
The woman married her benefactor, but she was sick and sick, and the beggar said I slapped you a few times

author:It's your cannon brother

One day, Ah Lian was collecting shells on the beach, and from a distance she saw a small boat floating on the sea, and there was a young scholar lying on the boat, his face was as white as paper, and he was very sick at first glance. Ah Lian, a girl with a good heart, hurriedly rescued the scholar ashore, and invited Lang Zhong in the village to treat him sick. This scholar's name is Li Hao, and he is a man who wants to enter Beijing to catch the exam, but he got a cold on the road and almost died in the sea.

Under Ah Lian's careful care, Li Hao's illness slowly improved. He saw that Ah Lian was gentle and virtuous, and his heart was moved and he proposed to marry her. Although Ah Lian was shy, she saw that Li Hao was knowledgeable and saved her life, so she agreed. The two simply held a wedding in the village and became a couple.

But not long after getting married, Ah Lian fell ill, and she was weirdly sick. She had a fever for a while, chills for a while, and talked in her sleep at night. Li Hao invited many famous doctors, but they were all helpless. There was a lot of discussion in the village, some said that Ah Lian had hit an evil spirit, and some said that she was entangled by a monster in the sea.

The woman married her benefactor, but she was sick and sick, and the beggar said I slapped you a few times

Just when Ah Lian was getting sicker and sicker, a strange beggar came to the village. The beggar was dressed in tatters, his face was dirty, and he held a broken fan in his hand. He walked to the door of Ah Lian's house and shouted, "Ah Lian, I know how to cure your disease!" When Li Hao heard this, he hurriedly invited the beggar into the house. The beggar was not polite, sat down, and said, "You daughter-in-law, you have been tricked." If you want to untie the Gu, you have to let me slap her a few times. ”

When Li Hao heard this, he was furious. He is a scholar, how can he let a beggar slap his daughter-in-law? He was about to drive the beggar away, but Ah Lian stopped him and said weakly: "Brother Hao, let him try." I'm really sick with this sickness. Li Hao had no choice but to agree to let the beggar try.

The beggar walked up to Ah Lian, raised the broken fan and slapped her a few times. Ah Lian was beaten and cried, but the strange thing was that her face slowly became rosy and her breathing was stable. After the beggar slapped him, he put away the broken fan and said to Li Hao: "This Gu has been solved." But you have to remember that you don't let outsiders come to your house in the future. Who ordered this Gu, you know in your own heart. With that, the beggar turned and left, and disappeared at the entrance of the village in the blink of an eye.

The woman married her benefactor, but she was sick and sick, and the beggar said I slapped you a few times

Li Hao looked at the beggar's back, and his heart was full of doubts. He recalled the bits and pieces of his acquaintance with Ah Lian, and suddenly felt that all this seemed too coincidental. Is there really something behind this? Although Ah Lian recovered from her illness, her heart was full of fear and uneasiness. She always dreamed of a shadowy guy who slowly approached her in the dark and rumbling night, and every time she woke up from her dream, she was covered in a cold sweat. She knew that the root of her strange disease had not been pulled out, and the bad guy was still staring at her secretly. Since the person who asked for food gave Ah Lian a few slaps, Ah Lian's illness has really slowly improved. When the people in the village saw that Ah Lian was able to work again, they all praised the person who asked for food as a miracle doctor. But Li Hao didn't feel good in his heart, he always felt that this matter was not so simple.

Li Hao decided to find out in secret. He first went to the place where the last person who had disappeared for food, and searched carefully, but found nothing. He went to ask the old people in the village again, wanting to ask if there were any evil sects in the vicinity who could play Gu, but the old people said that this place was calm and had never heard of it. Just when Li Hao was at a loss, he unexpectedly discovered a strange phenomenon. It turned out that every time Ah Lian fell ill, the old hen at home kept crowing and screamed so badly. Li Hao thought to himself, this old hen is usually very docile, why did Ah Lian scream so miserably when she was sick? Does it know something?

