
The man stayed at the inn overnight, and when he saw that the guests were sitting and not ordering, he made an excuse to avoid it


That night, Zhang Dabao, this buddy, from our northeast, he is a merchant who travels south and north, and sells all kinds of mountain goods and leather goods. On this day, he arrived at a place called "Qingyun Town", which is as beautiful as a painting, but the most famous is the "Wangjiang Tower" inn. This inn is famous not because it is big, nor because the food is delicious, but because there are always some strange things in this store that cannot be explained.

Zhang Dabao arrived in the town that day, and when he saw that it was not early, he planned to spend the night in Wangjiang Tower. As soon as he entered the store, he saw that the store was brightly lit, but why was it so quiet? He found a place to sit down, hoping for some food and drinks to warm up. But after waiting for a long time, the little two didn't come to talk. He looked up and saw that there were several customers sitting in the store, all expressionless, sitting there without ordering or saying a word. Zhang Dabao muttered in his heart, why is this place so evil?

He looked around, and the guests were dressed in all sorts of clothes, but the lifeless look on their faces was as if they had lost their souls. He thought to himself, "This is not right, I have to find an excuse to hide." Just thinking about it, the little second finally came over, and said with an embarrassed face: "Guest officer, I'm really sorry, there is something going on in the store today, you can have a sip of tea first, and the little one will serve you food in a while." When Zhang Dabao heard this, he felt that this matter was not simple.

The man stayed at the inn overnight, and when he saw that the guests were sitting and not ordering, he made an excuse to avoid it

He pretended to have a stomachache and said that he wanted to go to the toilet, but in fact he wanted to take the opportunity to touch the details of the shop. When he went out and went around to the back kitchen, he saw a few men who were very busy, but they were all nervous, as if they were afraid of what people would see. As he approached quietly, he heard a fellow whisper, "Today's guests don't look ordinary, so we have to be careful." Another guy also accosted: "Isn't it, I heard that this Wangjiang Tower used to be a place for Taoist monks to practice, and later it was changed to an inn." These guests may be the ghosts of those Taoist priests. When Zhang Dabao heard this, he was so frightened that his soul was about to fly, he dared to love that there are really ghosts in this store!

He hurriedly ran back to his room, trying to pack up and leave overnight. But at this moment, there was a strange singing sound outside, and the voice was terrible and gloomy, as if it had come out of the ground. He was bold enough to look out of the crack in the window, and the guests suddenly stood up and began to dance around the table, which was strangely twisted and distorted, and it was not at all possible for a normal person to dance. Zhang Dabao thought to himself: "It's over, I've really run into a ghost!" ”

At this moment, Xiao Er suddenly pushed the door in, holding a plate of steaming dishes in his hand. He saw that Zhang Dabao's face was pale, so he asked, "Guest officer, what's wrong with you?" Is there something uncomfortable? Zhang Dabao stammered, "I...... I'm fine, it's just ...... It's just that my stomach hurts a little. Xiao Er smiled slightly and said, "Then you can eat it while it's hot, this is our restaurant's signature dish, called 'Qingyun Fish Soup'." Zhang Dabao looked at the plate of fish soup, the color and flavor were all working, but his heart was like playing a drum. He pondered the old saying in his heart: "If you don't eat for nothing, you won't eat, and if you eat, you will eat for nothing." He muttered in his heart: "Anyway, it's all here, and if you get out, maybe you can save some energy to run away after eating this fish soup." He stubbornly grabbed his chopsticks and stuffed a piece of fish meat into his mouth. The fish meat is called a tender, and it melts when you bite it, as if you have drunk a clear spring, and your whole body is comfortable. He was shocked and thought, "Why is this fish soup so fragrant?" Could it be ......" Before the words fell, he felt a warm current rushing from his stomach to his head, and as soon as his eyes were dark, he didn't know anything......

