
Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

author:Dongdong speaks of ancient and modern
Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life
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Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

In the world of short track speed skating, Wang Meng's name is like a dazzling lightning bolt. The brilliance of 77 gold medals and the amazing strength of breaking the 500m world record seven times have earned her the reputation of "the great devil of short track speed skating".

However, behind this brilliant record, there is a shadow that is difficult to erase.

In 2011, a sudden storm pushed the champion into the whirlpool of public opinion. The accusations of alleged fights and brawls have caused Wang Meng to encounter an unprecedented crisis.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

The ban ensued, and her carefully constructed public image was shattered overnight. This accident has become the biggest "stain" in Wang Meng's career, and it is also an eternal regret in her heart.

Although Wang Meng later clarified the truth of the matter, the experience left a deep imprint on her. It became the driving force for her to keep moving forward and trying to prove herself, and it also made her more cautious and mature later in life.

This "stain" has become an indispensable chapter in Wang Meng's legendary story, witnessing how she reinvented herself in the face of adversity and continued to write her ice legend.

Wang Meng's short track speed skating journey began when she showed extraordinary talent as a girl. On the cold ice rink, the young Wang Meng quickly rose to prominence with astonishing speed and skill.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

Her eyes flashed with a desire to win, and she threw herself into every training session, as if she wanted to become one with the ice.

The 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin marked a major turning point in Wang's career. In the women's 500m final, the 24-year-old Wang Meng narrowly defeated her opponent by 0.029 seconds to win her first Olympic gold medal.

When the national flag was raised and the national anthem was played, Wang Meng was so excited that he burst into tears. This hard-won gold medal is not only a symbol of personal glory, but also marks her official entry into the ranks of the world's top players.

However, it was the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics that really made Wang Meng famous. In this tournament, she showed amazing strength and tenacity.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

In the face of strong opponents, Wang Meng was undaunted and achieved three gold medals in the 500m, 1000m and 3000m relay events.

This feat not only created the best record of a Chinese athlete in a single Winter Olympics, but also established Wang Meng's dominance in the short track speed skating world.

Wang Meng on the field was like a bolt of lightning, and her unique backhand sliding and cornering skills left her opponents in the dust. This extremely difficult way of gliding is easy for her to control, and it has become her magic weapon for victory.

Every time she set off, she was like an off-string arrow, drawing a perfect arc on the ice. The audience held their breath as they watched the petite but powerful figure perform a symphony of speed and fury on the track.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

Wang Meng's success is not accidental. She once firmly said: "As long as I am the first, the championship is the best answer for me!" This persistent pursuit of victory, combined with her almost demanding self-demandingness, has forged her brilliant record.

In total, she has won a staggering 77 gold medals in her career, including the World Championships, World Cups and other major international competitions.

What's even more amazing is that Wang Meng has broken the world record in the short track speed skating 500m seven times, bringing the Chinese women's short track 500m competition into a new era of 43 seconds.

Each of her breakthroughs is a new definition of the word "extreme" and a constant refresh of people's perception of the sport.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

From a talented girl to an Olympic champion and then to the ruler of the short track speed skating world, Wang Meng's rise to prominence is full of sweat and glory. She used her strength to prove that on this ice rink, she is a well-deserved "big devil".

Wang's path to success has not been easy, with one of the biggest challenges coming from a major change in the national team in 2006. That year, a new coach named Li Yan joined the team, bringing a new training philosophy and management approach.

However, the change sparked a fierce conflict between Wang Meng and the new coach.

Li Yan's arrival means that Wang Meng's beloved enlightenment coach Yi Min was forced to leave. For Wang Meng, Yimin is not only a coach, but also a mother-like existence. This sudden change made Wang Meng feel angry and uneasy.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

During training, she often had a dissatisfied look on her face, and her communication with Li Yan was also full of gunpowder.

Contradictions erupted during a training session. When Wang Meng's leave of absence due to a back injury was rejected, she could no longer control her emotions. "You don't know how to respect Chinese athletes at all!" Wang Meng's roar echoed across the training ground.

Li Yan maintained a serious expression and insisted on his training arrangement. This conflict brought the relationship between the two to a freezing point.

The 2007 Asian Winter Games marked a turning point in this conflict. Wang Meng only finished third in the individual event, an unexpected result that led the outside world to question Li Yan's coaching ability.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

After the game, Wang Meng expressed his dissatisfaction to the media, saying that he did not get a complete training plan and even considered returning to the provincial team. The remarks caused an uproar, with Wang Meng being accused of being "ungrateful" and Li Yan's coaching ability being widely questioned.

However, this turmoil instead became an opportunity for the relationship between the two to ease. Li Yan began to tailor a more scientific training plan for Wang Meng, and Wang Meng gradually understood Li Yan's good intentions.

The relationship between the two began to improve, and mutual understanding and respect gradually built.

At the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, Wang Meng proved his growth with his actions. After winning three gold medals, she made a move that moved everyone by bowing deeply to Li Yan and then kneeling to thank her.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

This scene was dubbed by the media as "the ice rink kneeling teacher" and became a model of sportsmanship.

Wang Meng's team spirit is also admirable. At the same Olympics, her friend and teammate Liu Qiuhong was unable to compete due to injury. Wang Meng turned this regret into motivation and fought for Liu Qiuhong on the field.

