
Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

author:Black card talks about emotions

During a performance at Deyun Club, an unexpected salutation that a young girl excitedly shouted at the stage caught the attention of all the audience. Guo Degang on the stage smiled when he heard this, and a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes.

The audience looked at each other and wondered: When did Guo Degang have a niece?

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

When they learned that this girl was the granddaughter of the late cross talk master Hou Yaowen, many people were full of doubts. Why does this girl call Guo Degang her uncle? Why? Is there a moving story behind this affectionate title? A commitment spanning 17 years was unveiled.

On a spring night in 2007, laughter rang out in the theater. Guo Degang was talking excitedly, a staff member ran up to the stage and handed him a note in a panic, only to see Guo Degang take it and look at it, his face turned pale.

At that moment, he seemed to be drained of all his strength, but his professionalism made him persist in completing the performance.

As soon as the performance ended, Guo Degang hurried to the hospital. In the corridor of the hospital, he sat distracted, the memories in his heart flooding back. The good times spent with Master Hou Yaowen, the joy of receiving Master's guidance, and the warmth of being encouraged by Master have now become heartaches in his heart.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

When Guo Degang saw Hou Yaowen's body, he could no longer control his emotions, he fell to his knees, tears raining down, and kept shouting "Master" in his mouth. At that moment, he was no longer a cross talk actor with unlimited scenery on stage, but just a child who had lost his loved ones.

At a funeral, Guo Degang cried so much that he almost couldn't stand on his feet, and he needed help from others. He said in a choked voice in front of the spirit, "Master, you left too suddenly. Rest assured, I will take good care of your daughter.

This promise is not only an explanation to the deceased, but also a constraint on one's future.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

After the funeral, Guo Degang was reluctant to leave, and he stood alone in front of the master's tomb, his eyes deep, as if he was having a silent conversation with the master. The spring breeze blew on his face, blowing away a sigh from him.

He knew that from this moment on, the burden on his shoulders was heavier.

Guo Degang's deep affection for Master was deeply imprinted in the minds of everyone present, and it also made people look forward to his promise. However, no one could have predicted how this promise would affect Guo's life and what changes it would bring to Hou Yaowen's family.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

Time flies, 17 years have passed in a blink of an eye. During this period, Guo Degang's career flourished, making Deyun Club a leader in the cross talk industry. But no matter how busy his life was and how successful his career was, he never forgot the promise he made to his friends that spring night.

He kept in mind that the phrase "I will definitely take care of your daughter" became his motivation to move forward.

This commitment is not only a deep respect for the deceased, but also a deep gratitude to the teacher. It witnesses a deep master-apprentice friendship that transcends life and death, and highlights Guo Degang's noble character.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

In the flashy entertainment industry, this perseverance is particularly rare.

Before Guo Degang became a well-known cross talk actor, he was just an unknown "eloquent" on the streets of Beijing. At that time, the only way for him to survive was to shuttle between large and small teahouses and theaters, and storytelling and cross talk were his main sources of income.

Despite the hardships of life, Guo Degang has never given up his persistent pursuit of cross talk art.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

However, in the traditional art field of cross talk, without the recommendation of famous teachers, it is difficult to become truly famous on your own. Although Guo Degang is talented, he has never been appreciated by important figures in the circle.

He has tried to apprentice many times, but he has been frustrated again and again, the embarrassment of life and the difficulty of his career, which made the young Guo Degang almost lose confidence.

When Guo Degang was deeply confused, God suddenly reached out to him. In a coincidental performance, cross talk master Hou Yaowen saw Guo Degang's performance. Hou Yaowen saw the huge potential of this young man at a glance, and he saw the hope and future of cross talk art in Guo Degang.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

Although many people objected to Guo Degang's age at that time, thinking that he was no longer suitable for being accepted as an apprentice, Hou Yaowen did not listen, he insisted on his opinion, and said to everyone seriously: "This young man will be the future of the cross talk industry."

This sentence not only shocked everyone present, but also gave Guo Degang great encouragement and confidence.

