
The man has been doing good deeds for many years, but he has not seen good fortune, and the gentleman said, "You don't know."


Hey, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about something new today, in this Gada, we have a buddy named Li Shanren, whose name is warm and full of kindness. This guy loves to do some good deeds when he is a child, helping the elderly cross the road, wiping the nose of the children, and even the fish in the river are reluctant to catch. People in our town say that Li Shanren is too good-hearted to have anything to say.

But it's no wonder that you say it, this Li Shanren has been doing good deeds for many years, and his family is still in those few dilapidated houses, and his life is tight. The people in the town talked a lot, some said he was stupid, some said that good was rewarded, and evil was rewarded, why couldn't it be his turn? Li Shanren himself muttered in his heart, but he was wide and fat, so he didn't go to his heart.

One day, Li Shanren was squatting by the river to wash clothes, and suddenly saw a golden fish in the river, his eyes were shining, and he was not an ordinary commodity at first glance. Li Shanren was happy in his heart, and thought to himself: "This fish can't be here to give me blessings, right?" But then I thought about it, if I really caught this fish and ate it, wouldn't it be against my own kindness? So he did not move, but continued to wash his clothes.

The man has been doing good deeds for many years, but he has not seen good fortune, and the gentleman said, "You don't know."

Seeing that Li Shanren didn't pay attention to it, the fish didn't get angry, just swam there, and jumped out of the water from time to time, giving Li Shanren a "carp jumping dragon gate". Li Shanren looked at it and laughed in his heart, thinking that this fish was quite interesting.

A few days later, a wandering Taoist priest came to the town, claiming to be a Taoist master who could predict the future. The people in the town all ran to see the excitement, and Li Shanren also followed. The Taoist priest looked around, walked up to Li Shanren, looked at it, and then said: "This good man, I see that you have a blessed face, but you have not seen good fortune for a long time, what is going on?" When Li Shanren heard this, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "Dao Chief, what do you mean by this?" The Taoist priest smiled slightly and said, "You have done good deeds for many years, and there are naturally good fortunes, but there are some good fortunes that you can't see." ”

Li Shanren was even more confused when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "Then where is my good fortune?" The Taoist priest pointed to the fish in the river and said, "That fish is a blessing that you can't see." As soon as these words came out, the taste in Li Shanren's heart was sweeter than eating honey, and it turned out that God had seen all these good deeds over the years. As soon as Li Shanren heard this, he began to mumble in his heart. The fish dunkled in front of his eyes every day, and he didn't think anything unusual. But since the Taoist priest said so, there must be a reason for him. So, he asked, "Daoist, how can I get this blessing?" The Taoist priest smiled slightly and said, "The secret of heaven must not be revealed." You remember, God will take care of those who do good. Since the fish has chosen you, then the two of you are destined. As for when the good fortune will come, it depends on your creation. When Li Shanren heard this, although he was still a little upset in his heart, he could only give up. He thanked the priest and went home. But this matter is not over, the next day, the old fisherman in the town, Lao Zhangtou, has an accident. Lao Zhangtou is a veteran, and he has never gone wrong with fishing all his life. But after he went into the water that day, he never came up again. The people in the town said that this was Lao Zhangtou who offended the river god and suffered retribution. When Li Shanren heard this, his heart tightened, and he thought of the words of the Taoist priest and the fish, and his heart was a little hairy. Could it be that this blessing and evil are really just a thought?

The man has been doing good deeds for many years, but he has not seen good fortune, and the gentleman said, "You don't know."

