
Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel


On the 27th, the paparazzi broke the news that Wan Qian's husband was cheating on a mysterious beauty, and on the 28th, Wan Qian went to participate in the Magnolia event, and dyed the ends of her hair green, which made people smile. Even plays with her own stalks, and my sister is a little free and easy.

Should I say it or not, Wan Qian, who has long hair, is really beautiful.

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

However, another contrast is that Wan Qian, who can get out of the circle with the second female lead in "The Story of Rose", is actually on the hot search because of "being derailed". After the derailment turmoil passed, the hot search disappeared quietly.

Top match in all senses + can never be popular, it seems to be Wan Qian's fate.

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

Although there has been a bit of controversy surrounding her after "Sister Lang", it is undeniable that in the past few years after "Sister Lang", Wan Qian has always been a very special existence in my heart.

Her appearance and temperament are "extremely feminine and extremely masculine". On the one hand, she has a very crisp silhouette. If you look at her side face carefully, she is a bit like Liu Yifei, with a certain sense of bone and very clear and soft, which will give people a feeling of blankness and coldness; But her facial features are smaller in volume and look more refined. Long hair looks feminine, and short hair has a refreshing juvenile feel.

For example, Wan Qian has a photo of her long hair as a god, and when she shoots it casually, she is an amazing cold lady. But after she cut her hair short, she thought she was very handsome and full of beauty. Like someone saying that she is "handsome and weak", as if she is in the extreme contrast between the two poles, I really can't think of anyone else except Wan Qian.

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

She has played Liu Ruis in "Qin Huai Bayan", with the charming style of peach blossoms painted on her chest, and her slender eyes glance over, which makes people's bones crispy. Later, when the woman dressed as a man and traveled all over the world to visit celebrities, she felt that she was talented and romantic, and there was no feminine charm at all.

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel
Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

In "The Story of Rose", she plays Su Gengsheng, who has the cold and detached posture that Yishu girls usually have.

But the Su Gengsheng she plays is not a pure "Yishu girl", she does not have the sense of relaxation and leisure of "dancing until dawn in thin black clothes with silver edges". Su Gengsheng is more like a "small town girl", there is a common feeling of a girl who comes out of a small town, gritting her teeth, working hard, relying on herself to reach a certain height and pretending to be light and light, but in fact, her heart is as nervous as a tight rubber band.

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

There may be a reason for Wan Qian's own traits. Compared with Yuan Quan, who is recognized as the other most "Yishu girl", although Wan Qian also has the same sense of alienation and cleanliness, she is obviously more nervous. Looking closely, Yuan Quan's usual expression is very relaxed, while Wan Qian's eyes are more firm and quiet.

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

You can feel that she is wary of the world and of others. is like Su Gengsheng in the play, always distinguishing himself from others clearly. When Su Gengsheng fell in love, he said to Huang Zhenhua: "For me, except for me, everyone else is someone else. As for people, just because they are in love, they can't exchange their feelings for material dependence, and it is the normal state of life to divide and merge. Whether or not we can come together in the future, I don't want to owe you anything in every way. ”

It's not that I don't want to rely on it, it's that I don't dare to rely Like a tree, it is because it can only grow into one tree. There was no way back behind her.

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

I don't know to what extent Su Gengsheng has the shadow of Wan Qian himself. However, Wan Qian herself is indeed a "small town girl".

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

Wan Qian was born in Yiyang City, Hunan Province, a girl from a small town.

She graduated from drama, and she had been specializing in drama before, and she was very "scholarly". When she was a student, she represented the school three times as the number one female in international theater festivals in Romania, Hong Kong and the United States, and later won the Tony Award in the United States, which is the highest award for American drama and musical.

But later, after she graduated, she gave up the drama industry, signed a company, and transformed into a singer. But after tossing for a long time, the record only sold 20,000 copies, and she couldn't support herself for a while.

At the hardest time, she walked around the river and tried to jump several times.

