
The black dog goes out every night, and his belly is round and he can't eat, and the black dog: Hades asks me for help

author:It's your cannon brother

There is a small town south of our Nagada, and there is a family surnamed Li living in the town. In this family, there is a big black dog, and everyone calls it Iron Egg. Tiedan, this dog, don't look good-looking, his eyes are bright, and he looks like he is close to the Li family. But recently, there was something wrong with this guy Tiedan, he sneaked out of the house at night, and when he came back the next day, his stomach was as round as a ball, but he didn't eat anything. Old Li Tou'er, that is, the old man of the Li family, wondered in his heart: "Where did this kid run at night?" Why can your belly bulge like this? After asking a few times, Tie Dan's ears drooped like something, and he didn't say a word.

Lao Li thought to himself, I have to find a chance to see what this kid is doing. One night, before the moon climbed the mountain, Lao Li Tou'er secretly hid behind the big locust tree in front of his house, waiting for the iron egg to go out. Sure enough, it didn't take long for Tie Dan to quietly open the door and run away. Lao Li was in a hurry, so he hurriedly followed. At the speed of the iron egg, Lao Li Tou'er chased after him breathlessly, and finally saw it enter a deserted old mansion from a distance. Lao Li Tou'er muttered in his heart: "How many years has no one lived in this old house, what are you doing here?" As he approached quietly, he heard a commotion and the sound of people talking in the house. Lao Li Tou'er was shocked, why are there still people in the old house on this big night? He plucked up his courage and looked inside, which didn't matter, but frightened him. I saw Tie Dan sitting around with a group of people in ancient costumes, the table was full of delicacies from the mountains and seas, and Tie Dan was so happy to eat!

Lao Li Tou'er was so shocked in his heart, how could this iron egg still eat such good things? He took a closer look and found that there was still a person in an official uniform sitting in that group of people, and the word "Yan" was written on the official hat. Lao Li patted his thigh and thought, "Is this iron egg causing something unclean?" Why did you still have dinner with Lord Yama? At this moment, the person who looked like Lord Yama opened his mouth: "Iron egg, you have worked hard for the past few days, and these delicacies are what this king rewarded you." When Tie Dan heard this, he hurriedly wagged his tail to express his gratitude. Lao Li Tou'er was stunned outside, thinking that this iron egg is really not an ordinary dog!

The black dog goes out every night, and his belly is round and he can't eat, and the black dog: Hades asks me for help

At this time, the king of Yama said again: "Iron egg, this king has something to ask for. In recent days, the ghosts in the underworld have made a lot of trouble, and this king is short of manpower, so I want to ask you to help maintain order. When Tie Dan heard this, his eyes lit up, and he quickly nodded in agreement. Old Li Tou'er was shocked when he heard it outside, thinking that this iron egg really wanted to go to the underworld to help? When the Lord of Yama saw that Tie Dan had agreed, he handed it a token and said, "If you hold this token, the ghosts of the underworld will be at your disposal." "Oh, this matter has to be kept secret, don't let outsiders know." Tie Dan'er took the token, kowtowed to Lord Yama like pounding garlic, and then ran out like a smoke. Old Li Tou'er saw Tie Dan'er come out and hurriedly followed. Tie Dan'er ran as fast as he could, found a no-one man, and swallowed the token in one gulp. Lao Li Tou'er was so anxious in his heart, if Tie Dan'er ate the token, how could the rules of the underworld be neat?

said that it was too late, and when Tie Dan'er turned around and saw Lao Li Tou'er, he wagged his tail, as if to say "Hi, buddy", and then ran home. Lao Li Tou'er stood there, didn't come to his senses for a long time, thinking that this iron egg is really a divine dog! Since then, Tie Dan'er has quietly gone out every night to help maintain order in the underworld. Don't look at its round belly, but its spirit is getting more and more full. As for Lao Li'er, he slowly got used to it and didn't ask any more.

But this matter still spread. The people in the town gossiped and said that Tie Dan'er was a god from the sky, who came to get rid of demons and subdue demons. When Lao Li heard this, he just smiled and said nothing. He knows that although Tie Dan'er is magical, he is a member of his family after all, and he is his intimate little partner.

The black dog goes out every night, and his belly is round and he can't eat, and the black dog: Hades asks me for help

As the days passed, Tie Dan'er went out to work every night. Until one night, Lao Li Tou'er found that Tie Dan'er hadn't gone out, his heart tightened, and he walked to the front of the nest to see that Tie Dan'er was lying there, motionless, as if he was asleep. Old Li Tou'er touched its head, it was cold and cold, and it was no longer breathing. Lao Li Tou'er was so distressed, he cried for a while holding the iron egg. He knew that Iron Egg was where it was supposed to be.

Since then, Lao Li Touer has never had a dog again. But he always remembered the iron egg that sneaked out every night, and remembered the joy and surprise it brought him. As soon as Tie Dan'er left, Lao Li's heart was empty. Every night, he would habitually look at the door, wondering if Tie Dan'er had slipped out again. But there was nothing but moonlight at the door. Lao Li Tou'er felt uncomfortable in his heart, like being pulled by something.

