
Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

For Chinese, deposit is a very important thing. The Chinese concept of consumption is to save money, so that not only can they be at ease, but also when they need money urgently, they will not be at a loss.

According to the current proportion of deposits, the proportion of households with personal deposits of more than 300,000 yuan is also relatively small, and these people already belong to the ranks of those with more deposits.

However, judging from the development of today's economic market, these families with savings of more than 300,000 yuan may face these three troubles from next year. After reading this article, I hope that these families will be prepared and come up with a coping strategy in time.

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

First, it is difficult to maintain value

A deposit of 300,000 does sound like a very considerable number, but in real life, 300,000 can do very limited. If it was 20 years ago, 300,000 would be a huge amount of money for everyone.

At that time, 300,000 yuan could not only buy a house, but also buy a car for the rest. But now with 300,000 yuan, I can't even afford to buy a house, and I can only pay a down payment at most.

In some cities with relatively high housing prices, 300,000 yuan is not enough for everyone to even make a down payment. Why has the value of 300,000 decreased so much after twenty years? In fact, it's because of inflation.

From the very beginning, the mainland has implemented a relatively loose monetary policy, which means that every time a currency is issued, it will issue some additional renminbi.

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

This stimulates the development of the economic market and also allows people to feel that their incomes seem to be rising. In fact, however, this has accelerated the rate of inflation.

Prices 20 years ago are a sea change compared to the prices 20 years later. According to the current economic development, the inflation rate will only get higher and higher in the future.

Twenty years ago, 300,000 yuan could buy a house, but 20 years later, it will take two or even 300,000 yuan to buy a house.

Twenty years later, the depreciation of 300,000 will only get faster and faster. Now that you have a deposit of 300,000 yuan, many people must want to know how to keep the value of this money?

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

If you want to preserve the value of the renminbi, then you need to make the appreciation of the renminbi as fast as the speed of inflation. If calculated according to the current market, then the annual interest rate of the renminbi must be above 3% to outpace the rate of inflation.

This alone is already a very difficult thing to do. In the Chinese concept of consumption, banks have always been a very reliable place.

When people don't know what to do with their money, they choose to deposit it in the bank. In this way, on the one hand, you can get a certain amount of income with very little risk, and on the other hand, you don't need to consider other investment methods.

However, the risk of a bank is directly proportional to its return, which means that the less risk a bank, the smaller the return.

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

According to the current bank interest rate, the 300,000 yuan is deposited in the bank, and the longer it is saved, the more it will depreciate, and when the money is withdrawn in five or even ten years, it will be found that 300,000 yuan may only be worth 200,000.

What is even less optimistic is that the state is now constantly lowering bank deposit rates in order to stimulate consumption, which is a nightmare for those who are willing to save money.

But for a while, in addition to depositing money in the bank, everyone can't think of any effective way to preserve the value of this money.

Therefore, people who have savings at home should pay attention to next year, and how to maintain the value of these money is a very worthy of everyone's attention.

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Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

These deposits are hard to save, and many people no longer ask for the appreciation of these money, but only hope that the money will not depreciate.

Such a small wish may not be fulfilled in the next few years. If you want to get out of this predicament, you can get out of the comfort zone of the bank and use the money to do something else.

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

Second, it is difficult to invest

As mentioned above, it is difficult to keep money in the bank to keep it valuable, so in order to maximize your returns, you can choose some investment methods.

But families with a deposit of 300,000 yuan will face a more embarrassing situation, that is, this money is neither more nor less.

If these deposits are 500,000 or even 1 million, then you can still take out some funds for investment while ensuring that you have a part of your spare funds.

However, if you want to leave a part of the reserve funds for the deposit of 300,000 yuan, the money to be invested later will be very limited, and the options are relatively few.

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

When it comes to investing, people generally think of the stock market. However, the development of the economic market is not very stable, and there are great economic risks in the stock market.

If you don't pay attention, the money may go down the drain. Therefore, judging by the current stock trading situation, it is better not to enter this market easily if you are not a professional.

Aside from stocks, there is another way to invest that is less risky, and that is to buy Treasury bonds. The returns of this investment method are average, but the reliability is relatively high.

