
The woman's temple was incense, but she was pulled into the house by a monk, woman: I'm waiting for you

author:Little Red Riding Hood, who loves to be funny

Cui'er walked into the temple, first put a stick of incense on the Buddha in the main hall, and then began to wander around the temple, thinking that she would get more Buddha qi to bless the safety of her family. As she walked, she suddenly saw a little monk running out of a side hall in a hurry, still holding something in his hand, and he looked anxious. Cui'er's curiosity came up, so she stepped forward to talk: "Little master, what's wrong with you?" Panicked. When the little monk saw that it was a female benefactor, he stopped, took a breath, and said, "Female benefactor, you came just in time, I was looking for you!" When Cui'er heard this, she muttered in her heart: "I just came, what are you looking for me?" But she still asked politely, "Little master, what's the matter with me?" The little monk looked around, then lowered his voice and said, "Female donor, do you know that there is a secret in our temple?" When Cui'er heard this, her heart tightened, but she still pretended to be calm on her face, and said, "Little master, I'm here to make incense, how do you know any secrets?" The little monk sighed and said, "Don't you know, don't you know, there is a treasure hidden in this temple, which was left by a high monk back then. This treasure can keep people safe, and it can also drive away evil spirits and avoid evil. However, this baby has a characteristic, only recognizing destined people. I think the female benefactor has an extraordinary temperament, maybe you are the destined person. When Cui'er heard this, she was a little excited in her heart, but after thinking about it, she felt that what the little monk said was too mysterious, and she didn't believe it. She just wanted to ask again to understand, but the little monk took her hand and said, "Female donor, let's hurry up, I'll take you to see the abbot." After speaking, the little monk pulled Cui'er and walked to the side hall. Although Cui'er was a little surprised, she didn't think much about it and went along.

The old monk looked at Cui'er's seriousness, and his heart was happy, so he told her about the methods and precautions of the heart purification mirror. Cui'er listened more seriously than in class, for fear of missing a single star. The old monk demonstrated it, and Cui'er learned it. She carefully put the Purifying Heart Mirror in her arms, thanked the old monk and the little monk, and prepared to leave.

The woman's temple was incense, but she was pulled into the house by a monk, woman: I'm waiting for you

Just as she was about to step out of the temple gate, the old monk stopped her in a voice and said, "Cui'er, don't be in a hurry, I still have something to tell you." Cui'er was stunned for a moment, and turned her head to look at the old monk. The old monk sighed and said earnestly, "Cui'er, although you have obtained the divine power of the Pure Heart Mirror, you have to use it carefully. In this world, there are many temptations and traps, and if you are not careful, you may be doomed. You have to stay awake at all times and keep your heart in order to harness this power. Cui'er was shocked in her heart, knowing that these words carried a lot of weight, so she nodded solemnly, indicating that she remembered it.

Bidding farewell to the old monk and the little monk, Cui'er returned home. When she told her family about the Pure Heart Mirror, the family was so shocked that they couldn't keep their mouths shut and praised her for her good luck. But Cui'er didn't float, she knew that the burden on her shoulders was heavy. So, she decided to cultivate even harder so that she could harness the power of the Pure Heart Mirror.

As the days passed, Cui'er went farther and farther on the road of cultivation. Not only did she learn to use the Heart Purifying Mirror to protect herself and her family, but she also learned to purify people's hearts and dispel evil spirits. Gradually, her fame spread, and she became a legend.

The woman's temple was incense, but she was pulled into the house by a monk, woman: I'm waiting for you

But just when Cui'er became famous, a catastrophe came. Disaster struck, and people were in pain and despair. Cui'er knew that the time had come to test her. Without hesitation, she took out the Pure Heart Mirror and prepared to save the land. After a fierce battle, Cui'er used the power of the Pure Heart Mirror to dispel the source of the disaster. But she also paid a huge price, her body was so badly damaged that she almost lost her life.

Fortunately, in the end, she still insisted on using the Pure Heart Mirror to bring hope. When Cui'er woke up, she found herself lying on the bed at home, surrounded by her family, her eyes full of gratitude and respect. They said she saved the land and countless people. Cui'er felt relieved in her heart, and a sense of pride arose. She knew that it was all worth it, even though it was costly.

When Cui'er woke up, it was as if she had a long dream. She looked at the bright sun outside, but her heart was mixed. She understands that she is no longer the ordinary person who can only burn incense and worship the Buddha, she has become a hero in the mouths of the people here, and the burden on her shoulders is also heavy. Her body slowly improved, but Cui'er was not idle. She knew that although the disaster had receded for the time being, the hidden dangers were still there. She decided that she had to use the power of the Heart Purification Mirror to clear all the evil qi in this land, so that everyone could live a stable life.

The woman's temple was incense, but she was pulled into the house by a monk, woman: I'm waiting for you

Cui'er then embarked on the path of purification. She walked all over the corners of the place, and used the Purifying Mirror to drive away all the evil qi hiding in the shadows. She not only purified the mountains and rivers, but also purified the hearts of the people. Her kindness and courage infected everyone and allowed everyone to regain their confidence and hope in life. Along the way, Cui'er also met many like-minded partners. Some cultivators, some villagers, all have the same goal - to protect this land. They fought side by side, grew together, and became each other's most solid backing.

But just as Cui'er and her friends were about to complete their purification journey, a piece of news broke the peace. It turned out that the roots of the disaster had not yet been completely pulled out, and it was gathering its strength to make another fuss. This news made Cui'er and her friends fall into deep thought. They knew that this time they were going to deal with stronger than ever. But instead of flinching, they became more determined. They decided to join forces against this evil force and protect the peace of the land and its people.

The woman's temple was incense, but she was pulled into the house by a monk, woman: I'm waiting for you

As soon as the battle was over, Cui'er and the others were warmly welcomed by everyone and became the heroes of this land. But Cui'er, this little girl, is not proud and complacent at all, she knows that she still has a long way to go. She decided to stay on this land and continue to guard everyone. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Cui'er has changed from a young girl to a gray-haired grandmother. But she still sticks to her own post, guarding the peace of the land and the people.

Cui'er's story has been passed down from generation to generation and has become the most beautiful legend in this land. One day, a young girl walked into Cui'er's house. She said that she also came to incense, and after listening to the story told by the old monk, she was curious and admired in her heart. She wanted to meet the legendary hero. Cui'er looked at this little girl, and her heart was warm, as if she saw what she looked like when she was young. She gently patted the little girl on the shoulder and said, "Child, you are here, and that is fate." But you have to know that the real heroes are not those who have superpowers, but those who have firm faith and courage to face difficulties and challenges. As long as you have love, courage, and faith in your heart, you can also become a hero in your heart. After hearing this, the little girl's heart suddenly brightened, bowed deeply to Cui'er, and then embarked on her own life journey with Cui'er's words and blessings. And Cui'er continued to guard the peace of the land and people until the last moment of her life.