
The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it


Ikuta Doujin, everyone should be familiar with it, right?

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

Born on October 7, 1984 in Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan, he joined Genesys at the age of 12.

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

has participated in many popular film and television dramas.

"Demon King" ▽

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

"Human Disqualification"▽

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

"Brain Man" ▽

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

"Infernal Double Dragons" ▽

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

"Life is Tightly Seamed"▽

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

"My business is a long story"▽

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

During the filming of "Infernal Double Dragon", Ikuta Douzhen and Kiyono Nana also became attached to the play and officially walked together.

In June 2020, the two announced their marriage; In 2022, the first child of the two was born~

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

However, in recent days, he has been scolded by netizens on the hot search because of a sentence...

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

Not long ago, Ikuta Doujin solicited questions from fans on his INS account, and then he would reply.

One of the fans left a message: Today is the 9th month of my pregnancy, and it's so scary to have a baby-

生田的回复是:要不求求你丈夫打无pain(针)? (Original phrase: Do you beg your husband painlessly?)

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

It was the above reply that caused the controversy.

Note: The original sentence in the おねだり source verb ねだる (strong please る), meaning to be hard, forced, dead begging for nothing...

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

Many women expressed their discomfort when they saw his words.

"What do you mean by begging? Is it in the husband's hands that all the decisions are in the hands of the husband? And there will be a burden on the body if it is painless? Isn't it easy? Even I know that I have never given birth. Sure enough, it has been protected by the office..."

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

"It's really disgusting, it's disgusting from the idea to the wording"

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

"Even if it is painless and life-threatening, it will not change.

A colleague had a painless delivery, and his life was hanging by a thread because of excessive blood loss and coma. ”

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

"Ikuta Doma, I'm disappointed...

Why do I have to beg my husband for a painless delivery?

But I gave birth to a child for a man who couldn't give birth, who didn't touch alcohol and other items for 10 months, and endured abdominal pain?

Then please do not give anesthesia when you have a tooth extracted. ”

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

"Isn't it terrible that Ikuta Doujin faced a pregnant woman who was afraid of giving birth and replied, 'Do you want to ask your husband to fight painlessly'? Men obviously can't replace women with pregnancy, labor pains, and breastfeeding, but they still want women to 'beg' their husbands? Do you take patience for granted? It's disgusting for men who think that reproductive decisions are in their own hands. ”

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

However, a few netizens weakly said: He should have no malicious intentions...

"Ikuta Dou is really a painless incident, and there should be no malice. I guess I want to give a 'very gentle answer', right? But it's even more terrifying to think about it like this, they are all adults and so ignorant. I guess pregnancy, childbirth, and menstruation are just none of their business to them.

The risk of an artist opening a question box is really high, so it's better to give up..."

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

Two days later, in the middle of the night, Ikuta Douzhen urgently issued an apology, but not only did not calm everyone's anger, but added fuel to the fire...

The original text of the apology is as follows:

"It seems that someone has been hurt by what I said, I'm sorry. Although it costs a bit of money, it's also an important option to ease your fears. So I'm trying to tell you that you can discuss this with your family. It's me who used the wrong words and used a strange expression, I'll pay attention to it later!

Sorry for the fans who asked the question! I'll be rooting for you! ”

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

In the face of this apology, everyone couldn't help but complain: You didn't understand what you said wrong, right?

"Ikuta Doshin apologized for begging for a painless speech, but is the point of your apology wrong? Am I the only one who thinks so? ”

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

"Ikuta Douma doesn't seem to know the reason for being inflamed at all.

He thinks he just said something with no malicious intentions. ”

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

The apology added "!" The wording "ごめんなさい" is very naïve, and it is really excessive.

I guess he must be thinking, 'You women are so annoying—'"

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

"Saying the option of 'painless delivery' is so edgy and female-friendly

Ikuta Doujin probably thinks of himself like this...

It's probably not just Ikuta Dou who thinks like this, right?

Misogyny and emotional violence have unconsciously seeped into the consciousness of most Japanese men.

And they don't even realize it.

It's sad."

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

After being scolded on the hot search, someone launched a vote: Do you think Ikuta Dou really spoke......

As can be seen from the results of the vote, well... The vast majority of men felt that there was nothing wrong with what he was saying.

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

And that's not all! This wave of discussion also brought out Ikuta Doujin's past controversial behavior...

"Ikuta Doshin, at the preview screening of which movie before, he smiled and talked about the scene during filming: there was a scene where I grabbed the actress's neck, and I was so tight that I really strangled her and fainted. The actress who was choked by the neck herself stood next to him, her expression so stiff that I still can't forget it. The other actresses couldn't laugh either. ”

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

Seeing this, netizens are not calm! When did you start picking it up...

Soon some netizens found the source-

"As soon as I searched, it came out... He fainted 17-year-old Nikaido Fumele, and the director was terrible too. Although Ikuta Doshin said that he was also psychologically impacted, it was not visible at all from the video of the test screening..."

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

That's a bit too much...!!

The editor also went to search for it, which happened during the filming of "Brain Man".

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

At that time, the director was still next to him and kept saying "pinch harder", and Fumi Nikaido fainted directly.

Looking at it this way, the whole crew is a bit of a problem...

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

It does echo the words ridiculed by netizens: In the past, not letting them open an account was really to protect the artists themselves

The popular Japanese male god was scolded on the hot search with one sentence! After the light speed skated and knelt down to apologize, netizens didn't buy it

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