
Yongzheng's favorite minister, why didn't Qianlong stay?

author:Uncle De talks about history

After Qianlong came to power, what happened to Yongzheng's favored ministers? It was almost annihilated.

Emperor Qianlong had a characteristic, all the people his father Yongzheng liked, he liked to bang and knock after he came up.

Let's take a look at the most important ministers during the Yongzheng Dynasty: Prince Yi Yinxiang, Li Wei, Zhang Tingyu, Ortai and Tian Wenjing.

Among them, Yinxiang and Tian Wenjing both passed away before Yongzheng died.

Yongzheng's favorite minister, why didn't Qianlong stay?

Those who survived to the Qianlong Dynasty were Li Wei, Zhang Tingyu and Ortai.

Li Wei

Let's talk about Li Wei first.

After Yongzheng died, Li Wei obviously knew that he might not have good fruit to eat.

So he was in Yongzheng's mourning hall, and he fainted directly from crying.

At that time, Qianlong also stepped forward to comfort him and said: "Don't be too sad, my father is gone, and I'm still here." ”

Yongzheng's favorite minister, why didn't Qianlong stay?

When Li Wei heard this, he probably cried even louder in his heart.

Because Emperor Qianlong himself once publicly expressed that the minister must have the appearance of a great Confucian, and he must be a literate person who reads and understands.

But Li Wei is a person, he has no culture.

is different from the identity of a beggar in the Yongzheng Dynasty TV series, Li Wei in history, he belongs to a military attache family, and he is quite rich.

In the fifty-sixth year of Kangxi, their family spent money to buy him a foreigner. After that, he spent money to make him a Tobe Langzhong.

It is equivalent to saying that several important ministers in the Yongzheng period, such as Li Wei and Tian Wenjing, were all officials who spent money to buy, and they were not from the right path of the imperial examination.

The question is, how can a person like him who spends money to buy officials become Yongzheng's hardcore?

Mainly because of Li Wei, don't look at him spending money to buy officials, but after people came to the household department, he didn't plan to take the opportunity to get the capital back.

Not only is he not greedy himself, but he also often looks at others as he can't be greedy. Because of this, he also offended many people.

Yongzheng's favorite minister, why didn't Qianlong stay?

That temperamental person like Li Wei, in the later years of the Kangxi Dynasty, that kind of environment must have been bad.

But as soon as Yongzheng came up, he immediately became a fragrant glutton.

After Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, Li Wei was sent to Yunnan to serve as a salt post road, mainly responsible for liquidating the financial deficit of Yunnan's salt affairs.

Li Wei was originally from a military attache family, so when he dealt with problems, he was not so round.

When you get to the place, you will arrest people, and after you arrest them, you will tell them that they owe money to the court, either I will raid your house, or you will report to each other, and after the report is completed, everyone will share it together.

As soon as he did this, the arrears of Yunnan Salt were quickly cleared.

So in two years, Li Wei was promoted from a fifth-grade Langzhong to a second-rank feudal official.

When he is managing a locality, he will not be like a few ministers, who will take up three new posts in one locality, purge this and that, and torment the people.

He doesn't interfere with the normal operation of the people at all, those who open restaurants can continue to open, and I don't rush to let you close the casinos, but use these places to collect information about those thieves, and then deal with them quietly.

This kind of people-friendly style also makes Li Wei get along very well with the local people.

The common people also erected statues of Li Wei and his wives and concubines in the West Lake Flower Temple, known as the "Lake and Mountain Gods". But people like Li Wei are obviously not up to Qianlong's appetite.

Just when Qianlong went down to the south of the Yangtze River, he saw the statue of Li Wei erected by the people in the Flower Temple on the edge of the West Lake, and jumped up directly.

said that Li Wei relied on my father's favor, arrogant and domineering, what a Qing minister! This comment can be seen.

Yongzheng's favorite minister, why didn't Qianlong stay?

In fact, from the very beginning of Qianlong's fight, he looked down on Li Wei.

After all, he wasn't a serious reader. When he was an official, in order to crack down on corruption and clean up the deficit, the means were harsh.

This is completely negative for Qianlong, who just set up his own character in the image of Kuanren.

Fortunately, although Qianlong didn't like Li Wei, Li Wei's death was very timely, and he died after Qianlong succeeded to the throne for three years.

At this time, Qianlong didn't have time to turn his face with him. As for those Yongzheng favorites who are still alive, they are unlucky.

Moreover, the longer they live, the more unlucky they become.

For example, Ortai.


During the reign of Yongzheng, he presided over the reform of the land and returned to the river in the southwest, and achieved great success.

Yongzheng's favorite minister, why didn't Qianlong stay?

In the tenth year of Qianlong, the 66-year-old Ortai died of illness.

But 11 years after Ortai's death, the Qianlong Emperor threw his tablet out of the Xian Liang Temple.

The reason is that Ortai has a protégé named Hu Zhongzao, who committed Qianlong's taboo in a poetry collection, and even blew up Ortai with him.

Hu Zhongzao's poem in "Jian Mo Sheng's Poems": "A handful of hearts and intestines on turbidity and clearing", and said: "Heaven is not open to Qingtai"

In February of the twentieth year of Qianlong, Qianlong secretly instructed Wei Zhezhi, the governor of Guangxi: "The test questions and all the evil deeds of Hu Zhongzao's singing and poetry when he was a scholar and politician in Guangxi will be strictly investigated." ”

On March 13 of the same year, Emperor Qianlong denounced Hu Zhongzao for "slandering resentment and hope" and "not being human".

The scholar Jiuqing Han Zhan Kedao said: "Hu Zhongzao violated the heavens and rebelled against the Tao, and the overload was not tolerated, and he was executed by Ling Chi. ”

Hu Zhongzao was thus beheaded. When the house was raided, there were only more than 3,000 taels of silver and 70 stones in the valley.

The case was investigated to Ortai, who ordered the removal of the Ortai tablet from the Xianliang Temple on the charge of "private friends". Ortai's nephew Echang was given to commit suicide.

Zhang Tingyu

And Zhang Tingyu, who lived the longest, was also the worst one.

Yongzheng's favorite minister, why didn't Qianlong stay?

Yongzheng issued an edict in the year and allowed him to enjoy the Taimiao.

As a result, when Zhang Tingyu later asked to resign, he was rejected by Qianlong.

Later, he finally agreed, but Qianlong scolded him because Zhang Tingyu did not thank him personally, and deprived him of the qualification to enjoy the Taimiao.

In the end, he also sent someone to raid Zhang Tingyu's home.

Even Yongzheng's only younger brother, Prince Yi Yinxiang, after Qianlong succeeded to the throne, he also deleted a large number of records about him.

Although the title of the iron hat king of Prince Yi's vein was retained, several sons of Yinxiang were also cleaned up by Qianlong.

At this point, the favored vassals of the Yongzheng Dynasty were wiped out.

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