
Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

It's been a lot of fun lately! Dongfang Selection was rumored to be charged pit fees and publicity fees, Yu Minhong quit, and immediately issued a warning that he would not accept rumors and slander.

But here, the Oriental selection anchor described Guizhou's mountains and rivers as "broken mountains and rivers", and it also made a lot of noise.

Netizens didn't buy it and complained one after another.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

Hu Xijin also came to join in the fun, saying that it was not a big deal, but he was angrily scolded by netizens for being unprincipled, and compared his attitude on the "Suzhou incident".

Yu Minhong, Hu Xijin, you have to think about it! Let's just wait and see how this thing develops, everyone is staring at it!

In the face of this sudden rumor, Yu Minhong, the soul behind Dongfang Selection, spoke out decisively and responded to the doubts of the outside world with a resolute attitude.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

He not only clarified the facts, but also emphasized the principles that Oriental Selection has always adhered to: adhere to truthfulness and transparency, and reject any unfair business practices.

Yu Minhong's response not only demonstrates the sense of responsibility of an entrepreneur, but also reflects the great importance he attaches to the credibility of the enterprise.

The turmoil did not subside.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

In a rumor-ridden episode, an anchor described Guizhou's mountains and rivers as "broken mountains and rivers" in a live broadcast, which once again sparked widespread controversy.

This description, although it may come from a literary expression of the natural landscape.

However, in the specific historical and cultural background, it touched a sensitive nerve, which was interpreted by some netizens as disrespectful to the country's image.

In this regard, Hu Xijin, a well-known media person, made his own interpretation, but his views were not universally agreed, but provoked a more intense discussion.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

In particular, in the previous "Suzhou incident", Hu Xijin's attitude was considered to be different, which made his position in this incident more closely scrutinized.

This turmoil is not only a test of Dongfang Selection, but also a test of social morality and network literacy.

In today's world where information spreads so rapidly, everyone's words can become a force that influences the cognition of others.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

How to respect history and culture in expressing personal opinions, and avoid unconsciously touching the sensitive points of others, has become a problem that every network participant needs to think about.

And all this has to remind people of Yu Minhong's own growth process.

He was born in 1962 in an ordinary rural family in Jiangsu, and the poverty of his childhood did not stop him from pursuing knowledge.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

In 1980, with unremitting efforts, Yu Minhong was admitted to Peking University, continued his studies after graduation, and finally chose to stay on campus and become a teacher.

In 1991, he bravely resigned from his stable teaching position and founded New Oriental Education & Technology Group.

Under the leadership of Yu Minhong, New Oriental has developed from a small English training school to a large enterprise covering all kinds of educational services.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

It has not only made remarkable achievements in the field of education, but also actively participated in public welfare undertakings and gave back to the society with practical actions.

Yu Minhong's story is an inspirational chapter about dreams, struggles and success.

His life experience tells us that no matter what his background, as long as he has a strong belief and unremitting efforts, he has the potential to change his destiny and even affect the whole society.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

Yu Minhong's growth path is not only a model of personal struggle, but also a true portrayal of countless ordinary people changing their fate through education since China's reform and opening up.

Behind Yu Minhong's brilliant achievements, we should not ignore that he has always maintained a humble heart and deep feelings for the cause of education.

Whether it is in the face of the rapid development of the enterprise or his personal reputation, he can keep a clear head, never forget his original intention, and adhere to the original intention of education.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

This spirit is not only reflected in his management philosophy of New Oriental, but also in his attitude towards every social event.

In the turmoil of the Oriental Selection, Yu Minhong's response once again showed his responsibility as an entrepreneur and a high sense of responsibility for the public interest.

In this storm of public opinion, the calmness and rationality shown by Dongfang Selection and Yu Minhong have set an example for many enterprises and individuals.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

They did not choose to run away, but faced the problem head-on, spoke with facts, and proved their innocence with actions.

This series of measures not only maintains the reputation of the company, but also wins the trust and support of the public.

More importantly, it sends a strong signal to society that in the information age, truth and integrity are more precious than gold.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

The incident has also exposed some deep-seated problems.

The rapid spread of online rumors is largely due to the asymmetry of information and the lack of public discernment.

In the face of massive information, how to quickly and accurately screen out authentic and credible content has become an urgent problem to be solved.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

This not only requires the joint efforts of the government, the media and all sectors of society, but also requires every Internet user to improve their media literacy, learn to think critically, not be gullible or spread rumors, and jointly build a healthy and orderly online ecology.

This incident also reminds us that respect and understanding of history and culture are the basic qualities that everyone should have.

The beauty of Guizhou's mountains and rivers carries rich natural and humanistic values, and is a treasure on the land of China.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

Describing it as "the shattering of mountains and rivers" can touch the sore spot of collective memory, even if unintentionally.

This requires us to be more cautious when expressing our personal opinions, especially when it comes to sensitive topics such as history and culture, so as not to inadvertently hurt the emotions of others.

In this process, Yu Minhong's personal experience also provides us with valuable inspiration.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

His success is not accidental, but the result of long-term accumulation and continuous efforts.

From a rural kid to a leading figure in the education industry, Yu Minhong's story has inspired countless people.

More importantly, he has always maintained his love for education and a sense of responsibility to the society, and practiced his values with practical actions.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

This is not only a reflection of personal qualities, but also the cornerstone of corporate culture.

In the face of challenges and difficulties, this intrinsic motivation can often be the key to overcoming all obstacles.

Therefore, integrity, responsibility, respect and rationality are indispensable core values for both individuals and businesses.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

Not only can they help us withstand the storms of the outside world, but they can also guide us to a brighter future.

In this era full of uncertainties, let us work together and use wisdom and courage to write a wonderful chapter that belongs to us.

Although the turmoil of Oriental Selection has gradually subsided, it leaves us with reflections that are far from over.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

It is not only a wake-up call to Internet rumors, but also a deep reflection on social morality and personal qualities.

Let us take this opportunity to improve ourselves together and promote social harmony and progress.

In the days to come, no matter what challenges we encounter, as long as we stick to our original intention and have the courage to take responsibility, we will be able to create a better tomorrow.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander, and the people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!
【Copyright Notice】The content and pictures described in this article are all from the Internet, aiming to convey positive social energy, and there is no vulgar or bad guidance.

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