
The woman built a house and saw her neighbor burying a stone slab under the foundation, and the snake said to prepare ten catties of peppercorns

author:Kind Coffee S

We have a girl named Cuihua in this house, and that's really a capable corner. Since her family left, she has supported this family by herself, working in the fields, and the head of the family is open, and she has not left any work behind. One day, Cuihua wanted to build a new house on a whim and make the family live more comfortably. She found a craftsman in the village, picked a piece of feng shui treasure, and did what she said.

The foundation was dug deep, more than two meters, just so that the house could be stable. When the foundation was almost dug up, Cuihua saw her neighbor Lao Wang Tou secretly bury a stone slab under the foundation of her house. The prisoner in Cuihua's heart muttered: The old king is usually very kind, why did he do such a sneaky thing? She didn't say anything, just quietly observed. After burying the slate, the old king said something in his mind, and then hurriedly slipped away. Cuihua wondered even more, what is the greasy thing under this slate?

At night, Cuihua lay on the bed tossing and turning and couldn't sleep, thinking about this in her heart. Suddenly, she heard a "hissing" sound outside the window, like a snake spitting out a letter. Cuihua was frightened and quickly sat up. She boldly walked to the window and poked her head out cautiously. This look, it was amazing, a big snake was coiled on the foundation of her house, and those eyes were staring straight at her. Cuihua was so frightened that she almost didn't scream, and quickly retracted her head.

The woman built a house and saw her neighbor burying a stone slab under the foundation, and the snake said to prepare ten catties of peppercorns

Early the next morning, Cuihua went to inquire about the old people in the village. When the old man heard this, he showed a surprised expression on his face and said, "Oh, how can this old prince do such a thing?" That slate is a piece of bad luck! When Cuihua heard this, her heart panicked even more. She hurriedly asked the old man what was going on. The old man sighed and said, "Under that stone slab, there is a thousand-year-old snake demon sealed. The old king probably wants to lure it to your house and bring trouble to your family. ”

When Cuihua heard this, she almost fainted. She hurriedly asked the old man what to do. The old man thought for a moment and said, "If you want to break the curse of this snake demon, you have to prepare ten catties of peppercorns." Sichuan pepper has the effect of warding off evil spirits and can temporarily suppress the evil spirit of the snake demon. As soon as Cuihua heard that there was help, she hurried home to prepare peppercorns. She knew in her heart that this matter had to be solved quickly, otherwise the family would suffer.

So, Cuihua was busy preparing peppercorns. She went to town and bought ten pounds of fine peppercorns, then went home and carefully ground them into powder and prepared to sprinkle them on the foundation. That night, Cuihua came to the foundation with pepper powder. She took a deep breath and walked boldly. Cuihua's girl, holding pepper powder in her hand, sprinkled it as she walked, and muttered in her heart: "Snake demon, snake demon, hurry up and get out, don't wander around our house." She finished sprinkling peppercorn powder and was about to turn around and leave, when a large snake suddenly appeared from under the stone slab. The snake's eyes stared straight at Emerald Flower, as if to see her through. Cuihua was so frightened that her legs were weak, but she still held on, standing like a pine tree.

The woman built a house and saw her neighbor burying a stone slab under the foundation, and the snake said to prepare ten catties of peppercorns

At this moment, the big snake suddenly opened his mouth and spoke: "What are you doing here, why are you breaking my seal?" "Its voice was as cold as ice ballast, and it gave me goosebumps just to hear it. Cuihua steadied herself and plucked up the courage to reply, "I'm thinking about our family." If you snake demon keep sealing here, our family will suffer sooner or later. I sprinkled pepper powder, just to suppress your evil spirit and let you leave quickly. When the serpent heard this, he was silent for a while, and then said, "Okay, seeing that you are so sincere, I will let you go for the time being." But you have to promise me one condition. Cuihua hurriedly asked what the conditions were. The big snake said, "You have to send me a jar of good wine and a fat chicken on the fifth day of the fifth month of May every year, that is, on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival." So that I can stay here in peace, and I will not come out to harm you again. When Cuihua heard this, she felt that this condition was quite reasonable, so she agreed. She was so happy in her heart that she had finally done it.

