
Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half

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Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half
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Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half

In the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, Li Naiwen is undoubtedly a unique existence. From an unknown actor to a supporting actor directed by Zhang Yimou, he has spent nearly 20 years interpreting what is the true strength of an actor.

His outstanding performance in "On the Cliff" won him the favor of Zhang Guoshi, and then he was invited to participate in the Spring Festival blockbuster "Article 20". However, what is even more amazing is that he has always maintained his innocence in this circle full of scandals.

What is it that allows Li Naiwen to make steady progress on the road of acting, and stay away from right and wrong in his love life? Let's uncover the secret of this powerful actor's success.

Li Naiwen's acting career began with a poignant starting point. As a child of a drama family, his mother is an outstanding drama actor who graduated from the China Theater Academy.

Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half

Perhaps it was this family atmosphere that made the young Li Naiwen have a strong interest in performing arts.

With his love for acting, Li Naiwen resolutely chose his mother's alma mater, the China Academy of Theatre, as his goal. However, the gap between ideals and reality is often unexpected.

After failing three interviews, this hopeful teenager had to face the difficult choice of enrolling in school at his own expense.

At that time, the tuition fee was as high as 5,000 yuan, which was undoubtedly a lot of money for ordinary families. Li Naiwen confessed the situation to his parents with apprehension.

Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half

He was touched by the fact that instead of blaming him, his parents gave him the firmest support. They are even willing to borrow money to pay for school fees just to let their son chase his dreams.

The trust and encouragement of his parents has become a source of motivation for Li Naiwen's future struggle.

With the expectations of his parents and his own determination, Li Naiwen has shown amazing perseverance and enthusiasm in his four years of college. He devotes himself to rehearsals every day, even for a small assignment, and will work tirelessly to find his classmates to rehearse with him late at night.

In his opinion, every practice is a necessary path to his dreams.

Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half

However, the aura of the university did not pave a smooth path for Lee's future. After graduating, he seemed to have fallen into a low point in his life. For a whole year, he didn't get any roles, and he didn't even get the opportunity to perform in a drama.

The once high-spirited college student has to rely on the barbecue stall of his classmate Wang Qianyuan to survive at this moment.

The hardships of life made Li Naiwen begin to doubt his choice. He tried to transform into a white-collar worker, but repeatedly hit a wall due to his lack of experience. The interviewer's "get out" revealed his inner struggle and helplessness.

But even so, Li Naiwen still did not give up his dream of being an actor. He continued to run from crew to crew, expecting to get even the smallest opportunity.

Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half

This difficult period not only exercised Li Naiwen's will, but also made him cherish every hard-won opportunity even more. It was this indomitable spirit that laid a solid foundation for his future success.

In the trough of his acting career, Li Naiwen did not give up his dream. His turnaround came from an active decision to contact the famous director Meng Jinghui. This seemingly simple move has become an important turning point in Li Naiwen's career.

Meng Jinghui's insight gave Li Naiwen a precious opportunity. Under the guidance of Director Meng, Li Naiwen finally had a stage to display his talents, and he poured the knowledge and skills he learned in college into every rehearsal and performance.

This dedication and seriousness soon paid off, and in the drama "Rhino in Love", Li Naiwen's performance was eye-catching.

Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half

This successful appearance was like a stone thrown into the surface of a calm lake, causing ripples in the circle. More and more directors began to notice this young and potential actor and threw olive branches to him.

Although most of the characters are still supporting roles, Li Naiwen doesn't mind. He cherishes every opportunity to cooperate with powerful actors, and constantly hones his acting skills in rivalry with Tao Hong, Zhang Hanyu and others.

Li Naiwen's efforts were not in vain. Opportunities always favor those who are prepared, and he finally waited for another major turning point in his career - participating in the movie "Assembly Number" directed by Feng Xiaogang.

This film is not only a milestone in Li Naiwen's acting career, but also an excellent platform for him to show his strength.

Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half

The success of "Assembly" opened a broader stage for Li Naiwen. Although he still appears in many film and television works as a supporting role, he has left a deep impression on the audience every time he appears.

He proved his worth with his superb acting skills, and also won the respect and appreciation of people in the industry.

