
The list of the 37th Hundred Flowers Award was complained about too much! TFboy two finalists! Andy Lau looked out of place

author:Fish Music Ambassador

[Entertainment Headlines] The 37th Hundred Flowers Award Nomination Turmoil: Andy Lau and Traffic Xiaosheng competed on the same stage, and netizens hotly discussed the word "water"!


As the dust settles on the list of nominees for the 37th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards, a storm of public opinion has been set off in the entertainment industry.

This nomination not only brings together the new generation of idols such as Wang Junkai, Yi Yang Qianxi, Zhang Yixing and Zhu Yilong, but also senior actor Andy Lau is impressively listed, causing an uproar on the Internet.

The list of the 37th Hundred Flowers Award was complained about too much! TFboy two finalists! Andy Lau looked out of place

Netizens have questioned whether such a combination means that the gold content of the award is declining?

The collision of traffic and strength, the list of nominees is controversial

The list of the 37th Hundred Flowers Award was complained about too much! TFboy two finalists! Andy Lau looked out of place

Among the five stars nominated for Best Actor, Wang Junkai, Yi Yang Qianxi, Zhang Yixing, and Zhu Yilong are all young forces that have risen in recent years, and they have a status that cannot be underestimated in the hearts of fans with their high popularity and wide dissemination of their works.

The list of the 37th Hundred Flowers Award was complained about too much! TFboy two finalists! Andy Lau looked out of place

And Andy Lau, an evergreen acting tree spanning many generations, once again hit the actor throne with his superb performance in "The Wandering Earth 2".

Netizens reacted polarized to this, on the one hand, they thought that Andy Lau's addition added weight to the award, and on the other hand, they lamented that the same frame of "old drama bones" and "traffic stars" seemed a bit inconsistent.

The list of the 37th Hundred Flowers Award was complained about too much! TFboy two finalists! Andy Lau looked out of place

Andy Lau: The embarrassing situation of the powerful faction

The list of the 37th Hundred Flowers Award was complained about too much! TFboy two finalists! Andy Lau looked out of place

"Andy Lau seems out of place", such voices rise and fall on social platforms. Some people pointed out that Andy Lau competed with a group of new generation traffic, which made people think about the criteria and direction of the Hundred Flowers Award.

The list of the 37th Hundred Flowers Award was complained about too much! TFboy two finalists! Andy Lau looked out of place

Some netizens said that although Andy Lau's acting skills are impeccable, competing with a group of opponents with different styles and who are good at traffic seems to have thrown this contest out of balance. What's more, bluntly said that this is an "insult" to Andy Lau's career.

The fairness of the award is questioned, and expectations and criticism coexist

The list of the 37th Hundred Flowers Award was complained about too much! TFboy two finalists! Andy Lau looked out of place

The announcement of the list of nominees is not only a discussion of individual actors, but also touches on the public's consideration of the fairness and professionalism of film awards.

The list of the 37th Hundred Flowers Award was complained about too much! TFboy two finalists! Andy Lau looked out of place

Some netizens questioned whether such a nomination pursued too much topicality and exposure, while ignoring the artistic achievement itself.

At the same time, there are also sensible voices calling for a fair evaluation of each nominee, after all, every actor strives to interpret the role in his own way, and the final attribution of the award should be based on the work and the acting itself.

The list of the 37th Hundred Flowers Award was complained about too much! TFboy two finalists! Andy Lau looked out of place

In the midst of controversy, the award ceremony of the Hundred Flowers Award has attracted more and more attention. Whether it is the ridicule of the "water" label or the recognition of Andy Lau's strength, this annual film event has undoubtedly once again ignited the public's enthusiasm and expectations.

The list of the 37th Hundred Flowers Award was complained about too much! TFboy two finalists! Andy Lau looked out of place

In the end, no matter who wins the award, I hope it will become a driving force to promote the progress of Chinese films and inspire the birth of more excellent works and actors.


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