
The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

author:Ichii Lao Li
The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

As an important organ for us to perceive the outside world, the eye can not only help us see everything in the world and life, but also reflect our physical condition.

Some medical studies have found that when blood vessels are blocked, the eyes tend to have a series of abnormal symptoms.

These symptoms not only affect our vision, but may also indicate the health of blood vessels throughout the body. When there are 4 abnormal phenomena in the eyes, it may indicate that the blood vessels are blocked, and you need to seek medical examination in time to maintain the health of the blood vessels.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

So what are the 4 eye abnormalities that need special attention? Is it possible to prevent blood vessel blockage through simple actions in life?

1. Blurred vision

Blurred vision is a common eye symptom, but few people associate it with vascular health, and most think they may be nearsighted, or have recently overused their eyes and are too tired. However, some studies have found that blurred vision may be a sign of a blocked blood vessel.

When a blood vessel is blocked, the blood supply to the eye is affected, and the nutrients and oxygen needed by the eye cannot be transported through the blood vessels, resulting in a decrease in the function of retinal cells and blurred vision.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

It is important to note that blurred vision is not an isolated symptom, and it can also be accompanied by headaches, dizziness, and other symptoms when blood vessels become clogged and the blood supply to the brain is insufficient.

The presence of these symptoms suggests that vascular problems may not be confined to the eyes, but may also affect other vital organs such as the brain.

When you find that your vision is blurred, you can check it yourself, if it is not simple exhaustion or myopia, you should pay attention to it and seek medical attention in time.

In addition to seeking medical attention in time, we can also prevent the occurrence of blurred vision through some lifestyle adjustments.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

For example, maintain a good routine and avoid eye fatigue for a long time; Eat a reasonable diet and consume more foods rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E; Regular eye exams, etc.

2. Eye congestion

Ocular congestion is another cause for concern when blood vessels are blocked, blood circulation in the eye will be affected, blood cannot flow normally, and accumulation in the eye will lead to dilation and congestion of blood vessels in the eye.

This congestion not only makes your eyes look red, but can also be accompanied by discomfort such as pain and itching.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

Ocular congestion is not always a sign of blocked blood vessels, sometimes it can be caused by eye fatigue, infection, etc., and even the eyes will be red after crying.

But in any case, when you notice that your eyes are bloodshot, you should seek medical attention promptly. The doctor can determine the cause of congestion through professional examination and give a corresponding treatment plan.

In our daily lives, there are also ways to alleviate the symptoms of eye congestion. For example, avoid using electronic devices for long periods of time and maintain appropriate eye distance and angle; Maintain indoor ventilation to avoid eye irritation; Do not rub your eyes frequently with dirty hands.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked
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3. Pupillary abnormalities

The pupil is a very important part of our eyes, and its changes are often a reflection of the health of our body.

When a blood vessel is blocked, there may be some abnormal changes in the pupil, such as unequal pupil size, irregular shape, etc.

These abnormal changes may be caused by compression or damage to the blood vessels in the eye, or they may be caused by problems with the blood vessels in the brain, which in turn affect the neuromodulation of the pupil.

Abnormal changes in the pupil may not be easy to detect, but if you look closely, you can still find some clues.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

Look at your pupils in a well-lit environment to see if they are symmetrical, consistent in size, etc.

If you notice an unusual change in your pupils, you should seek medical attention.

There are also ways to prevent pupillary abnormalities. For example, maintain a good routine and avoid staying up late for a long time and getting tired; Eat a reasonable diet and eat more foods rich in nutrients such as vitamin B complex; Regular eye exams, etc.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

4. Fundus lesions

Fundus lesions are a serious eye problem that not only affects vision, but may also indicate the health of blood vessels throughout the body.

When blood vessels are blocked, some lesions often appear in the fundus, such as retinal arteriosclerosis, fundus hemorrhage, etc.

Fundus lesions are not an easy symptom to detect because our eyes are structurally complex and the fundus is located at the back of the eyeball, making it difficult to see directly.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

If you want to detect fundus lesions in time, you need to use professional eye examination equipment. Doctors can use tools such as ophthalmoscopes to observe the condition of the fundus and thus determine the health of the blood vessels.

If you're already experiencing symptoms such as blurred vision, eye congestion, and abnormal pupils, and you suspect you may have a blocked blood vessel, you may want to go to the hospital for a fundus exam.

Although this test can be tedious, it can provide us with valuable information about the health of our blood vessels, which can help us detect and treat potential health problems in a timely manner.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

5. These symptoms also indicate blockage of blood vessels

When a blood vessel becomes blocked, our body can experience a range of other noticeable abnormalities in addition to the abnormal symptoms that the eyes may exhibit.