So, Li Hao began to pay attention to the old hen. He found that whenever a living person approached his house, the old hen crowed nervously. Moreover, among these living people, there is one person who particularly frightens the old hen, and that is Wang Er Mazi in the village. Wang Er Mazi is a well-known scoundrel in the village, usually idle, and likes to take advantage of others. Li Hao remembered that Ah Lian had said before that Wang Er Mazi had a bad attempt at her, but Ah Lian sternly refused. Could it be that this Wang Er Mazi is the guy who fell into the Gu?

The woman married her benefactor, but she was sick and sick, and the beggar said I slapped you a few times

In order to verify his guess, Li Hao decided to find an opportunity to test Wang Er Mazi. He deliberately mentioned Ah Lian's strange illness in front of Wang Er Mazi, and pretended to inadvertently reveal that he suspected that someone was playing Gu. As soon as Wang Er Mazi heard this, his face immediately changed, and he tried to defend himself, but in the end he didn't explain anything. As soon as Li Hao saw this situation, he knew it in his heart. He took advantage of Wang Ermazi's inattention and secretly took away a sachet from him. The sachet emitted a strange smell, and Li Hao felt dizzy when he smelled it. He was overjoyed in his heart, knowing that there must be Gu worms hidden in this sachet.

Li Hao took the sachet and found Langzhong in the village. Na Langzhong frowned when he saw the sachet, and he told Li Hao that there was indeed a rare Gu worm in the sachet, which could make people delirious and weak. Lang Zhong also said that this Gu worm is very difficult to solve, and you have to find the person who gave it to solve it completely. Li Hao became anxious when he heard this, and hurriedly asked Lang Zhong how he could find the person who was under the Gu. Lang Zhong thought for a moment and said, "This Gu worm has spirituality, and it will guide you to find the guy who made the mistake. "Hey, this thing is really not covered, Li Hao, this kid, listened to the words of the old guy in Langzhong, quietly at night, put the sachet on the head of Ah Lian's bed, and followed the Gu worm away. Hey, guess what, the little bug actually crawled out of the sachet and slipped down the path to the outside of the village. Li Hao, this buddy, trotted all the way and followed to a broken temple outside the village.

Inside this broken temple, the lights were bright, and Wang Er Mazi's kid was kneeling on the ground, muttering to a mysterious person, not knowing what he was talking about. When Li Hao saw this scene, he was furious, rushed up and grabbed Wang Ermazi's collar, and shouted: "You bastard, what do you want to do to Ah Lian?" When Wang Er Mazi saw Li Hao, he was so frightened that he stammered: "I... I didn't... I just want to..."Before the words were finished, the mysterious man stood up, tall and mighty, with cold eyes, staring at Li Hao: "You are the kid who saved Ah Lian?" Hmph, you think you can save her? Tell you, this Gu worm was specially prepared for Ah Lian, and only I can solve it! ”

The woman married her benefactor, but she was sick and sick, and the beggar said I slapped you a few times

As soon as Li Hao heard this, he became even more angry, and roared loudly: "You demon, dare to be so arrogant!" Today, I'm going to do the right thing for heaven and slaughter your demon demon! Before the words fell, Li Hao rushed forward with his fist. The two of them are in the ruined temple, you come and go, and the fight is fierce. In the end, Li Hao relied on his wit and courage to subdue the mysterious man and forced him to hand over the method of solving the Gu.

It turned out that the mysterious man was a Gu master from Miao Jiang, and he fell in love with Ah Lian's beauty, so he got out of Gu. This time, he was subdued by Li Hao, and he could only obediently hand over the method of solving the Gu. Li Hao took the method home and explained the Gu to Ah Lian according to the method. Ah Lian's illness was cured, and she looked at Li Hao with tears in her eyes, very grateful.

