
"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

author:Mango Literary Society
"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family
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"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

In the entertainment industry, the name Li Naiwen is always equated with "golden male partner". However, in a recent ordinary interview, the 48-year-old powerful actor quietly revealed a surprising secret.

When the camera inadvertently captured the low-key wedding ring on his left ring finger, the entire entertainment industry was shaken.

Facing the reporter's questioning, a rare soft smile appeared on Li Naiwen's face, and he responded softly: "She always looks at me with childlike innocence." Behind this short sentence, there seems to be a moving story that no one knows.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

For a while, the married life of this "golden male partner" has become a hot topic after dinner.

This unexpected joy can't help but remind people of Li Naiwen's 20 years in the entertainment industry, as well as his reverie on-screen relationship with Yan Bingyan.

What kind of fate made this "tepid" actor finally achieve positive results at the age of 48? This question may only be able to be told by Li Naiwen himself.

Li Naiwen's acting career is like a movie with ups and downs. In 2003, he made his debut with the sitcom "A Lot of Good Things" and stepped into the door of the film and television industry.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

However, fate seems to have played a joke on him. followed by a TV series that was withdrawn after only two episodes, and the label of "big drama killer" followed, making this enthusiastic young man a "declining god" in the entertainment industry for a while.

In the face of such a setback, Li Naiwen did not choose to give up. He knows very well that the road of an actor is destined to be full of thorns, and only perseverance can blossom into gorgeous flowers.

So, he chose to return to the drama stage and re-hone his acting skills. Every night, he would practice repeatedly in the empty theater until sweat soaked his clothes.

This insistence, bordering on paranoia, stems from his pure love of the performing arts.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

The hard work paid off, and in 2007, the opportunity finally came. The famous director Feng Xiaogang has a discerning eye and gave Li Naiwen a chance to show his face in the movie "Assembly Number".

Although it is only an inconspicuous small role, this is undoubtedly an important turning point for Li Naiwen. He threw himself into it, interpreting every detail with superb acting skills, as if this was the most important role in his life.

Since then, Li Naiwen has begun to appear frequently in various film and television works. Although he is mostly a supporting role, he can always make a deep impression in the limited screen time.

Whether it is Li Si in "Da Qin Fu", or the hated Zhao Lizhong in "I Am Not the God of Medicine", or the cunning and changeable Japanese pseudo-spy in "On the Cliff", Li Naiwen can interpret the role well and make the audience unforgettable.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

With the accumulation of works, Li Naiwen's acting skills have been recognized by more and more people. He is no longer the rookie actor who is "possessed by the god of decay", but has become a powerful person trusted by directors.

"As long as he participates, the quality of this play is guaranteed", such an evaluation began to circulate in the industry. Finally, the reputation of "golden male partner" followed, and became synonymous with him in the entertainment industry.

Looking back on this ups and downs of the acting process, Li Naiwen is full of emotion. He knows very well that it was the setbacks and persistence of those years that created today's "golden male partner".

In an interview, he sincerely said: "I never wanted to become famous overnight, I just wanted to play every role well." For me, the profession of an actor is not about chasing fame and fortune, but about conveying emotions and telling stories.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

Today's Li Naiwen, although he is not confused by the age, still maintains his enthusiasm and focus on performance. He constantly challenges various types of roles and interprets different lives in his own way.

From an obscure supporting role to a "golden sedan chair" on the screen, Li Naiwen has completed a gorgeous transformation in 20 years. His story is not only the growth history of an actor, but also an inspirational legend about perseverance and love.

In this impetuous entertainment industry, Li Naiwen is like a clear stream, using his strength and focus to interpret what a real actor is. His experience tells us that as long as we have a dream in our hearts and a road under our feet, we will never be defeated by life.

In the depths of Li Naiwen's memory, there is a special day that will always shine brightly. It was a weekday weekend when he was 5 years old, and he followed his mother to the theater to watch a performance.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

Who would have thought that this ordinary experience of watching a drama would become the starting point of his acting career.

Just as the show was about to begin, the unexpected happened. An actor suddenly became unwell and was unable to take the stage. The theater suddenly fell into a panic, and the director was so anxious that he stomped his feet.

Just then, a childish voice broke the chaos: "Can I try?" Everyone looked at the little one in amazement, some thought it was funny, others were curious.

The director looked at this courageous little boy, hesitated for a moment, and decided to give him a chance. When Xiao Li Naiwen stood on the stage, it seemed that there was a magical power surging all over his body.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

He forgot about the nervousness, forgot that he was only 5 years old, and threw himself into the role.

The audience was stunned, and so were the directors. This small figure can recite the lines so naturally and fluently, and the expressions and movements are just right.

This unexpected stage experience planted the seeds of dreams in Li Naiwen's young heart. Since then, he has been frequently involved in various performance activities, dedicating himself to it every time.

The spotlight on stage, the applause from the audience, and the wonderful feeling of the performance all fascinated him deeply.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

Years later, when Li Naiwen recalled this experience, his eyes still flashed with excitement. "It's really amazing to be on stage and be in the spotlight," he said.

From then on, I knew that this was the life I wanted.

This childhood dream has become the force that supports Li Naiwen through the ups and downs of his acting career. Even in the most difficult times, as long as he thinks of himself who bravely took the stage, he can find the motivation to move forward again.