These abnormalities not only involve specific body parts, but can also affect our overall health.

The first is the blockage of the cerebral blood vessels. When the cerebral blood vessels are blocked, due to the insufficient blood supply to the brain, the patient may experience symptoms of dizziness, and even accompanied by headaches in severe cases.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

Blockage of cerebral blood vessels may also lead to neurological symptoms such as slurred speech, crooked mouth and eyes, and uncontrollable saliva, which seriously affects the patient's daily life.

Blockages in the heart's blood vessels should also not be overlooked. When the blood vessels in the heart are blocked, the heart muscle cannot get enough blood supply, and patients may experience symptoms of angina, accompanied by symptoms such as chest tightness, breathlessness, sweating, etc.

In severe cases, such as myocardial infarction, patients may experience a sense of frequent death, which is an extremely dangerous symptom that requires immediate medical attention.

In terms of blood vessels in the limbs, if there is a blockage, the patient may experience symptoms such as intermittent claudication, because the blockage causes insufficient blood supply to the limbs, making the patient feel pain or discomfort when walking, and need to stop and rest for a while before continuing walking.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

Blockage of blood vessels may also manifest as systemic symptoms, such as atherosclerosis, a common vascular disease, which can cause symptoms such as chest pain, angina, or limb pain.

These symptoms, while seemingly ordinary, are actually serious warnings from our body that something is wrong with our blood vessel health.

Clogged blood vessels are a serious health problem that can cause a variety of physical abnormalities. From dizziness and headaches to angina pectoris, renal insufficiency, to pain in the limbs and systemic symptoms, these symptoms can be a sign of a blocked blood vessel.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

We need to be vigilant at all times, pay attention to abnormal changes in the body, and seek medical examination and treatment in time when relevant symptoms appear.

6. Try these actions to prevent blood vessel blockage

When we talk about preventing clogged blood vessels, we often think of a complex set of medical measures and professional exercise training. But there are some very simple actions that only need to be done in daily life, and there may be unexpected effects.

When we wake up in the morning, when our body is not fully activated, we can lie down in a comfortable bed and perform a simple supine leg raise.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

Straightening and raising your legs will not only help us wake up our body, but also effectively promote blood circulation in our lower limbs.

When we stand or walk, we can try to stand on our toes and feel the tightness of the calf muscles and a slight vibration of the soles of the feet, which is a signal of accelerated blood flow.

By repeatedly performing tiptoe movements, we can stimulate muscles and blood vessels to speed up blood flow, thus preventing the formation of blood clots.

In addition to tiptoeing, standing on one foot is a fun and practical challenge. We can try to close our eyes and stand on one foot for a few seconds to tens of seconds to feel that delicate sense of balance. This action not only exercises our balance, but also improves blood circulation throughout the body.

When we stand on one foot, the body needs to work harder to maintain balance, which will make the muscles and blood vessels of the whole body in a state of tension and activity, thereby promoting blood circulation and preventing blood vessel blockage.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

When working or resting, we can gently clench our fists and feel the alternation of tension and relaxation. Although this action may seem insignificant, it can squeeze the blood vessels in the palms and fingers and promote blood circulation.

When we clench our fists, we can feel the feeling of the blood vessels in our palms and fingers being squeezed, and when we release our fists, we can feel the warmth of blood flowing back.

This alternating tension and relaxation not only relieves hand fatigue, but also prevents blockage of blood vessels in the hands.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

Finally, when we sit up, we can let our calves move around the bed for a while, walk around the room a few times, or gently shake our calves to feel that feeling of relaxation.

This action can increase the activity of the calf muscles, help the blood flow in the lower limbs, and prevent varicose veins and thrombosis in the lower limbs.


As an important organ for us to perceive the outside world, the eyes are not only the window of our mind, but also the barometer of physical health. When a blood vessel becomes blocked, the eye tends to experience a range of abnormal symptoms.

These symptoms may be blurred vision, eye congestion, abnormal pupils, etc., and in addition to eye symptoms, there are other symptoms in the body that indicate a blockage of blood vessels.

The blood vessels are blocked or not the eyes are not blocked, and they will not lie! Doctor: If you have these 4 symptoms in your eyes, it's time to get them checked

When we find that we have these symptoms in our eyes, we should not take them lightly and should seek medical attention in time.

Only through professional examination and treatment can we detect and treat potential health problems in a timely manner, keeping blood vessels healthy and unblocked.

At the same time, it is also necessary to develop good living habits and health awareness to prevent the occurrence of blood vessel blockage from the source.

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