
Xiucai rescued the goldfish, and when he separated from his brother, the goldfish dreamed: choose a grass house


Let's talk to the big guy about something new today, this happened to Liu Xiucai in the village next door. Liu Xiucai, as we all know, is a reading material, the article under his hand is written slippery, and his stomach is full of poetry books. But he's in the house, hey, it's a bit of that. No, a few days ago, he separated from his brother, who was as small as a needle. On the day of the separation, my brother's eyes wandered, and he pointed to the two houses and said, "Brother, look at these two houses, one is a brick house and the other is a grass house, you can choose one." Liu Xiucai saw that although the brick house was a little old, it could protect it from the wind and rain; As for the grass house, when the wind blows, the blades of grass are rattling, and it is unreliable to look at. Liu Xiucai said in his heart: We have ink in our stomachs, where to live is not to live, just have a place to study. So, he pointed to the grass house and said, "I'll live in this grass house." When my brother heard this, his heart blossomed, and he thought to himself: "This grass house is in disrepair, and when the wind blows and the rain blows, it may collapse one day, and you won't be able to find a tune when you cry!" ”

In this way, Liu Xiucai moved into the grass house. He reads and writes during the day, and at night he reviews in the dim light. One night, he was just lying down to bed, when he suddenly heard movement outside the window. He got up and looked, good fellow, a golden goldfish swimming around the window, eyes still staring at him. Liu Xiucai muttered in his heart: Where did the goldfish come from in the middle of the night? He rubbed his eyes, and when he looked again, the goldfish was still there. Liu Xiucai thought to himself: This goldfish can't be a jing, right? He plucked up his courage, went to the window, and whispered, "Goldfish, goldfish, why are you here?" The goldfish suddenly spoke, and his voice was crisp and pleasant: "Xiucai, Xiucai, I am the goldfish essence in this river." A few days ago, when you passed by the river, you saw that I had been caught, but you relented and put me back into the river. Today, I am here to repay my kindness, and I hope you can accept my heart. When Liu Xiucai heard this, he suddenly realized that he had indeed saved a goldfish by the river a few days ago. He hurriedly waved his hand and said, "This little thing is not worth mentioning. Go back to the river, and don't be discovered. But the goldfish shook his head and said, "No, I am determined to repay the favor." This grass house looks dilapidated, but there is actually a mystery in it. You only have to dig three feet under the grass hut to find something that can help you change your life. ”

Liu Xiucai was skeptical, but seeing that the goldfish was so sincere, he decided to give it a try. He found tools overnight and dug under the grass hut. After digging less than three feet, I really dug up a wooden box. When I opened it, I saw that it contained an ancient book and a jade pendant. The cover of the ancient book was yellowed, and "Tianji Lu" was written on it; The jade pendant is crystal clear, and a living goldfish is carved on it. Liu Xiucai was shocked, is this really a life-changing baby? He hurriedly put away the ancient books and jade pendants, and planned to study them well in the future. Early the next morning, Liu Xiucai and his brother heard about this incident, and the taste in his heart was like eating sour dates, and he regretted it. He muttered in his heart, why didn't he see that there was a cat in the grass house yesterday? He rolled his eyes and made up his mind to go find Liu Xiucai to see if he could get the precious ancient book and jade pendant.

Xiucai rescued the goldfish, and when he separated from his brother, the goldfish dreamed: choose a grass house

So, Liu Xiucai and his brother came to the door of the grass house and pretended to say to Liu Xiucai: "Brother, I heard that you got a baby yesterday?" We are brothers, we share blessings and difficulties, can you give me the ancient books and jade pendants? When Liu Xiucai heard this, he knew the little Jiujiu in his brother's heart, he smiled and said, "Brother, that ancient book and jade pendant are indeed what I got yesterday." However, this is the goldfish essence to repay me, and I can't show it to others casually. ”

When my brother heard this, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot: "What goldfish essence is not goldfish essence, I think you just want to swallow the baby alone!" Take it out and show it to me! Liu Xiucai saw that his brother was so unrelenting, and he was a little angry in his heart. He thought for a moment and said, "Okay, since you have to see it, brother, then I'll show you." But you have to promise me that you have to give it back to me when you're done. When my brother heard that there was a play, he quickly nodded and agreed.

Liu Xiucai took out the ancient book and jade pendant to show his brother. Although the ancient book was old and yellow, the handwriting was still clear; The jade pendant is even more translucent, and it is not ordinary at first glance. My brother's eyes straightened, and he thought in his heart: If this treasure is in my hands...... At this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew outside the window, and the window of the grass house crackled. Liu Xiucai's brother was not careful, and the ancient books and jade pendants in his hands were swept away by the wind. He hurriedly chased it out, only to see the ancient book and the jade pendant spinning around in the air a few times, turning into a golden light and flying into the distance.

