
50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

author:Brother Chen chats about the world
50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable
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50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

As the sun sets, the atmosphere of the "Hello, Life" program is solemn. Zhu Xun, who is about to bid farewell to the CCTV stage, has a radiant face that is now full of gloom.

When it was her turn to speak, Zhu Xun's eyes wandered, as if searching for something. Suddenly, she shouted hoarsely, "Mom, go home......" This call was like thunder, shaking everyone present.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Xun whispered: "I miss you......" These words are as light as mosquitoes, but they are as heavy as a thousand pounds.

In the blink of an eye, 15-year-old Zhu Xun was even more sensational. She participated in many popular films such as "Rock and Roll Youth" and became a hot child star for a while. Zhu Xun under the spotlight is radiant, but few people know that behind this dazzling halo, there is a lonely childhood without the company of his parents.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

As a high-level cultural person, his parents are busy with work and travel all year round. The young Zhu Xun could only be raised by his grandmother and grew up alone in an environment lacking parental care.

This experience was like a double-edged sword, not only cultivating her independent character, but also planting a deep emotional deficit in her young heart.

Just when his acting career was getting better, Zhu Xun made an unexpected decision. She resolutely gave up the aura of an actor and chose to go abroad for further study.

This decision not only surprised the people around him, but also made Zhu Xun himself uneasy.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

With apprehension, Zhu Xun asked his mother for support. However, what awaited her was a basin of cold water. The mother's response was cold and direct: "Our family doesn't have enough money for you to study, if you insist on going, you have to figure it out yourself."

These words were like a hammer, shattering Zhu Xun's expectations for maternal love.

However, this blow did not destroy Zhu Xun's will. On the contrary, it inspires stubbornness and tenacity in her bones. With complicated feelings, Zhu Xun embarked on the journey of studying in Japan alone.

In a foreign country, Zhu Xun experienced the most difficult years of his life. In order to pay for the high tuition and living expenses, she had to study while working part-time. The language barrier allows her to do the most basic manual labor, cleaning and serving dishes in a high-end office building every day.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

Zhu Xun once recalled an unforgettable scene for her: one day, she accidentally knocked over the bucket, and before she could clean it, a Japanese lady slipped and fell to the ground. At that moment, Zhu Xun felt unprecedented humiliation and helplessness.

However, even in such a difficult situation, she still gritted her teeth and persevered, never thinking of giving up.

This arduous study abroad experience not only exercised Zhu Xun's will, but also made her more eager for her mother's love. However, when she needed support the most, her mother was always absent.

This lack has become an incurable scar in Zhu Xun's heart, and it has also planted complex emotional seeds for her future relationship with her mother.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

After years of struggle, Zhu Xun finally gained a firm foothold in Japan. She not only worked for Nippon TV for ten years, but also won the honor of "Outstanding Chinese in Japan" with her own efforts and talents.

At the same time, she also earned a master's degree in economics, paving the way for her future. Just when Zhu Xun was about to start a new chapter in her life, a phone call from her hometown completely changed the trajectory of her life.

The news on the other end of the phone came like a bolt from the blue: both parents were sick and needed to be taken care of. And the sisters who are far away in a foreign country can't rush back in time.

Faced with this difficult choice, Zhu Xun almost did not hesitate. She resolutely gave up her career in Japan after ten years of hard work and embarked on the road back to China without hesitation.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

This decision not only reflects her filial piety, but also shows her sense of responsibility to her family.

In 2000, Zhu Xun successfully joined CCTV with excellent performance and started her brilliant hosting career. However, just as her career was booming, fate dealt her another heavy blow.

The unfortunate death of his father brought a huge blow to Zhu Xun.