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

Fortunately, she didn't give up in the end. As a last resort, she transformed into an actress.

After the transformation, I also sat on the cold bench for a long time. Later, the performance gradually achieved some results. In 2014, she won the Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actress for "Paradise in the Army". In 2018, she was nominated for the Magnolia Award for Best Supporting Actress for "The Hunting Ground", and in 2019, she was nominated for the Magnolia Award for Best Actress for "Get Out". In 2023, she will be nominated for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress with "Learning Dad".

But they all belong to "the play is not popular, and the person is not popular", the play is finished after the play, and few people know her.

She undoubtedly belongs to the category of actors who have a good appearance and temperament and are talented. But this circle is very strange, red or not, to a large extent, purely metaphysics.

Of course, it may have something to do with her "small town girl" trait. It seems that girls from small places are more likely to fall into such a dilemma: they are good at doing things, but they are too accustomed to "taking back" their feelings...... This makes them rarely have a "star sense", and it is difficult to find them in the crowd.

Wan Qian also belongs to this kind of person. She has been a demon too little over the years. Sister Lang had a controversy after that, and she immediately made a gesture of retraction, except for filming in the past few years, she has almost been invisible.

In other industries, it may be a good thing. It's too much of a loss in the entertainment industry.

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

To say that she doesn't care at all is unlikely.

When she overturned in "Sister Lang", it was because of Yi Lijing's interview.

Restore the scene at that time.

Wan Qian said that she "never participated in variety shows before", Yi Lijing, "But you have participated in "Dance Forest Conference" before. ”

Wan Qian was embarrassed: "I forgot if you didn't say it." "Yi Lijing", and you have participated in two sessions. ”

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

Wan Qian later went on to say that she didn't like tossing, so she wasn't popular. Yi Lijing directly put his face on the big face: "But weren't you tossing before, singing, dancing, didn't you succeed in tossing?" ”

Wan Qian said that she didn't care too much about not succeeding. Yi Lijing: "You don't seem to be as calm and breezy as you say now?" It refers to the fact that she wanted to jump into the river at one point.

After watching that interview, I really feel that Wan Qian is very contradictory. On the one hand, it behaves very "lightly", and on the other hand, it is very positive in actual action.

Wan Qian also wrote an article "What kind of experience is not popular" in Zhihu, saying that she doesn't want to be popular very much, and has always been a person with little ambition: "If you must say yes, you also want to be a good actor, but 'not popular' has made me, I can live my usual life, take the subway, eat dirty stalls, and don't have to hang curtains at home and don't worry about being secretly photographed." ”

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

How to say it, as Yi Lijing said, Wan Qian is not as "not popular" as she herself said, otherwise there is no need to dance or sing so much.

But now that I look at this interview with Yi Lijing, I think she is a bit cruel.

Who doesn't have a little pain in their hearts? Especially an actor like Wan Qian, who has tossed and worked hard, and has done everything he should have done, but he has not been popular.

Especially the past incident of "jumping into the river", I think it has nothing to do with her "hypocrisy". At that time, it must have been when she had been driven to a dead end: a girl with no background, when she couldn't get a foothold in the big city on her own, she could only think of dying. This is the biggest fear of anyone who "can only rely on himself": there is no hope of moving forward, and there is no way to go back.

She's just a breath away, what can she do? Do you have to force her to admit that she "wants to be popular, but she just can't be popular"?

And even if Wan Qian thought so, it was impossible to say so. She has a kind of Su Gengsheng in her, gritting her teeth and not admitting defeat, not shouting pain.

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

Many people say that Wan Qian is a "Ji Quantian Cai", but in fact, they think that she has a very "Ji" energy. She doesn't easily show people her vulnerability. She rarely sells miserably, rarely shows weakness, and it is not wrong to say that she has a "shell" on her body.

Outside the shell, she is light and breezy. In fact, she is also sensitive, perhaps self-pitying, and has complained about injustice, but her self-esteem and pride forced her to swallow these emotions back, making her smile and say, "I don't really care."