One day, Lao Li was wandering around the town, and heard that the blind man in the east of the town could talk to the ghosts and gods, and he could ask about anything. When Lao Li heard this, he thought to himself, why don't you ask Wang Blind to see where Tie Dan'er has gone and how he is doing. Old Li Tou'er came to Wang's blind man's house, and as soon as he entered the door, he smelled a smell of burning incense. The blind man sat there, his eyes closed, his beads twisted in his hands, and words in his mouth. Lao Li Tou'er stepped forward to explain his intentions, and the blind man opened his eyes, looked at Lao Li Tou'er a few times, then nodded, and said, "You wait first, I'll go and ask." "Oh, that sounds like a mystery. The old boy who was blind in the king slapped his thigh and closed his eyes, and began to mumble. Lao Li Tou'er stood next to him, his heart was like playing a drum, and he didn't know what kind of moth the blind man could make. After waiting for a long time, the blind man opened his eyes, sighed, and said, "Old Li Tou'er, your iron egg is not an ordinary product. When Lao Li heard this, his heart chuckled, and he asked eagerly: "What is going on with that?" The blind man continued slowly: "Tie Dan'er, it is the red man next to Lord Yama, who is in charge of the order of the one acre and three points of land in the Difu. It goes out every night, and that's to help the underworld. Now, its mission is complete, and it has returned to Lord Yama. After hearing this, Lao Li was so excited in his heart that tears almost fell. He didn't expect Tie Dan'er to have such a background. He hurriedly asked, "How is the iron egg doing now?" The blind man nodded and said, "It's doing well now, and Lord Yama values it very much." You can rest assured that it won't come back. When Lao Li heard this, although he felt a little uncomfortable, he was relieved. He thanked the blind man and went away.

The black dog goes out every night, and his belly is round and he can't eat, and the black dog: Hades asks me for help

On the way home, Lao Li Touer pondered this matter in his heart, and felt that although Tie Dan'er was gone, the memories it left for him could never be erased. Since then, Lao Li Touer often sits under the big locust tree at the door, looking into the distance in a daze. Sometimes, he would talk to Iron Egg to himself, as if it was still there. The people in the town thought it was strange, but Lao Li Tou'er didn't care, he felt that as long as there was an iron egg in his heart, it would always be there. The days passed like this, and Lao Li Touer slowly grew old. But the position in his heart has always been reserved for Tie Dan'er.

Until one day, Lao Li Tou'er also left, and he left with a smile on his face, as if he had seen an iron egg. The people of the town buried Old Li Tou'er under the big locust tree where he used to sit. People say that Lao Li Tou'er is going to find Tie Dan'er, and the two of them can continue to be companions underground. This matter spread like this, and the people in the town knew the story of Tie Dan'er and Lao Li Tou'er, and they all felt that the friendship between this dog and man was really deeper than anything else. Some people even deliberately ran under the big locust tree to burn incense for Lao Li Touer and Tie Dan'er, praying for them to bless themselves with safety and success. In this way, the story of Tie Dan'er and Lao Li Tou'er has become a legend in this town. When night falls, people can always hear the barking of dogs and the laughter of old people coming from under the big locust tree. Some people say that it was Tie Dan'er and Lao Li Tou'er chatting; Others say they are guarding the peace of the town. But yes, whether this is true or not, no one can say. Hey, to be honest, in our town, there is a story that makes people's hearts warm when they listen to it - that is, the friendship between Tie Daner and Lao Li Touer, which is really harder than iron, deeper than the sea, and it is constantly cut. Just like the two in our town, Tie Dan'er and Lao Li Tou'er, their stories are like the old wine, the older it gets, the more fragrant it becomes, and the farther it goes, it has become the warmest memory in our hearts.

In our town, life is ordinary and quiet. But you see, at night, under the big locust tree, it must be very lively. The young and old men gathered in a circle, telling their own stories. But the matter of Tie Daner and Lao Li Tou'er, that is everyone's favorite thing to hear. "Hey, have you heard the story of Tie Dan'er and Lao Li Tou'er?" A young man's eyes were sparkling and curious. "Why haven't you heard of it, it's a legend in our town!" An old man happily took over the conversation, "That iron egg is not an ordinary dog, but he is a celebrity next to Lord Yama!" "Really? And what's going on? The young man looked surprised. How can that be fake? The blind man said that Tie Dan'er had to go to the underworld to help at night, and later returned to Lord Yama. The old man shook his head as he spoke, as if that had happened yesterday.

The black dog goes out every night, and his belly is round and he can't eat, and the black dog: Hades asks me for help

"What about Old Tou'er? Why did he raise such a god dog? The young man asked incessantly. Old Li Tou'er, he is an ordinary old man, but his relationship with Tie Dan'er is really as deep as the sea. After Tie Dan'er left, Lao Li Tou'er sat under the big locust tree every day, looking at the sky, as if waiting for Tie Dan'er to come back. The old man sighed, as if he was also touched by that relationship. And what about later? Is Old Li Touer also gone? The young man asked curiously. Gone, gone. When Lao Li left, he still had a smile on his face, as if he had seen Tie Dan'er. The old man said slowly, with a little sadness in his tone. Hey, that's a shame. The young man sighed, "But their relationship is really enviable, and the love between people and dogs is more precious than anything else." ”