thick, with a beard on his face, and he looks like a rough man. Don't be fooled by appearances, Li Ergou has a good heart, works diligently, and is a real hero. There is an old mother in his family, who is old and has poor legs and feet, so Li Ergou goes up the mountain every day to chop firewood, go down to the river to fish, and support the family.

One day, Li Ergou went to the back mountain to chop wood, humming a little song, and his mood was very beautiful. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he saw a string of Buddhist beads shining under an old pine tree. He took a closer look, and the Buddha beads were simple in color, shining with golden light, and each bead was finely carved, and there were Sanskrit characters on it that he couldn't understand. Li Ergou was shocked in his heart, and thought: "This Buddha bead is definitely not an ordinary product!" "Except for the chirping of birds and insects, there is not even a ghost around. He hesitated for a while, and finally decided to take the beads home.

When he got home, Li Ergou showed the Buddha beads to his old mother. When the old mother saw it, her face changed, and her voice trembled and said: "Ergou, this Buddha bead is not simple, I heard the old man in the village say when I was young, there is a high monk on the mountain, and the Buddha bead left behind has magical power, which can bless people to turn evil into good fortune and be auspicious in distress." Li Ergou listened, and he was so excited in his heart. He thought, "Since this bead is so godly, then I have to keep it well, maybe I can use it sometime." ”

Mystic Buddha Beads: A fate-subversive fate

As the days passed, Li Ergou still got up early and worked greedily in the dark, but since he picked up the string of Buddhist beads, strange things have been happening at home. First of all, the old mother's old problems were cured by themselves, and her spirit was better than when she was young; Then, when Li Ergou was chopping firewood in the mountains, he could always find some rare herbs and mountain goods, which he could sell in the town for a lot of silver. The people in the village were envious when they saw that Li Ergou's family was becoming more and more prosperous. Someone began to spread that Li Ergou had picked up the treasure and was sheltered by a monk. Li Ergou listened, just smiled and didn't say much.

That night, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and Li Ergou lay on the bed tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. He touched the Buddha beads on his neck, and an inexplicable impulse suddenly surged in his heart. He got up and put on his clothes, and the ghost made a strange move to the back mountain. The mountain road was rugged, but Li Ergou walked fast, as if something was leading him. Walking and walking, I finally came to an open field, there was a dilapidated temple in front of it, and the three big characters of "Jingxin Temple" were written on the lintel. Li Ergou was shocked, he had never heard of a temple on the mountain before! He steadied himself and cautiously walked inside. There was no one in the temple, and the gold paint on the Buddha statue was peeling off, and it looked dilapidated. Li Ergou, this kid, walked around the temple and saw a secret grid under the Buddha statue coldly. He squatted down and nudged lightly, hey, the dark grid actually opened in response. There was a brocade box inside, and as soon as Li Ergou opened it, there was a yellowed scripture book and a worn-out map lying inside. He flipped through the scriptures in his hand, and his eyes were straight. This scripture is a martial arts secret book that has been lost for many years, and it contains some unfathomable martial arts and internal skills. The map points to a mysterious treasure. Li Ergou knew that this Buddha bead, scripture, and map must be the treasures left by the monks. He carefully laid them out, intending to find the right time to find out.

But just as he was about to slip away, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside. Li Ergou's heart tightened, and he quickly hid behind the Buddha statue. Several black-clothed men broke in, rummaged around, and finally stopped in front of the Buddha statue. "It seems that the Buddha bead is really here!" A man in black muttered under his breath. "Look! Be sure to find that bead! Another man in black yelled. Li Ergou heard it clearly behind the Buddha statue, and he was nervous in his heart. He was thinking about how to get out, and he was also thinking about the origin of these people in black. Just when the man in black was about to discover him, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the temple, and the men in black were startled and rushed out. Li Ergou took the opportunity to slip out and left the temple quietly.

Mystic Buddha Beads: A fate-subversive fate

He ran all the way home, and the waves in his heart were turbulent. He knew that he had been caught in a big maelstrom, and this Buddha bead, martial arts cheats, and maps were his only clues. He'll have to tread carefully to uncover the truth behind this...... When Li Ergou returned home, he felt like a rabbit in his heart, and he kept jumping. He hurriedly hid the Buddhist beads, scriptures, and maps in the most hidden corners, for fear of being discovered by the man in black. For the next few days, he didn't dare to go out, for fear of being targeted by the man in black. But how can this be hidden? When the people in the village saw that Li Ergou was mysterious all day long, they began to spread rumors. Some say he got a treasure, some say he was haunted by a ghost, and some say he fell into an evil spirit. The gossip spread quickly, and it didn't take long for it to reach the ears of the man in black.

