
Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

author:Nan said
Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

Mr. Zhao is 60 years old and usually likes to drink some alcohol by himself, but a few years ago, he was diagnosed with high blood pressure.

So I quit drinking, and it's been pretty good all the time.

And in terms of diet, Mr. Zhao also has some control.

He usually likes to eat leeks, and leeks are very healthy ingredients in his opinion.

I also heard that leeks are the nemesis of blood clots, so they are even more unscrupulous to eat.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

So I eat almost every day, eating leek boxes, eating eggs and scrambled leeks, etc.

But one day after eating, I felt very unwell, not only stomach pain, but even some dizziness.

Mr. Zhao felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly went to the hospital, told the doctor about his situation, and informed him of the recent diet.

I also told the doctor that I heard others say that eating leeks is good for the body, but the doctor gave another explanation, what is going on?

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

1. What are the dangers of blood clots?

In layman's terms, a blood clot of different sizes forms form in a blood vessel.

Blood clots occur because of the presence of blood-insoluble substances in the blood, which clump together to form a blood clot.

Blood clots are present in blood vessels, causing problems that do not flow smoothly.

If this problem is not noticed in time, the blood clot will become larger and larger, which will lead to the blood not flowing properly, which will have more serious consequences.

So, specifically, what are the dangers of blood clots?

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

Stroke: There are many people who have a stroke every year in our country, and the reason why stroke occurs is because the blood return in the brain is seriously obstructed, resulting in necrosis of the brain function.

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In the early stages, patients may present with dizziness, headaches, or problems with the inability to speak and control their limbs.

If these conditions are not treated in time when they are detected, they can lead to a large number of nerve tissue deaths and eventually a serious stroke.

It is not life-threatening with aggressive treatment, but it is also prone to complications that can have lifelong consequences.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

Retinal vein blockage: The ultimate consequence of retinal vein blockage is blindness.

Older people gradually feel that they can't see clearly, which eventually leads to blindness, because the return of blood to the small veins around vision is obstructed, and vision is severely impaired.

Or the retina is not working properly, and its function can even lead to retinal detachment.

Myocardial infarction: This is also a more serious complication caused by blood clots.

The root cause of myocardial infarction is that the blood vessels are blocked, resulting in the necrosis of myocardial cells that cannot supply blood normally.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

Cardiomyocyte necrosis is completely irreversible, so if you don't rescue in time at the onset of the disease, your heart function will be affected, and you may eventually die.

Even if it is saved, it is easy to leave serious complications, which will also have a lifelong impact on the patient, and it will be a great burden on the family.

Venous thrombosis of the lower extremities: When the blood clot is more severe, it will lead to blood clots in the deep veins, and once such a problem occurs, the person's legs will no longer be able to be controlled.

A large area of blood clots can block blood flow, and the most dangerous case is that the large blood clot will peel off and then enter the bloodstream and enter the lungs with blood circulation, causing pulmonary embolism.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

Once a pulmonary embolism occurs, the lungs are unable to provide enough oxygen to other organs, which can cause damage to other organs and in severe cases, death.

All in all, the problems caused by blood clots are almost always extremely serious because they can be life-threatening.

And blood clots are also inseparable from our daily diet.

There are many people who believe that leeks are a healthy ingredient, no matter how you eat them, there is no problem, and there is even a statement that leeks are the killers of blood clots, is this true or false?

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

Second, leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots?

Leeks, as a vegetable in spring and summer, have the highest nutritional value at this time and are rich in minerals and vitamin K.

In a wide range, it is indeed good for the body.

But in terms of ingredients, if you eat too much, it may not be very friendly to thrombosis patients.

Because in traditional Chinese medicine, leeks are considered to be warm and spicy, and belong to the attribute of spicy and stimulating.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

If you have hardened arteries or have blood clots, it is very likely that you will eat too much, which will cause damage to the inner walls of blood vessels, and eventually lead to more serious blood clots.

Therefore, for people with blood clots or unhealthy blood vessels, leeks should be eaten sparingly.

Moreover, some spring and summer leeks are relatively spicy, which may be more irritating to blood vessels.

Therefore, it cannot be completely said that leeks belong to the nemesis of blood clots, and once the amount of bad food is controlled, it is likely to be a disaster for blood clot patients.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

In fact, in addition to eating less leeks, there are two kinds of dishes that you should eat less in life.

The first is a high-fat dish.

Maybe there is not much of a problem with the ingredients themselves, but there is a problem with the way they are cooked.

If you eat a lot of fried foods or fatty foods like fatty meat, the risk of blood clots becomes very high.

Because this kind of food will cause excessive triglyceride accumulation on the blood vessel wall, which can easily cause blood vessel narrowing.