Xiucai rescued the goldfish, and when he separated from his brother, the goldfish dreamed: choose a grass house

Liu Xiucai's brother was stunned, turned around and asked Liu Xiucai: "Is this ...... What's going on? Liu Xiucai sighed and said, "Brother, this is fate." That ancient book and jade pendant are the things that the goldfish essence gave me to repay my kindness, and they are not something that we mortals can have. I can't force it. When Liu Xiucai's brother heard this, he was so remorseful that he felt like he had eaten Coptis chinensis, and then he realized what a good opportunity he had missed.

As for Liu Xiucai, he continued his reading career like a nobody. Since then, Liu Xiucai's brother has completely wilted, sighing at home every day, regretting that he couldn't keep the ancient book and jade pendant in his hands. And Liu Xiucai, he is still like that, reading and writing during the day, and reviewing his homework at night with the faint light. However, Liu Xiucai is not a nerd who can only read to death. After he got the "Heavenly Machine Record", he took it out for research and research when he had nothing to do. Don't say it, there are really two brushes in this ancient book, which record a lot of strange things, and some ways to help people change their luck. Liu Xiucai tried it according to the above method, hey, it really made him find some way. No, it didn't take long for Liu Xiucai to rely on his own knowledge and the methods in "Tianjilu" to set up a school in the village to teach the children in the village to read and write. Liu Xiucai's teaching is rigorous, and the children are engaged in learning, and over time, his reputation gradually spreads in the countryside. One day, a well-dressed wealthy businessman passed by here, heard about Liu Xiucai's deeds, and came to visit. As soon as the businessman saw Liu Xiucai, he was attracted by his extraordinary temperament, and after some conversation, he admired Liu Xiucai's knowledge and insight. The merchant said sincerely: "Mr. Liu, I have an idea, I don't know if it's appropriate. Liu Xiucai responded: "Please speak." The merchant proposed: "I see that your school is very well run, and the children are very attentive to their studies. I suggest that we work together to expand the size of the school so that more children have the opportunity to receive education. I am responsible for the construction of school buildings and the purchase of books, and you are responsible for teaching and doing something beneficial for the villagers. Liu Xiucai was very happy when he heard this, and after thinking for a while, he replied: "This proposal is very good, but we should still discuss it with the villagers and listen to everyone's opinions." So, Liu Xiucai gathered the villagers and explained the merchant's proposal in detail. After hearing this, the villagers expressed their approval and support.

In this way, with the help of businessmen, the school was expanded, new school buildings were built, new books were purchased, and more teachers were hired. A few years have passed in a hurry, and Liu Xiucai's school has cultivated many outstanding students. Some have gained fame and embarked on a career in public service; Some learned the craft and opened their own shops; Others went out and accumulated wealth. These children have given back to their hometown in their own way and repaid Liu Xiucai's kindness. And Liu Xiucai himself still sticks to the school and continues his teaching career. Although he did not achieve as many outstanding achievements as his students, he won the respect and love of his fellow villagers. Everyone praised him: "Liu Xiucai is really a great benefactor of our village, without him, how could our children have today's achievements!" "

Xiucai rescued the goldfish, and when he separated from his brother, the goldfish dreamed: choose a grass house

Let's talk about Liu Xiucai's brother. Since that accidental loss of precious ancient books and jade pendants, he seems to have changed as a different person. In the past, he was narrow-minded and liked to take advantage of small advantages; Now he has become cheerful and generous. He often said to people: "I used to be really short-sighted, but now I understand that the most important thing in life is to have a good reputation and do good deeds." Therefore, Liu Xiucai's elder brother also joined the work of the school, although he did not have the same knowledge and teaching ability as his younger brother, but he had a strong physique and dexterous hands. He helped build school buildings, carry books, clean and often take care of children from poor families. With the joint efforts of Liu Xiucai and his elder brother, the scale of the school has become larger and larger, cultivating more outstanding students, and at the same time doing many good and good deeds for the village. The villagers in our village all said: "Our school, that is the lucky star of our village!" Liu Xiucai and his brother, the two of them are the treasures of our village! "Time, like the water in the river, slipped away with a clatter. In a blink of an eye, Liu Xiucai is also old and can't walk anymore. He was lying on the hospital bed, his heart was turned upside down, thinking about his life: from a poor talent, step by step to a respected teacher in the village; From an ordinary villager, he has become a great lucky star who has changed the fate of his hometown; It's like a dream. Before leaving, he called his brother to him and said, "Brother, the proudest thing in my life is to meet you, the merchant, and those children. It was you who taught me what true happiness is and what true value is. When the elder brother heard this, tears welled up in his eyes, and he said, "Brother, my good brother! It is you who have brought hope to my family and our village! As soon as the words fell, Liu Xiucai closed his eyes and left this world forever. But what he left us is an eternal legend, a story of love and hope......