"This supreme honor belongs to everyone on our team, including the fifth teammate who was already injured Liu Qiuhong." Wang Meng said excitedly on the podium.

In the 3000-meter relay race, Wang Meng led the team to fight bravely and finally won the gold medal.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

This experience not only shows Wang Meng's personal growth, but also reflects her deep affection for the team. From a stubborn individualist to a mature athlete who knows how to be grateful and values the team, Wang Meng's transformation is touching.

Her story tells us that in competitive sports, individual success is inseparable from the support of the team, and a true champion must not only have extraordinary strength, but also have a broad mind and noble character.

Although Wang Meng's career has been brilliant, he has also suffered many setbacks. Just as she was standing at the pinnacle of her career, a series of challenges ensued, testing the will of the "big devil of short track speed skating".

The first is a physical test. Long-term high-intensity training and competitions have brought Wang Meng's physical load to the limit. She began to suffer from injuries frequently, and every time she skated, it was like she was battling pain.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

Sometimes, she had to grit her teeth and hold back tears to finish the race. This constant physical burden not only affected her grades, but also put a lot of stress on her psyche.

The second is expectations from the outside world. As a leading figure in China's short track speed skating, every appearance carries huge expectations. The media spotlight, the voices of the audience, and the demands of the coaches have all become invisible burdens.

Tiredness began to appear in Wang Meng's eyes, and her smile was not as bright as before. This invisible pressure is sometimes more unbearable than physical pain.

However, fate dealt her the heaviest blow. On the eve of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Wang Meng suffered a serious fracture. When the doctor announced that she would not be able to compete, Wang Meng felt more hopeless than ever.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

Not only would it mean missing an Olympic chance, but it could also be the end of her illustrious career.

This period was the darkest day of Wang Meng's career. However, it is these setbacks that have shaped a stronger and more mature Wang Meng. She began to think about her future and how to pass on her experience.

After his injuries gradually improved, Wang Meng made a difficult but rational decision - retirement. It marked the end of her legendary short track speed skating career.

But for Wang Meng, this is not the end, but a new beginning. She began to think about how to continue to contribute to China's short track speed skating industry in her new capacity.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

In the spring of 2018, Wang Meng made a surprising but reasonable decision to become a coach. The choice came as a surprise to many, but for Wang, it was the best way to continue her dream of being on the ice.

The road to transformation has not been easy. As a novice coach, Wang Meng faces many challenges. She needs to learn a lot of theoretical knowledge to improve her coaching skills.

Sometimes, she stands alone on the ice in the middle of the night, reflecting on her own experiences and thinking about how she can pass on these valuable lessons to young athletes.

Wang's efforts soon paid off. Under her guidance, the results of the Chinese short track speed skating team began to improve steadily. In October 2018, at the Short Track Speed Skating West Classic held in Calgary, Canada, the Chinese team won a total of 8 men's and women's championships in one fell swoop.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

Wang Meng was ecstatic with this achievement, and she hugged every member of the team tightly, with tears of pride flashing in her eyes.

Wang Meng's coaching talent has been officially recognized. In May 2019, she officially became the head of the coaching staff of the national team for short track speed skating and speed skating at the Winter Olympics.

This appointment is not only an affirmation of her abilities, but also a greater responsibility. In the face of new challenges, Wang Meng is full of confidence. She began to actively innovate, introducing new training methods and striving to improve the overall strength of the team.

As a coach, Wang Meng passes on his experience and enthusiasm to every player. She emphasized the supremacy of the word "strictness" and spurred the team members to always maintain a high degree of discipline and professionalism.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

At the same time, she also focuses on developing teamwork in her players, as she learned from her time as an athlete.

From athlete to coach, Wang Meng has completed a gorgeous turn. She continues her love and understanding of short track speed skating in another way. This is not only a new chapter in her career, but also the beginning of the training of a new generation of talents for China's short track speed skating career.

In the position of coach, Wang Meng found a new value in life. In her own way, she continues to write her own ice legend.

Today, Wang Meng is devoting himself to the preparation for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Her eyes still glittered with a desire to win, but this desire no longer belonged to herself, but to the entire Chinese short track speed skating team.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

On the training ground, Wang Meng's figure is everywhere. She carefully mentors each athlete, shares her experiences and encourages them to push the bounds. "We're going to do miracles on our home turf!" This phrase became a slogan that motivated the whole team to move forward.

Wang Meng is well aware that participating in the Winter Olympics as a host means great opportunities and pressures, and she is trying to make her team fully prepared.

Although the "stain" on the past is still a regret in her heart, Wang Meng chooses to prove her worth in another way. She hopes to continue her legend on the ice by producing a new generation of champions.

Whenever he sees the players achieving good results on the field, Wang Meng's eyes will shine with pride, as if he saw himself back then.

Wang Meng: After winning 77 gold medals, the only regret is that there is no way to wash away the "stain" of life

Wang Meng said frankly that no matter how bumpy the road ahead is, she will definitely go all out to help the Chinese short track speed skating team achieve better results. She believes that only through continuous efforts and breakthroughs can we wash away the regrets of the past and write new glories.

Wang Meng's story continues. From a talented girl to an Olympic champion to a gold medal coach, her life is like a wonderful short track speed skating competition, full of ups and downs and passion.

No matter what the future holds, she will continue to write her own legend on this ice rink.

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