
The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

author:Xi Xi Gui Circle


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The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

Text: Xixi Guiquan


Who says veterans can't do it anymore? Who says newcomers are destined to succeed? In the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, everything is possible. Just last night, the latest episode of "Singer 2024" staged a wonderful "big reversal" for us.

Those promising veteran singers have overturned, but a fill-in singer was born out of nowhere and became a blockbuster. This music feast not only feasted the audience's ears, but also gave us a vivid lesson on the "rules of survival in the entertainment industry".

What kind of magic makes this show the hottest variety show this summer? What kind of strength does it make a fill-in singer to the top of the list? Let's unravel the mystery of this musical extravaganza.

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

The popularity of the show soared, and the topic continued

After the return of "Singer 2024", it has become a well-deserved "screen variety show". The show is like a never-ending topic maker, providing the audience with a steady stream of material for discussion.

Each episode of the show can incubate new hot stalks, not to mention the wonderful performances of the singers on the stage, and even their every move in the live broadcast cannot escape the audience's eyes.

This kind of all-round and dead-end attention has made "Singer 2024" the hottest variety show topic this summer. Whether it's on social media or in after-dinner chats, people always seem to find topics related to the show.

From the singer's song selection and arrangement, to the stage design, costume styling, to the behind-the-scenes footage, and the interaction between the contestants, every detail can become the focus of netizens' talk.

The innovative format of the program has also been widely recognized. Different from previous music competitions, "Singer 2024" has made bold innovations in the competition system, introducing more interactive and suspense elements, so that the audience can enjoy the music while experiencing the fun similar to "solving puzzles". This new viewing experience undoubtedly adds a lot of attraction to the show.

"It's not like I'm watching a show, I'm playing a reasoning game!" A loyal viewer commented on social platforms.
The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

However, the success of Singer 2024 is not limited to its entertainment. As a music program, it provides a platform for the audience to enjoy high-quality music works.

Each of the participating singers showed their own housekeeping skills and presented a wonderful music feast for the audience. From pop to rock, folk to electronic, a variety of musical styles mingle on this stage to feast the audience's ears.

It can be said that "Singer 2024" is not only a variety show, but also the hottest cultural phenomenon this summer. It successfully blends music, entertainment and social topics, and has become an indispensable after-dinner food for audiences.

The ranking is reshuffled, and accidents are frequent

In the latest issue of "Singer 2024", the audience witnessed a real "ranking reshuffle". The results of this issue of the final ranking competition can be described as a big surprise, completely subverting the previous ranking pattern.

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

This musical competition is like a thrilling horse race. The "racehorse", which was originally leading, suddenly stalled, while the obscure "dark horse" won the championship in one fell swoop. This dramatic reversal not only made the audience addicted, but also added infinite suspense and topicality to the whole show.

Let's start by taking a look at the surprising "stalls". Sun Nan, a powerful singer known as an "evergreen in the music world", suffered Waterloo in this issue.

Falling from a high in previous installments to fifth place, this result is a rollercoaster ride. Sun Nan's performance seems to have fallen into a fixed pattern, and no matter what song is sung, it is difficult to get rid of the shadow of "Salvation". This kind of performance of "a thousand songs" is obviously difficult for the judges and the audience to expect.

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive
"Teacher Sun Nan, what's wrong? It felt like he was trapped by his own success. A veteran music critic commented.

Look at Na Ying again, this "diva" in the Chinese music scene, although she found her form in this issue, she could only be ranked third in the end. Na Ying's performance can be said to be full of twists and turns: frequent mistakes in the first few periods, and gradually regaining her form in the middle, this issue finally showed her due strength. But even so, in the fierce competition, she still could not reach the top.

"Sister Na Ying is really good this time, but the other players are even fiercer!" One fan lamented on social media.
The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

What is unexpected is that Huang Xuan, who has always been regarded as the "pistachio" of the show, is unfortunately at the bottom this time. Although Huang Xuan's performance is still wonderful, and his melodious singing voice and clever adaptation are still impressive, it seems that the live effect is not shocking enough, which eventually led to him falling to the last place.

