
After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

author:Watermelon talks about the world
After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives
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After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

That day, Huang Caijiu was working at the construction site as usual, and his wife Liu Yuxiang was going out to buy ingredients for dinner. The young Huang Hui offered to stay at home, and Liu Yuxiang asked six nearby workers to take care of her son.

Who knew that this parting would become an eternal secret. When Liu Yuxiang returned from purchasing, the home was empty, and Huang Hui and the six workers seemed to have evaporated from the world. This sudden change opened the prelude to the family's 22-year tragedy.

Huang Hui's sudden disappearance was like a hammer blow, shattering this originally hopeful family. Liu Yuxiang fell into endless self-blame and sadness, and was immersed in missing her son day after day.

She kept blaming herself that if she hadn't handed Huang Hui over to someone else's care, or had taken him with her to buy groceries, the tragedy wouldn't have happened. This intense sense of guilt and the pain of thinking about her son gradually eroded her spiritual world, eventually causing her to have a nervous breakdown.

After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

Even in a delirious state, the only thing Liu Yuxiang remembers is to find her precious son. She sometimes cried, sometimes shouted Huang Hui's name, which became the only motivation for her survival, and also became an eternal pain in the hearts of her family.

At the same time, Huang Hui's grandfather suffers a huge blow from the loss of his beloved grandson. When he learned that Huang Hui might have been abducted and trafficked to another country, he returned to his hometown, and the old man's heart was completely broken.

Every day, he was immersed in endless sorrow and pain. In the end, unable to withstand such a blow, the old man chose an extreme way to end his life - suicide by poisoning.

This decision undoubtedly dealt another heavy blow to this already shattered family.

After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

Faced with his wife's mental disorder and his father's death, Huang Caijiu felt the darkest moment in his life. However, as the only pillar of support in the family, he knew that he could not fall.

He must be strong enough to shoulder the burden of caring for his mentally deranged wife while keeping the family functioning while continuing to search for his missing son.

In these long 22 years, Huang Caijiu has never given up hope of finding his son. He posted missing person notices everywhere and posted information on the Internet, hoping to find any clues about his son.

Even when life is difficult, even when he often feels hopeless, he persevers because he always believes that one day he will be able to reunite with his son.

After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

This once happy family spent 22 long years in pain, despair and perseverance. Their stories have become a microcosm of the many families that were broken up by child trafficking at that time, and have also become an important driving force for social attention to this issue.

After being abducted from his hometown, the young Huang Hui was taken to an unfamiliar environment and began his long and arduous life of wandering. He was placed in a family with the surname Shaw, but from an early age he felt that he was different from other children.

The children in the village often called him "the child he picked up", and such a title filled Huang Hui's heart with doubts and uneasiness.

As he grew older, Huang Hui became more and more convinced that he was a trafficked child. He has asked Xiao's father many times about his background, but he has never received a clear answer.

After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

Father Xiao's flickering words deepened Huang Hui's suspicions. Finally one day, probably because he couldn't bear Huang Hui's continuous questioning, Xiao's father kicked him out of the house.

In this way, the young Huang Hui became a homeless street child. In the cold winter, he wandered aimlessly through the streets, suffering from hunger and cold.

With no money and no relatives, Huang Hui felt like a stray dog, struggling to survive in a strange world.

Just when Huang Hui was almost desperate, fate gave him a glimmer of hope. A kind old couple, Mr. and Mrs. Hu, saw the poor child and decided to take him home to take care of him.

After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

In the Hu family, Huang Hui felt the warmth of home for the first time. The old couple loved him very much and regarded him as their own, which made Huang Hui feel the long-lost love.

However, the good times were short-lived. The son of the Hu family had a strong dissatisfaction with this "younger brother" who suddenly appeared. He began to abuse Huang Hui, causing Huang Hui's life to fall into fear again.

Enduring beatings and verbal abuse every day, Huang Hui once again felt the pain of being abandoned.

Faced with such a situation, Huang Hui understands that he can't always rely on others. He longs to find his biological parents, but knows that he needs money to support him.

After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

In the limited opportunities he had in the area, he followed the advice of some people and resolutely embarked on the road to Myanmar to work.

During his time in Myanmar, Huang Hui gradually gained a firm foothold in the catering industry with his diligence and wisdom. Although life was hard and his work was heavy, he finally gained a certain amount of economic freedom and living space.

However, even in a foreign country, Huang Hui never gave up the idea of finding his own background. Whenever he has free time, he searches the Internet for information about abducted children, hoping to find clues about his family.

This long period of wandering has made Huang Hui mature and strong. He learned to survive on his own and to keep hope alive in the face of adversity. Despite experiencing countless setbacks and sufferings, he has always maintained a longing for home and a yearning for family affection in his heart.

