
The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Doctor, I put peppercorns every time I cook, it's been three years, what are the results of this physical examination?" Aunt Li stood in front of the doctor with a nervous expression.

Aunt Li is a 55-year-old middle school teacher who is busy preparing lessons and correcting homework every day, but her love for food has never waned. Three years ago, she discovered the magic spice of Sichuan peppercorns, and since then she has been inseparable from every meal. Today, she came to the city hospital to find out how the eating habits of the past three years have affected her body.

The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed

The doctor smiled while flipping through Aunt Li's physical examination report and said, "Aunt Li, your examination results are generally good." However, there are a few places where the values have changed a bit, so let's take a closer look. ”

The doctor pointed out Aunt Li's blood pressure, and he said that Aunt Li's blood pressure was slightly higher, but it was still within the normal range. Some of the ingredients in Sichuan pepper have a certain vasodilator effect and can help lower blood pressure. However, long-term high intake may lead to unstable blood pressure, so moderation is the most important.

The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed

Then, the doctor talked about Aunt Li's blood sugar, and Aunt Li's fasting blood sugar and postprandial blood sugar were very stable. Sichuan pepper is rich in vitamin C and certain minerals, which help enhance the action of insulin and help stabilize blood sugar. However, excessive intake of peppercorns may also irritate the gastrointestinal tract and affect blood sugar regulation.

The doctor went on to say that her blood lipid levels were somewhat high, especially low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). Some volatile oils and phytochemicals in Sichuan pepper have antioxidant effects and can reduce the oxidation of blood lipids, but it also contains certain fats, and excessive intake may increase blood lipid levels.

The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed

The doctor explained to Aunt Li that Sichuan pepper is good and bad for the body, and the key is to be moderate and balanced. Moderate amounts of Sichuan peppercorns can increase appetite, aid digestion, and stabilize blood sugar and blood pressure, but excessive intake may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, blood pressure fluctuations, and increased blood lipids. Therefore, it is recommended that you appropriately reduce the amount of Sichuan pepper used and maintain a balanced diet.

The doctor began to explain in detail the specific health effects of Sichuan pepper, which is rich in volatile oils and capsaicin, which can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract to secrete digestive juices, enhance appetite and help digestion.

The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed

Especially for people with poor appetite, moderate consumption of Sichuan peppercorns can effectively improve appetite. Eating too much peppercorns may overstimulate the gastrointestinal tract, triggering problems such as stomach pain, stomach upset, or diarrhea. Long-term consumption of large amounts may also damage the gastrointestinal mucosa, which increases the likelihood of developing stomach ulcers or gastritis.

An appropriate amount of Sichuan pepper can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase the secretion of gastric juice and pancreatic juice, and help digestion. However, eating too much peppercorns for a long time may make the stomach and intestines feel uncomfortable. The volatile oil and bioperine in Sichuan pepper are very irritating, and long-term exposure to such stimulation can damage the gastrointestinal mucosa, which may eventually lead to health problems such as gastritis or stomach ulcers.

The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed

Certain components in Sichuan peppercorns, such as vitamin C, carotene, and some volatile oils, have antioxidant effects that can reduce oxidative damage to blood vessels and protect cardiovascular health. At the same time, some phytochemicals in Sichuan pepper also have a vasodilator effect, which can help lower blood pressure.

However, long-term high intake of peppercorns may lead to unstable blood pressure, especially for people with high or low blood pressure, and special attention should be paid to intake. In addition, Sichuan pepper contains a certain amount of fat, and excessive intake may increase blood lipid levels, which is not conducive to cardiovascular health.

The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed

The vitamin C, carotene and certain minerals in Sichuan pepper have an immune-boosting effect and can help the body defend against diseases. Moderate intake of Sichuan pepper can enhance the body's antioxidant capacity and improve the function of the immune system.

However, eating too much peppercorns may increase the metabolic burden on the body, which can affect the normal functioning of the immune system. For those with pre-existing allergies, excessive consumption of Sichuan peppercorns may also trigger allergic reactions.

The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed

Certain ingredients in Sichuan peppercorns can boost metabolism, help burn fat, and lose weight. This is a good choice for people who want to lose weight, consuming Sichuan peppercorns in moderation.

However, if it is consumed in excess, it may lead to an increase in metabolic burden and cause metabolic disorders. Especially for people with diabetes or metabolic syndrome, special attention should be paid to the intake of peppercorns, so as not to affect blood sugar and metabolic regulation.

The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed

The effect of Sichuan pepper on the nervous system cannot be ignored. Some of the ingredients in Sichuan peppercorns can stimulate nerve endings, producing a spicy sensation, which can make people feel high, improve concentration and alertness. However, long-term high-intensity nerve stimulation may lead to nervous system fatigue and even nerve inflammation.

The doctor told Aunt Li that peppercorns are a good thing, but everything has a degree. A moderate amount of peppercorns can bring many benefits to the body, but excessive amounts can be counterproductive.

The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed

It is recommended to reduce the amount of Sichuan pepper used appropriately while maintaining a healthy diet to make the body healthier. Aunt Li nodded, and decided to control the amount of peppercorns when cooking in the future, and at the same time, she should also pay attention to a balanced diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and maintain good health.

Through Aunt Li's physical examination results and the doctor's detailed explanation, we can see that Sichuan pepper, as a common seasoning, has many effects on the body.

The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed

Moderate consumption of Sichuan pepper can increase appetite, help digestion, stabilize blood sugar and blood pressure, enhance immunity, promote metabolism, etc., but excessive intake may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, blood pressure fluctuations, increased blood lipids, metabolic disorders and other problems.

In our daily diet, we should pay attention to a reasonable combination of foods, use seasonings in moderation, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Only in this way can you truly enjoy the pleasure of food and maintain your health at the same time.

The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed

When Aunt Li left the hospital, she was in a much lighter mood. She decided that when cooking in the future, she will no longer blindly pursue the spicy peppercorns, but should reasonably match various seasonings according to her physical condition to make every meal delicious and healthy.

Healthy eating habits are an important factor in maintaining good health. As a common seasoning, Sichuan pepper has many benefits for the body when consumed in moderation, but excessive intake may bring adverse effects.

The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed

What do you think about putting peppercorns in cooking? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed


[1] Chen Shuangshuang. The Effect of Dietary Structure on the Health of the Elderly in China, Journal of Shandong Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2016-09-15

The 55-year-old aunt puts peppercorns every time she cooks, and after 3 years, she went to the hospital for a physical examination, and her physical indicators have changed

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