Under normal circumstances, you will not lose money, and treasury bonds are actually more reliable than many investment methods, and they are also a very suitable investment method for ordinary people.

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

In addition to these, some people may think of some more suitable investment methods, that is, to buy gold and houses.

However, many people ignore a problem, that is, unlike in the past, houses are no longer the real estate transaction market of the past.

Twenty years ago, a large number of people took advantage of the real estate development boom to start speculating on houses, thus making a lot of money, and twenty years later, there are still people who want to follow suit.

But the times are different, and the real estate transaction market naturally has no way to achieve the original level. If you buy a house now, the probability of losing money is very high.

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

Many people must have felt that house prices, which had soared in previous years, have now begun to fall. Whether it's a new home or a second-hand home market, it's getting harder and harder to do it, which already hints at the decline of the real estate business.

The state is now constantly lowering deposit interest rates and mortgage interest rates, which is also to stimulate everyone to buy houses, which is enough to see that the real estate development industry has already needed government intervention to deal with it.

And 300,000 is also a rather embarrassing number, if you want to buy a house in full, it is obviously impossible.

So if you want to buy a house, you need a mortgage, in case you wait until your mortgage is repaid, and the house price is still falling, then won't you lose money when you buy this house?

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

After talking about the house, I have to mention one more thing about gold investment. Compared with many years ago, the price of gold has also risen several times.

However, the gold price is closely linked to the international situation. You can find that once the international situation is turbulent, the price of hard currencies such as gold and oil will rise.

And now buying gold is not a simple matter, because everyone does not know what kind of price can be considered a good price to buy, and what kind of price can be thrown out.

The volatility of the gold price has made it impossible for everyone to devote themselves to this type of investment, and it has also confused many people who are ready to invest in gold. In short, investment is also a difficult thing now, and not finding a suitable investment method is also a common worry for most people.

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

Three, high pressure

In addition to value preservation and savings, everyone also faces a very tricky matter, that is, how to deal with their own financial pressure.

The vast majority of people nowadays have more or less financial pressure, which can motivate them to work harder to make money on the one hand, and may also lead them to adopt the wrong investment method on the other hand.

Economic pressure is like a double-edged sword, and if you don't handle it well, it can become a weapon that hurts you.

And three years ago, we just went through a pandemic. The epidemic has not only had an impact on everyone's lives, but also had a great impact on the entire economic market.

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

From the perspective of the economic market, the economic development of the whole society will take time to recover. Many people have lost their stable source of income during the pandemic and have to rely on their savings to survive.

It also makes many people realize that having a deposit is a very important thing. Because once you lose your economic resources, you will soon have an economic crisis.

But there are also some people who feel greater economic pressure and make wrong choices. Some people take out all their savings and invest them in business.

But as you can imagine, in the current economic environment, it is too difficult to do individual business. There is a high probability that you will lose money and spend all your savings.

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

This is a manifestation of the fact that the economic pressure is too great to make the wrong decision, but for most people, the economic pressure is indeed always there.

What we can do is not to be so deeply affected by these pressures that we make some inappropriate decisions.

In this way, you can only make your financial pressure more and more great, and it is very important to learn to deal with your financial pressure properly.

Especially now that the employment environment is also sluggish and incomes are shrinking, perhaps in the next few years, the economic pressure will become more and more obvious.

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"

People with 300,000 deposits in their hands could have relied on their savings to live a good life and relieve their financial pressure.

As long as they don't make some wrong and impulsive decisions, they will not be overly financially stressed.

Learning to keep your head above water is an important thing, and don't ignore it.

Starting next year, families with personal savings of more than 300,000 may face "three major troubles"


The 300,000 deposits are the ones that everyone has saved through hard work, and according to the current economic development situation, how to deal with these deposits has become a more thorny problem.

There is a risk that the bank will depreciate and there is no suitable way to invest it. Considering these points, the 300,000 deposits seem to have become a hot potato.

However, it is important to note that you should never make the wrong investment decisions on impulse when you are under great financial pressure.

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