
"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

author:Hawthorn is a joy to read
"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side
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"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

In 1999, a heart-pounding scene was unfolding in the Roman Forum. The burly Hu Jun, an actor known for his "tough guy" image in the domestic film industry, is extremely nervous at the moment.

He clenched a bouquet of bright red roses in his hands, took a deep breath, and slowly got down on one knee.

In the midst of the bustling crowd of tourists, Hu Jun's gaze is focused on only one person – his lover, Lu Fang. When he opened his mouth to say the long-awaited confession, Lu Fang's eyes flashed with tears of surprise.

At this moment, Hu Jun showed a little-known tender side. Who would have thought that this tough guy, who is always mighty and unyielding on the screen, would be so romantic and amorous in private? This marriage proposal, which took place in a foreign country, is not only an important chapter in the love story of Hu Jun and Lu Fang, but also reveals the unknown side of this "No. 1 macho man in domestic entertainment".

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

Hu Jun's acting career can be said to have started in the cradle. Born in a family full of artistic atmosphere, his father was an actor in the art troupe, and his mother was an outstanding artist who devoted her life to art.

Under the influence of such an environment, Hu Jun has formed an indissoluble bond with performance since he was a child, as if the seeds of art have already taken root in his heart.

After the college entrance examination, with his love for acting, Hu Jun was successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama. At one of the country's top art schools, he eagerly absorbed his expertise and actively participated in various stage performances.

The immediacy and unrepeatability of the stage play made the young Hu Jun deeply realize the importance of "prudence", which also became a major feature of his future acting career.

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

In his time on campus, Hu Jun's charm is not only reflected in his performance, but also in his conduct in the world. His cheerful personality, burly figure, and helpful qualities make him the "backbone" of his classmates.

Even among talented classmates such as Jiang Shan, Xu Fan, Chen Xiaoyi, and He Bing, Hu Jun stood out and was successfully elected as the class president of the acting class.

After graduation, in the face of the temptation of the entertainment industry, Hu Jun chose an unusual path. He was not in a hurry to chase fame and fortune, but chose to take root in the arts and concentrate on honing his acting skills.

In this place, known as the "cradle of actors", Hu Jun devoted himself to the performance of stage plays, carefully pondering the inner world of each character, and striving to accurately interpret the most subtle expressions.

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

This period of obscurity was a valuable experience for Hu Jun. Although he missed out on the so-called "golden period of development", the accumulation of this period laid a solid foundation for his future success.

On the stage of Renyi, Hu Jun gradually transformed into a well-rounded actor, not only mastering solid acting skills, but also cultivating a deep understanding of the role.

Finally, the opportunity came. Hu Jun won the Best Actor Award at the Italian Film Festival for his outstanding performance in "East Palace and West Palace". The recognition of this international award has made Hu Jun's name begin to be known to more people.

However, this is only the beginning of his acting career. The real turning point is still waiting for him.

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

2002 was a crucial year for Hu Jun. This year, the movie "Lan Yu" co-starring him and Liu Ye was like a bright meteor, piercing the night sky of Chinese films.

This work that explores same-sex love not only made Hu Jun nominated for Best Actor at the Golden Horse Awards, but also made him a hot new star in the domestic film and television industry in one fell swoop.

In "Lan Yu", Hu Jun plays a rich child who has read all the vicissitudes of the world. When he met Lan Yu, a 17-year-old young boy played by Liu Ye, the complex and subtle emotional interaction between the two was vividly interpreted by Hu Jun and Liu Ye.

The affection and struggle in Hu Jun's eyes seem to be able to penetrate the screen and hit the hearts of the audience. He perfectly presents the inner contradictions and pains of the characters through delicate expressions and movements.

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

Such an outstanding performance not only won the applause of the audience, but also was highly recognized by the industry. Even the respected actor Chen Daoming was deeply moved and expressed his hope to work with them to shoot a sequel.

The success of "Lan Yu" has made people see Hu Jun's great potential and versatility as an actor. He is no longer just an obscure stage actor, but has become a powerful actor who can handle complex roles.

However, the road to fame is never easy. With the popularity of "Lan Yu", various scandals and speculations have followed. Some questioned Hu Jun's sexual orientation, while others disputed his acting skills.

In the face of overwhelming pressure from public opinion, Hu Jun felt confused and helpless for a while.

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

But as an actor who has experienced the tempering of human art, Hu Jun was not knocked down by these voices. Instead, he chose to respond to the doubts with practical actions. In the following years, Hu Jun began to make some tough guy-themed films, hoping to shape his new image through these roles.

This decision is undoubtedly the right one. In "Dragon Babu", he portrayed the heroic Qiao Feng; In "Red Cliff", he incarnated as the heroic and fearless Zhao Yun; And in "Chu and Han Fengyun", he showed Xiang Yu's gentle and chivalrous side.

These roles not only enrich Hu Jun's screen image, but also let the audience see his versatility and strength as an actor.

However, this shift also brings new challenges. With the establishment of the image of "tough guy", many viewers began to ignore the soft side of Hu Jun's heart. As Hu Jun himself said: "All the character settings are won back step by step by me through my works."

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

This sentence not only expresses his understanding of the profession of actor, but also hints at his inner helplessness.

"Lan Yu" is not only a turning point in Hu's military career, but also the starting point for him to begin to reposition himself. This work not only shows his strength as an actor, but also indirectly promotes his later image transformation.

For Hu Jun, this was undoubtedly a challenging but meaningful experience, which not only changed the trajectory of his career, but also profoundly affected his understanding and attitude towards the profession of actor.