That night, as soon as Li Ergou lay down, he heard a quick knock on the door outside. His heart tightened, knowing that the man in black had come to the door. He quietly pulled out a woodcutter from under the bed, crept to the door, and peered through the crack in the door. I saw several men in black standing outside the door, one of them still holding a torch, and the light of the fire reflected their gloomy faces. Li Ergou took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and then slammed the door open, and asked loudly, "What do you want to do?" The men in black were startled by the sudden shout, but soon regained their composure. They looked at Li Ergou carefully, and one of the leading black-clothed men said coldly: "We learned that you have picked up a string of precious Buddha beads, if you are willing to hand it over, we can guarantee your safety." Hearing these words, Li Ergou immediately understood the intentions of these black-clothed men in his heart. He snorted contemptuously and replied firmly: "Hmph, you greedy people dare to covet the holy relics of the high monks!" Let me tell you, with me, you don't want to touch that Buddha bead! When the man in black heard this, he immediately became angry. They drew their weapons and prepared to attack. Li Ergou was not afraid, brandished the woodcutter in his hand, and bravely faced the battle. In the courtyard, there was a sudden sword light and a shadow of swords, and the sound of metal hitting came and went. Although Li Ergou was extremely brave, he gradually felt powerless in the face of many enemies. Just when he was about to lose his support, a dazzling golden light suddenly flew out of his arms and headed straight for the men in black. The people in black panicked and dodged one after another, but there were still a few people who were unfortunately hit by the golden light and fell to the ground. Li Ergou seized the opportunity, broke through the encirclement, and fled to the mountain. As he ran, he looked back and found that the people in black were not chasing, but were surrounding the string of Buddhist beads, with a look of horror on their faces. Li Ergou was overjoyed in his heart, knowing that he was temporarily out of danger. He quickly found a hidden place to hide, planning to wait until dawn before returning home. However, shortly after he sat down, he suddenly felt a wave of dizziness and lost consciousness. When he woke up again, he found himself in bed. He rubbed his eyes and looked around to see his mother sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at him worriedly. Li Ergou was about to speak, but his mother interrupted him: "Ergou, you finally woke up, it really scared my mother!" Hearing this, a warm current surged in Li Ergou's heart. He took his mother's hand and asked how he had come back. His mother sighed and told him, "It was the beads that saved you." After you pass out, the beads fly to you and glow with golden light. Then you wake up and walk home on your own. Hearing this, Li Ergou felt scared for a while. He touched the beads around his neck, his heart filled with gratitude. He realized that this string of Buddhist beads was not only a treasure, but also a blessing from a high monk. He was determined to cherish and protect this string of Buddhist beads even more in the future, so that it would not be harmed in any way. A few days later, Li Ergou's life returned to normal. He worked hard every day to take care of his mother's daily life. When the people in the village saw that he was safe and sound, they gradually forgot about the gossip. Oh, that's a god! The guys in black said that there was no shadow, and there was no shadow, like smoke blown away by the wind. The days passed day by day, and the life of Li Ergou, a kid, became more and more nourishing. The martial arts cheats book in his hand allowed him to practice a good skill; Follow the map to find it, hey, it really made him find that mysterious treasure; He used those treasures to make life better for everyone in the village, and everyone had happy smiles on their faces. The string of Buddhist beads, which had always hung around his neck, became his most precious thing. Every time he encountered something difficult, the beads shone brightly, giving him strength and courage. He knew that it was the monk who silently blessed him behind his back, so that he could always save the day.

Li Ergou, a kid, has become a legend since then. His story spread like fire in the South, and everyone said that he was a brave, kind, and hard-working man. The string of Buddhist beads has also become a legend, making people both awe and curiosity about the unknown world. People in the village said that he was so lucky because he was protected by a high monk. But Li Ergou knows in his heart that this is not only luck, but also a reward for his insistence on kindness, courage and fearlessness.

Mystic Buddha Beads: A fate-subversive fate

As the days passed, Li Ergou's reputation became more and more famous. He became a big celebrity in the village, but he didn't get fluttery because of this, but became more modest and low-key. He always reminded himself that he had to maintain a normal heart and not forget his original intention because of a moment of pride.