Or rather, what if you care? A person who can only carry himself on his own shoulder, hypocritical, and miserable, what can he do? In addition to letting everyone see their wounds, after dawn, the road can only be walked by itself.

can only see her flashing "sense of brokenness" in the play. It is said that Wan Qian is the "god of brokenness", and her highly infectious "brokenness" may be the release of the strong shell in such a moment.

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

For people like Wan Qian, it is necessary to give her a little decency. What she has been holding on to all these years may be this decentness. As Su Gengsheng said: "I am an independent adult, I am not your little daughter, I will tell you everything, and get your understanding and consent." ”

"Everyone has some secrets in their hearts, so why should you go too far?"

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

However, after so many years of not being "popular", Wan Qian may have already learned to live in harmony with the matter of "not being popular".

At least in the past few years after "Sister Lang", she has not had any popular works, but you haven't seen her sell badly, or hype up anything. She is more about going with the flow, going to shoot when she encounters a scene, and after filming, she continues to be an actress who is "not popular enough".

Whether she is helpless about "not being popular" now, or she has completely accepted it, I think that "not being popular" over the years is good for her.

The matter of "not being popular" diluted and lengthened her very sensitive and enthusiastic qualities, giving her a special charm. Now she has a texture that has been salvaged and purified. Like Yishu's original book, it is written that "the reborn only wears white, and she is already perfect".

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

"Not popular" for many years, one of the benefits is that when other actresses began to have a "midlife crisis", Wan Qian said "I have now reached my golden age".

I think she's really comfortable right now. The career is basically moving forward steadily, and she is more "popular" than before. Especially in the years after "Sister Lang", she has acted in several big movies and several TV series, although they are not very popular, but there should be no shortage of drama appointments; She is not so popular, and this "not red" also creates a comfortable living space for her, so that she does not have to live in the spotlight all the time, worrying that if she says something wrong, it will cause a storm.

In addition to acting, she can draw, play the guitar, and repair her mobile phone, and live a very comfortable life. She used these little emotions to fill the gaps in her life.

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel
Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

Between being popular and not being popular, she found her own "sense of rhythm". When I see Wan Qian now, I feel relieved.

Even if she is cheated, for her, it is something that can be teased and laughed off. It makes people feel that she has a solid framework inside her heart that is not easy to be disturbed.

Maybe this is her "unexpected", she was pushed here by life, but these precipitations just gave her a different texture.

Looking at Wan Qian's interview again, I felt that Yi Lijing was too cruel

Zhang Ailing once lamented that "you should be famous as soon as possible", but when I saw Wan Qian, I thought that "becoming famous not so early" might be good.

If you become famous too early, you will inevitably be coerced by public opinion, and you will inevitably fight against your own various defects prematurely; Because of capital and youth, it will inevitably breed all kinds of pride, conceit, and it is difficult to have more accumulation. But the later you become famous, the more precipitation, and the calmer heart, it is easier to build your own framework and accumulate steadily.

Like Su Gengsheng in the play, he has gone through a bleak and long detour in front of him, and in the second half of his life, he has gone more and more smoothly. The same goes for Wan Qian outside the play, I do think that she has just reached her best time now, and I will not be surprised by what she achieves in the future.

This is the gift of the years to her.

Limited by her personality and starting point, she may not have a vigorous life early like others. But for small-town girls, it never matters to be vigorous. The important thing is that she finds her own path, even if it is just on this path, slowly growing her own leaves and blooming her own flowers.

Recently, I often watched Wan Qian's curtain call dance after the play, which was very infectious. I believe that at that time she was happy and incisive. For her, finding what she likes to do and finding a sense of belonging from "doing" may be more important than "becoming popular".

It's the same for all the "town girls". In the volume of life, there is no need to rush to fill the answer early. It's important to keep yourself on the subject at all times.

Life is long and endless, and the road is slow. Until one day when I looked back and realized that I had come so far.

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