
Jiang David and TVB senior management Zeng Lizhen have a birthday! Gu Jiyun held a banquet with the husband of the chairman of the 100 billion group



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Jiang David and TVB senior management Zeng Lizhen have a birthday! Gu Jiyun held a banquet with the husband of the chairman of the 100 billion group

Text: Cowbowton

Edited by Cowbowton

In this era of people in the entertainment industry, who would have thought that a 77-year-old actor could be so favored? That's right, I'm talking about the "Double Knife Hero" Jiang David! Just when you think he should enjoy his old age, he shows off his presence at lavish parties.

This can't help but make people think: what makes Jiang David still shine in this young and supremacy circle? Is it his acting skills? His connections? Or is it his charm that never fades?

Let's uncover the secrets of this evergreen in the entertainment industry and see how he always maintains his light in this rapidly changing world.

Jiang David and TVB senior management Zeng Lizhen have a birthday! Gu Jiyun held a banquet with the husband of the chairman of the 100 billion group

Jiang David: The legendary life from a child star to a film and television boss

Hey, speaking of Jiang David, that's really a legend! This old naughty boy has been rolling in the entertainment industry since he was 4 years old, and it has been more than 70 years in a blink of an eye. His acting career is older than many people's age, and he feels amazing when he thinks about it!

From a child star to a bigwig in the film and television industry, Jiang David's status can be said to be unmatched. He is not only an actor, but also a director and producer, and he is simply an all-rounder. In the Hong Kong film and television industry, Jiang David is like a monument, standing there, no one can get around.

Jiang David's success is not accidental. His dedication and love for acting have kept him alive and well in this competitive circle. Even at the age of 77, he is still active in the film and television industry, this spirit is really admirable!

You may ask, how did David Jiang do it? I think that in addition to his extraordinary talent, what is more important is his eternally young heart.

In the entertainment industry, it is not easy to maintain enthusiasm and curiosity, but David Jiang has done it. He always looks at every character with fresh eyes, which is why his performances always move the audience.

With 77 years of acting career and thousands of works, Jiang David has proved what it means to be a real powerful faction with his own strength. From martial arts films to modern dramas, from decent to villains, the wide range of his performances is breathtaking. It's no wonder that such an actor is not popular!

Jiang David and TVB senior management Zeng Lizhen have a birthday! Gu Jiyun held a banquet with the husband of the chairman of the 100 billion group

Luxury birthday party: TVB bigwigs gather to celebrate their birthdays

Speaking of Jiang David's 77th birthday party, it was really luxurious and dazzling! This party is not just a casual place to eat, but hosted by former TVB gold medal emcee Gu Jiyun and her wealthy husband Chen Shiwei. This battle, tsk, I have to say that Jiang David's popularity is really good!

The guest list of the party is simply a TVB "who's who" list. Hu Feng, Chen Shufen, Zeng Lizhen, these names are all well-known bigwigs. And, you know what? There were 7 cakes for this party! Among them, Jiang David has two alone, this row of noodles is absolutely amazing!

Let me tell you, this level of party is not something that anyone can attend if they want to. Being invited to such an occasion in itself shows that your status in the circle is not ordinary. And Jiang David's ability to gather so many bigwigs to celebrate his birthday proves his influence in the circle.

You may ask, why are so many people willing to support Jiang David? I think this is not only because of David Jiang's status, but also because of his personality. In this Vanity Fair, there are not many people who can maintain their hearts and make good connections. Jiang David is obviously one of them.

This birthday party is not only a celebration of Jiang David's personal achievements, but also a recognition of his personality charm. In the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, those who can maintain their original intentions and win respect are the real winners. Jiang David is undoubtedly such a person.

Jiang David's social dynamics: show affection and friendship

Haha, don't think that only young people play social media, our Jiang David boss has a lot of fun! He shared photos of his birthday party on social platforms, and this operation of showing affection and friendship made us fans very happy.

Jiang David and TVB senior management Zeng Lizhen have a birthday! Gu Jiyun held a banquet with the husband of the chairman of the 100 billion group

Jiang David wrote on social platforms: > "Good friends celebrate the June Star together, thank you Boss Gu, Owen's beautiful arrangement", "It's been a long time since I made a martial arts movie!" Today (Twin Blades)".

Seeing these words, do you feel Jiang David's sense of humor and affinity? He not only thanked his friends, but also laughed at himself that he hadn't made a martial arts movie for a long time, this way of self-deprecation was really unbearable.

而且,你们注意到没有?姜大卫还收到了不少圈内好友的祝福。 姜丽文说:"Happy Birthday 四叔! love you!"余香凝与方力申也说:"Happy birthday John 哥。 "

These blessings are not only simple birthday greetings, but also reflect Jiang David's good popularity in the circle. Being blessed by so many people shows that David Jiang is really popular in the circle!