However, Li Naiwen was not satisfied with these achievements. He still maintains the enthusiasm and humility he had when he first entered the industry, constantly challenging himself and improving his acting skills. It is this never-ending attitude that makes him stand out among many actors, and finally becomes one of the actors favored by director Zhang Yimou.

From obscurity to high-profile attention, Li Naiwen's every step has been steadfast and firm. His story tells us that as long as we stick to our dreams and work hard, we will eventually usher in our own highlight moments.

Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half

In the more than ten years of crawling in the entertainment industry, Li Naiwen has always played a supporting role. However, instead of being frustrated or dissatisfied by this, he sees it as a grind and a challenge.

In Li Naiwen's view, the supporting role is not a secondary role, but an indispensable and important part of the whole work.

As the famous director Meng Jinghui said, "carrying a sedan chair for the protagonist" is a highly technical task. Li Naiwen is well versed in this, and he understands that an excellent supporting actor must not only interpret his role in place, but also set off the protagonist just right, making the whole work more plump and three-dimensional.

In this process, Li Naiwen gradually formed his own unique performance style. He is good at capturing the subtle emotional changes of his characters and giving profound connotations to seemingly ordinary characters.

Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half

Whether it is calm and capable in "On the Cliff" or the finishing touch in "Article 20", Li Naiwen can always leave a deep impression on the audience.

However, becoming a real "golden male second" is not an easy task. It requires the actor to not only have enough strength to support the role, but also know how to be restrained in a timely manner and not dominate the scene.

Li Naiwen is exemplary in this regard, he can always show the charm of the role in a limited number of scenes, and at the same time will not dominate.

For more than ten years, Li Naiwen has won the respect of many directors and peers with his solid acting skills and dedicated attitude. Although he may not be the brightest star, he is undoubtedly a powerful actor that people can trust.

Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half

In his opinion, this process of silent cultivation is the only way to grow into a truly excellent actor.

In the entertainment industry, which is full of scandals and gossip, Li Naiwen's private life is like a blank sheet of paper, surprisingly clean. For many years, his love life has rarely been mentioned, and many people are even unaware of his marital status.

This low-key attitude is in stark contrast to his performance on the screen.

It wasn't until a certain talk show that Li Naiwen revealed the fact that he was married to the public for the first time. The news was like a gentle bomb that surprised and intrigued many fans.

Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half

However, even when talking about his other half, Li Naiwen still maintains caution and restraint, only lightly mentioning that his wife often ridicules him as innocent as a child.

This subtle and intimate description just reflects the deep affection between Li Naiwen and his wife. Their married life is like an old wine, although it is not often shown to the public, but it becomes more and more mellow in the precipitation of time.

Li Naiwen's way of addressing his wife also reflects the way they get along. There is no sweet nickname, no deliberate show of affection, there is just sincerity and companionship in the plain.

This low-key and affectionate attitude may be the key to Li Naiwen's ability to maintain his innocence in the complicated entertainment industry.

Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half

In Li Naiwen's view, married life is a private garden that needs to be carefully cared for. He chose to keep his work and life strictly separated, focusing on his acting career in the spotlight and devoting himself to family life in private.

This balance not only made his career flourish, but also made his married life harmonious and happy.

Li Naiwen's success is not accidental, but stems from his deep understanding and firm belief in the profession of actor. In his opinion, actors and stars are two very different concepts.

As he said, "A star is not an actor, but an actor can be a star." Although this sentence may make some people feel uncomfortable, it just reflects Li Naiwen's pure understanding of the profession of actor.

Li Naiwen: Why there have been no scandals since his debut, just look at what he calls the other half

For Li Naiwen, being an excellent actor is far more meaningful than becoming a glamorous star. He devotes all his energy to the understanding and interpretation of the role, constantly polishing his acting skills.

Whether it's a big-budget production or a small-budget production, he takes it equally seriously, striving to take every role to the extreme.

This dedication and dedication have made Li Naiwen widely respected in the industry. Even in the environment of the entertainment industry, which is full of temptations and pitfalls, he has always maintained a clear head and a firm position.

Over the years, he has never been involved in any scandals or negative news, but speaks with his strength and works.

Li Naiwen's success also lies in his ability to balance career and life. He combines focus at work with a low profile in his private life, neither letting his family interfere with his work nor letting his work encroach on family time.

This way of life allows him to maintain his original intention in the complex entertainment industry, focus on his acting career, and have a happy family life.

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