
Urgently admitted to the hospital and in a coma for 20 days! The actor revealed for the first time


I don't know if you still have an impression:

In May last year, Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx (Jamie Foxx) was suddenly reported to be urgently admitted to the hospital not long ago, in poor health, and even the news that his family had prepared for the worst......

Urgently admitted to the hospital and in a coma for 20 days! The actor revealed for the first time

After the news of the mysterious hospitalization came out, many fans sweated for him, and then there was no news of Jamie for a long time.

Fortunately, in July last year, Jamie, who made his debut after healing, made a video and reported the situation to everyone with tears:

"I've been through some experiences that I thought I'd never have, and I know a lot of people want to hear about it in time, but honestly, I don't want you to see me like that, and you see me with a tube on my body and wonder if I'm going to get through it. I just want you to see my smiling face";

"I came back from the ghost gate, and my road to recovery was very bumpy, but fortunately, I finally came back and was able to work."

Urgently admitted to the hospital and in a coma for 20 days! The actor revealed for the first time

Although Jamie finally appeared, it is not difficult to see from the video that his state has changed a lot from before, but he has always paid attention to privacy and low-key behavior, and has always kept his condition secret, so the outside world has always been curious about his condition.

In a recent video reported by the media, Jamie Fox finally broke the silence and revealed for the first time the reason and details of his mysterious hospitalization last year:

On April 11, 2023, Jamie had a "severe headache" and asked his son for a dose of painkillers...... Then I woke up again 20 days later, and I still have no memory of what happened.

Urgently admitted to the hospital and in a coma for 20 days! The actor revealed for the first time

According to Jamie Foxx's account, his family took him to the doctor at that time, and the doctor pointed to his head and said that there was something wrong here, but the specific situation Jamie Fox said that he didn't want to talk about it in front of the camera anymore.

Although Jamie Fox did not disclose the specific name of the disease, many netizens associated similar stories that happened to people around them through the experiences he shared:

Urgently admitted to the hospital and in a coma for 20 days! The actor revealed for the first time

Sounds a lot like what my mom experienced when she had a hemorrhagic stroke, she was in a coma and it all started with a severe headache.

Urgently admitted to the hospital and in a coma for 20 days! The actor revealed for the first time

It may be an aneurysm. In 2018, my brother had one of them. One minute he was watering the flowers in the hall, and the next his eyes were black. Luckily, his wife found him quickly, or he might have died. His respiratory system has been damaged and now requires assisted breathing. He didn't have any health problems before that. That's what's scary, it can happen to anyone at any time.

Urgently admitted to the hospital and in a coma for 20 days! The actor revealed for the first time

Could it be a tumor or a stroke? Anyway, it's nice to see him back on his feet and feel a lot better.

Yes, in any case, it is a very lucky thing that this actor, who has blossomed twice in the music and film industry, can gradually get out of the health crisis.

Jamie Fox, born in 1967, was raised by his maternal grandparents because of his parents' divorce, and his maternal grandmother was a musician who was nurtured by the family, and he showed a talent for music and performance at a very young age.

Urgently admitted to the hospital and in a coma for 20 days! The actor revealed for the first time

When he was in college, he was offered a chance to perform in a comedy club because of a bet with his classmates, which was so popular that young Jamie Fox decided to move to Los Angeles with the intention of pursuing a career in Hollywood.

Urgently admitted to the hospital and in a coma for 20 days! The actor revealed for the first time

He starred in "Murder by Knife", "Django Rescued", "Redemption", "Righteous Mercy" and other blockbusters that we are familiar with, and in 2005, he defeated Leonardo DiCaprio with "Soul Singer" and won the Oscar for Best Actor that year, becoming one of the few black actors in Oscar history.

Urgently admitted to the hospital and in a coma for 20 days! The actor revealed for the first time

Jamie Fox is not only an excellent actor, but also a top singer in the music industry, he has released many albums, and has collaborated with Kanye West, A sister Ariana Grande and others. He also won a Grammy Award in 2010. It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that he is the best at singing among actors and the best at acting among singers!

Urgently admitted to the hospital and in a coma for 20 days! The actor revealed for the first time

For Jamie, who has gone through a ghost gate, his current state is already very lucky. At the same time, his experience and the sharing of netizens also remind us that we must pay attention to every signal sent by the body, and a healthy body is the premise of everything.