This kind of reshuffle of rankings has undoubtedly added more uncertainty and suspense to the show. It tells us that no one can sit back and relax on this stage, and every performance is a new challenge and opportunity. This tense and exciting atmosphere not only keeps the players vigilant, but also makes the audience's expectations continue to rise.

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

The rookie rises, and the strength dominates

In this ranking reshuffle, nothing is more striking than those new faces that have sprung up. Their outstanding performance not only injected fresh blood into the show, but also completely rewrote the competitive landscape.

The first to bear the brunt is the fill-in singer Tan Weiwei. As a "Cheng Biting Gold" who was killed halfway, Tan Weiwei easily won the first place with a song "Orchid Flowers", which can be described as a strength hegemon.

Tan Weiwei's performance is amazing, and her majestic singing voice interprets this northern Shaanxi folk song to the fullest. Not only did she show great skill, but she also perfectly interpreted the simple emotions and unwavering beliefs contained in the songs.

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive
"Tan Weiwei's song simply put the entire Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi on the stage!" A music critic was so impressed.

Tan Weiwei's success not only proves her personal strength, but also confirms the charm of the stage of "Singer 2024". It tells us that as long as there are real materials, even if you join halfway, you can shine on this stage.

He was followed by Vanhia, the singer from abroad who gave the audience a big surprise in this issue. She challenged Deng Ziqi's "The Devil from Heaven", which not only perfectly controlled the high notes of the original song, but also integrated Chinese singing, showing amazing language talent and musical talent.

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

Fanxia's performance broke the barriers of language and showed the universal charm of music. Her success is not only a reflection of her personal ability, but also a victory of cultural exchange. This kind of cross-border musical collision undoubtedly adds more international color to the show.

Another new face to watch is Shanti Mo. As a dark horse on the stage of "Singer 2024", Shanti Mo's every performance continues to surprise the audience.

This time, she brought "The Best", which successfully conveyed the cross-era retro feeling to the audience through music. In her performance, the vitality of rock and the oriental charm of Guzheng are perfectly integrated, creating a new musical experience.

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive
"Shanti Mo's performance is simply an audio-visual feast!" One viewer commented on social media.

The rise of these rookies not only brings freshness to the show, but also refreshes the audience's perception of music. Their performance tells us that the charm of music is endless, as long as there is an innovative spirit and excellent strength, they can shine on this stage.

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

Veterans have new moves, each showing their powers

While the rookies have been impressive, the veterans have not been identical. In the fierce competition, these experienced singers are also constantly breaking through themselves and seeking new breakthroughs.

Although Yuan Yawei was not in good shape in these two periods, she was not discouraged by this. She chose a relaxing and healing R&B song "Twenty-Two", and interpreted the soul of the song with her smart voice. Although from a technical point of view, this song does not give Yuan Yawei enough room to play, she still shows a sense of relaxation in enjoying music and letting go of herself.

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

Yuan Yawei's performance let us see the calmness and calmness of a mature singer. Even if her grades are not satisfactory, she is still able to maintain a calm mind and focus on the music itself, which is undoubtedly worth learning from.

Wang Sulong continued to play steadily in his comfort zone. His gentle voice and soulful interpretation make the song "I Hear the Rain" both ethereal and full of emotional tension. Although there were not many breakthroughs, Wang Sulong's performance still won the love of the audience.

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive
"Wang Sulong's singing voice is like a warm cup of hot tea, which makes people feel comfortable and at ease." One fan described it this way.

And Na Ying's performance in this issue can be said to have regained her state. Her "Night of a Star" is really full of tension, and it is as steady as Mount Tai from beginning to end. Every note of Na Ying seems to be in dialogue with the lonely night sky, perfectly conveying the emotion of loneliness to the audience.

Na Ying's performance is undoubtedly a strong proof of her strength. It tells us that even after the ups and downs before, a truly powerful singer will always have the ability to stand up again and shine.

