
slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

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slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

The silence on the set was broken by a crisp slap, and the young Carina Lau covered her cheeks, her eyes flashing with horror and tears. Standing in front of her is Zheng Yuling, the "elder sister" who is famous in the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

Zheng Yuling frowned, her eyes were like torches, and she shouted: "Go home and take a good look at the script before filming!" This scene shocked everyone present, and it also made us think: What kind of experience shaped this "iron-fisted queen" who frightened many actors? What kind of life story is hidden under her stern exterior? Let's unveil the mystery of Zheng Yuling's legendary life and explore her tortuous journey from a poor girl to a film and television superstar.

In 1957, the bustling city of Hong Kong ushered in an ordinary baby, she was Zheng Yuling. However, she was born and raised in Sri Lanka, but her childhood was not related to the prosperity of the city.

In crowded public housing, young Cheng Yuling often witnessed her parents' fierce quarrels over financial constraints. She often huddled in a corner, hugging her young brother tightly, trying to block out the harsh quarrels for him with her tender hands.

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

The poverty of the family not only leads to quarrels, but also to violence. Zheng Yuling's father was an alcoholic, and he often vented his anger on his children after drinking. Whenever she heard her father's drunken footsteps, Zheng Yuling would instinctively block in front of her younger brother and withstand her father's punches and kicks with her thin body.

This life lasted for many years, until her parents finally chose to divorce, and Zheng Yuling and her younger brother were able to start a new life with their mother.

This painful childhood experience left a deep imprint on Zheng Yuling's heart. She secretly vowed that she would never repeat the mistakes of her parents, and never let her future children go through such a difficult childhood.

This may be the root cause of her insistence on not marrying and having children in the future.

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

Soon, Zheng Yuling realized that the entertainment industry is indeed a shortcut to wealth. Her childhood experience of poverty gave her an almost paranoid desire for money. She has only one belief in her heart: work hard and make more money.

It seems that only money can fill the emptiness in her heart and give her a sense of security.

With such belief, Zheng Yuling worked hard in the entertainment industry with amazing perseverance and fighting spirit. She is not afraid of hard work, not afraid of tiredness, just to chase her dreams.

Her efforts soon paid off. At the age of 22, opportunity came her way. She co-starred with Chow Yun-fat, Liao Weixiong, and Ouyang Peishan in the TV series "People in the Net".

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

The broadcast of this drama, like a bombshell, caused a huge sensation in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. Overnight, Zheng Yuling jumped from an unknown young actor to a star who attracted the attention of everyone.

Her and Chow Yun-fat's wonderful performance in the play made the two become the "best screen couple" in the eyes of the audience.

Since then, Zheng Yuling's acting career has begun to soar. With her dedication to work and love for acting, she soon made a name for herself in the film and television worlds. The laurels of "TV Queen" and "Movie Queen" have fallen on her head one after another, confirming her status in the entertainment industry.

However, behind the success is an unimaginable effort. Cheng's dedication to her work is almost insane, and it is said that she once made nine films in a row in one year, and this fighting spirit has earned her a reputation as "Iron Man".

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

But at the same time, it also allowed her to gradually establish a harsh and demanding image in the circle.

With the popularity of "People in the Net", Zheng Yuling and Chow Yun-fat have become the "best screen couple" in the eyes of the audience. The tacit cooperation between the two is so talked about that Chow Yun-fat sometimes jokingly calls Zheng Yuling "wife".

However, in reality, Zheng Yuling devoted all her energy to her career, as if she wanted to make up for everything missing in her childhood through work.

Her attitude towards work borders on madness. There is a staggering number circulating in the entertainment industry: Zheng Yuling once shot nine movies in a row in one year. This superhuman intensity of work has earned her the reputation of "Iron Man".

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

It is with this dedication to her work that she has won the laurels of "TV Queen" and "Movie Queen", and has become a powerful actor in film and television.

However, behind the success is endless dedication and strict self-demand. Zheng Yuling is strict with herself, and she is even more ruthless with the actors she works with. Just like the shocking "slap" incident we mentioned at the beginning, Zheng Yuling's sternness made many actors walk on thin ice in front of her.

They all respectfully called her "Sister", for fear that they would cause the "Iron Fist Queen" to be dissatisfied because of a small mistake of their own.

Zheng Yuling's severity is not limited to Hong Kong actors, even mainland stars cannot escape her "poisonous tongue". At an awards ceremony, she publicly criticized Huang Bo's attire, sarcastically appearing as if he was wearing pajamas to attend an event.

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

This ruthless style has allowed her to establish an image in the circle that is both awe-inducing and fearful.

As her career flourished, Zheng Yuling's desire for money became stronger and stronger. Her childhood experience of poverty gave her an almost paranoid pursuit of money. She seemed to wish that 48 hours a day could be used to earn money, as if only the accumulation of wealth could fill the emptiness in her heart.

This obsession with money even affects her work. Once, when the director temporarily asked for additional scenes, she did not hesitate to put forward the condition of increasing the price by 100,000 yuan.

This kind of calculating attitude made many people stay away from her, and also made her win the title of "Iron Lady" in the circle.

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

However, Cheng Yuling does not care about the opinions of others. She knows that in this entertainment industry full of opportunities and pitfalls, only by keeping a clear head can she be invincible.

In order to better control her career, she even fired her agent and took care of everything herself. This hands-on attitude has made her position in the circle more and more stable.

