
The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?


The Hundred Flowers Award nominations are here!

Looking at the list, it seems that the most controversial thing this time should be these two?

Yi Yang Qianxi and Wang Junkai?

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

The list is actually quite interesting......

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

Among them, everyone should have seen "Man Jianghong"?

In this movie, in fact, the male protagonist should be ...... Shen Teng, right?

In other words, even if Yi Yang Qianxi is included, this movie actually has two male protagonists,

And judging from the drama, Shen Teng is undoubtedly greater than Yi Yang Qianxi, right?

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

So, why was Yi Yang Qianxi nominated, but Shen Teng didn't?

Seeing that someone was complaining, Shen Teng was not nominated at all............

This, this, this......

You know, in fact, Shen Teng has not been formally recognized before the Hundred Flowers Award.

Back then, he even used zero votes to disgrace Shen Teng......

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

There is a saying that the film industry has a relatively low opinion of comedians,

Especially an actor like Shen Teng, who was born in comedy, is even more ......

But now it seems that Shen Teng can still hold up a piece of the sky at the box office.

If you still treat it with the old view, is it too outdated?

This kind of resume is not given a single nomination, which is too much

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

Take this "Man Jianghong" as an example,

Shen Teng's appeal + acting skills are all about beating Yi Yang Qianxi, right?

You can't look down on him because he was a comedian before, right?

In addition, Yi Yang Qianxi's reputation is not very good, right......

Before the town was a problematic, his overturn was quite serious,

In the past few years, there have been loud complaints about his nominations and awards.

This time, it was still pressed by Shen Teng's nomination......

has been complained about by many people

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

Could it be that the east wind is powerless, is it going to be staged again......

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

On the other hand, the reputation of his teammates is not much better.

Because "Ten Thousand Miles Home" is obvious, Wang Junkai's role is not as good as Zhang Yi's at all,

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

So, how did he get nominated as the male lead?

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

Interestingly, these two questions are placed here, triggering a scolding war among fans,

Wang Junkai and Yi Yang Qianxi fans argue with each other about who is more watery?

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

Judging from the results of fan tearing,

Among them, "Ten Thousand Miles Home" was signed up for both Wang Junkai and Zhang Yi, but Zhang Yi didn't get a ticket.

Instead, he became the male supporting actor of "Full"?

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

and the other one, Shen Teng was not nominated。。。。。

Just like this picture

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?
The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

It's weird,

Because whether it is acting skills or box office, Shen Teng and Zhang Yi should have names.

It's easy to think of these two

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

Ironically, both of them were banned......

But I feel that this time netizens should not be as surprised as before.

I think about how big these two backers were at the beginning, and now they are like that......

Major netizens also unanimously criticized and felt that it was not good

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?
The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

In short, this nomination is very much like escorting someone?

Let's see who ends up......

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

If it was either of these two people, it was estimated that they would be scolded miserably.

In comparison, Zhang Yixing is a real male protagonist

To be honest, I feel that you should be cautious when cooperating with traffic in the future.

Not only can't resist the box office, but also grabs the credit......

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

In comparison, there is less controversy between the heroine and the female supporting actress.

Female Lead-in nomination

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

Ni Ni was nominated again,

I wonder if I can win the award this time?

At present, among the girls, she is more lacking in awards.

Many people complain that Ni Ni's acting skills have always been good, but she can't fly all the time, but her luck is relatively poor.

But this time I feel that she has a bigger challenge.

Jia Ling's "Hot and Hot" is here, and her hope is relatively small.

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

Supporting actress nomination

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

Zhao Liying was nominated,

The big melon that just came out, is he having another accident?

It can be regarded as an affirmation of her acting skills~

Not surprisingly, at the time of the Spring Festival of this movie, I felt that there was a high probability that she would go to the awards season.

However, the opponents are basically relatively strong.

In the same movie, there is Gao Ye competing with her.

In addition, Haiqing, who overturned before, also appeared in the list......

I don't know if it will be like Daru, in order to save the reputation of the water and come back with an award.

OK, what do you think this time?