
Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone


Recently, a news about the cancellation of the last company under Zheng Shuang's father's name came out, and at the same time, it was revealed that Zheng Shuang himself has no property to execute and may face the dilemma of not being able to recover the money owed to the investor.

This news quickly appeared on the hot search and attracted widespread attention. In this regard, Zheng Shuang's studio quickly responded, issuing a document saying that Zheng Shuang did not owe a penny to the outside world, and had paid the relevant amount within the specified time.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

Zheng Shuang's studio took the opportunity to post a recent photo of her abroad. In the photo, she has short straight purple hair and flaming red lips, which is full of fashion.

However, her eyes were slightly dull, her face was haggard, and her face was full of vicissitudes and exhaustion. Judging from the recent photos, Zheng Shuang seems to have undergone plastic surgery again, does it mean to start all over again?

The purple hair with a long windbreaker is sharp and cool, but it lacks the agility of the year. Especially the mouth, it always feels a little crooked.

Judging from her overall appearance, it is estimated that she is shooting an advertisement. For fans who like Zheng Shuang, they are very excited to see the recent photos of their idols, and they all hope that she will make a comeback. I have to say that these fans are really a magic barrier.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

Recalling Zheng Shuang in 2009, she was really a fresh and beautiful girl at that time. In the TV series "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower", the role of Chu Yuxing played by Zheng Shuang has become a classic memory in the minds of countless people.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

With this TV series, Zheng Shuang officially entered the door of the showbiz. I have to say that her star career is very flat, and she has starred in many hit dramas since then.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

Such as "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower Again", the costume magic film "Painted Wall", "The Secret History of Wu Zetian", "The Secret History of Princess Taiping" and the Xianxia idol drama "Ancient Sword Strange Tan" and so on.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

Since being involved in the surrogacy and abandonment turmoil, Zheng Shuang has been away from the entertainment industry for nearly four years. But unfortunately, her return to the public eye this time has brought touching news.

Recently, there have been new developments in the contract dispute case between Haining Dongkai Star Film and Television Company and Zheng Shuang. Because Zheng Shuang failed to fulfill the terms of the contract as agreed, the court enforced it, involving an amount of up to 90.5 million yuan.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

Back then, when Zheng Shuang's career was at its peak, he had nearly a dozen companies under his name, but he was blocked because of the yin and yang contract and surrogacy. Since then, five companies have been deregistered, while the remaining five have been in constant litigation.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

From a well-known top female star to an amateur today, Zheng Shuang's life can be described as full of twists and turns. With the rapid development of her career, she frequently experienced negative behaviors such as emotional instability.

Zheng Shuang, who brought the goods during the live broadcast, staged what it means to do my own thing, without caring about the female assistant next to him, and ended the live broadcast activity willfully.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

During a press conference, she suddenly put down her microphone and slapped herself.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

When participating in a robot show, he yelled if he didn't like it.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

The smooth road to acting made her lose her sense of awe. In the end, because of the surrogacy incident and the yin-yang contract, he fell from heaven to hell.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

In desperation, she could only accept the fact that she was banned. When he made a statement about quitting the circle, he cried and said goodbye to everyone.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

Perhaps because she loved the profession she was engaged in, Zheng Shuang also planned to whitewash herself by doing public welfare, but unfortunately she failed to get the effect she wanted.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

Seeing that there was no hope of a comeback, she began to be active on her overseas account, actively sharing public welfare information, holding birthday parties, and defending her rights.

Every once in a while, she would return to Weibo and create a trumpet to test the reaction of her fans.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

She will always clarify the so-called facts to the public at different times, emphasizing her innocence and innocence.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

It's a pity that her words didn't make much splash, and Zheng Shuang, who was forced to leave the country, changed his life dramatically, and his appearance and figure began to decline.

The photos taken by passers-by were leaked on the Internet, and after becoming an amateur, not only did he not pay attention to his image, but his figure was also fat.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

Although black material is flying all over the sky, fans who like her still stick to their positions and leave messages everywhere to miss her.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

Some fans questioned the authenticity of the photo, and another netizen posted another photo of meeting Zheng Shuang. I saw that her hairline was indeed getting higher, her face was swollen, and she was obviously fatter.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

Now she is no longer the glamorous female star she used to be, and after getting rid of the burden of stardom, her image has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

Her hairline receded sharply, and at the age of 32, who would have thought that she would become like this after the turmoil?

Now that Zheng Shuang is in deep trouble, with lawsuits and debts, I am afraid it will be difficult to focus on his appearance.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

In order to dispel the public's doubts, Zheng Shuang once took a selfie in the mirror to prove that his appearance had not collapsed, but unfortunately the retouching was too serious.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

I don't know why, Zheng Shuang, who takes care of children in the United States, often cries poverty to netizens, saying that he can't afford to buy what he wants, and his clothes are even more old clothes leftover.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

Perhaps she wanted to use this as a way to alleviate the public's resentment and malicious comments about her.

In fact, it is still difficult for unscrupulous artists to make a comeback in the mainland. When Deng Lun, who also had illegal behaviors, appeared in front of everyone again, he was no longer the image of a sunshine boy.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

The faintly visible stubble makes him look slightly greasy.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

As a top student at that time, after he was exposed to the scandal of tax evasion and tax evasion, with a penalty of 106 million, it was like evaporating from the world overnight, and he has disappeared since.

When he reappeared, he looked haggard and dressed plainly and low-key, and he could no longer recognize the style of a former star. Netizens found out that he opened a hot pot restaurant called Huoshe.

From the limelight to the disappearance, he can be called the fastest disappearing artist in domestic entertainment.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

The glorious history of stars is like a fleeting firework. Li Yifeng, who was banned for soliciting prostitution, returned again, and could only bow down wearing a mask and beckoning to his fans from afar.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

When the camera looks closer, everyone can also see at a glance that there are some wrinkles on his face.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

From a person in the entertainment industry to a transparent person, Li Yifeng is also a representative of playing a good hand.

Zheng Shuang's recent photos exposed suspected plastic surgery! The mouth was crooked, and the studio posted a response that it didn't owe anyone

Not crossing the bottom line of morality and not touching the red line of the law is the basic criterion of life. People are different, desires can be infinitely magnified, and happiness can be maintained in moderation.

What is prosperous today may disappear tomorrow. Today's light may be gloomy tomorrow. Life is impermanent, cherish the present, be grateful and grasp every moment.

Don't be blindly jealous and compare other people's lives, because fate is unpredictable and everything can change. It is important that we firmly follow our own path in life and firmly grasp the happiness in front of us.

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