Under the careful guidance and support of Hou Yaowen, Guo Degang's cross talk level improved rapidly, and he stepped from a small theater to a big stage and founded Deyun Club. Hou Yaowen not only taught him the skills of cross talk, but also taught him the principles of dealing with people.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

Whenever Guo Degang encountered difficulties, Hou Yaowen was always the first to stand up and support him.

Once during an important performance, Guo Degang made a mistake and was booed by the audience. After stepping down, he sat backstage in great frustration, feeling that he had failed his master's expectations. At this moment, Hou Yaowen walked over, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "Degang, remember, real cross talk artists are not afraid of failure, but must learn from failure."

Next time, you will do better" gave Guo Degang great encouragement and made him understand the importance of perseverance.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

Hou Yaowen is not only a teacher to Guo Degang, but also a loving father. The deep friendship between them is deeply imprinted in Guo Degang's heart. Every time he recalls the bits and pieces of getting along with Hou Yaowen, Guo Degang always has tears of gratitude in his eyes.

It is precisely because of this deep relationship that Guo Degang was grieved when he learned of Hou Yaowen's death, and he promised to take care of Hou Yaowen's daughter without hesitation.

In Guo Degang's heart, Hou Yaowen is not only the guide for the start of his career, guiding his cross talk path, but also playing the role of a beacon on his life path. Even though he has become famous, Guo Degang still remembers Hou Yaowen from time to time, respects his master's teachings, and passes them on to his disciples.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

This spirit of passing on the torch is the key to the continuation of the art of cross talk.

Hou Yaowen's sudden death brought great grief to Guo Degang, and at the same time left a series of complex problems for the Hou family. The most troublesome thing is the inheritance dispute, because Hou Yaowen did not leave a will when he died.

What's even more surprising is that Hou Yaowen's daughter Hou Zan not only did not inherit her father's estate, but instead took on a loan of up to one million yuan. This sudden debt made the young Hou Zan at a loss for a while, as if it was worse.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

Just when Hou Zan was troubled by debts, her second uncle, Hou Yaohua, generously helped her pay off all her debts. At first, Hou Zan was deeply grateful, mistakenly thinking that the second uncle's help was out of love for his niece.

However, the good times did not last long, and Hou Chan soon discovered that things were not as simple as they seemed.

After investigation, Hou Zan was shocked to find that the second uncle Hou Yaohua was secretly operating behind her back, and paying off her debts was actually to "get a piece of the pie". In addition, she discovered that many of her father's treasured valuables and works of art had disappeared, including many valuable and monumental collections.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

This discovery made Hou Zan angry and chilled. Under great grief and anger, Hou Zhan decided to resolutely take the second uncle to court, which detonated a sensational inheritance war.

This family dispute immediately became the focus of media attention, and it also brought a lot of harm to the Hou family.

In this dispute, Guo Degang did not hesitate to support Hou Zan and provided unconditional support. He supported Hou Zan spiritually, and at the same time did his best to help him in practical actions.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

Guo Degang ran around to raise funds, and finally borrowed 30 million yuan to buy the villa where his benefactor lived before his death.

This decision surprised many people, because 30 million is not a small amount, and it is also a big burden for Guo Degang, who has a successful career.

However, Guo Degang did not hesitate, when the reporter asked him why he did this, Guo Degang said with a firm expression: "This is not just a house, it carries the master's hard work, it is the most precious gift he left to his daughter, I can't let it fall into the hands of others."

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

Guo Degang took this opportunity to not only express his gratitude to his mentor, but also prove his determination to fulfill his promise. He proved with practical actions that he still remembered the promise he made in front of the mourning hall many years ago and did not forget it.

After a long inheritance dispute, the Hou family suffered all kinds of painful experiences. But during this period, Guo Degang always stood on Hou Zhan's side and supported her like a stable mountain.

His dedication deeply touched Hou Zan and won praise from the public.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

Although he has been fighting in Vanity Fair for many years, Guo Degang still maintains a sincere heart and never forgets the teachings and promises of his mentor. Throughout the dispute, Guo Degang has kept a low profile, and although he is reluctant to expose this private matter too much to the public eye, his actions have really affected the development of the situation.

