
The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

author:Watermelon talks about the world
The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless
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The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

On June 20, 2018, the Yanhuang Art Museum in Beijing was full of people, and a masterpiece entitled "Pastoral Song of the Prosperous Age, Chinese Dream, and the Revival of Mountains and Rivers" was partially exhibited, which immediately caused a sensation.

This stunning 7,500-meter-long scroll was written by an obscure rural teacher.

In the exhibition hall, the audience stopped and stared, and the admiration came and went. Some people are amazed by the grandeur of the painting, some praise its delicate brushstrokes, and some are shocked by the magnificent mountains and rivers it presents.

However, as the buzz grew, so did the voices of skepticism.

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

Online, the teacher's story went viral, sparking heated discussions. Some netizens praised its perseverance and talent, while others questioned its value.

At the same time, some art experts are even more blunt: the painting "lacks meaning".

In an ordinary family in Fuyang County, Anhui Province, in 1961, Sun Yuqing fell to the ground. Since he was a child, painting has been like a seed that has quietly taken root in his heart.

However, the burden of reality put this dream on hold for a while.

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

Until he was 21 years old, as if driven by some force, Sun Yuqing picked up the brush again. At that moment, there was a determined light in his eyes, as if he had found the direction of life.

However, the stage of life did not prepare him for the role of an artist. After graduating from university, he chose a seemingly ordinary path - to become a rural teacher, rooted in a rural school building on the banks of the Huai River and in the Dabie Mountains.

Despite his remoteness, Sun Yuqing's artistic dreams have never been extinguished. Every night, when the mountain village fell into a deep sleep, he would practice painting stroke by stroke under the dim oil lamp.

That focused look seemed to announce to the world: I, Sun Yuqing, will one day use a brush to paint the splendid mountains and rivers in my heart.

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

Day after day, year after year, Sun Yuqing persisted in his artistic pursuits in his ordinary teaching career. In the classroom, he is a rural teacher who is kind and persuasive; After class, he is an art dreamer who is obsessed with painting.

His students often gathered around him curiously, watching the teacher skillfully sketch beautiful landscapes on paper.

"Teacher, why do you like to draw so much?" The students asked innocently.

Sun Yuqing always replied with a smile: "Because painting is my dream, and dreams should never be abandoned." "

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

In this way, in ordinary days, Sun Yuqing depicts extraordinary dreams with a brush. His story is like a tenacious grass in the depths of the mountains, which still grows stubbornly in a difficult environment, and continues to climb towards the sun in his heart.

In Sun Yuqing's heart, a grand idea is quietly taking shape. One day, he happened to see the Song Dynasty painter Wang Ximeng's "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", and was immediately shocked by the momentum of this painting.

Once this idea was generated, it was like a spark of fire, burning more and more in Sun Yuqing's heart. He began to use every vacation and leisure time to embark on a long road of collecting style.

In the past ten years, he has traveled all over the north and south of the motherland, and his footprints have been all over the mountains and rivers.

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

In this arduous but passionate journey, Sun Yuqing's brushes never stopped. He climbed dangerous peaks just to capture the most magnificent sunrises; He waded across the river just to record the most authentic water town style.

Everywhere he went, he would stop for a long time, feel the local natural features and cultural atmosphere, and then freeze the scene in front of him on paper with pen and ink.

Sometimes, in order to find the best viewpoint, Sun Yuqing had to hike dozens of kilometers of mountain roads. His shoes were worn out and his feet were blistered with blood, but he never complained.

Because he knows that every step of the arduous trek is to get one step closer to his dream.

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

In the past ten years, Sun Yuqing has accumulated nearly 4,000 vivid sketches. These sketches not only record the natural scenery of the motherland, but also carry his deep affection for this land.

Each sketch embodies Sun Yuqing's sweat and painstaking efforts, and is a valuable material for his future creation.

When he looks back on the course of this decade, tears of pride glean in his eyes. He knew that he was one step closer to his dream. These sketches will become the cornerstone of his grand paintings.

During this journey, Sun Yuqing not only accumulated rich creative materials, but also deeply appreciated the magnificence of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. He often sighed: "Our motherland is so beautiful, I have the responsibility to use my brush to preserve this beauty forever."

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

This sense of responsibility has become a strong motivation for him to continue to move forward.

Stepping into the year of establishment, Sun Yuqing began a long journey of formal creation. He housed his studio in a modest rural bungalow. The walls are mottled and the roof often leaks rain, but this does not dampen his creative enthusiasm in the slightest.

Every time the first rays of sunlight of dawn shine into the studio through the window lattice, Sun Yuqing is already working at his desk and starting a new day of creation.

However, the path to artistic creation has not been easy. Sometimes, inspiration recedes like a tidal wave, and Sun Yuqing will be unable to write for days on end. He would sit in front of the case, staring blankly at the unfinished painting, filled with anxiety and self-reproach.