Since then, Cuihua has sent wine and chickens to the big snake on time during the Dragon Boat Festival every year. The big snake also kept his word and never came out again. The people in the village said that it was Cuihua's kindness that touched the heavens and saved the village from the scourge of the snake demon. Okay, that's all for today's story, and we'll see you next time!

Besides, that Cuihua, since she reached an agreement with the snake demon, she sends wine and chickens on time during the Dragon Boat Festival every year, and the people in the village praise her as a courageous, knowledgeable and wise woman. The new house of the Cuihua family was also built smoothly, and the family lived comfortably, and the days became more and more prosperous. But the old king, since Cuihua found out about his burial of the stone slab, he has become the laughing stock of the villagers. No one believed him no matter how he explained, he felt that he had been tricked by Cuihua, but he couldn't say it, so he could only eat Coptis chinensis dumbly, and he couldn't say anything about his suffering.

The woman built a house and saw her neighbor burying a stone slab under the foundation, and the snake said to prepare ten catties of peppercorns

Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, it was the Dragon Boat Festival again. Early in the morning, Cuihua carried a jar of good wine and a fat chicken to the foundation. She thought as she walked: "Although this snake demon is a monster, it hasn't come out to harm the people in the village since the last incident, maybe this monster also has its difficulties." Cuihua came to the foundation, put down the wine and chicken, then bowed, and said, "Lord Snake Demon, this is this year's Dragon Boat Festival gift, please smile." "Gee, that's a scary thing. As soon as Cuihua turned around, the snake demon emerged from under the stone slab, and the unusual light in his eyes made people's hearts beat drums. Cuihua was stunned for a moment, but she was not a vegetarian, so she immediately stabilized her mind and asked, "Lord Snake Demon, what's the matter with you?" The snake demon opened his mouth slowly, and his voice was a little tired: "Cuihua, you have a good heart, I remember all these years of your kindness to me." But now, I'm on a big deal, and if I can't get over it, I may never come back. When Cuihua heard this, she was nervous in her heart, and she quickly asked, "Lord Snake Demon, what can I help you?" The snake demon said, "I have to let you go to Beishan to find a treasure—a thousand-year-old ice spirit." It's guarded by a thousand-year-old snow fox, and only by getting it can I escape it. ”

When Cuihua heard this, she was entangled in her heart, in that place in Beishan, I heard that wild beasts were rampant, she was a weak woman, could she do it? But if the snake demon really has something, won't the people in the village suffer? Cuihua gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, Lord Snake Demon, I promise you, I will go to Beishan to find the thousand-year-old ice spirit." After saying that, Cuihua turned around and walked home, she had to prepare, this matter should not be taken lightly, it was related to the safety of the whole village.

When Cuihua returned home and told her about it, the family was terrified and persuaded her not to take the risk. But Cuihua's temper couldn't be pulled back as soon as she decided, she said: "I have to do this, otherwise if the snake demon has a mistake, our village will be over." The family couldn't persuade them, so they had to agree. So, Cuihua took dry food and tools and set out on the road to Beishan. Along the way, Cuihua suffered a lot, but she managed to reach the top of the North Mountain. She saw the thousand-year-old snow fox, and the thousand-year-old ice spirit it guarded. But the snow fox was very fierce, and Cuihua was driven back several times when she wanted to get closer. Cuihua was in such a hurry, she knew that she couldn't just admit defeat. So, she fought with Snow Fox, and with her ingenuity and flexible skills, she finally found Snow Fox's weakness and obtained the Millennium Ice Spirit.