Li Naiwen's story tells us that sometimes, an important turning point in life can happen in an ordinary moment. That chance stage experience not only allowed a 5-year-old child to find the direction of his life, but also gave birth to a future "golden male partner" in the Chinese film and television industry.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

From the little boy who bravely stepped onto the stage to the powerful actor who is now comfortable on the screen, Li Naiwen used his own experience to interpret what persistence is and what dreams are.

His story will undoubtedly inspire more people with the dream of being an actor to bravely follow their hearts and shine on the stage of life.

After graduating from the Central Academy of Drama, Li Naiwen was full of longing, hoping to show his skills on the drama stage. However, reality gave him a slap in the face. With apprehension, he dialed the phone number of the famous drama director Meng Jinghui, only to be told that all the roles had been decided.

The blow almost made him lose confidence, but Li Naiwen didn't give up.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

Taking a deep breath, Li Naiwen plucked up the courage to ask, "So, can I be an extra?" Meng Jinghui on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, moved by the young man's persistence, and finally agreed to his request.

In this way, Li Naiwen began his seven-year tempering on the drama stage.

In the past seven years, Li Naiwen has played various small roles, and even just stood in the corner of the stage. But no matter what the role, he puts his heart and soul into it. Sometimes, he would practice a small movement over and over again on an empty stage by himself, just to be able to present it perfectly during the performance.

This almost paranoid preoccupation stems from his pure love of the performing arts.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

However, it was not all smooth sailing. Li Naiwen has experienced countless disappointments and setbacks. Sometimes, he would sit alone in an empty theater late at night, questioning whether he had chosen the right path.

But every time he does this, he is reminded of his mother's words: "In this profession, you have to be patient and endure loneliness, because every role of an actor is important."

This sentence has become the force that supports Li Naiwen through the trough.

In the past seven years, Li Naiwen has not only honed his acting skills, but also exercised his will. He learned how to find the joy of acting in the most inconspicuous roles and how to maintain his love for acting in the face of setbacks.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

This experience laid a solid foundation for his future development in the film and television industry.

Seven years later, when Li Naiwen looked back on this experience, tears of gratitude flashed in his eyes. He said affectionately: "Those seven years were the most difficult and precious time in my acting career.

It taught me patience and perseverance, and it made me understand the true meaning of acting.

This experience, like a sharp blade, sharpened Li Naiwen's acting skills and shaped his tenacious character. It was the precipitation of these seven years that laid a solid foundation for him to become a "golden male partner".

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

Li Naiwen's story tells us that on the road to pursuing our dreams, no role is insignificant, and every step is the only way to success.

In Li Naiwen's colorful acting career, his many collaborations with Yan Bingyan are undoubtedly a beautiful landscape. The two are of similar age, have outstanding acting skills, and their tacit cooperation on the screen often amazes the audience.

Their first collaboration took place on the set of the movie "Teeth of Love". For Li Naiwen, this is a new challenge - he has to shoot the first kissing scene in his life.

Faced with this unfamiliar situation, he was so nervous that he forgot his lines. At this embarrassing moment, Yan Bingyan resolved the deadlock with a relaxed joke: "Have you never kissed a girl at all?" This joke not only relieved the tense atmosphere at the scene, but also made Li Naiwen relax, and finally successfully completed the scene.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

Subsequently, during the filming of the TV series "Come Again", the two joined hands again. At this time, Li Naiwen had made rapid progress, and even kissed Yan Bingyan's lips a little red and swollen.

The tacit cooperation between the two made the rest of the crew amazed. Their rivalry can always be passed once, as if there is an invisible tacit understanding flowing between the two.

Every time he cooperates with Yan Bingyan, Li Naiwen feels a special ease and pleasure. In an interview, he said sincerely: "Playing against Yan Bingyan always makes me feel like a role."

She knows how to set the mood of the whole scene too well. This heartfelt compliment reflects the mutual appreciation of the two in their profession.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

After 20 years in the entertainment industry, 48-year-old Li Naiwen finally ushered in an important turning point in his life. The low-key and dazzling wedding ring became a silent testimony that he had found a life partner.

Looking back, Li Naiwen's love life has always been a mystery. Although there have been scandals with many actresses, they are all short-lived and failed to bear fruit. He has always maintained a low-key style and rarely revealed his private life to the public.

This sense of mystery has earned him the title of "Diamond King's Fifth Brother", and many people have speculated that he may choose not to marry for life.

However, life is always full of surprises. When asked about his newlywed life, Li Naiwen's face was filled with an unprecedented happy smile. He whispered, "She always looked at me with a childlike innocent smile, which made me feel warmth that I had never felt before."

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

This simple sentence expressed the joy and satisfaction in his heart.

Although Li Naiwen did not reveal the identity of his wife, from his words, we can feel the happiness and peace that this marriage has brought him. This man, who was once labeled as a "declining god", is now not only successful in his career, but also harvests sweet love when he reaches middle age.

For the future, Li Naiwen is full of expectations. He said: "I will continue to shine in my acting career, and at the same time, I will cherish this hard-won happiness." This "golden male partner" finally became his protagonist on the stage of life.

Li Naiwen's story tells us that happiness always favors those who always maintain sincerity and love. Whether it is career or love, as long as you stick to your original intention, you will eventually usher in your own happy moment.

"Golden Male Partner" Li Naiwen, who has not been famous for 20 years, has no fate with Yan Bingyan, and later started a family

Finding true love at this age, Li Naiwen's life seems to have turned a new page, and let us look forward to him shining more brightly in the future.

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