After "Lan Yu", Hu Jun's acting career gradually turned to the tough guy route. This shift is not only a response to the audience's expectations, but also a great opportunity for Hu Jun to show the versatility of his acting skills.

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

In the next few years, he played a number of impressive tough guy roles one after another, and gradually established the image of "the first macho man in domestic entertainment" in the hearts of the audience.

In "Dragon Babu", Qiao Feng played by Hu Jun won the love of the audience with his heroic spirit and chivalrous spirit. He perfectly integrated Qiao Feng's inner perseverance and tenderness, and created a three-dimensional and plump image of a hero.

In "Red Cliff", Hu Jun incarnated as the heroic and fearless Zhao Yun, and his performance not only showed Zhao Yun's bravery, but also portrayed the loyalty and responsibility of the general.

However, Hu Jun's acting skills are not limited to a single tough guy image. In "Chu Han Fengyun", Xiang Yu played by him showed a completely different side. Hu Jun perfectly combined Xiang Yu's domineering and tenderness, creating an image of the overlord of Chu who was both majestic and affectionate.

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

The success of these roles not only proves Hu Jun's ability to navigate different types of roles, but also shows his versatility as an actor.

However, what really reflects the depth of Hu Jun's acting skills is the delicate side he shows in these tough guy roles. Even in the strongest roles, the audience can still feel the elegant temperament that Hu Jun deliberately retained.

This delicate balance makes each character he portrays extraordinarily vivid and layered.

In "Dragon Babu", there is a clip that can particularly reflect the multifaceted nature of Hu Jun's acting skills. The plot requires that Qiao Feng, played by Hu Jun, needs to be disguised as A Zhu. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for an actor who presents himself as a tough guy.

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

However, Hu Jun's performance was surprisingly wonderful.

When the director shouted "start", Hu Jun was fully engaged in the role. He sat on horseback, and his posture suddenly softened. He began to twist his body slightly, occasionally playfully fiddling with his hair.

These subtle movements instantly transformed a big man into a delicate and lovely girl. The most amazing thing is his eyes, although his face is still the same, the gentleness and shyness revealed in those eyes make people recognize at a glance that this is "Azhu" and not "Qiao Feng".

This clip fully demonstrates Hu Jun's strength and delicacy as an actor. Not only is he able to handle the tough guy role, but he can also show a very different side when needed.

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

This contrasting performance not only adds to the interest of the plot, but also shows Hu Jun's multi-faceted and profound skills as an actor.

On the screen, Hu Jun is the tough guy who is unforgettable; In real life, he is a gentle and considerate husband and loving father. This contrast allows us to see a more three-dimensional and real side of Hu Jun.

Hu Jun's married life can be said to be a rare happiness in the circle. His acquaintance with his wife Lu Fang originated from the Renyi period, and the two often went out to chat together, and slowly cultivated a deep relationship in getting along day and night.

The romantic proposal in 1999 in the Roman Forum became the most touching part of their love story. This tough guy who is always mighty and unyielding on the screen is so delicate and romantic in the face of love.

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

As a father, Hu Jun is completely a "daughter slave". Whenever his daughter whispered "Daddy", he would immediately put down his work and take care of his daughter wholeheartedly.

Cooking a delicious meal for his daughter or buying her a favorite outfit can make this "tough guy" father feel immensely happy.

At the important moment of his daughter's 18-year-old coming-of-age ceremony, Hu Jun showed his deep affection as a father. He specially prepared a brilliant diamond ring for his daughter, and said affectionately: "I was the first person to give you a ring, and the first person to wear a ring for you was your brother."

From now on, any man who appears in your life will be ranked after us! These words are full of the father's love and reluctance for his daughter, and also reveal the softest side of Hu Jun's heart.

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

Once, when Hu Jun witnessed his daughter staggering into the school gate alone with a heavy schoolbag, this tough guy who was always strong on the screen couldn't help but burst into tears.

He can't stand any grievances his beloved daughter may suffer on campus, and this deep fatherly love is in stark contrast to his image on screen.

Such a Hu Jun is very different from the tough guy image we see in movies and television. However, it is this contrast that allows us to see a more real and three-dimensional Hu Jun.

In him, we see the profession of a successful actor, and also see the cherishing and love of an ordinary person for his family.

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

Today's Hu Jun is still active on the stage of the entertainment industry, but his forms of expression have become more diversified. When participating in variety shows, he displays an unexpected sense of humor and affability, which is an interesting contrast to his on-screen image of a tough guy.

In a variety show, the interaction between Hu Jun and Cai Guoqing opened the audience's eyes. The majestic "tough guy" Hu Jun on weekdays can naturally let Cai Guoqing be coquettish in his arms, and this contrasting and cute performance allows the audience to see Hu Jun's more cordial and down-to-earth side.

For the title of "tough guy", Hu Jun has his own unique understanding and attitude. "I played those roles and I was given the title of 'tough guy' by everyone, and I am very grateful for that," he said.

These words not only show his gratitude for the audience's recognition, but also reflect his clear understanding of his self-positioning.

"Domestic entertainment hunk"? Today's Hu Jun not only has a "tough guy" side

When he is not filming, Hu Jun prefers to quietly accompany his family and enjoy an ordinary and happy life. This attitude of finding a balance between screen image and real life is the embodiment of Hu Jun's maturity and wisdom.

Hu Jun is not only an iron-blooded hero on the screen, but also a gentle and warm man in real life. He used his own experience to tell us that a truly strong person can not only achieve something in his career, but also maintain his true self in life and enjoy the beauty of life.

Hu Jun's multifaceted life is his best interpretation of the profession and life of an actor.

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