Once, Li Ergou was chopping wood in the mountains and accidentally found an abandoned baby. The child was dressed in tatters, as thin as a little chicken, and it was distressing to look at. Li Ergou's heart softened, and he took the child home. When his wife saw it, she liked it very much, so she persuaded him to adopt it. Li Ergou thought about it, this was also fate, so he named the child Li Xiaobao. Since then, Li Ergou has had an additional son, and his life has been more fulfilling.

Xiaobao grows up day by day, smart and clever, and is loved by everyone. He learned a lot of skills from Li Ergou, chopping wood, fishing, everything. He knows his life experience, but he is not inferior at all, but cherishes his current life even more, and is full of gratitude to Li Ergou and his wife.

Mystic Buddha Beads: A fate-subversive fate

One day, Xiaobao was playing on the mountain and found the ruins of Jingxin Temple. Curious, he went in to find out, and suddenly heard a strange noise, as if someone was muttering. He followed the sound and saw a man in black standing in front of the Buddha statue, holding a knife in his hand, gesturing to attack the Buddha statue. When Xiaobao saw it, he was so frightened that his legs were weak. Just as he wanted to turn his head and slip away, Xiaobao was targeted by the man in black. The man in black snorted coldly, and the dagger in his hand went straight to Xiaobao. Xiaobao was so frightened that his eyes closed, but at this moment, he felt a hot current in his chest rush up, and then he heard the screams of the man in black. When Xiaobao opened his eyes, he saw that the man in black was already lying on the ground, with a string of Buddhist beads on his chest. When I looked up, Li Ergou was standing not far away, still holding the woodcutter in his hand. It turned out that Li Ergou saw that Xiaobao was not coming back for a long time, so he went up the mountain to look for him, and happened to bump into this scene.

When the man in black saw Li Ergou, he didn't dare to fight anymore, so he struggled to get up and ran. Li Ergou didn't chase after him, but walked up to Xiaobao and asked with concern: "Xiaobao, how are you?" Xiaobao shook his head and said, "Dad, I'm fine." It's just that the man in black just now is too scary! Li Ergou patted Xiaobao's head and said, "Don't be afraid, there is a father!" The man in black wanted to snatch our Buddha beads. This Buddha bead is a treasure left by a monk, which can bless our family with peace and security. ”

When Xiaobao heard this, his heart was warm. He hugged Li Ergou's thigh tightly and said, "Dad, our family will definitely be able to get over it in the future!" Li Ergou smiled, touched Xiaobao's head, and said, "That's right, Xiaobao." As long as our family works together, is hardworking and kind, we will definitely be able to live a good life! Since then, Li Ergou and Xiaobao's relationship has deepened. Together, they went up the mountain to chop wood, went down to the river to fish, and took care of the old lady's daily life...... Life is good.

Mystic Buddha Beads: A fate-subversive fate

The mysterious string of Buddhist beads has also been hanging around Li Ergou's neck and has become the most important treasure of their family. Every time they encounter difficulties and dangers, the beads emit a faint golden light, giving them strength and courage. Decades have passed in a flash, Li Ergou and Xiaobao are old, but they are still mentally strong and physically tough. They often sit in the yard to bask in the sun, chat, and reminisce about the past...... Every time I reminisce, I feel a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness.

One night, Li Ergou dreamed that he was back in front of the ruins of Jingxin Temple. He saw the monk standing in front of the Buddha statue, smiling at him. The monk told him, "You have completed your mission, and now you can leave in peace." After saying that, he turned into a golden light and disappeared. After Li Ergou woke up, he felt an unprecedented sense of ease and tranquility. He knew his time was running out, but he didn't have any regrets or fears. Because he knew that he had lived the life he wanted, and that he had left a precious legacy for future generations – that is, the spirit of kindness, courage and hard work, as well as the faith and strength that the beads represented. Oops, this matter has to be so neat, Li Ergou's buddy, when he left, he was really peaceful enough. Xiaobao's kid, according to his last wishes, buried Li Ergou on the dilapidated edge of Jingxin Temple. That string of Buddhist beads, Xiaobao did not hide it privately, and passed it directly to his descendants, becoming their family heirloom treasure and a representative of faith. Li Ergou's incident spread in our village and became a legend, and the little flame of faith in everyone's hearts kept burning and never went out.

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