What made Zhu Xun's heart hurt even more was that at this moment when she needed her mother's company the most, her mother chose to go to distant Canada and join her eldest daughter's arms. Zhu Xun witnessed her mother resolutely turn away, and her firm back was exactly the same as the scene she had seen on the sickbed, making her feel deeply helpless and lost.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

At this moment, Zhu Xun's heart was full of confusion and pain: why did his mother always choose to leave? Could it be that in my mother's heart, I am really not as important as my sister? This feeling of abandonment was like a thorn deep in Zhu Xun's heart, and it couldn't be pulled out for a long time.

Although his heart is full of bitterness, Zhu Xun is still strong in the face of life. She put all her energy into her work and shined brightly on the stage of CCTV.

However, no matter how successful she is, the little girl who longs for motherly love in her heart has never disappeared.

Many years later, in the program "Hello, Life", Zhu Xun finally couldn't help but burst out emotionally and affectionately called for his mother to return. This scene not only touched everyone at the scene, but also allowed the audience to see the most vulnerable side of the elegant and confident CCTV host.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

People can't help but wonder: What is the reason why this successful CCTV celebrity still longs for maternal love in his heart? Zhu Xun's call is not only a longing for his mother, but also a way to make up for his childhood shortcomings, and a cry for the mother's love that he couldn't get.

Zhu Xun's story allows us to see the sadness behind the success of his career. Her experience tells us that no matter how good and successful a person is, the deep desire for family affection never disappears.

At the same time, her choice also shows her sense of responsibility for her family and her cherishing of family affection.

Between career and family, Zhu Xun is always looking for a balance. Her story is not only a microcosm of personal struggle, but also a portrayal of the common dilemma faced by many professional women.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

Zhu Xun uses his own actions to tell us that success is not only the glory of his career, but also the courage to follow his heart and have the courage to take responsibility when facing life choices.

In the twists and turns of career and family affection, Zhu Xun's life ushered in a warm light - she met her true son Wang Zhi. This relationship came quickly and urgently, but it appropriately filled the vacancy in Zhu Xun's heart.

In order to bring some comfort to his father, who was suffering from illness, Zhu Xun made an unexpected decision: to enter the palace of marriage with Wang Zhi, who had only known him for 100 days.

This decision not only surprised the people around him, but also made Zhu Xun feel a little apprehensive.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

The scene of the proposal is full of drama. When Wang Zhi proposed to Zhu Xun affectionately, she unexpectedly asked a slightly strange question: "Do you have any problems?" In the face of Zhu Xun's questioning, Wang Zhi did not panic, but replied seriously: "Except for a tooth filling, I don't have any problems."

This humorous and sincere answer instantly touched Zhu Xun's heart. Perhaps it was this unique sense of humor that made Zhu Xun decide to give this relationship a chance.

She realized that in Wang Zhi, she found the warmth and understanding that she had been missing for a long time.

Life after marriage proves that Zhu Xun's choice is correct. Wang Zhi not only cared for Zhu Xun, but also took the initiative to take care of his father-in-law. In the company of Wang Zhi, Zhu Xun finally experienced the warmth of her family, which undoubtedly became the happiest time in her life.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

Over time, the couple's careers are booming. Just as Zhu Xun was about to retire, Wang Zhi also ushered in a new peak in his career - he was successfully promoted to vice president of Minzu University of China.

This news undoubtedly adds a bit of sweetness to Zhu Xun's retirement life.

The story of Zhu Xun and Wang Zhi can be called a realistic version of the "Cinderella" fairy tale. One is a CCTV celebrity who is about to receive a generous pension, and the other is a vice president of a famous school, and their lives seem to have reached the heights that many people dream of.

What is really enviable is not only their career achievements, but also the affection between them.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

This 100-day flash marriage not only brought joy to Zhu Xun's life, but also injected new vitality into her life. In the company of Wang Zhi, Zhu Xun seemed to have found her inner balance, and the little girl who once longed for her mother's love was finally comforted in the arms of her lover.

The story of Zhu Xun and Wang Zhi tells us that love is sometimes so wonderful. It may come suddenly, but it can bring unexpected happiness. On the road of life, having a partner who understands you and supports you is undoubtedly the greatest happiness.

