
In the ruined temple to take shelter from the rain, the mysterious old man waved his hand, and the scholar escaped

author:I love noodle fish

At the beginning of that year, it rained continuously in Nagada, Jiangnan, and the sky seemed to be leaking, and the rain was endless. There is such a scholar, named Li Wenxuan, who wanted to enter Beijing to take the exam, but he was stumped by the rain and couldn't walk. He walked all the way, his clothes were soaked, he was cold and hungry, and he was in a hurry when he saw that it was dark. At this time, Li Wenxuan saw from a distance that there was a dilapidated temple in front of him, although the roof tiles were scattered, and the doors and windows were also dilapidated, but in this wilderness, he could finally avoid the rain. He hurriedly quickened his pace, came to the temple gate, pushed the door and entered.

The temple was dark and rumbling, and a few broken windows let in a little light. Li Wenxuan lit the fire fold he brought with him and looked around by the firelight. There is a statue of a god in the temple, and the face is blurred, and it is impossible to see which god it is. In front of the statue, a broken offering table was littered with several broken incense burners and dishes. Li Wenxuan found a slightly drier place to sit down, took out dry food and water from his baggage, and ate some casually by the fire. After eating and drinking, he leaned against the corner, closed his eyes and prepared to rest, waiting for the rain to stop before leaving.

At this moment, the temple door squeaked open, and a figure stumbled in. Li Wenxuan was shocked, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that it was a white-haired old man, walking in tremblingly with a cane. The old man's clothes were soaked, and he looked like he was drenched in the heavy rain. When the old man saw someone in the temple, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and nodded to Li Wenxuan, which was regarded as a greeting. Li Wenxuan hurriedly got up to give up his seat, and took out dry food and water for the old man. The old man thanked him repeatedly, took the food and sat down by the fire and ate it.

In the ruined temple to take shelter from the rain, the mysterious old man waved his hand, and the scholar escaped

The two chatted while eating, and Li Wenxuan knew that the old man's surname was Wang, and he was a Taoist priest who traveled everywhere. Although Daoist Wang is old, he speaks well and has a wide range of knowledge, which makes Li Wenxuan admire him. While we were chatting happily, suddenly there was thunder outside, the wind was strong, and the rain was falling more violently. Li Wenxuan's heart tightened, and he felt bad. Sure enough, after a while, the roof of the temple "clicked", and a tile was blown down by the wind, almost hitting the royal Taoist. Daoist Wang's face changed, and he quickly stood up, chanting words in his mouth.

When Li Wenxuan saw this situation, he also became nervous, and he didn't know what to do. At this moment, Daoist Wang suddenly turned his head to Li Wenxuan and said, "Young man, you can't stay in this place, come with me!" Before Li Wenxuan could react, he was grabbed by Daoist Wang and rushed out of the temple gate. As soon as the two of them ran out, they heard a "boom" behind them, and the temple collapsed and the dust was flying. Li Wenxuan was frightened, thinking that thanks to Daoist Wang's timely rescue, otherwise his life would not be guaranteed. He hurriedly thanked Daoist Wang and asked what was going on. Daoist Wang sighed and said, "This place is the territory of demons, and the temple is changed by demons." ”

Along the way, Daoist Wang chatted with Li Wenxuan about a lot of gossip about demons and monsters, and Li Wenxuan's eyes straightened when he heard it. Daoist Wang also taught Li Wenxuan a few tricks to defend himself, as well as how to distinguish those demons, Li Wenxuan was so grateful in his heart.

The two of them went through thick and thin, and before they knew it, they arrived at a valley. There is an old bridge in the valley, and the stream is gurgling under the bridge, and the scenery is quite beautiful. But Daoist Wang suddenly stopped, his face sank, and said to Li Wenxuan: "Little brother, something is wrong with this place, we have to be careful." Li Wenxuan's heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked what was going on. Daoist Wang pointed to the stream under the bridge and said, "Look at this water, it looks clear, but there is a cat in it." There is a lot of demonic energy in this valley, and I suspect that this water is demonic. When Li Wenxuan heard this, he panicked in his heart, and hurriedly asked what to do. Daoist Wang pondered for a while and said, "Now we have to work together to cross this demon valley." You come with me, I have my own way. After speaking, Daoist Wang pulled Li Wenxuan to the depths of the valley.

The two of them were worried along the way, and their ears were as pricked up as rabbits. After a while, we came to a cave. Daoist Wang stopped again and said to Li Wenxuan: "There are demonic things in this cave, we have to be careful." Li Wenxuan nodded, the long sword in his hand clenched tightly, ready to fight at any time. The two of them slowly entered the cave, and there was a black rumbling inside, and there was a little light in a few stone cracks. They walked against the wall of the cave, and the string in their hearts was tight.

