
He Jie's family of 7 traveled, and her stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was cold and estranged

author:Xi Xi Gui Circle


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He Jie's family of 7 traveled, and her stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was cold and estranged

Text: Xixi Guiquan


The happy travel photos of He Jie's family of seven are enviable at first glance. But who would have thought that behind this seemingly warm picture, there was a modern version of the "Deep Palace Compound" drama?

On the surface, they get along in harmony, but in fact it is a well-choreographed "family show". Let's unveil the veil behind this happy family portrait and see how many untold stories there are in this reorganized family.

He Jie's family of 7 traveled, and her stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was cold and estranged

An undercurrent surging under the surface harmony

He Jie, the former pure jade girl, is now a mother of three children. She recently took her family of seven on a trip and seemed to be having a good time. However, attentive netizens have found some intriguing details.

First of all, He Jie's stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time, which should have been something worth celebrating. However, judging from their position and expressions, it seems that they are not as harmonious as they imagined. The stepson wears a green hat, a color choice that can't help but make people think.

The way to get along with a restructured family is far more complicated than we think.

He Jie's eldest son, Qibao and stepson, appear to be about the same age, but there is no interaction between the two boys. This sense of alienation has to be reminiscent of whether they get along so coldly on weekdays.

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship: the tip of the iceberg

Let's take a look at the relationship between He Jie and her mother-in-law. It can be seen from the photos that the mother-in-law has always kept a certain distance from her son Diao Lei and grandson, following He Jie's family. This deliberate detachment can't help but make people wonder if their relationship is really as harmonious as it seems.

He Jie's family of 7 traveled, and her stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was cold and estranged

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has always been one of the most sensitive topics in Chinese families, and He Jie's family is not immune to this fate.

It is worth noting that He Jie's youngest daughter clings to her mother throughout the whole process and does not seem to have any interaction with her grandmother. This detail may imply that the mother-in-law does not usually live with He Jie's family, and may even rarely participate in the daily life of her grandchildren.

The conundrum of reorganizing the family

The way to get along with a reconstituted family has always been a thorny issue. In He Jie's family, we can see all kinds of complex relationships intertwined.

He Jie's eldest daughter, Baomei, was extremely sensitive, holding her mother's hand tightly, as if declaring sovereignty. Is there a deep sense of insecurity hidden behind this behavior? After all, in this restructured family, she needs to share her mother's love with more siblings.

Every child craves the attention and love of their parents, and in a restructured family, this need may become even stronger.

As a new member of the family, Diao Lei also seems to be trying to balance the relationship between all parties. He stood alone behind him, with his own mother and son, looking like two incompatible families. This delicate balance must have brought him a lot of pressure.

He Jie's family of 7 traveled, and her stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was cold and estranged

Behind He Jie's smile

Throughout the trip, He Jie always maintained a bright smile. However, behind this smile, is there some hidden bitterness?

As a public figure, He Jie seems to be trying to create an image of a happy and happy restructured family. However, those who know understand that there may be a lot of sourness behind this smile that is not humane.

Reorganizing the business of a family is never an easy task and requires more effort and tolerance from each member. It is indeed not easy for He Jie to balance her career and family while facing so many complex family relationships.

Advice to He Jie

As bystanders, we may be able to give He Jie some kind advice. First of all, don't ignore the child's relationship with the biological father. Although they now have a new family, Qibao and Baomei are still He Ziming's flesh and blood after all. Giving children the opportunity to spend time with their biological parents is very helpful for their healthy development.

A good mother who really loves her children should let her children grow up in a loving environment, rather than letting them bear the grievances between adults.

Secondly, He Jie can try more ways to promote the relationship between family members. For example, family activities can be arranged to give stepchildren more opportunities to interact with their own children. At the same time, you should also pay more attention to your mother-in-law's feelings and increase the time you spend with your mother-in-law appropriately.

Finally, He Jie needs to understand that the integration of a restructured family is a long process that requires patience and wisdom. Don't rush to show the perfect family image, but keep your feet on the ground and run this big family step by step.

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens thought: "He Jie is really not easy, she has to take care of her career and take care of such a big family, she is really a super mother!" "
He Jie's family of 7 traveled, and her stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was cold and estranged
Some netizens also said: "It's not easy to reorganize a family, and it's already very good that He Jie can do this." We outsiders shouldn't judge too much. "
Some netizens have different views: "Although He Jie tries hard to create a harmonious atmosphere, some problems can still be seen from the photos." I hope she can think more about the feelings of the children, rather than blindly pursuing superficial harmony. "
Some people paid attention to the situation of the stepson: "The stepson's expression doesn't look very happy, I hope He Jie and Diao Lei can care more about his feelings." In a restructured family, every child should be cared for equally. "
Some netizens expressed their views on the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law: "The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has always been a problem, and the sense of distance between He Jie and her mother-in-law is also normal. The important thing is mutual respect, and you don't need to be close. "
Some netizens also expressed sympathy for He Jie's ex-husband: "Although He Jie has a new family now, don't forget to let the children contact their biological father more." After all, blood ties are severed. "

The discussion sparked more than 100,000 comments and a staggering 300 million views on the topic. It can be seen that the topic of restructured family has attracted widespread attention and discussion in today's society.

He Jie's family of 7 traveled, and her stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was cold and estranged

Write at the end

He Jie's family travel photos inadvertently lifted the lid on the hot topic of reorganizing the family. From superficial harmony to internal complexity, the story of the He Jie family reflects the challenges faced by many modern families.

Restructuring the business of a family is never an easy task and requires more effort, understanding and tolerance from each member. As a public figure, He Jie's family life will undoubtedly receive more attention. But we also need to understand that every family has its own difficulties, and it is often difficult for outsiders to judge them comprehensively.

Finally, we can't help but ask: in this era of rising divorce rates, how should we view restructured families? How to protect the interests of children while also giving more understanding and support to the restructured family? These questions deserve each of us to ponder.

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