
Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

The descriptions in this article have official sources, and they are placed in the suffix of the article for readers to have a better experience!


She was once popularized by Li Yong, and in the variety shows that swept the country, she was known as one of the most dazzling hosts of CCTV, regardless of her appearance or strength, allowing the audience to witness her charm.

She is the crown, she is generous on the stage, and with her solid skills and adaptability, she has become the "first sister of CCTV" in the hosting industry in the new era.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

But just when his career was in full swing, he was exposed to the chaos of his private life, and he was dismissed by CCTV, and he fell from a "CCTV celebrity" to almost a ruined name overnight.

Now, after many years, can the 40-year-old crown complete the rebirth of Nirvana? How are you doing now?

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

"CCTV First Sister" crown

Born in 1983 in Huangpu District, Shanghai, Wang Guan has been beautiful since childhood, gentle and shy, and has been highly praised by his parents, teachers and classmates.

When she grew up, she was discovered by talent scouts for her slender figure and outstanding appearance, and then she took care of her studies while shooting commercials, so it can be said that she was already famous when she was a girl.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

Until she was 18 years old, when she met by chance, Korean director Kim Young-jun took a fancy to the external conditions of the crown, so he invited her to join the crew to film, and as soon as she heard that it was a star cooperation, she agreed without saying a word.

At that time, "Flying Dance" was born, and once it was broadcast, it immediately caused a sensation, but after she finished filming "Flying Dance", she had a clear plan for her career positioning.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

In the second year, Wang Guan decisively applied for the Shanghai Theater Academy and was successfully admitted to the broadcasting and hosting major, during which he not only maintained the top professional results, but also participated in the Youth Star Host Competition hosted by Shenzhen TV Station.

With solid professional knowledge and outstanding performance, Wang Guan PK lost more than 3,000 people and won the championship of the competition, and soon after, she got an olive branch from Shanghai TV as the host of the entertainment channel.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

In 2008, Wang Guan partnered with Cao Kefan to host the variety show "Dance Forest Conference" together.

Such an excellent host should not be buried, and the first person to notice her was Li Yong, a celebrity in the hosting industry, who recommended the crown to CCTV and gave her a rare opportunity.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

In 2011, Wang Guan ushered in the "turn positive" of her career, and after working in Shanghai TV for several years, she finally got the opportunity to enter CCTV and cooperated with Li Yong to host a number of variety shows.

For example, "Departure to Happiness" and "Dance Out of My Life" have all won the wave of popularity from the audience, however, with the rise of popularity, the crown has been exposed to indelible scandals.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now
The information in this paragraph comes from: September 20, 2010 - Golden Eagle Network - News: The beautiful woman who hosts the crown arrives at the Golden Eagle Festival Exhibition with a charming smile

Caught up in the "when three" rumors

As early as during the period of hosting on the same stage with Cao Kefan, the crown had already occupied a place in the circle, but while the fame exploded, many people doubted the private relationship between the two.

At first, some people speculated that the two were in a master-apprentice relationship, but Cao Kefan had no plans to accept apprentices again, so some people began to suspect that they were husband and wife or lovers before.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

But Cao Kefan at that time already had family affairs, and the unbelievable rumors turned out to be a different version: the crown intervened in other people's feelings, and as soon as the news came out, the crown was instantly put on the cusp.

The sudden rumors caused great pressure on the crown, and even her parents heard the news, in order to get rid of these scandals, the crown left Shanghai TV in 2011 and entered the CCTV work.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

originally thought that the rumors would not continue to spread for a while, but unfortunately it backfired, and the harshness of the crown "being a junior" to interfere with Cao Kefan's family became more and more turbulent, making her fall into the trap of rumors for a while.

And when netizens thought that Wang Guan would stay on CCTV for a long time, but when he hosted some programs and attracted rave reviews, he was suddenly "dismissed" by CCTV.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

In this regard, many people are puzzled, she went to CCTV only for a temporary transfer, which is equivalent to a "temporary worker" of CCTV, but unfortunately she was not able to get a regular in the end.

The crown suffered a bad career and was emotionally worse, almost at the same time as being "laid off" by CCTV, the crown was rumored to have a scandal of dating a married man and destroying other people's marriages.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

According to the whistleblower, on the stage, Zhao Zhongxiang frequently threw the camera and topics to the crown, as if he was silently transmitting some kind of signal, and under the stage, the place they chose to have dinner was always the crown's favorite restaurant, which made people think about it.

For such rumors, the crown has tried his best to clarify, but unfortunately people's trust in her is not high, and she is still put on a "nepotism" and "junior wants to be on top" hat.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

With the passage of time, these whispers and speculations were like spreading vines, ubiquitous, making it difficult to escape, and later, Wang Guan reluctantly chose to leave CCTV and return to his hometown of Shanghai.

In this way, the crown that was ruined by rumors in the first half of her life has embarked on a difficult journey since then, but fortunately, she did not give up, and completed the headwind with a new look.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now
The information in this paragraph comes from: March 25, 2024 - China Broadcasting and Hosting Network - Spreading rumors, refuting rumors and breaking legs, the beautiful host Wang Guan refuted the rumors again

Complete "Nirvana Rebirth"

Although these are all hearsay, no one has come up with empirical evidence, but her career has been greatly affected by scandals for a while, but after the crown recovers her mood and physical condition, she tries to be a singer.

In 2014, Wang Guan released her own title song "See You Yesterday", but unfortunately, the response was mediocre, and then, two years later, she partnered with "Teacher" Li Yong to host "Idol Should Be Aunt Sauce".

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

Maybe the rumors are too bad, and since then, he has rarely seen the crown on the show, and after fading out of the public eye, the crown began to adjust his lifestyle, fitness, reading, traveling, etc., and only doing something to make him happy.

In the heart of the crown, she felt that living in the world, she could not pursue fame and fortune too much, so that life would lose its original intention, and after several years of tempering, the crown also regained herself.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

In 2020, the transformed crown finally reappeared in the field of vision of the national audience, and she hosted "Hello Life" on Dragon TV, telling everyone about her life experience in the past few years.

At that time, the crown regained a certain amount of fame through this show, and she can see the show hosted by her in front of the screen almost every year since then.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

Until now, the 41-year-old crown has finally made a breakthrough in his career, and the Dragon TV programs he has hosted one after another have aroused strong responses from the audience.

Looking back on the story that happened to the crown, I can't help but sigh, if I hadn't left CCTV and returned to my hometown, if I hadn't been maliciously distorted after the false information appeared.

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

Maybe her career will go to the next level, and the time she will appear in the audience's field of vision will be longer and longer.

But there is no if in the world, today's crown is the crown of freedom and happiness, and the sweet smile on her face has never been lost, so it is not a kind of "turning the tables against the wind". #长文创作激励计划#

The information in this paragraph comes from: December 23, 2020 - CCTV - [Hello Life Season 2] Wang Guan shouted to his mother that he would definitely get married
Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now


December 26, 2020-—— Maoyan Entertainment - Nigmaiti said that he had a good relationship with Zhu Xun? CCTV partners have hosted for 5 years, like husband and wife, and like brothers with the crown

Former CCTV hostess Wang Guan, who was ruined by the rumors of "being three", what is the current situation now

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