This in turn leads to hardening of the arteries, which increases the risk of disease and is life-threatening.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

In addition to fried and fatty meats, such as the barbecue that you usually eat, animal fats are all high-fat foods, so you should pay attention to them.

The second is foods high in salt.

Foods high in salt are all too common in life, especially nowadays when people like to eat out or order takeout.

Most of the flavors are heavier, mainly to make the dish taste better.

However, foods high in salt are prone to elevate blood pressure, and the appearance of high blood pressure can cause great damage to blood vessels.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

It mainly damages the vascular endothelium, which is easy to cause atherosclerosis, resulting in a higher probability of thrombosis.

Moreover, a high-salt diet itself is unhealthy and can easily induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The above two dishes are recommended to everyone to eat less, high salt, high fat eating habits are a problem in themselves, try to get rid of these bad eating habits.

There are many foods to choose from in life, and if you want to make your blood vessels more permeable, you can eat more of the following foods.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

For example, black fungus is an ingredient that can be eaten all year round, and its nutritional value is very high.

Black fungus can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and is also a great expert in preventing blood clots.

Because black fungus contains lecithin and gum, the presence of these two substances can prevent blood lipid deposition and can adsorb waste in the blood.

In addition, black fungus contains vitamin series that can reduce the concentration in the blood, and can also protect blood vessels, making blood vessels more permeable.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

For example, you can eat onions in moderation, onions are often used as a side dish, which has a good effect on reducing blood lipids, but it is not recommended to eat a large amount of raw food for middle-aged and elderly friends.

Because it is also a spicy and irritating food, eating too much is not good for the stomach.

Therefore, it is relatively better to eat it cooked, and the effect of lowering blood lipids is more ideal, which can help the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular become healthier.

Diet alone cannot completely prevent the formation of blood clots, so if you want to prevent blood clots, you should pay attention to the following things in your daily life.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

3. Prevention of thrombosis

Usually pay attention to exercise, regardless of whether there are cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems, you should pay attention to exercise.

In fact, our life is inseparable from exercise, and in the process of exercise, the body can become healthier and healthier, and calories can be consumed.

Reducing the deposition of lipids in the body, preventing blood vessel blockage, can also speed up blood circulation, can prevent plaque, and can effectively prevent blood clots.

Exercise is a more effective way to maintain health nowadays, and taking a step can solve many health problems.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

Again, we must maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

Nowadays, both young and old people always have something on their minds, and the pressure is particularly high.

In this case, it is easy to lead to excessive mood swings, which is a kind of stress for the blood vessels.

Therefore, you can usually find a suitable way to relieve your emotions, refuse mental tension, maintain an optimistic attitude, and prevent blood pressure from rising.

It is also important to quit bad habits in your life, and if you want to make your blood vessels healthy, you must choose to quit smoking.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

Because cigarettes enter the human body, the main damage is the endothelium of blood vessels, which can easily lead to atherosclerosis and blood clots.

Although the process of quitting smoking is painful, after quitting smoking, you will feel that your mental state has become better, and your body will be more relaxed.

Moreover, cigarettes not only harm one's own body, but also the body of one's family, because second-hand smoke is almost the same as smokers directly smoking.

In addition to quitting smoking, it is also important to abstain from alcohol or drink small amounts of alcohol.

Alcohol also stimulates blood vessels, and alcohol itself is a class of carcinogens, which can cause nerve excitement once consumed excessively.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

There will be obvious problems such as fast heartbeat and slow brain response, which can easily cause myocardial infarction or brain diseases.

Therefore, quit if you can, control yourself if you can't, try to drink as little as possible, and don't drink unless necessary.


Many middle-aged and elderly people are admitted to the hospital for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and even leave serious sequelae after the illness.

In fact, the cause of this kind of disease is that the blood vessel is blocked or the blood vessel is ruptured.

Leeks are the "nemesis" of blood clots? The doctor advised: If you don't want your blood vessels to be blocked, eat less of these 2 dishes

Thrombosis can easily cause blood vessel blockage, which in severe cases leads to rupture, causing common cerebral hemorrhage or myocardial infarction.

Therefore, in all aspects of life, we should pay attention to preventing the formation of blood clots, or if you know that you have such a problem, you should pay more attention to your diet and lifestyle habits.

Of course, it is still recommended that everyone actively prevent and control chronic diseases, pay attention to exercise and personal diet, and quit bad habits.


Laishan released 2024-06-17 "Leeks are the "hidden murderers" of blood clots? Reminder: Especially for the elderly, these 3 things are better to eat less"

Healthy China 2022-10-14 "Thrombosis is harmful, there is a way to prevent it"

Mantra Health 2021-02-25《 Blood clots are "eaten"? Doctor: If you want good blood vessels, 4 kinds of food should be removed from the table quickly"

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