
Tang Yan's new drama warms up? The crown took a photo of his back, netizens: goodbye to the rivers and lakes, the expectation is MAX!

author:Linlin said entertainment


The crown took a photo of Tang Yan's back

The crown shared a photo with Tang Yan's back on social media, in which the two stood side by side, and their backs looked particularly warm.

Tang Yan's new drama warms up? The crown took a photo of his back, netizens: goodbye to the rivers and lakes, the expectation is MAX!

Wang Guan expressed her support and expectations for Tang Yan in the accompanying text, and her use of words like "goodbye in the rivers and lakes" seems to indicate the future cooperation between the two.

Tang Yan's new drama warms up? The crown took a photo of his back, netizens: goodbye to the rivers and lakes, the expectation is MAX!

This photo quickly caused heated discussions on the Internet, and netizens left messages expressing their expectation that the two would cooperate again, and some netizens joked: "This back photo is simply the standard configuration of the heroines of the rivers and lakes!" ”

Tang Yan's new drama warms up? The crown took a photo of his back, netizens: goodbye to the rivers and lakes, the expectation is MAX!

Sugar pot friendship endures


This dynamic of the crown is not only a cheer for Tang Yan, but also shows the deep friendship between the two. She used "sugar pot friendship lasts forever" to describe the relationship between the two, which makes people feel the intimacy between them.

Tang Yan's new drama warms up? The crown took a photo of his back, netizens: goodbye to the rivers and lakes, the expectation is MAX!

Netizens expressed their envy for this friendship in the comment area, and some netizens left a message: "Sugar pot friendship, so sweet that you lose your teeth!" Such comments are not only humorous, but also reflect the recognition and love of netizens for the friendship between the two.

Tang Yan's new drama warms up? The crown took a photo of his back, netizens: goodbye to the rivers and lakes, the expectation is MAX!

Looking forward to the next drama

The crown mentioned in the news that he was looking forward to Tang Yan's next drama, which undoubtedly increased fans' expectations for Tang Yan's new work. As an actor, Tang Yan has always had a good performance, and each of her works has attracted much attention.

Tang Yan's new drama warms up? The crown took a photo of his back, netizens: goodbye to the rivers and lakes, the expectation is MAX!

Netizens expressed their expectations for Tang Yan's new drama in the comment area, and some netizens left a message: "Tang Yan's drama is a visual feast every time!" Such comments not only express her love for Tang Yan, but also show her status in the hearts of fans.

Tang Yan's new drama warms up? The crown took a photo of his back, netizens: goodbye to the rivers and lakes, the expectation is MAX!
Tang Yan's new drama warms up? The crown took a photo of his back, netizens: goodbye to the rivers and lakes, the expectation is MAX!

Actor Tang Yan has been on the road

Tang Yan's acting career has been developing steadily, and she is constantly challenging herself to try different types of roles. This dynamic of the crown also seems to remind fans that Tang Yan's acting career has never stopped

Tang Yan's new drama warms up? The crown took a photo of his back, netizens: goodbye to the rivers and lakes, the expectation is MAX!

Netizens expressed their expectations for Tang Yan's future works in the comment area, and some netizens left a message: "Every turn of Tang Yan is a new beginning!" Such comments not only express support for Tang Yan, but also show her expectations in the hearts of fans.

Tang Yan's new drama warms up? The crown took a photo of his back, netizens: goodbye to the rivers and lakes, the expectation is MAX!

Controversial summary

Although the back photo posted by the crown is simple, it has sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people think that such a photo shows the friendship between the two, and some people think that this is a warm-up for Tang Yan's new drama.

Tang Yan's new drama warms up? The crown took a photo of his back, netizens: goodbye to the rivers and lakes, the expectation is MAX!

In any case, this photo undoubtedly increases Tang Yan's expectations in the hearts of fans. Netizens expressed their expectations for Tang Yan's new drama in the comment area, and some netizens left a message: "Every time Tang Yan appears, it is a new surprise!" Such comments not only express her love for Tang Yan, but also show her expectations in the hearts of fans.

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