In her opinion, the showbiz is a big dye vat, and only by holding on to her money bag can she not be assimilated by this circle. She once said: "In this circle, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests."

This sentence may be the lesson of blood and tears she has learned after years of crawling in the entertainment industry.

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

Although Zheng Yuling's style is controversial, her strength and achievements are undeniable. In her own way, she broke out of this competitive circle and became the undisputed "domineering female president".

Her story is not only the success of an actor, but also the epitome of how a woman who came out of poverty and used her own way to gain a foothold in this world.

Zheng Yuling's legendary life allows us to see the hardships behind success, and also makes us think about the balance between cost and gain. Her story may make people feel admired, or it may make people think that she is too harsh.

But in any case, she interprets in her own way how a woman can survive strongly in this complex world.

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

Although her career is booming, Zheng Yuling's love life has never been fulfilled. She has experienced two long-term relationships, but both ended in failure, as if fate was laughing at her dedication.

Cheng Yuling's first love affair was with talented Hong Kong screenwriter Kam Kwok-leung. The relationship lasted like a long movie for a whole decade. At first, the meeting between the two seemed to be fate, and the combination of talent and beauty was enviable.

However, as time passed, the cruelty of reality slowly surfaced.

Zheng Yuling's obsession with work and her pursuit of money make it difficult for her to balance her feelings. There seem to be only two themes in her life: work and making money, and even love is relegated to the back burner.

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

And Gan Guoliang, as an excellent screenwriter, is also busy with work. The two get together less and leave more, and their relationship gradually becomes weak, like a cup of tea that is not drunk in time, losing its initial temperature and aroma.

In the tenth year of their relationship, they made a difficult decision: to break up. This decision, while heart-wrenching, seems to make sense. Two people with strong ambition eventually lost to the test of reality.

However, Zheng Yuling was not defeated after the breakup. Soon, she met her second spring - singer Lu Fang. The relationship was even more ups and downs, lasting up to 16 years.

At first, Lu Fang was quite famous in the music industry and was known as one of the "Gemini constellations" on a par with Jacky Cheung. Zheng Yuling seems to have found a partner who can match her, and the relationship between the two is booming.

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

However, as time went on, there was a huge gap in the careers of the two.

Zheng Yuling's career is booming, but Lu Fang has never been able to make a breakthrough. Faced with this situation, Zheng Yuling did not give up on her lover. She did not hesitate to use her network resources to try to help Lu Fang revive her career.

She even "supported" Lu Fang financially, hoping to give him an environment for safe development.

However, Zheng Yuling's efforts did not pay off as expected. Lu Fang not only did not cherish this hard-won love, but betrayed Zheng Yuling's trust.

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

Not only did he do nothing in his career, but he also used Zheng Yuling's funds to make secret investments, causing her to suffer heavy losses.

In the end, this 16-year-long relationship ended in tragedy. Surprisingly, after the breakup, Lu Fang not only did not be grateful, but claimed that the 16 years with Zheng Yuling were like "imprisonment".

What's even more jaw-dropping is that he also tried to ask for Zheng Yuling's limousine when they broke up. This kind of behavior of revenge made Zheng Yuling completely lose confidence in love.

Two failed relationship experiences made Zheng Yuling have deep doubts about love. She began to wonder if it was really necessary to bind her life to others.

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

Eventually, she made a surprising but reasonable decision: to stick to a lifestyle of not marrying or having children.

In Zheng Yuling's view, only career is eternal, but feelings are fragile. She decided to devote all her energy to her career and fill the void in her heart with success.

This decision may stem from her disappointment in love, or it may be a repositioning of self-worth. In any case, this decision has created a new Zheng Yuling - a woman who does not need to rely on others and is completely independent.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Zheng Yuling has entered the 67-year-old stage of life. However, age seems to be just a number and doesn't leave much of a mark on her.

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

Time seems to favor her extraordinarily, and she still maintains an enviable figure and state, like a piece of jade that will never fade.

Although she has retreated into the background, Zheng Yuling has not stopped loving and exploring life. She often travels and feels the beauty of the world with her heart. On a trip to Shanghai, she showed her youthful side - she made a special trip to "check in" a huge poster of the popular star Xiao Zhan.

This move not only allows people to see her side of keeping up with the times, but also reflects her relentless pursuit of beautiful things.

Although she no longer appears frequently on the screen, Zheng Yuling still keeps a close eye on the entertainment industry. She often appears in various public places and maintains her influence in the circle in her own way.

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

In this ever-changing entertainment industry, she is still honored as "Sister", and her majesty and courage have not diminished at all.

Zheng Yuling's attitude towards life has always been the same: independent and self-confident, and self-persistent. She once said an impressive quote: "I am my own queen, I live for myself and fight for my dreams."

This sentence may be a portrayal of her life, and it is also her inspiration to everyone.

Today's Zheng Yuling no longer needs to arm herself with a stern mask. She has learned to enjoy life better and to see the world with a more tolerant mindset.

slapped Carina Lau and ridiculed Huang Bo for wearing pajamas at the award ceremony, what happened to her 67-year-old unmarried and childless

The "iron-fisted queen" who once slapped Carina Lau now shows more of the wisdom and calmness of a mature woman.

The 67-year-old Zheng Yuling interprets what true elegance and charm are in her own way. Her story tells us that age is not a limit, but an accumulation of experience; Life is not a compromise, but a constant process of self-fulfillment.

In her, we see how a woman can always maintain herself and live a wonderful life in this complex world.

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