Despite his successful career and happy marriage, Zhu Xun always has a wound in his heart that is difficult to heal - the estranged relationship with his mother. This hidden pain, like a locked knot in her heart, has plagued her for many years.

Until one day, in a show, Zhu Xun heard her mother's explanation, and the mystery that had been entrenched in her heart for many years finally had an answer.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

It turned out that Zhu Xun's mother, as a foreign correspondent of Xinhua News Agency, shouldered important work responsibilities and could not leave her post as she pleased. When Zhu Xun fell ill, his mother risked losing her job and deliberately took precious time to visit.

However, the predicament at that time was far more difficult than Zhu Xun imagined.

My mother confessed that at that time, her monthly salary was only 800 yen, and half a watermelon cost 2,000 yen, which is equivalent to two and a half months' income. This seemingly insignificant gift, but behind it is the mother's huge dedication and deep love.

When Zhu Xun heard this, her heart was deeply touched.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

The mother also explained why she chose to travel to Canada. It turned out that Zhu Xun already had her husband Wang Zhi by her side, but her sister in Canada was alone and needed the care of her relatives.

Every time she parted, her mother burst into tears, but she didn't dare to look back, afraid that she would soften her heart because of her daughter's retention and would not be able to fulfill her responsibilities to other family members.

This explanation was like a key, finally opening the long-sealed box in Zhu Xun's heart. She began to understand her mother's good intentions and realized that she might have misunderstood her mother for years.

Zhu Xun suddenly realized that her mother's love had always been there, but it existed in a way that she couldn't understand in the past.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

At this moment, Zhu Xun felt unprecedented relief. She realizes that parents all over the world love their children deeply, but sometimes they can't fully express it for various reasons.

This recognition not only relieved Zhu Xun, but also gave her a new understanding of her life.

Zhu Xun began to reflect on her own experience, and she realized that after she became a mother, she truly realized the difficulty of being a mother. Those behaviors that were once thought to be indifferent actually contain deep love and concern.

This experience taught Zhu Xun that love is sometimes not as straightforward as we think. It can be hidden in seemingly mundane actions, and it can be presented in ways that are difficult for us to understand.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

Understanding and forgiveness became the key to Zhu Xun's relationship with his mother.

With the untying of the knot, Zhu Xun's relationship with his mother was gradually repaired. Although this process was long and difficult, it made Zhu Xun cherish family affection more, and also allowed her to treat her family with a more tolerant and understanding attitude when facing her family.

Looking back, Zhu Xun's life is like a symphony of ups and downs. from the hardships of working hard in a foreign country at the age of 17 to the glorious stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala at the age of 36; From the tenacity of fighting the disease for 12 years to the calmness of honorable retirement at the age of 50, Zhu Xun has composed a moving music of life with his own experience.

Today, Zhu Xun stands at a new starting point in life. It is rumored that she will enjoy a monthly pension of 10,000+ after retirement, and her husband Wang Zhi will be promoted to vice principal, and the couple's life will undoubtedly be more prosperous.

50-year-old Zhu Xun retired with a monthly pension of tens of thousands? My husband's promotion to principal is enviable

However, for Zhu Xun, the most precious wealth is not material abundance, but the deep thinking about family, love and career over the years.

Zhu Xun's story tells us that there will inevitably be setbacks and misunderstandings on the road of life, but as long as we maintain tenacity and courage, we will eventually see the light of day. The transformation of her relationship with her mother also reminds us to learn to understand and forgive, because love is sometimes not as straightforward as we think.

On the occasion of bidding farewell to the CCTV stage, Zhu Xun may look back on his life and be full of emotion. But there is no doubt that whether it is as an excellent host, or an ordinary daughter, wife and mother, Zhu Xun has handed over an admirable answer.

Her story will continue to inspire countless people to forge ahead on the road of life and find their own happiness and success.

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