
Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander! The people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

author:Pippi shrimp chatter

In the video, the anchor stood on the balcony of a hot spring hotel in Guizhou that had only been under construction for less than a year, and used "broken mountains and rivers" to describe the scenery in front of him, which was really shocking.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander! The people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

For a while, "Broken Mountains and Rivers" became a hot search, and a large number of netizens questioned the moral quality of Dongfang Selection Anchor, accusing him of being too frivolous and superficial, and having no understanding and respect for the beauty of Guizhou. In the eyes of netizens, the phrase "broken mountains and rivers" has seriously hurt the feelings of Guizhou people and desecrated the great mountains and rivers.

As a content creator, you should have a basic view of the country and history, and you can't arbitrarily label natural landscapes with negative labels. This sentence "broken mountains and rivers" ignores the customs and customs of the territory, which is unacceptable. For a time, public opinion was turbulent, and they demanded an apology from the anchors of Dongfang Selection.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander! The people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

Under the pressure of public opinion, Dongfang Selection quickly issued a statement, saying that it had never charged the so-called "pit fee" to any enterprise and business, and said that it had been "smeared by an organization". At the same time, he also kept saying that he would "call the police as soon as possible" and "take up legal weapons" to defend his rights.

This hard-line attitude surprised many netizens. They asked one after another, isn't it a fact that "mountains and rivers are broken"? The hotel spider is also a fact, and Guizhou Cultural Tourism did delete the video of Oriental Selection. These are real events that can be verified. In other words, Dongfang Selection and Yu Minhong selectively pretended to be deaf and dumb, completely avoiding the reasonable demands of the public.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander! The people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

Compared with Dongfang's tough response, Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the Global Times, has a much more ambiguous attitude. He posted on his personal social media account, "It's really not a big deal", because from a geographical point of view, it is understandable that the anchor uses the metaphor of "mountains and rivers are broken".

In fact, Hu Xijin's attitude in many public events often has this ambiguity. For example, in the Suzhou beating incident, Hu Xijin's position suddenly changed, and he continuously issued articles in support of the Japanese and asked the Chinese people to express their position; In other foreign-related incidents, he will hold high the banner of patriotism. It can be seen that Hu Xijin's comments always revolve around himself, and there are no consistent values or moral standards.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander! The people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

Regardless of Dongfang Xuan's and Hu Xijin's reactions, the phrase "mountains and rivers are broken" has seriously hurt public sentiment and must be squarely addressed. Whatever the streamer's intentions, the remark has already had a huge negative impact. Oriental Selection should face up to public sentiment and take appropriate measures to calm the situation, rather than using strong arguments.

A simple apology can resolve the misunderstanding, but a tough confrontation will only make matters worse. If we look back at Hu Xijin's past remarks, we will find that his attitude has always fluctuated and is elusive. For example, during the epidemic, Hu Xijin strongly supported nationwide nucleic acid testing, believing that the government should provide more free tests to control the epidemic.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander! The people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

But after the epidemic ended, he completely changed his tone, believing that universal testing should be stopped as soon as possible. Another example is the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Hu Xijin emphasized at first that China would not take sides, but later issued many articles blaming the West, and his tone was obviously biased towards Russia. It is not surprising that Hu Xijin once again showed an ambiguous attitude in the Dongfang selection incident.

He could not and did not want to make a clear judgment on the events themselves, and only wanted to go around in circles between the parties. This attitude has become a hallmark trait of Hu. In the information age, we tend to make simplistic judgments, which also leads to many misinterpretations. Problems are often more complex than they seem.

Yu Minhong does not accept rumors and slander! The people do not accept "broken mountains and rivers"! Hu Xijin is in a hurry!

We should keep a historical mindset, understand the nature of things, and respond wisely. The world is complex, and we need to base ourselves on the big picture, and not be hijacked by personal likes and dislikes. Only by aiming high can we not be confined to a corner and make truly objective and fair judgments. The "broken mountains and rivers" incident of Oriental Selection touched the foundation of national sentiment.

This is not only a social crisis for enterprises, but also an opportunity for us to think about national values. The important thing is to turn the crisis into an opportunity, to have a sincere dialogue, to repair the wounds, to learn from history, and to face the future. We need to promote righteousness in openness and inclusiveness, work with one heart and one mind, and jointly create a new glory for the Chinese nation.

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