Jiang David's social dynamics not only let us see his private life, but also let us feel his personality charm. In this entertainment industry that is easy to get lost, Jiang David still maintains sincerity and humor, this quality is commendable!

Gu Jiyun: From the gold medal emcee to the wonderful life of the wealthy Kuotai

After talking about Jiang David, let's gossip about one of the organizers of this birthday party - Gu Jiyun. Oops, this sister's life experience is simply a wonderful urban drama!

Gu Jiyun used to be the gold medal emcee of TVB, that eloquence, tsk, is really amazing. She is not only an ordinary host, but also the queen master of ceremonies of the TVB boss, this status, you know. However, in recent years, she has chosen to fade out of the scene and concentrate on enjoying the life of a young grandmother. This transformation, tsk, is really enviable!

Speaking of Gu Jiyun's marriage, it was really full of twists and turns. She has experienced two marriages, the first of which gave birth to a son, but it ended in divorce. However, as the so-called Sai Weng lost his horse, he didn't know that Gu Jiyun met her current husband Chen Shiwei in 2003.

Jiang David and TVB senior management Zeng Lizhen have a birthday! Gu Jiyun held a banquet with the husband of the chairman of the 100 billion group

Chen Shiwei is not an ordinary person, he is the global senior vice president of Cisco Systems and the chairman of Greater China. Is this identity enough for a wealthy family? However, what is even more admirable is that Gu Jiyun not only gained a happy marriage, but also bravely accepted the role of stepmother and loved Chen Shiwei's ex-wife's son as his own child.

Gu Jiyun once shared her mental journey: > "It's not easy for the two families to run in, and I'm not very mentally prepared to be a stepmother." My husband encouraged me and said, 'You put your heart into them, and they will feel it.'" "

What a heartwarming thing to say! Gu Jiyun and Chen Shiwei's marriage has gone through 20 years, and she also posted wedding photos on social platforms last year, and said: > "I wish to be happy until I am old!" "

Gu Jiyun's story tells us that happiness is not something to come by, but to be fought for and managed by oneself. Whether it is career or love, as long as we treat it with our hearts, there will always be good returns.

Netizens are hotly discussed: Jiang David's birthday party triggered thoughts

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and everyone's opinions can be described as diverse.

Some netizens thought that Jiang David's birthday party was too luxurious, saying: "Wow, so many bigwigs get together, just thinking about it makes me feel inhumane!" However, Mr. Jiang Dawei deserves such treatment, after all, he is a legend in the entertainment industry. "

Some netizens also expressed envy of Jiang David's evergreen career: "At the age of 77, he is still so popular, Jiang David is really an evergreen tree in the entertainment industry!" I hope that when I reach this age, I can be as energetic and successful as him. "

Jiang David and TVB senior management Zeng Lizhen have a birthday! Gu Jiyun held a banquet with the husband of the chairman of the 100 billion group

Some netizens paid attention to Gu Jiyun's story: "Gu Jiyun's experience is really inspirational! From TVB gold medal emcee to a wealthy man, he can also handle complex family relationships, which is really admirable. "

However, there are also some voices critical of this kind of luxury party, and some netizens said: "In the current economic situation, is this kind of luxury party a little out of place?" Should celebrities be more low-key? "

In this regard, some netizens refuted: "Mr. Jiang David's achievements and contributions are obvious to all, and he deserves such a celebration." And it's a private party, so we don't have to tell other people's lives by the wayside. "

Some netizens also think about this issue from a deeper level: "Jiang David's success is not only in his acting skills, but also in his personality." After so many years in the entertainment industry, he can still maintain his heart and be widely acclaimed, which is what is really worth learning from. "

Overall, although netizens have different opinions about Jiang David's birthday party, most people still expressed their blessings and respect for Jiang David. This also reflects from the side that in this fast-paced society, people still cherish artists like Jiang David.

Write at the end

Looking back on the whole article, we see the legendary life of Jiang David, who entered the industry from the age of 4 to the age of 77 and is still active in the entertainment industry, and he has conquered generations of audiences with his strength and personality charm. At the same time, we also saw Gu Jiyun's wonderful life from a gold medal emcee to a wealthy man, and her story tells us that happiness needs to be managed with heart.

Jiang David and TVB senior management Zeng Lizhen have a birthday! Gu Jiyun held a banquet with the husband of the chairman of the 100 billion group

Jiang David's birthday party is not just a simple celebration, it is more like a mirror, reflecting the warmth and warmth of the entertainment industry and the value orientation of society. In this vanity fair, there are not many people who can always maintain their original intention and be widely respected like Jiang David.

This makes us wonder: how should we define success in these times of rapid change? Is it fame and fortune? Or do you have a sincere friendship and widespread respect like David Kang?

Finally, I would like to throw out a question for you to think about: In your mind, what kind of life is a truly successful life? Is it a successful career? Or do you want to make good connections? Or both? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section!

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