That's it for now. Ladies and gentlemen, let's see how Li Shanren will deal with this sudden change next, and when will his good fortune be revealed? Let's break it down next time! Come on, let's continue to talk about Li Shanren's story. Since the accident with Lao Zhangtou, the town has exploded, and they all say that Lao Zhangtou has offended the river god, and the fish is the messenger of the river god. Li Shanren listened to these gossips, and he felt that he had to have an explanation for this matter, and he couldn't let Lao Zhangtou disappear in vain. Early the next morning, Li Shanren carried a basket with some tributes in it and went straight to the river. He stood by the river, watching the golden fish swim around, and his heart was mixed. He took a deep breath and shouted, "Fish, fish, if you are really spiritual, show your supernatural powers, let me see what this good fortune is all about." There must be an explanation for the matter of the old Zhang Tou! As soon as the words fell, the fish suddenly jumped out of the water and flew straight towards Li Shanren. Li Shanren was startled, and hurriedly reached out to catch it, and the fish landed firmly in his hands. This time, Li Shanren was shocked, he looked down and saw that tears actually flowed from the fish's eyes, as if he was telling him something. Li Shanren's heart tightened, and he felt that this matter was getting more and more strange. He took the fish in his arms and went to the Taoist temple in the town. When he arrived at the Taoist temple, he put the fish in front of the Taoist chief and told him the ins and outs of the matter. Hearing this, the Taoist chief looked slightly condensed, gently stroked his long beard, and slowly spoke: "It's really good, this fish is the messenger of the river god, and it must have its deep meaning when it appears today." As soon as the words fell, the Taoist chief led Li Shanren towards the river. Arriving at the riverbank, the Taoist chief recited a mysterious incantation in a low voice, and the fish suddenly spoke, and said in a clear voice: "Li Shanren, your good deeds over the years have accumulated profound blessings for you. However, what happened to Lao Zhangtou was caused by his own greed. I appear today to tell you that blessings do not come in a vacuum, but need to be earned by yourself. After Li Shanren heard this, although he was a little confused at first, his heart gradually became clearer. He asked eagerly, "So what should I do?" The fish messenger replied, "You need to build a temple by the river and worship the river god, so that all the people of the town can come here and pray for good weather and good health." In this way, your blessings will naturally manifest. After hearing this, Li Shanren had a clear direction in his heart. He expressed his gratitude to the fish messenger and returned home. When he got home, he informed his family about it, and they expressed their support. So, Lee Sun-in began to plan to build a temple by the river. The construction of this temple was not trivial, and Lee Sun-in not only personally designed the drawings, but also personally supervised the construction process. He was busy, but his heart was full of joy. He envisioned that after the temple was completed, the inhabitants of the town would be able to live happily ever after, and his blessings would follow.

More than a month later, the temple was finally built. On the day of the consecration, the townspeople come to worship and pray for the protection of the river gods. Li Shanren was extremely relieved to see all this. However, at this moment, the sky suddenly became cloudy and thunder roared. Li Shanren's heart tightened, and he secretly thought to himself: "What's going on?" Before he could finish speaking, he saw the fish messenger leap out of the river and go straight to the temple. It circled around the temple a few times, then turned into a golden light and disappeared into the temple. Suddenly, the sky cleared and the sun shone on the earth. Li Shanren hurriedly entered the temple, only to see a statue of the river god in the center, lifelike, as if the river god was there. Seeing this, Li Shanren's heart suddenly understood. He immediately knelt down in front of the statue, kowtowed three times reverently, and said gratefully, "Thank you to the river god for appearing and for the guidance of the fish messenger." I, Li Shanren, will surely remember your teachings and continue to do good deeds and accumulate virtues for the well-being of the residents of the town. Since then, Lee has become even busier. Not only does he have to manage the day-to-day affairs of the temple, but he also has to travel around and solve various problems for the townspeople. Despite his busy and exhausting work, his heart was always filled with joy because he knew that was where his blessings were. The residents of the town are also grateful for Li Shanren's good deeds, and they have come to the temple to pay their respects, praying for the blessing of the river god and hoping for a safe and auspicious life. The incense in our temple is burning more and more, and the life in the town is getting more and more nourishing. As for the fish messenger, he hasn't seen since that apparition. But Li Shanren knew that it had been quietly guarding him and everyone in the town. Every time he encounters a hurdle, he can always feel a mysterious force behind him, making him move forward. This is the story of Li Shanren, although he has not seen any big reward for his good deeds for many years, but in the end God still gave him the reward he deserves. His story tells us: good is rewarded with good, evil is rewarded with evil, it's not that it is not reported, the time has not come, let's talk about Li Shanren.

Li Shanren's reputation is getting louder and louder in the town, and everyone praises him as the reincarnation of a living bodhisattva, and even the river god himself comes to give him blessings. But Li Shanren himself never shows off, and always says happily: "There is no living Bodhisattva, I am just an ordinary person, and I have done something that should be done." But this reputation spread ten, ten, hundreds, and even people from other places heard about it. Many people came here to see what this good man who could make the river god manifest his spirit look like. Li Shanren is not too troublesome, always warmly receives them, and also leads them to visit temples and tell their stories.