The woman built a house and saw her neighbor burying a stone slab under the foundation, and the snake said to prepare ten catties of peppercorns

Cuihua's story is spreading in our village, and her image of courage and wisdom is getting taller and taller in everyone's hearts. However, Cuihua didn't take this seriously, she still worked at sunrise and rested at sunset as usual, living her dull and fulfilling days.

One day, Cuihua was busy working in the field when she suddenly heard a rush of footsteps. She looked up and saw that the old king was running panting, and his face was as anxious as if something was there. "Cuihua, something is wrong!" Lao Wang grabbed Cuihua's hand with his head, and his voice trembled. Cuihua was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's the big deal, seeing you panic like this?" The old king gasped and said, "Snake...... The snake demon is out again! It's right at the entrance of the village, and it's looking for you! When Cuihua heard this, her heart tightened. She put down the work in her hand and followed the old king to the entrance of the village. Along the way, she didn't know what the snake demon wanted to do.

When she arrived at the entrance of the village, Cuihua really saw the big snake. It was coiled in the middle of the road, a pair of eyes staring at her coldly. The villagers hid far away and did not dare to approach. Cuihua took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to step forward. She asked, "What do you mean, Lord Basilis?" The snake demon spoke, his voice still cold and hoarse: "Cuihua, I came to you to tell you something. Cuihua's heart tightened and asked, "What's the matter?" The snake demon said, "I am about to ascend to immortality and leave this world." But before leaving, I want to give you one thing. As he spoke, it spat out a crystal clear bead from its mouth, which emitted a faint blue light and looked very magical. Cuihua took the beads and asked, "What is this?" The snake demon said, "This is the inner pill that I have cultivated for many years, and it contains my mana. "Put this thing away, and if there is any danger in the future, I will take it out and use it." When Cuihua heard this, her heart was like a mirror. She said gratefully, "Thank you, Lord Snake Demon, for your generous gift. The snake demon flicked his tail and said, "You're welcome." I remember all these years of your kindness to me. Now that I've got to go, it's a thought for you. As soon as the words fell, the snake demon turned into a puff of green smoke, and with a whoosh, disappeared into the sky. When the people in the village saw it, they were all stunned, they didn't expect this snake demon to be able to fly into an immortal. Cuihua took the Neidan back to the village and told everyone about the matter. The villagers praised Cuihua for her bravery and intelligence, and also thanked the snake demon for her gift. Since then, Cuihua has become a legend in the village. Not only did she save the whole village with wisdom and courage, but she also received a gift from the snake demon and became the most blessed person in the village. Cuihua hid the inner pill in the safest place in her home. She knew that this thing couldn't be used indiscriminately, it was the mana that the snake demon had cultivated for many years, and if it wasn't used well, it would be a big trouble. But Cuihua also understands that this Neidan is a testimony to her friendship with the snake demon and one of the most valuable treasures in her life. She intends to pass it on to future generations, so that they can know the story and continue to pass on this friendship and courage.

The woman built a house and saw her neighbor burying a stone slab under the foundation, and the snake said to prepare ten catties of peppercorns

Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Cuihua has become a gray-haired old lady, but her spirit is still the same, and she is full of vitality. She often tells the children in the village stories of her youth, telling them to be brave, smart and kind. The children were fascinated by Cuihua's story, admired her bravery and wisdom, and hoped that they could also become responsible and wise people. In this way, the story of Cuihua has been passed down from generation to generation in the village and has become an eternal legend. Cuihua herself has become the most respected elder in the village, and her name and deeds will always be engraved in people's hearts. What about the Neidan? It has been treasured by the descendants of Cuihua and has become a family heirloom. Whenever there was a major event or difficulty in the family, they would take out the inner pill and pray for peace and prosperity. That Neidan seemed to have a spirit and was always able to help and support them at critical moments. This is the story of Cuihua, a story of courage and wisdom, a story of friendship and inheritance. It tells us that as long as we have love, courage and wisdom in our hearts, we can overcome all difficulties and create our own legend!

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