
The tragic attack on a 16-year-old Chinese student exposed the significance of Hu Youping's rescue


"We Chinese have many weaknesses in our thinking and character.

But in us Chinese, there are unspeakable things that no other nation has.

That's meekness.

Gentleness, not meekness, let alone cowardice.

Meekness is a strength, a power of compassion and human wisdom. ”

——Excerpt from "The Age of Awakening"


8 days have passed, and I still want to talk about Hu Youping's rescue incident.

Before talking about Hu Youping, let's talk about a tragedy that just happened.

On June 28, a 16-year-old Chinese student was attacked on a bus in Auckland, New Zealand's largest city.

An unidentified woman continued to beat the Chinese student with an iron rod, causing him severe facial injuries, blood all over his face, and four front teeth falling out.

The tragic attack on a 16-year-old Chinese student exposed the significance of Hu Youping's rescue

During this period, except for an elderly man in his 70s (some reports said to be Chinese), no one else on the bus came to help, except for an elderly man in his 70s (some reports said to be Chinese).

Until the bus drove to the next stop, the woman who beat the Chinese student swaggered off the bus, and no one stopped her.

After the incident spread to China, many people came forward to say that they had witnessed various discrimination and violence abroad.

I, on the other hand, thought of one thing and one person.

Here's what it is:

In the past two years, the global economy has become more and more sluggish, but the world's anger has become more and more high.

The kidnapping and murder of two Chinese entrepreneurs in the Philippines just now is another proof of this view.

This person is:

Hu Youping, a Suzhou lady who saved people.

Just today, after the publicity, Hu Youping was posthumously awarded the title of "Suzhou City Righteous and Courageous Model".

I think:

The attack on a 16-year-old Chinese student overseas hides the meaning of Hu Youping's righteousness and courage.


At 16 o'clock on June 24, at the Xindi Center bus stop on Tayuan Road in Suzhou High-tech Zone, a school bus from a Japanese school drove up, but a gangster came forward with a knife.

Hu Youping didn't care about his body to stop him, without the slightest hesitation and dodge, and was stabbed several times by the gangsters.

Subsequently, the surrounding people came to help, and the murderer was caught.

The tragic attack on a 16-year-old Chinese student exposed the significance of Hu Youping's rescue

But Hu Youping, a citizen of Gusu District, Suzhou, who was born in 1969, is forever fixed at the age of 55.

With her own flesh and blood, she not only protected a wounded mother and daughter, but also a carload of innocent children.

News reports said she was a school bus guide in Japan.

Many simple and kind people were moved by her feat:

From an individual's point of view, her instinctive and direct reaction to the gangsters is full of her true personality of kindness.

From the perspective of work, her sincerity in sticking to her job to the end is very moving.

From a collective perspective, she uses her bravery, fearlessness and kindness to explain what it means to be a gentle Chinese.

The tragic attack on a 16-year-old Chinese student exposed the significance of Hu Youping's rescue

Hu Youping, who acted bravely, and the gangsters who wielded knives to kill people, tell us in sharp contrast:

In any land, there is the light of heroes, and there is the evil of the devil.

Whether it's China or a foreign country.

It doesn't matter if it's history, or it's now.


It's just that.

Because Suzhou is a city with a large number of Japanese companies and overseas Japanese;

Because, what Hu Youping saved was a Japanese mother and son and a carload of Japanese children;

This is because this tragedy, which shines with the light of humanity, is not only a sudden tragedy, but also a longer history and more complex diplomacy.

Therefore, after Hu Youping sacrificed his life to save people, he also endured huge controversy and malice.

There are mainly two kinds of people who slander Hu Youping.

One is the people who applaud the killing spree - they are in the extreme, supporting the gangsters to do evil.

The other is the person who slashed the butcher's knife of cyberbullying at Hu Youping - they cursed Hu Youping to die in anger.

These two kinds of people made this incident, which was already a deep undercurrent, even more tearing and painful.

The tragic attack on a 16-year-old Chinese student exposed the significance of Hu Youping's rescue

Of course not.

Only by remembering the brokenness and shame of history can the Chinese people continue to strive for self-improvement in awakening and remembering.


Because the habit of glorifying violence and crime will little by little make us the most hated enemies.


Because there is a deep undercurrent behind this case, the media chose to be vague when reporting on Hu Youping.

So far, except for Hu Youping, a native of Huai'an, who lives in Suzhou, and is 55 years old this year, we know very little about other personal information.

It's a protection.

Under the current public opinion, the less exposure and the safer it is to lose her family.

How terrible extreme and cyberbullying is, those compatriots who were victimized by it, such as Liu Xuezhou, the pink-haired girl, and Wuhan mother, have already told us the answer.

It's just that with a low-key cold treatment to protect a compatriot who is righteous and courageous, this kind of vigilance wrapped in goodwill makes people feel sad after all.

The tragic attack on a 16-year-old Chinese student exposed the significance of Hu Youping's rescue

After Hu Youping's death, her family announced with the help of Suzhou media:

After deliberation, the family unanimously decided not to accept donations and materials in any form or through any channels, and only wished the deceased to rest in peace.

I think that the reason why Hu Youping's family refused all donations was not only the solemnity of prudence and self-responsibility, but also the sobriety of the individual and the family and the country.

Hu Youping's death is different from any case we have witnessed in the past, and if you are not careful, you will be used by "outsiders" to make a big fuss.

Tearful and low-key, tragically turning, and moving forward in silence is the most decent and safest way to do it.


I condemn the wicked who glorify violence and killing.

I was touched by Hu Youping's righteous deeds and gentleness.

However, I don't agree with some of the rhetoric that exalts Hu Youping too much on the Internet.

For example, "she single-handedly saved Suzhou".

For example, "She is the redeemer of this country".

Another example, "she preserved the last bit of humanity of the Chinese."

Excessive elevation is nothing but dwarfing of the self.

Excessive pursuit is nothing but another kind of killing.

Affirm Hu Youping's kindness and bravery, but this affirmation should not be based on vetoing the quality of our entire nation and the humanity of our entire country.

Hu Youping, this simple female compatriot, is just like thousands of Chinese, in front of the hideous devil and the bloody butcher knife, made the most simple, instinctive and natural choice of being born.

She is a respectable person, and she is in the midst of respectable Chinese.

Like the vast majority of the pure people in this land.

The tragic attack on a 16-year-old Chinese student exposed the significance of Hu Youping's rescue

We remember her, and at the same time, we should love more and more unknown people around us.

Because, her smile and back remind us again:

Ordinary, ordinary, friendly, peaceful, is the greatest energy in this world.

Like her name.

At last:

I hope that our compatriots, when traveling, studying, and doing business in any corner of the earth, can meet a beloved person like Hu Youping.

There are no disasters and accidents, only gentleness and kindness.

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