The man stayed at the inn overnight, and when he saw that the guests were sitting and not ordering, he made an excuse to avoid it

When he opened his eyes again, it was dawn, and he found that he was still lying in bed, and the scene last night was like a dream. He got up with all his bones, and saw that all the baggage was packed and rested on the head of the bed. He muttered in his heart, could it be that it was all a dream last night? When he left the house, the shop was as lively as usual, and the customers were gone. He asked Xiao Er, and Xiao Er looked confused: "Guest officer, what's wrong with you?" Didn't you go to bed early last night? When Zhang Dabao heard this, his heart was even more bottomless. He walked out of the store and looked back at Wangjiang Tower, which was still the same, and there was nothing wrong. He shook his head and thought to himself, "Forget it, whether it's real or fake, I'd better get out of this place quickly." "He took his baggage on his back and embarked on a new path. But he can't forget the events of that night and the plate of fish soup in his heart...... He shook his head and said in his heart, "What haven't we seen any strong winds and waves?" No matter how evil this place is, it can't scare us. He quickened his pace, wanting to get out of the town that had disturbed him sooner. But as soon as he left the town, he heard the sound of horses' hooves behind him. As soon as he turned around, a black horse galloped over, and immediately sat a Taoist priest with a whisk in his hand and an anxious face. As soon as the Taoist priest pulled the reins of the horse, jumped down and saluted Zhang Dabao: "This strong man is poor and polite." Dare to ask if you stayed in Wangjiang Tower last night? Zhang Dabao was stunned for a moment, and thought: "How does this Taoist priest know?" He nodded and asked suspiciously, "What's the matter with the Dao Chief?" The Taoist priest sighed and said, "The master of the Poor Dao Qingyun Temple, last night the disciples of the Guanli watched the celestial phenomena at night, and saw that there was a demonic spirit on the side of the Wangjiang Tower. Come and see, don't want to meet you. Zhang Dabao's heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked: "Is there really a ghost in Wangjianglou?" The Taoist priest shook his head and said, "No, it's not ......" Wangjiang Tower was once the site of Qingyun Temple, which was abandoned after the war. A hundred years ago, a senior in Guanzhong cultivated here, but because he went astray, he went crazy and turned into a ghost. Last night, that powerful ghost tried to use the aura of Qingyun Fish Soup to break through the seal and threaten the world. When Zhang Dabao heard this, he was very surprised, thinking that this fish soup was not trivial, and it contained aura. He eagerly asked the Taoist priest what he should do. The Taoist priest smiled slightly and told him not to panic, because Zhang Dabao had eaten the Qingyun fish soup by mistake, and he already had spiritual energy in his body, and the ghosts did not dare to approach. The Taoist priest said that he only needed to bless him with one more charm to ensure his safety. Immediately, the Taoist priest took out the yellow talisman from his arms, recited the mantra and pasted it on Zhang Dabao's forehead.

The Taoist priest went on to say that although the ghost was sealed, he would still try to break through with the help of the power of the Qingyun Fish Soup every hundred years. For the sake of human peace, it must be completely eradicated. Zhang Dabao, a merchant who was running around, felt honored to be able to eliminate demons with Taoist priests, and agreed without hesitation. The two returned to Wangjiang Tower, and the store was still calm, as if what happened last night had not happened. The Taoist priest sat cross-legged in the center of the shop, closed his eyes and began to chant the mantra. Zhang Dabao stood aside, nervously observing the surroundings. Suddenly, he felt a chill as he saw the guests stand up and pounce on him with a hideous smile on their faces. Zhang Dabao knew that something was wrong, and the ghost was really powerful. The Taoist priest suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, causing the demon to exist. Black smoke rose from the guests, turned into ghosts, and threw themselves at the Taoist priest. The Taoist priest held the dust whisk in his hand, and with a wave, the golden light flashed, and the ghosts retreated one after another. The Taoist priest recited the incantation again, took out the gourd, and the green smoke shrouded the Wangjiang Tower, and the screams of the ghosts dissipated.

Seeing all this, Zhang Dabao admired the mana of the Taoist priest, and hurriedly asked if the ghost had been removed. The Taoist priest nodded, saying that he was fortunate to have Zhang Dabao's help, the ghost had been completely eradicated, and Wangjiang Tower would restore peace. Zhang Dabao breathed a sigh of relief, and asked when the aura in his body would dissipate. The Taoist priest replied with a smile, that aura is the essence of heaven and earth, not only harmless, but can help him strengthen his body. Oh, this thing is really choking, Zhang Dabao, this kid, has to think about it in the future before he can turn that little bit of ability into his own. When Zhang Dabao heard this, his heart blossomed, and he hurriedly thanked the Taoist priest. The Taoist priest waved his hand and said, "Dude, take care of yourself, I'll go first." Before he could finish speaking, he rode the black horse and ran away like the wind. Zhang Dabao looked at the back of the Taoist priest, and sighed in his heart, he, a merchant, could actually encounter this kind of adventure. He touched the yellow talisman on his forehead, and secretly swore in his heart: "We have to practice hard, maybe one day we can become a hero like the Taoist chief!" ”

