
When you make money, do you buy a car first? Or do you want to buy a house first?

author:When will my spring breeze come?

If you make money, do you decide to buy a good car first and drive it out to save face?

When you make money, do you buy a car first? Or do you want to buy a house first?

Or do you want to buy a property in the city where you live? Fortunately, in front of relatives and friends, do you have more face?

When you make money, do you buy a car first? Or do you want to buy a house first?

If you make money, should you buy a car or a house first? Is this a multiple-choice question? Someone asks you, "Your wife and mother fell into the water together, but did you save your mother first?" Or save your wife first? How do you answer this kind of question? How to choose?

It's hard to answer. The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, who should you choose? Who should I leave behind? Is it really hard to choose?

If I had to choose, I would rather buy a car and a house at the same time, I want all the face, but the conditions don't allow it, and I don't have the strength to buy the whole world in my pocket. If you buy a car, you can't buy a house, and if you buy a house, you can't afford to buy a car.

If you want to buy the same between the house and the car, then we have to understand the functions of the house and the car.

The role of the house is the place where people live, it is the foothold that people use to shelter from the wind and rain, and it is a home in people's lives.

The car is a tool used to travel, it is not a necessity for people (not just needs), whether people go out to buy groceries, or go out to run errands, or go out to travel, they do not have a private car, but also take a taxi, Didi car, or bus to travel, therefore, the car can be based on their current situation, you can choose to buy or not to buy.

Whether you buy a car or not, it doesn't have a very big impact on your life, and if you have a car or not, life can still run.

People walking on the road, there may be many people who have not bought a car, but they must all be people who have bought a house, because once people have no house, they have to sleep on the street, becoming a vagrant who is a quilt and a bed.

My personal opinion, if I have money, I prefer to buy a house first and then buy a car, because having a house is equivalent to having a home.

When you make money, do you buy a car first? Or do you want to buy a house first?

The house is like a warm haven, no matter when and where, no matter what the weather, it is a place for your tired soul to stay, a shelter for you from the wind and rain.

To tell you the truth, ten years ago, I once had a small amount of money, and when I had hundreds of thousands of dollars in my pocket, I also encountered the same problem? Should I buy a house first? Or buy a car first?

Faced with such a difficult choice? I have solved this puzzle for you from my own experience?

At that time, I had hundreds of thousands of cash in my pocket, buying a house? Or buying a car? After more than half a year of making a decision, after careful consideration, I decided to buy a Wuling MPV car first.

At that time, the reason for buying a car was: when working, it could be used as a tool car for commuting to and from work; When buying vegetables, it can be used as a vegetable cart; During the New Year's holiday, you can drive it to visit relatives and friends; When you are unemployed, you can open it to start a further business...... So I didn't hesitate to buy a car.

When you make money, do you buy a car first? Or do you want to buy a house first?

But a year after I bought it, I regretted it, not that I couldn't afford it, but because when I talked about my girlfriend at that time, the other party's loud words changed my mind.

At that time, someone introduced me to a subject, and the first thing they said to me was to ask, "Do you buy a house?" If you don't have a house, how do you give me a home? ”

I honestly replied, "I don't have a house, but I have a car." ”

Subject said contemptuously: "You can do without a car, but!" You have to have a house. ”

The subject's request was exactly the opposite of my current situation at the time, I had a car but no house, but she asked me: I have a house, but I can not have a car! Because we didn't have a house, we eventually parted ways and didn't have the chance to get together.

At this time, I realized the importance of buying a house, the house can replace the car, but the car can not replace the house, and the status of the house is unshakable in the eyes of everyone.

The first time I did my homework, I got a zero score, and in the words of the teacher, "You hung an easter egg." ”

Another point, when buying a car, we have to look at it from the perspective of a scooter, and don't ask for it from a value-added perspective, because the car is a consumable, and the car wants to be sold after it is bought, that is, a second-hand car, and the second-hand car only has a depreciation share, and there is no value-added space, and the car belongs to the optional product.

Of course, if you don't lack money, buying a car to use is for business convenience, or purely for fun, then that's another matter.

Of course, if we are buying a house, we must also examine the role of the house from the perspective of housing not speculation.

Buying a house now, if you want to live ten or eight years later, sit and wait for the appreciation and then sell, and make a lot of money, it is almost unrealistic, the essence of buying a house is to find a place to live, give yourself a place to stay, and the house belongs to just needs.

These worldly views of mine are based on the situation of ordinary people, and the arguments I make are not the same if they are rich businessmen.

Friends, suppose you have money and think it's better to buy a car first? Or is it better to buy a house?

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