
If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book



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If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Text: Cowbowton

Edited by Cowbowton

Who said that the "Five Uniques" should be a white-bearded old man? Who said that Ouyang Feng can't be tall and handsome? When the 191cm Gao Weiguang came galloping in white clothes and riding a white horse, we suddenly realized: it turned out that this is the real "Western Poison" written by Jin Yong!

A subversive and stunning Ouyang Feng is coming to us. This can't help but make people think, have we been misled by previous film and television works and ignored the true image of Ouyang Feng in the original book? Let's unravel this mystery and re-acquaint ourselves with this fascinating "beautiful man in the Western Regions".

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

The new version of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World": subversion and controversy coexist

As soon as the new version of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" was broadcast, it immediately caused an uproar among the audience. The casting of this drama can be said to be staggeringly bold, completely subverting our inherent impression of the "Five Uniques".

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

is no longer an old man with gray hair and a gray beard, and the "Five Uniques" have turned into a group of handsome uncles around 40 years old. Everyone is 180+ tall, and standing together is simply a beautiful landscape. Such a casting naturally attracted a lot of controversy, some people applauded, and some people called it bad.

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

However, the most amazing thing is Gao Weiguang who plays the "Western Poison" Ouyang Feng. The actor, who was just 40 years old, caught the audience's attention at once with his super tall figure and handsome appearance of 191cm. To be honest, when I first saw his look, my jaw was almost on the ground!

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Gao Weiguang's version of Ouyang Feng: Stunning appearance, detonating the topic

Gao Weiguang's Ouyang Feng can be said to amaze the audience. With slightly curly long hair, a flowing white dress, and deep facial features, he is like an exotic prince who has come out of a painting. The moment he appeared on a white horse, I felt like my heart was skipping half a beat!

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book
Netizens said: "Where is Ouyang Feng, it is clearly a noble prince who has crossed over from another world!" "

Gao Weiguang's Ouyang Feng is not only good-looking, but his aura is even more terrifying. His tall figure and sharp eyes perfectly interpret the word "tall and big". Even a vague Reuters photo makes people can't help but make up a 300,000-word novel. Where is this actor, it's just his true colors!

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

However, there are also some viewers who feel that this version of Ouyang Feng is too handsome, and it is a bit noisy. But is that really the case? Let's take a look at what Ouyang Feng looks like in the original book.

Ouyang Feng in the original book: Actually, he is a beautiful man

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Speaking of which, I have to sigh: Old Man Jin Yong's vision is really vicious! In the original book, his description of Ouyang Feng is quite detailed.

"Tall, dressed in white, with a high nose and deep eyes, a brown and yellow face, heroic spirit, and eyes like swords."
If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Where is this bad old man in our impression! This is clearly a handsome and chic beautiful man! Not to mention that his son Ouyang Ke is also described as "handsome and heroic". As the saying goes, if there is a father, there must be a son, and Ouyang Feng's appearance will definitely not be bad.

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Therefore, Gao Weiguang's version of Ouyang Feng is not broken, but the restoration closest to the original work! Our previous impression of Ouyang Feng was probably led astray by various film and television dramas.

Ouyang Feng in the past dynasties: The evolutionary history from a bad old man to a handsome uncle

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Speaking of which, we might as well review the screen images of Ouyang Feng in the past dynasties and see how they "evolved" step by step.

The earliest image of Ouyang Feng can be traced back to the Shaw Brothers version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in the 70s. Wang Longwei, who was 28 years old at the time, played Ouyang Feng, although he was young, his fleshy baby face was really difficult to reminiscent of the prestige of "Western Poison".

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

and then in the later version of Yang Zelin, although he is tall, his white hair and serious expression make people feel more like a bitter old man than a handsome and chic beautiful man.

really began to get closer to the original work, and Ouyang Feng played by You Yong in the 03 version of "Shooting the Condor". You Yong's image can be said to be tall and strong, and the appearance of holding a snake staff is simply not too domineering. It's just a pity that his style still doesn't fully reflect the characteristics of the Western Regions.

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

In the 08 Tang Dynasty version, the 188cm Xu Jinjiang can be said to be the version closest to the original description in terms of image. Tall and burly, with a high nose and wide eyes, and sharp eyes, it is simply Ouyang Feng's own edge!

Gao Weiguang's version of Ouyang Feng: The closest restoration to the original work

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

After so many years of "evolution", it has finally arrived at Gao Weiguang's version. To be honest, I think he is simply tailor-made for Ouyang Feng!

First of all, the height of 191cm perfectly fits the setting of "one head taller than ordinary people" in the original book. Secondly, his deep facial features and mixed-race appearance precisely reflected Ouyang Feng's characteristics in the Western Regions. In the end, his temperament has both the chic of a chivalrous man and the fierceness of a poisonous man, which is simply the appearance of Ouyang Feng coming out of the paper!

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Gao Weiguang's Ouyang Feng is not only handsome, but more importantly, he perfectly interprets the essence of this role. There was not only the ruthlessness of Western poison in his eyes, but also the pain and struggle that could not be concealed. This complex character trait is the charm of Ouyang Feng's character.

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Netizens are hotly discussed: the perfect combination of appearance and acting skills

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens think that Gao Weiguang's version of Ouyang Feng is simply a god restoration:

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book
"It's so handsome! This is Ouyang Feng in my mind! Tall and handsome, with a Western style, it's perfect! "

Some netizens also said that this version of Ouyang Feng made them reacquaint themselves with this role:

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book
"I used to think that Ouyang Feng was a villain, but now watching Gao Weiguang's version, I suddenly found that this role is actually quite complicated. That kind of inner struggle and pain, it's too well played! "
If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Of course, there are some dissenting voices:

"Although Gao Weiguang is very handsome and his acting skills are good, I still prefer the old version of Ouyang Feng from before. I always feel that the 'Five Uniques' should be the feeling of a group of old-timers. "
If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

Some netizens said:

"Actually, I think that whether it is the old version or the young version of Ouyang Feng, it is important to perform the charm of this role. Although Gao Weiguang's version is young, but that kind of unruly temperament and inner complexity, I think it captures the essence of Ouyang Feng's character. "

Written at the end: re-acquaint yourself with the classics and look forward to more surprises

Looking back on the whole discussion, we can see that the appearance of Gao Weiguang's version of Ouyang Feng is not only a successful casting, but also gives us the opportunity to re-recognize this classic character.

If you don't have 180cm, don't play "Western Poison", Ouyang Feng is tall and a beautiful man in the original book

It reminds us that when appreciating adaptations, we should not be bound by stereotypes, but should be more open to new interpretations.

Every generation has its own Jin Yong martial arts. Perhaps, Gao Weiguang's version of Ouyang Feng is the "Western Poison" that audiences in the new era need. He not only retains the charm of the original book, but also gives the character a new charm.

So, how do you think a good adaptation should balance the original restoration and innovative interpretation? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section!