
CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

author:Dongdong speaks of ancient and modern
CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?
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CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

In 2013, a piece of news exploded in the entertainment industry like thunder - the crown of CCTV's popular female host suddenly disappeared. , known as the "most beautiful female host of CCTV", is at the peak of his career, but he chose to retire.

Her departure was a mystery, sparking a lot of speculation and discussion.

Some people say that she quietly gave birth to a child and chose to return to the family; It is also rumored that she eloped with a mysterious person, away from life in the spotlight. However, none of these speculations have been confirmed.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

The sudden retirement of the crown seemed to cast a veil of mystery over her brilliant career.

What exactly caused this talented presenter to opt out at his most glorious moments? Where did she go? This puzzle shrouded the entire entertainment industry and made countless fans worried.

Let's unravel the mystery of the crown's retirement and explore the legendary life of this talented woman.

The crown's acting career began in 2001, when the youthful girl stepped into the film and television industry. She made her screen debut and participated in the Chinese-Korean co-production film "Flying Dance".

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

Although it was only a small role, the performance of the crown was impressive. Her eyes sparkle with a vision of the future, and every movement reveals a love for acting.

This experience, like a seed, planted a yearning for acting career in the heart of the crown.

In 2003, the opportunity struck again. Shenzhen TV held a youth star host competition, and Wang Guan resolutely participated. At the competition scene, she was calm and calm, showing maturity and talent far beyond her age.

When she spoke fluently and freely, the judges' eyes lit up - this girl is undoubtedly a good material for hosting. In the end, the crown won the crown with his outstanding performance, laying a solid foundation for his hosting career.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is 2008. This year, the crown ushered in the first peak of his career. She successfully served as the host of Dragon TV's "Dance Forest Conference".

The crown in front of the camera is radiant and witty, which mobilizes the atmosphere of the show just right. Her performance not only won the love of the audience, but also made the show's ratings climb steadily.

Crown, the name began to be known by more and more people.

In 2010, the crown's efforts were finally recognized by authority. At the Golden Eagle TV Arts Festival, she won the Outstanding Program Host Award. When the news of the award was announced, the crown was so excited that his hands trembled slightly, and his eyes glistened with tears.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

This award is the best praise for her years of perseverance and dedication, and it also marks that she has gained a firm foothold in the hosting industry.

From a young girl with dreams to a dazzling TV star, Wang Guan has used his talent and sweat to reach the peak of his career step by step.

Her growth process is not only a testimony of personal efforts, but also a model of courage for dreamers. However, this wonderful rise is only a prologue to the legend of the crown.

In the future, there are many more challenges and opportunities waiting for her to conquer.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

In 2011, Crown's career was like a rising star, shining brightly. This year, she not only won the crown of the "Top Ten New Chinese Style Hosts" at the Shanghai TV Festival, but also had the honor to join hands with the famous host Li Yong to co-lead the trump card program "Departure to Happiness" on the CCTV Variety Channel.

On the stage of "Departure to Happiness", Wang Guan showed hosting skills comparable to Li Yong. Her style is gentle and sharp, witty and sincere.

Every wonderful performance makes the audience fall in love with it. Li Yong was also full of praise for this young and promising partner, and the tacit cooperation between the two became a highlight of the show.

The audience often sighs that watching them host is like enjoying a wonderful pas de deux, with a bright rhythm and full of charm.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

In 2013, Wang Guan hosted "Dance Out of My Life", a show that seemed to be tailor-made for her, perfectly combining her love of dance and her focus on public welfare.

In the show, Crown not only showed an elegant and calm hosting style, but also infected every participant and audience with sincere emotions. Her eyes flashed with love for dance, and her words revealed her dedication to public welfare.

This show allows the audience to see a more three-dimensional and charismatic side of the crown.

In 2016, the crown made a stunning appearance again, bringing the audience a celebrity interview experience show "Idol Should Be Aunt Sauce". In this show, the crown shows a very different hosting style from the past.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

She is more lively, bold, yet elegant. Her interaction with celebrity guests is full of witty words, and each episode of the show is wonderful, which makes the audience dizzy. This show not only cemented Crown's position in the hosting world, but also showcased her diverse talents and endless possibilities.

During this period, the crown is like a brilliant diamond that shines brightly on the stage. She is no longer the fledgling newcomer, but an all-round host who can handle all types of shows.

Her name has become synonymous with excellent hosts, and her image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Whether it's a serious news program or a light-hearted entertaining interview, the crown can be used with ease and show a unique charm.

However, just when everyone thought that the crown would continue to shine in the hosting world, fate prepared an unexpected turn for her. Just as her career was at its peak, the crown made a shocking decision.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

This decision not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also shook the entire entertainment industry.

The crown's hosting career is like a wonderful solo. She used her talent and hard work to write a gorgeous chapter. However, it seems that the piece has not yet reached the final chapter, when it comes to an abrupt end, leaving countless questions and speculations.

As the crown became more and more brilliant in the hosting world, the rumors about her also followed. Among them, the most striking is her relationship with several well-known hosts, each of which has sparked widespread speculation and discussion.

