
Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother

author:Kotsuki Finding Office
Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother
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Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother

In the TV series "Langya Bang", the scene of Emperor Liang played by Ding Yongdai angrily denouncing the "chaotic ministers and thieves" is still fresh in the audience's memory. However, it is the same actor who perfectly interprets the ruthless image of Bai Baoshan, the "head of the top ten bandits", in "The End of the Road".

From a majestic emperor to a vicious criminal, Ding Yongdai has shown an amazing span of acting skills.

Ding Yongdai, who was praised by Jin Xing as a "clean person", how can he maintain his true colors in the complicated entertainment industry? Why is he still working tirelessly in his acting career? What's even more curious is how this powerful actor can take care of his elderly mother despite his busy work? Let's walk into the world of Ding Yongdai and uncover the little-known life story of this low-key actor.

In the vast grasslands of Inner Mongolia, the young Ding Yongdai once had a simple but fiery dream - to become a good football player. Whenever he ran and played football on the grass alone, it was as if the whole world was cheering.

Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother

The mother gave her son's dream wholeheartedly, and even spared no expense to buy him a beautiful football, which was extremely precious in Ding Yongdai's heart.

However, fate always likes to joke. An accidental fall left Ding Yongdai with a leg injury, and although the injury was not serious, the doctor's diagnosis gave him a death sentence for his dream of professional football.

This blow is undoubtedly heavy for the young Ding Yongdai, but life always has its magical turn.

Just when Ding Yongdai was melancholy about the loss of his dream, a foreign movie called "The Wanderer" broke into his field of vision and completely changed the trajectory of his life. Ding Yongdai was deeply moved by the heroic image of the protagonist in the film, and he began to involuntarily imitate the dialogue of the characters in the movie, imagining himself to be the omnipotent hero.

Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother

This love for acting quietly sprouted in his heart.

In order to follow the dream of this freshman, Ding Yongdai began to learn to play the flute and made a name for himself in the campus art show. However, the reality after high school is not as rosy as a fairy tale.

In order to make a living, Ding Yongdai had to work as a "sand sifter worker" at the construction site. Accompanied by the wind and sand every day, he is physically and mentally exhausted, but his inner dream of performing has never been extinguished.

In 1977, the news of the country's resumption of the college entrance examination system was like a dawn, illuminating Ding Yongdai's life path. With the encouragement and support of his mother, he began a hard life preparing for exams.

Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother

In order to help her son practice acting, his mother even went so far as to simulate various life scenarios at home, the most humorous of which was the repeated practice of buying soy sauce, so that the family's soy sauce reserves became more and more abundant.

In 1979, Ding Yongdai was admitted to the Inner Mongolia Academy of Arts. Standing on the threshold of the university, the football boy who used to run on the grassland has transformed into a young man with a dream of performing.

Since then, Ding Yongdai has started his acting career, step by step, towards a broader stage.

Ding Yongdai, who entered the Inner Mongolia Academy of Arts, started his acting journey with an infinite love for performance. When he first entered the campus, his grades in the class were not outstanding, but with his indomitable spirit and tireless research attitude, he quickly attracted the attention of his tutor Gao Bin.

Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother

Mr. Gao not only gave Ding Yongdai careful guidance and encouragement, but also won him the opportunity to play a small role in the movie "Sini Lama", which opened the door for him to be a film and television actor.

On the set, Ding Yongdai showed professionalism far beyond his age. He is always the first to arrive at the scene and the last to leave, not only to ponder his performance, but also to experience and understand the hard work of the staff behind the scenes.

This dedication and humility made colleagues impressed with this young man.

After graduating from university, Ding Yongdai was assigned to the Inner Mongolia Repertory Theatre. On the stage, with his solid foundation, rigorous attitude and excellent performance, he quickly became a leader in the troupe.

Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother

However, the real turning point came when he was 35 years old. He received an invitation to be the protagonist of the first TV series in his life, and played a soldier who made great sacrifices for the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway in "Heavenly Road".

This role not only allowed Ding Yongdai to gain the recognition of the audience, but also opened the door to the film and television industry for him.

But what made Ding Yongdai famous was his superb interpretation of Bai Baoshan, the "head of the top ten bandits", in the TV series "The End of the Road". In order to perfectly interpret this terrifying character, Ding Yongdai has made unimaginable efforts.

He not only carefully studied the relevant information of the police, but also humbly consulted with psychological experts and watched a large number of crime documentaries, striving to restore a real and three-dimensional image of criminals.

Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother

On the set, Ding Yongdai seemed to be completely incarnated as Bai Baoshan. His fierce and cunning eyes even made the actresses in the same group shudder. However, when interpreting Bai Baoshan's filial piety to his mother, he can skillfully show the soft side of the character and interpret the complex character vividly.