This kind of righteousness and responsibility is especially precious in the impetuous entertainment industry. Through his own practical actions, Guo Degang truly interprets what gratitude is, which is the profound meaning of "being a teacher for one day and a father for life".

His actions are not only a fulfillment of his promise to his mentor, but also a positive example for the whole society.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Hou Yaowen has passed away for 17 years. In these long years, Guo Degang has never forgotten his commitment to Hou Yaowen, and has always taken care of his family in various ways to continue this deep friendship between master and apprentice.

As time passed, Hou Zhan's daughter gradually grew up. Whenever Guo Degang has a performance, this little girl will go to the scene to support both at home and abroad. In the audience, she always shouted "uncle" excitedly, and the sweet voice always made Guo Degang's eyes moist, this affectionate salutation was not only a simple greeting, but also the best reward for Guo Degang's efforts over the years.

It symbolizes that the Hou family has fully accepted Guo Degang and regards him as a true family member.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

Every time he heard this title, Guo Degang could think of his mentor, as if he saw Hou Yaowen smile with satisfaction in the spirit of heaven. This kind of family affection across blood ties made Guo Degang feel that his efforts had new value, and also made him more determined to continue to fulfill his promises.

In addition to the care and care in life, Guo Degang often mentions Master Hou Yaowen in public, sharing interesting stories between them and Master's teachings. He hopes that through his own efforts, more people will remember this cross talk master and inherit his artistic spirit.

At a party to commemorate Hou Yaowen, Guo Degang said affectionately: "Master has been gone for many years, and I often dream of him. In my dreams, he always looked at me with a smile on his face and didn't speak. I knew he was looking to see if I lived up to his expectations.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

Speaking of emotion, Guo Degang's voice choked, and the audience's eyes were moist with emotion.

Guo Degang's concern for the Hou family is not only in material giving, but more in spiritual support. Every holiday, he would invite Hou Zhan's mother and daughter to come to Deyun Club to watch the performance, so that they could feel the warmth of a family.

When Hou Zan encountered difficulties, Guo Degang was always the first to lend a hand, and his actions illustrated what a real family member is and what is a promise that will never change.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

This master-apprentice friendship that spans life and death has not been diluted under the wash of time, but has become deeper and deeper. Guo Degang expounded his sincere gratitude with practical actions, which profoundly embodied the meaning of "being a teacher for one day and a father for life".

He is not only fulfilling his promises, but also inheriting a spirit, a mature attitude towards his teacher, art and life.

Nowadays, when Hou Yaowen is mentioned, Guo Degang will naturally be associated. And Guo Degang's success is always inseparable from the mentor who gave him opportunities. These two names have been deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience and have become the most moving stories in the cross talk industry.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

Guo Degang expressed his gratitude to Master in an interview. He said, "Half of my success is due to my master. Without him, I would not be able to achieve what I am today.

Everything I do is actually repay the teacher's kindness" This passage shows his truest feelings, and also shows his humility and gratitude as a successful artist.

Time flies, 17 years have passed in the blink of an eye. Guo Degang has always adhered to his commitment and interpreted what is the true friendship between master and apprentice with practical actions. This story has become a good story in the entertainment industry, encouraging more people to cherish kindness and know how to be grateful.

Hou Yaowen has been dead for 17 years, and Guo Degang, who once said that he helped take care of his daughter, now fulfill his promise

In the 17 years of time, Guo Degang fulfilled his promise to his mentor Hou Yaowen with practical actions. His story is a deep illustration of how there are always people who help each other selflessly on the road to success, and those who are deeply grateful often receive more respect and love.

In an interview, Guo Degang said with emotion: "Master's kindness is difficult to repay in this life, but I will make unremitting efforts to let him rest in peace in the spirit of heaven." This deep friendship between master and apprentice, which transcends life and death, not only deeply moved the Hou family, but also moved the audience.

Guo Degang's actions have set a model of gratitude and trustworthiness for the impetuous entertainment industry, showing the important value of traditional virtues in modern society. This story reminds us that in any situation, we should cherish those who have helped us and repay them with practical actions.

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