The man stayed at the inn overnight, and when he saw that the guests were sitting and not ordering, he made an excuse to avoid it

Since then, Zhang Dabao has embarked on an unusual path. Although he is not as powerful as a Taoist priest, he relied on the aura in his body to start his path of exterminating demons. In our northeast, demonic things emerge from time to time, and Zhang Dabao can always turn danger into a disaster with his courage and aura. He walked on the snowy fields, with the north wind as his companion; Travel through the primeval forest and mingle with wild beasts. Everywhere you go, you can always hear the legend about Wangjianglou and Qingyun Fish Soup, some say that he is the successor of Qingyunguan, and some say that he is the great hero who saved Wangjianglou. But Zhang Dabao knew in his heart that he was just an ordinary merchant and happened to get this power. He has not forgotten his original intention, that is, to go south and north, selling mountain goods and leather goods.

Once, he went to a remote mountain village and heard that there was a bully in the village, relying on his own fists and kicks, bullying the common people, and doing all kinds of evil. When Zhang Dabao heard this, he was furious and decided to eliminate harm for the people. He found the bully, and within a few fights between the two, the bully was beaten to the ground and begged for mercy on his knees. The villagers gathered around and thanked Zhang Dabao for their kindness. Zhang Dabao waved his hand and said, "We are just a merchant, and we just know how to do some kung fu." If you want to thank me, buy more of my mountain goods! As soon as these words came out, the villagers laughed and paid for his mountain goods.

The days passed like this, and Zhang Dabao's reputation became more and more famous. Wherever he goes, there is his legend. Some people say that he is a descendant of Taoist priests, some people say that he is a monster in the mountains, and some people say that he is a god in the sky. Zhang Dabao always laughed at these rumors, he knew that he was an ordinary merchant, and he only got this power by chance.

The man stayed at the inn overnight, and when he saw that the guests were sitting and not ordering, he made an excuse to avoid it

But one day, he came to a bustling town and heard news that shocked him. It turned out that Wangjianglou had a demonic aura again, and it was even more violent than before. It is said that the powerful ghost that was eradicated by the Taoist priest was resurrected after a hundred years and became more ferocious. When Zhang Dabao heard this, he called it seven up and eight down in his heart. He pondered the Taoist priest's words, and secretly made up his mind in his heart that he had to go to Wangjianglou again to see what the ghost was about. He said hello to the townsfolk and set foot on the road to Wangjiang Tower. Along the way, he had a call in his heart, but he also knew that he couldn't be cowardly. Because only he can save the town and those villagers who have been plagued by demons.

After walking for a few days and nights, he finally arrived at Wangjiang Tower. The old house still stands by the river, but the demonic aura around it is as thick as something. He took a deep breath, puffed up his strength, and walked inside. It was still quiet in Wangjiang Tower, but the demonic aura was getting heavier and heavier. He wandered around trying to find a trace of the ghost, but he couldn't find it. At this moment, he suddenly felt a cold wind swishing, and a hideous-looking ghost suddenly appeared, staring at him viciously with a pair of blood-red eyes. Zhang Dabao's heart tightened, but he quickly stabilized his mind. He took a deep breath and mobilized the aura in his body, preparing to fight the powerful ghost.

After a few fights between the two, Zhang Dabao felt a little powerless. The power of that powerful ghost was much stronger than all the monsters he had encountered before. But he didn't give up, he gritted his teeth and insisted. At this moment, he suddenly remembered the words of the Taoist priest and the yellow talisman posted on his forehead. His heart lit up, and as soon as he raised his hand, he ripped off the yellow charm and put it on the ghost. I saw a flash of golden light on the yellow talisman, and a powerful force poured out of the talisman and directly hit the ghost. The ghost screamed, and his body instantly turned into a puff of black smoke and dissipated into the air. When Zhang Dabao saw it, his heart blossomed. He knew that he had defeated that terrible ghost again.

The man stayed at the inn overnight, and when he saw that the guests were sitting and not ordering, he made an excuse to avoid it

He turned around and left Wangjiang Tower, feeling proud in his heart. He knew that although he was an ordinary merchant, he could also use his own strength to protect the world and those people. Since then, Zhang Dabao has continued his journey from south to north. He earns a living with his own hands, and at the same time guards the world with his own strength. His story spread in the land of Northeast China and became a legend.

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