Especially in the scene where the police broke into Bai Baoshan's house, Ding Yongdai perfectly presented the criminal's inner struggle, attachment to his mother, and suppressed remorse through delicate expressions and movements.

This deep understanding of the role and superb acting skills have not only won the love of the audience, but also won high praise from industry insiders.

From the drama stage to the TV screen, from the supporting role to the protagonist, Ding Yongdai used his strength and persistence to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry step by step. Every role he portrays is deeply engraved in the hearts of the audience and has become an indelible classic image in the history of Chinese film and television.

Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother

Behind Ding Yongdai's wonderful acting career, there is a plain and warm family life. While working at the Inner Mongolia Repertory Theatre, Ding Yongdai met his beloved, Zhao Xuehua.

The two fell in love at first sight, quickly fell in love, and then entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. In the complicated and tempting entertainment industry, Ding Yongdai has always maintained his loyalty to his family and has never had any scandals, and this valuable character has won the respect of the audience.

Soon after their marriage, Ding Yongdai and Zhao Xuehua welcomed their beloved son Ding Ning. However, the particularity of the profession of an actor makes it difficult for Ding Yongdai to be by his wife and children at all times.

Faced with this situation, Zhao Xuehua silently took on the responsibility of raising children. Her dedication and understanding have provided a solid backing for Ding Yongdai's career development.

Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother

Under the words and deeds of his parents, Ding Ning gradually developed a love for movies. In order to follow his film dream, he went overseas to study, and eventually grew into an excellent director.

Ding Ning's achievements are not only the best return to his parents' education, but also add new luster to this artistic home.

Whenever he saw the lonely figure of his mother leaning against the window alone, Ding Yongdai's heart would swell with a burst of guilt. He knows very well that despite the lack of material things, what the elderly really need is the company of their loved ones.

In order to make up for this debt, Ding Yongdai began to consciously reduce the frequency of going out to shoot, and spend as much time as possible with his family, especially his mother.

Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother

Today, 65-year-old Ding Yongdai is facing a new stage in his life. On the one hand, he has to continue to be enthusiastic and committed to his acting career, and on the other hand, he has to take care of his elderly mother as much as possible.

This balance is not easy, but Ding Yongdai is using practical actions to interpret what is responsibility and what is filial piety.

At the peak of his career, Ding Yongdai did not forget the importance of family; When his family needed him, he did not give up his pursuit of acting career. This effort to find a balance between career and family demonstrates Ding's dual charm as a successful artist and a responsible family member.

His story is not only the career of an actor, but also a vivid portrayal of how an ordinary person can balance career and family in modern society.

Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother

Ding Yongdai's success in the entertainment industry is not accidental, but stems from his persistent pursuit and rigorous attitude towards performing arts. Every time he receives a new role, he will devote himself to it, delve into the background of the character, carefully figure out the psychology of the character, and strive to present the most realistic and touching performance on the screen.

His professionalism was particularly evident in the filming of "The End". In order to perfectly interpret the complex role of Bai Baoshan, the "head of the top ten bandits", Ding Yongdai not only carefully read the relevant information of the police, but also took the initiative to consult with psychological experts, watched a large number of crime documentaries, and tried to understand the psychology and behavior patterns of criminals from multiple perspectives.

This in-depth study and understanding of the character allows him to present a three-dimensional character on the screen that is both fierce and cunning, but also humane.

On the set, Ding Yongdai always leads by example, always being the first to arrive at the scene and the last to leave. Not only does he focus on his performances, but he also enthusiastically communicates with other actors and crew, striving to create a harmonious working atmosphere.

Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother

This dedication and humility have won unanimous praise from peers and directors.

In addition to striving for excellence in professionalism, Ding Yongdai has always maintained a noble character in dealing with people. In the entertainment industry full of temptations and traps, he sticks to his moral bottom line, never participates in unspoken rules, and does not hype up scandals to gain attention.

He believes that a true actor should speak with his work and strength, rather than relying on lace news to attract attention.

Ding Yongdai's life is like a symphony of ups and downs, and finally harmonious and moving. From the teenager chasing football on the prairie to the powerful actors on stage and screen; From an obscure supporting role, to a critically acclaimed protagonist; From the hard work when he was young, he is still working tirelessly in his acting career at the age of 65.

Ding Yongdai: My son is a famous director, and now he is 65 years old and he doesn't dare to grow old, and he has to take care of his old mother

Ding Yongdai used his own experience to explain what persistence is and what success is.

Today's Ding Yongdai has a successful career and a happy family, but he still hasn't stopped. While continuing to explore in his acting career, he did his best to take care of his elderly mother.

Ding Yongdai's story tells us that the wonder of life does not lie in the level of the starting point, but in the persistence and dedication in the process. As long as you have dreams and are down-to-earth, you will definitely be able to shine on the stage of life.

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