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

Although the performance of these veterans is not as impressive as that of the rookies, their consistency and experience are still an integral part of the show. Their presence adds a sense of heaviness and watchability to the whole game.

Netizens were hotly discussing and commenting

After this issue of "Singer 2024" was broadcast, it quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Various opinions and comments have sprung up, showing the enthusiasm and attention of the audience for the show.

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

Some netizens were full of praise for Tan Weiwei's performance:

"Tan Weiwei is really amazing this time! The song "Orchid Flowers" made my blood boil, and I felt that the whole person was brought into the vast world of the Loess Plateau. She deserves to be a powerful faction, she won the first place as soon as she came, she was too competitive! "

Some netizens also recognized Na Ying's performance:

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive
"Sister Na Ying has finally found her form this time! "The Night of a Star" is sung so emotionally, and every note seems to tell the loneliness of the heart. Even though I was only in third place, I thought it was already great. "

But at the same time, some netizens expressed disappointment with Sun Nan's performance:

"Teacher Sun Nan, what's wrong with this time? It feels like it's still the same old routine, and the treble part is still that kind of heart-rending treatment, nothing new. I hope there will be a new breakthrough next time. "
The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

Regarding the result of Huang Xuan's bottom, many netizens expressed puzzlement and regret:

"Huang Xuan is really a pity! His "Close to You" is obviously sung so well, his voice is tactful, and the adaptation is also very creative, why is it at the bottom? Maybe the live effect is not shocking enough. But it doesn't matter, we will always support Huang Xuan! "
The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

Some netizens spoke highly of Fanxia's Chinese song challenge:

"Vanhia is really amazing this time! It is incredible that a foreign singer can sing "The Devil from Heaven" so well, and also add Chinese singing. Her treble part is even more mellow than the original song, and she is really powerful! "

For Shanti Mo's performance, many netizens also expressed their admiration:

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive
"Shanti Mo's 'The Best' is really fantastic! The retro feeling can be felt through the screen. Especially the arrangement that adds guzheng elements, the fusion of East and West is too creative. She really is a dark horse on this stage! "

However, there are also some netizens who have doubts about the overall ranking results:

"This ranking is really surprising! Why have all the veteran singers fallen behind? Is there any change in the grading criteria? Or are the newcomers really that good? It feels like it's a bit subversive of my perception. "
The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

Some netizens also made suggestions on the arrangement of the program group:

"I think the program team can consider adding some special links, such as cross-border cooperation or theme challenges. This allows singers to have more room to be creative and can also bring more surprises to the audience. "

Overall, the comments from netizens present a diverse range of views. There are compliments, there are doubts, and there are suggestions. This heated discussion atmosphere has undoubtedly added more topicality and attention to "Singer 2024".

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

Write at the end

This episode of "Singer 2024" undoubtedly brings us a wonderful music feast. From veteran singers to new talents, every contestant showed their own housekeeping skills and presented wonderful performances for the audience. This situation of alternating between the old and the new, and a hundred flowers blooming, not only reflects the vigorous vitality of the Chinese music market, but also brings a rich and colorful listening experience to the audience.

The ranking of "Singer" was reshuffled, Sun Nan Waterloo, Na Ying only ranked third, and the first place was too competitive

However, this episode also leaves us with a lot to think about. Is the Waterloo of veteran singers an accident or an inevitability? Is the rise of newcomers a flash in the pan or a long-term one? These questions deserve to be explored in depth.

At the same time, we also see the infinite possibilities of music. Whether it is the combination of East and West in Fanxia, or the fusion of ancient and modern in Shanti Mo, they all show us the inclusiveness and innovation of music. This spirit of continuous breakthrough and innovation is the inexhaustible driving force for the development of music.

As spectators, we look forward to seeing more exciting performances in the upcoming games. We hope that every singer can break through and show their best side. At the same time, we also look forward to the program team to continue to innovate and bring more surprises to the audience.

Finally, I would like to throw out a question for you to ponder: in this fast-paced era, how should a music competition show like "Singer" balance the commercial effect and the essence of music? Everyone is welcome to speak freely in the comment area and share your views.

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