The first is the "master-apprentice relationship" between the crown and Cao Kefan. Some people speculate that the relationship between the two is ambiguous, but the fact is that they are pure mentors and friends. Cao Kefan gave a lot of guidance and encouragement in the early days of the crown career, and the relationship between the two was more like a teacher and a friend.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

In private, Wang Guan once said emotionally: "Without Brother Kefan's help, I would not be where I am today." This sincere gratitude is far more moving than the outside world speculates.

The second is the "competitive" relationship between the crown and Li Yong. It was rumored that the crown borrowed Li Yong's resources to take the throne, but in fact, the relationship between the two was more of a healthy competition.

In the cooperation of "Departure to Happiness", the crown proved his worth with his strength. Li Yong has also praised the crown for his talent and hard work in public many times. Their relationship is not so much about competition as it is about motivating each other and making progress together.

Finally, there is the "close" relationship between the crown and Zhao Zhongxiang. There are rumors that the crown is Zhao Zhongxiang's "personal secretary", which is undoubtedly a misreading of the relationship between the two. In fact, Zhao Zhongxiang is the predecessor and mentor of Wang Guan in CCTV, and the two are more concerned about the care of the seniors to the juniors.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

Zhao Zhongxiang once said in an interview: "Wang Guan is a very potential host, and I am very optimistic about her future."

In the face of these complicated rumors, the crown has always remained silent and restrained. She once whispered in an interview: "I am grateful to everyone I met on my way up, they are my precious people.

As for the speculation of the outside world, I choose to speak with strength. These words not only expressed her gratitude, but also showed her calm attitude in the face of rumors.

Although these rumors once haunted the crown, they also showed us her strong and rational side. Instead of being knocked down by the rumors, she worked harder to prove her strength.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

In the complex environment of the entertainment industry, Wang Guan uses his actions to interpret what true professionalism and maturity are.

Interpersonal turmoil is a huge challenge for any public figure. With her wisdom and self-cultivation, Wang Guan not only handled these relationships properly, but also won the respect of colleagues in the industry and the audience.

These experiences have undoubtedly added more color to her career and made her stronger and wiser on the road to growth.

The charm of the crown is not limited to the world of hosting. With the development of her career, she began to show her talents in many fields, allowing the audience to see a more diversified and three-dimensional crown.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

In acting, the crown has successfully transformed from a host to an actor. Her acting skills have been recognized by industry insiders, and she has left a deep impression on the audience every time she appears.

In an interview, Wang Guan smiled and said, "Acting gives me the opportunity to experience a different life, which is a very interesting thing. I hope to convey more emotions and stories through different characters.

Her words show her love and pursuit of acting career.

In addition to acting, the crown also tried his hand at being a singer. Her singing voice is gentle and moving, showing a soft side that is different from that of hosting. When asked why he tried to sing, Crown's eyes twinkled: "Music is another way of expression, and I want to convey more emotion through singing.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

Every song is a story, and I wanted to tell those stories in my own way.

In addition to his career, Crown is also actively involved in public welfare activities. She uses her influence to speak up for those in need and shows a strong sense of social responsibility. Every time he participates in public welfare activities, Wang Guan devotes himself wholeheartedly, and his eyes are full of respect for life and care for society.

She once said: "As public figures, we have a responsibility to contribute to society. Through public welfare activities, I felt the meaning and value of life.

At the same time, the crown's personal life has also become the focus of public attention. Her marriage sparked heated discussions, but she chose to keep a low profile and proved her happiness with practical actions.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

In the face of the attention of the outside world, Wang Guan always smiled and said: "Life is a process of continuous learning and growth, I hope to find a balance between work and life, and be the most authentic version of myself."

The diversified development of Wang Guan not only shows her talent and potential, but also allows us to see an artist who constantly breaks through herself and has the courage to try. Her experience tells us that the stage of life can have infinite possibilities, as long as we have the courage to pursue, we can bloom with a different brilliance.

After a period of precipitation, the crown returned to the stage with a new look, leaving many long-awaited fans ecstatic. In 2022, she participated in the "Oriental ------ Moonlight Camping Party", showing a more mature and stable side.

In the show, the performance of the crown is no longer the sharpness of his youth, but more calm and elegant. Her every look and every action contains the wisdom of years of precipitation, making the audience feel a new crown.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

In 2024, Wang Guan will appear again in the "2024 Dragon TV Lantern Festival Gala", which once again amazed countless audiences. This appearance seems to be a gorgeous comeback performance.

The crown on the stage, there is more calmness in his eyes, and a trace of wisdom is added to his words. She said confidently and calmly: "Every time I return, it is a new challenge and breakthrough.

I hope to bring a different feeling to the audience.

This time, the crown shows an artistic image that is constantly changing and the spirit of courage to meet challenges. Her performance tells us that no matter what we go through, as long as we maintain our love and persistence for our dreams, we will eventually shine more brightly.

CCTV beauty presided over the crown, and the truth behind the decision to "retire" during the popular period? What happened?

The crown's return to the stage is not only a new chapter in her career, but also an inspiring story. She proved with practical actions that even after experiencing a trough, she can get back on her feet and shine again on her own stage.

In this process, we see not only the growth of an artist, but also the courage and determination of a person in the face of life's challenges.

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