The matter of the mysterious Gu Master was known to the villagers, so naturally they were cleaned up by everyone and driven out of the village. Wang Er Mazi, this kid, usually does a lot of evil, but this time he was exposed and became the laughing stock of the village, and he no longer dared to think anything wrong about Ah Lian. Ah Lian's body slowly recovered, and she became much more cheerful. She was grateful to Li Hao for saving his life, and the relationship between the two became deeper and deeper.

The woman married her benefactor, but she was sick and sick, and the beggar said I slapped you a few times

However, Ah Lian always had a pimple in her heart, and she didn't understand why the mysterious Gu Master wanted to play a trick on herself, was it really just because of her beauty? One day, Ah Lian and Li Hao were sitting on the beach, watching the sunset slowly set, and the sea breeze blowing on their faces, Ah Lian couldn't help but ask the doubts in her heart. Li Hao pondered for a while before he slowly spoke: "Lian'er, in fact, that Gu Master is Gu, not only because of your beauty, he... He's coming for me. Li Hao took a sharp breath of cool air, and then said, "Before we entered the capital for the exam, didn't we save a stumbling monk in the temple?" In order to repay us, the monk gave us a broken book, saying that there was a way in it to make people's heads bright. We were thinking about what this book could be used for, but the Gu Master heard about it somehow, thinking that there was some treasure or peerless martial arts hidden in the book, so he followed us all the way here. "When he saw that the two of us were as good as one person, he thought that the treasure book was on us, and he gave you a trick, and wanted to use this trick to force us to comply. Thanks to the one who asked for food, otherwise...... We really don't know how to do it. Speaking of this, a trace of panic flashed in Li Hao's eyes.

Ah Lian listened to Li Hao's words, and her heart was surprised and happy. What was shocking was that the Gu master was vicious, and he was happy that he had inadvertently saved her husband's life. She held Li Hao's hand tightly, her eyes were full of determination, "Brother Hao, no matter what difficulties we encounter in the future, we will have to go through them side by side." We believe that as long as we think in one place and work hard in one place, nothing will matter. ”

Li Hao listened to Ah Lian's words, and his heart was warm. He hugged Ah Lian tightly, and the two hugged each other and cried. Since then, the two of them have cherished each other even more and faced the ups and downs of life together. Time flies, and years pass in a flash. Ah Lian and Li Hao opened a small teahouse in the village, and the business was very hot. The two of them made tea and greeted guests, and they cooperated seamlessly. The teahouse was full of laughter all day long, attracting many passing guests.

The woman married her benefactor, but she was sick and sick, and the beggar said I slapped you a few times

One day, an unusual figure came to the teahouse, a Taoist priest who traveled around. The Taoist priest saw that the two of us were as good as one person, and heard about our past, so he offered to calculate a hexagram for the two of us to see our future fortunes. Li Hao looked at the Taoist priest with a masterful appearance, not like a mortal, so he nodded and agreed. The Taoist priest calculated, with a surprised expression on his face, and told Li Hao and Ah Lian that the fate of the two of us has been tightly tied together, and we will experience a lot of hardships together in the future, but as long as we always support each other and never give up, we can turn evil into good fortune and be auspicious in distress.

Ah Lian and Li Hao listened to the words of the Taoist priest, and their hearts were full of emotion. They know that there is still a long way to go, and there may be many challenges and difficulties waiting for them, but they are ready for it. They believe that as long as they stay together, nothing can stop them. Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Ah Lian and Li Hao are already full of gray hair, but their love is still there. Their small teahouse has also become a sign in the village, attracting countless tourists. Whenever someone asks about their love story, they always smile and say, "It's all fate!" And the beggar who had slapped Ah Lian a few times was later found. Our buddy is really a hidden master, who is unknown on weekdays, but he stands up at a critical moment and acts chivalrous. That day, he saw that Ah Lian, a girl, was kind-hearted and simple, so he did not hesitate to lend a hand and help her get rid of the headache Gu poison. As soon as this incident came out, he immediately became a hero in the hearts of the villagers, and everyone called him a "living immortal", and he was very respected.