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

But he never gives up easily, but chooses to meditate quietly, re-examine his work, and think about the direction of improvement.

Sometimes, in order to capture a particular scene, Sun Yuqing had to embark on a difficult journey. For example, in order to witness the magnificent scenery of the Nansha Islands, he was not afraid of hardships and hardships to get to the island.

When he finally stood on the island, looking at the blue water and white sand, tears of excitement could not help but burst out of his eyes. He knew that this experience would become the most precious stroke of his paintings.

In the process of creation, Sun Yuqing often forgot to sleep and eat. Sometimes inspiration strikes and he will work for days until he exhausts his last shred of energy. His wife distressed and persuaded him: "Your body is important, don't work too hard."

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

But Sun Yuqing always replied gently: "This is my dream, I can't stop."

Day after day, year after year, Sun Yuqing has always maintained amazing perseverance and focus. Even in the most difficult times, even if some people didn't understand his persistence, he never wavered from his original intention.

He often encourages himself: "As long as you keep at it, one day, I will finish this painting."

Time flies, forty years pass quietly. By the time Sun Yuqing finished the last stroke, he was close to the age of six, and at the age of 59, his sideburns had already turned white. Looking at the 7,500-meter-long scroll in front of him, which condensed his life's work, Sun Yuqing's eyes flashed with tears of relief.

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

He stroked the painting as if he were caressing his own child, and muttered, "Finally, I did it."

At this moment, all the bitterness and hardship turned into a sense of accomplishment and pride. Sun Yuqing knew that his persistence was not in vain, and he spent forty years turning the dream in his heart into reality.

This painting is not only a work of art, but also a testimony of his life, and the best interpretation of his persistent pursuit of art.

Sun Yuqing's artistic pursuit not only consumed most of his life, but also brought him a heavy financial burden. As an ordinary rural teacher, his income is already meager, and artistic creation is a career that requires huge investment.

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

In order to buy the pen, ink, paper and inkstone needed for creation, Sun Yuqing devoted almost all of his possessions. He was frugal and spent most of his salary on painting materials. Every time he received his salary, he would go to the stationery store to buy painting materials, and then use the rest for his daily life.

His wife said distressedly: "Your family's money has been lost by you." Sun Yuqing always smiled apologetically, but he never wavered in his determination to buy painting materials.

With the deepening of creation, it is no longer enough to rely on salary. Sun Yuqing began to borrow money from all over the world, and even had to borrow from banks. The debts snowballed, and when the 7,500-meter-long scroll was completed, Sun Yuqing was already burdened with a debt of up to 800,000 yuan.

This number, for an ordinary village teacher, is undoubtedly an astronomical number.

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

In the face of such a huge debt, Sun Yuqing did not show the slightest frustration. Whenever he sees his work and thinks of the hard work he has put into it, he feels that it is all worth it.

He often stroked the paintings, his eyes shining with determination, as if to say, "This is my heart's work, my dream."

Despite being heavily indebted, Sun Yuqing remains hopeful. He believes that his work will eventually be recognized, and all these years of hard work will eventually pay off. Even if he can't pay off his debts in the end, he has no regrets.

Because in his opinion, being able to follow his dreams and paint the magnificent mountains and rivers in his heart with a brush is far more precious than money.

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

When Sun Yuqing's work was finally exhibited, it sparked widespread discussion and controversy. Many netizens were touched by his perseverance and dedication to art, and they praised him on social media.

"This is the spirit of China!" Someone commented. However, there are also some voices who doubt whether it is worth it for a rural teacher to spend most of his life and bear huge debts to create a painting.

"Shouldn't he devote his time and energy to teaching?" Questions were raised.

What is even more surprising is that some art experts have given negative comments on Sun Yuqing's work. They believe that despite the sheer size of the paintings, they are deficient in their artistic treatment and can hardly be compared with the works of well-known artists.

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

Some experts even bluntly said that the painting "has no meaning". Such an evaluation undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to Sun Yuqing.

In the face of these doubts and denials, Sun Yuqing maintained a peaceful mind. In an interview, he said: "I created this painting not to be recognized by anyone, but to realize my dream and express my love for the motherland."

That's what my life is all about.

Sun Yuqing's story has triggered people's in-depth thinking about the value of art.

The rural teacher painted a picture of 7,500 meters and owed 800,000 netizens praise, but the expert said: It is meaningless

In any case, Sun Yuqing used his own actions to interpret the true meaning of "not forgetting the original intention, so as to always". His story has become the driving force that inspires countless people with dreams to keep moving forward.

As one netizen said: "Maybe this painting is not perfect in art, but Mr. Sun's spirit is worth learning from each of us."

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