After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

This became the driving force to support him to continue to move forward, and also laid the groundwork for his future journey to find his relatives.

Huang Hui's experience is not only his personal fate, but also a common portrayal of many abducted children. It reveals the deep damage that human trafficking takes to victims, and also shows the resilience and strength of hope in human nature.

After years of working in Myanmar's restaurant industry, Huang Hui finally gained some financial freedom. However, the desire to find out who you really are has never diminished. Outside of work, he would tirelessly search the Internet for information about abducted children, hoping to find clues about his family.

Fate finally favored Huang Hui on an ordinary day. That day, when he was browsing the missing person information on the Internet as usual, the name "Huang Caijiu" suddenly came into view.

After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

He was surprised to find that the child he was looking for had a very similar experience to his own. Huang Hui's heart began to beat wildly, and he could barely believe his eyes.

The website also provides information on Huang Caijiu's DNA sample, which gives Huang Hui a glimmer of hope. He immediately contacted the relevant authorities and requested a DNA match.

In the days of waiting for the results, Huang Hui lived like a year, looking forward to it and apprehensive.

When the DNA comparison results finally came out, Huang Hui's tears couldn't stop flowing. The results showed that Huang Caijiu was indeed his biological father. The doubts and loneliness of 22 years found an answer at this moment, and Huang Hui felt an indescribable relief and joy.

After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

However, after the joy, Huang Hui fell into deep anxiety again. He didn't know if his family was still waiting for him after so many years, and if they were still willing to accept him. With such complicated feelings, Huang Hui decided to embark on the road of recognizing his relatives.

He quit his job in Myanmar, packed his simple luggage, and set out on the journey home. Along the way, Huang Hui's mood went up and down, expecting and fearing. He didn't know what kind of family, what kind of parents would await him.

But he knew that, no matter what, he finally had a chance to fill that huge void in his life.

This journey to find relatives is not only a turning point in Huang Hui's personal fate, but also a ray of hope for many abducted children to regain their lives. It demonstrates the important role of modern technology in helping separated families reunite, and also reflects the unremitting efforts of all sectors of society in combating human trafficking and helping separated families to be reunited.

After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

Huang Hui's story allows us to see the magic of fate, and also makes us feel the power of family affection. It tells us that miracles are possible as long as hope is not given up.

After a long journey, Huang Hui finally stood in front of his home after a 22-year absence. His heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of his chest, and his fingers trembled as he pressed the doorbell. The door opened, and a middle-aged woman said in a trembling voice: "Huang Hui, I am your mother... "。

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

Huang Hui looked at the strange and familiar woman in front of him, and tears flowed uncontrollably. He knelt deeply and bowed to his parents. The emotions that had been suppressed for years exploded at this moment, and the whole family hugged each other tightly and wept silently.

After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

This scene is poignant and heartwarming, witnessing the joy of a family's lost gain.

In the ensuing conversation, Huang Hui finally mustered up the courage to ask the question that had plagued him for years: "Am I abandoned by you?" This question was like a sharp blade, stabbing Huang Caijiu's heart.

He took out a yellowed missing person notice, choked up and told his son the truth about the year.

Huang Caijiu described in detail how they searched everywhere and how they suffered day and night. He also told Huang Hui about the changes that have happened in the family over the years - his mother's mental breakdown and his grandfather's suicide.

After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

Every detail makes Huang Hui's heart like a knife.

After listening to his father's narration, Huang Hui's doubts and resentments disappeared. He understands the pain and longing of his parents over the years, and he also feels guilty about his doubts.

At this moment, he felt an unprecedented warmth and sense of belonging.

The revelation of the truth is painful, but it also brings relief. This family, which has experienced many vicissitudes, can finally let go of the haze of the past and embrace hope again. Huang Hui's return not only fills the gap in his life, but also brings new hope to this broken family.

After the son was abducted at the age of 4, his mother went crazy and his grandfather drank poison, and as a result, the son came back from Myanmar 22 years later to look for relatives

Huang Hui's return is like a good medicine, healing the psychological trauma of this family that has suffered from the vicissitudes of life. The joy of regaining them is a new lease of life and gives them the courage and motivation to move on.

Liu Yuxiang's mental condition gradually improved, and the smile on Huang Caijiu's face also increased.

However, the family's experience also brings a profound warning to society. The harm of human trafficking is not only the harm to individuals, but also the destruction of entire families and society.

It reminds us to always be vigilant and protect ourselves and those around us. At the same time, the story also highlights the important role of technology in helping separated families reunite, and calls on all sectors of society to continue their efforts to build a safe and harmonious social environment.

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