After Liu Xiucai left, his story spread more and more widely in the village, becoming a topic of conversation after tea and dinner, and a story that children listen to before going to bed. The once dilapidated thatched cottage, because of Liu Xiucai's legend, was carefully repaired by the villagers and turned into a small memorial hall. In the memorial hall, there are books, pens, and teaching aids made by Liu Xiucai before his death. There was a portrait of him hanging on the wall, and on that portrait he was smiling so warmly, his eyes were full of wisdom and kindness. People come to visit every day to remember this great teacher. Liu Xiucai's brother also found his place in this glory. He became the guardian of the memorial, opening the door early every day, cleaning and sorting out the exhibits. When tourists come, he will enthusiastically tell everyone the story of Liu Xiucai and tell about those past years.

One day, a young scholar came to the village and decided to find out what happened to Liu Xiucai. He visited the memorial hall and listened to Liu Xiucai's brother's story, and his heart was moved. He found Liu Xiucai's brother and said, "Old man, I want to write Liu Xiucai's story into a book so that more people can know his deeds." When Liu Xiucai's brother heard this, he was so excited that tears rolled into his eyes. He nodded and said, "Okay, okay, I've got your back." You write it and tell the story of Liu Xiucai to people all over the world. And so the young scholar began his journey of writing. He went deep into the fields, visited the old people in the village, and collected bits and pieces about Liu Xiucai. He carefully organized, screened, and refined, and finally wrote a touching book - "The Legend of the Grass House". As soon as the book was published, it became a sensation. People bought and read one after another, and were moved by Liu Xiucai's deeds. Oh my god, the stories in this book have really spread far and wide, and they have all spread to the horizon. There is that, I traveled thousands of miles to our village, just to see the broken grass house and feel the legend. After a long time, the book "The Legend of the Grass House" has been translated into several words, and it can be found everywhere in the world. Liu Xiucai's name, as well as his story, became louder and louder with the book.

Xiucai rescued the goldfish, and when he separated from his brother, the goldfish dreamed: choose a grass house

In order to commemorate Liu Xiucai, the people of our village built a library next to the memorial hall. In this library, there are so many books and materials for people to read and learn. This place has also become a good place for everyone to exchange ideas and share knowledge. At night, the lights are bright, the voices are boiling, and the cultural flavor is as strong as something.

What about Liu Xiucai's brother? is still guarding the memorial hall, guarding those precious memories and cultural relics. When tourists come, he always warmly greets them, takes them to visit, and talks about Liu Xiucai. Although there are many traces of time on his face, his eyes are still so firm and bright, full of thoughts about the past and hope for the future.

One night, as soon as the night fell, Liu Xiucai and his brother sat at the door of the memorial hall, looking at the sky and thinking about something. I miss the night they parted, the time when my brother dug up ancient books and jade pendants, and the days when they contributed to the village together...... Those things are as vivid as yesterday. Just thinking about it, a soft voice floated in his ear: "Brother, you did a good job." As soon as he turned around, hey, isn't this the younger brother Liu Xiucai he thinks about day and night! Liu Xiucai smiled and said to him: "Brother, thank you for always guarding my memories and relics." I have to go, but I will always remember this place, of your love and respect for me. With that, he turned around and slowly disappeared into the night.

Xiucai rescued the goldfish, and when he separated from his brother, the goldfish dreamed: choose a grass house

Liu Xiucai and his brother were stunned for a long time, and they couldn't come back to their senses. He knew that it was his brother's soul that had come back to see him. Although he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, he also understood that this was his brother's affirmation and blessing to him. He stood up, looked in the direction where his brother had disappeared, and prayed silently: "Brother, go all the way, may you rest in heaven." Since then, Liu Xiucai and his brother have cherished the present days even more and worked harder to guard the memorial hall and library. He knew that this was a precious legacy left to him by his younger brother, and it was also a continuation of his love and dedication to the villagers......

The book "The Legend of the Grass House" is still spreading the story of Liu Xiucai around the world, inspiring people to pursue knowledge, dedicate love, and create a better future......

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