The man has been doing good deeds for many years, but he has not seen good fortune, and the gentleman said, "You don't know."

On this day, a Taoist priest from other places passed by us and heard about Li Shanren's deeds, so he decided to visit. This Taoist priest is not simple, he travels south and north, has a wide range of knowledge, and can see the roots and lives of people at a glance. When he came to the temple, he saw that Li Shanren was busy explaining the doubts of the people who came to worship, so he stood aside and quietly observed. The Taoist priest looked at it for a while and found that Li Shanren was not only good-hearted, but also had a calm and calm demeanor, as if everything was under his control. The Taoist priest thought to himself: "This person is not an ordinary person, and he will definitely be able to achieve great things in the future." So, the Taoist priest stepped forward and saluted Li Shanren, saying, "When the poor road passed through here, I heard that the donor did good deeds and accumulated virtues, and I admired them very much. I wonder if the donor can talk to the poor road? Li Shanren saw that this Taoist priest had an extraordinary temperament, so he happily agreed.

The two came to the backyard of the temple, sat at the stone table, and chatted while drinking tea. The Taoist priest asked about Li Shanren's past and future, and Li Shanren replied one by one, without hiding it at all. After hearing this, the Taoist priest nodded and said, "The donor is really a blessed man. But do you know why your good fortune has not been apparent? Li Shanren shook his head and said, "I'm stupid, and I ask the Taoist chief for advice." The Taoist priest smiled slightly and said, "Your good fortune has actually been there all along, but you haven't noticed it." Over the years, you have done good deeds and accumulated a lot of merits, which have become your luck and good fortune, protecting you and your family at all times. But you are too modest and low-key to use these blessings to seek more benefits. Therefore, outsiders look at you as if you have not received any good fortune. After hearing this, Li Shanren suddenly realized and said, "So that's what happened. "I have never thought about what benefits I can exchange for this blessing, I just think that doing good deeds is our duty and we should do it." The Taoist priest listened and nodded in praise: "Donor, your mentality is really rare. However, I still have to remind you that although the good fortune is good, we must also know how to cherish it and use it. You can use this blessing to help more people and benefit more people. In this way, your merits and good fortune will accumulate more and more. When Li Shanren heard this, his heart suddenly brightened, and he decided to do what the Taoist priest said. He began to use his fame and influence to help those in need. He set up a charity fund to help poor students go to school; He organized a team of volunteers to send warmth and care to the elderly who are lonely. He also personally went to the disaster area to send relief materials and condolences to the affected people...... Under the leadership of Li Shanren, the people of the town also joined the team of doing good. They help each other, support each other, and together create a harmonious and beautiful living environment. And Li Shanren's good fortune is also constantly growing and expanding, his career is getting bigger and bigger, and his family is becoming happier and happier.

One night, Lee Sun-in had a dream. He dreamed that he was standing in a glittering palace filled with treasures and strange flowers. He looked around, and suddenly saw the golden fish messenger. The fish messenger walked towards him with a smile and said, "Li Shanren, you have done good deeds and accumulated virtues over the years, and you have finally achieved positive results. Now your good fortune is thick enough to fulfill your wishes as much as you want. Li Shanren listened, his heart blossomed, he thought about it and then said: "I hope that my family can live a long and healthy life, and be happy; I hope that the people in the town can live a stable life; I also hope that there will be no more poverty and misery in this world......" The fish messenger listened, nodded and said, "Your wish is both beautiful and great. I will tell the river god your wishes and let him help you fulfill them. After saying that, the fish messenger disappeared, and Li Shanren also woke up from his dream. He opened his eyes and found himself still in bed, but his heart was full of hope and confidence. He knows that as long as he continues to work hard to do good, he will definitely be able to achieve his wishes and dreams.

The man has been doing good deeds for many years, but he has not seen good fortune, and the gentleman said, "You don't know."

Since then, Li Shanren has worked harder to do good deeds, and he has not only helped more people, but also become a respected and loved great benevolent person. His story has also spread far and wide, and has become a good story and legend that inspires people to do good.