In the ruined temple to take shelter from the rain, the mysterious old man waved his hand, and the scholar escaped

Suddenly, the two of them walked to the depths of the cave, and a gust of wind blew in their faces, with a fishy smell, which made people want to vomit. Li Wenxuan shuddered involuntarily, the sword in his hand tightened, and his heart beat like a drum. Daoist Wang's face was solemn, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he glanced around. "Quack—" A strange laugh echoed through the hole, the voice as sharp as a needle pricking the heart. Li Wenxuan's scalp was numb, and he unconsciously leaned towards Daoist Wang. Daoist Wang snorted lightly, took out a piece of rune paper from his arms, muttered a few words in his mouth, and then shook his hand, and the rune paper turned into a golden light and flew towards the sound. As soon as the golden light passed, the laughter of the Yin Wind Monster was gone.

But the two of them thought it was all right, and suddenly there was an earth-shattering roar from the depths of the cave, and the whole cave shook. Li Wenxuan felt trembling, and he was afraid in his heart. "Oh no, this demonic thing is coming out!" Daoist Wang's face changed and he shouted loudly. He quickly drew a sharp dagger from his bosom, and in a flash of form, he galloped towards the depths of the cave. When Li Wenxuan saw this scene, he also plucked up the courage and followed closely. The two of them bravely fought all the way and finally reached the end of the cave. What greeted me was a huge black shadow, entrenched at the bottom of the cave, its eyes red and its fangs bared, exuding a terrifying demonic aura. Li Wenxuan was shocked in his heart, this evil thing turned out to be a huge black bear spirit!

When the black bear spirit saw the two of them coming, he let out a deafening roar and immediately pounced on them. Li Wenxuan only felt a fishy wind rushing towards him, and he was terrified in his heart, and hurriedly waved his sword to resist. However, the power of the black bear spirit was extremely strong, and Li Wenxuan only felt a numbness in his arm, and the long sword in his hand was almost out of his hand. At this critical juncture, Daoist Wang shook his body and came behind the black bear spirit. With a swing of the short sword in his hand, he stabbed the black bear spirit in the back with unmistakable accuracy. The black bear spirit roared in pain and turned to pounce on the royal priest.

In the ruined temple to take shelter from the rain, the mysterious old man waved his hand, and the scholar escaped

Wang Daoist was nimble, and one sideways body skillfully avoided the attack of the black bear spirit. The short sword in his hand swung continuously, drawing silver light in the air, pointing directly at the black bear spirit's vital point. Seeing this, Li Wenxuan also plucked up his courage and brandished his sword to attack the black bear spirit. The two of them cooperated seamlessly, one after the other, and quickly forced the black bear spirit into a desperate situation. Sensing that the situation was not good, the black bear spirit roared again, spewing out a stream of black gas at the two of them. This black gas exuded a pungent fishy smell, which was extremely corrosive, and Li Wenxuan felt a tingling pain in his skin, and hurriedly retreated to avoid it. However, Daoist Wang was not afraid, his body moved, and he rushed into the black qi. The short sword in his hand slashed out golden rays of light in the air, intertwined with the black qi, and burst into dazzling sparks. Soon, the black qi was completely dispelled by the golden light.

Seeing that his trick had been cracked, the black bear was terrified and turned around to escape. But how could the Taoist Wang let it escape so easily? His figure flashed, and he quickly blocked the front of the black bear spirit, and the short sword in his hand swung violently, piercing the black bear spirit's throat with unmistakable accuracy. The black bear spirit let out a terrible scream, and then fell to the ground, no longer moving. Seeing this, Li Wenxuan was overjoyed in his heart, and hurriedly stepped forward to express his gratitude to Daoist Wang. Daoist Wang waved his hand lightly and said, "This demonic thing has done a lot of evil, and it can be regarded as a good thing that we finally got rid of it today." After the two disposed of the black bear spirit's body, they left the cave together.

By the time they walked out of the valley, it was already getting dark. Li Wenxuan looked at Daoist Wang with gratitude, and said, "Thank you Dao Elder for saving your life, if it weren't for Dao Chief's help, I might have died in Huangquan long ago." Daoist Wang smiled slightly and replied: "Little friends don't have to be polite, it is our duty to draw a sword to help when the road is uneven." You should hurry to Beijing to catch the exam, I wish you the title of the gold list. Li Wenxuan thanked him repeatedly, and after saying goodbye to Daoist Wang, he embarked on the road to the capital. His heart was full of gratitude, and he was secretly glad that he had met a noble person to help him this time. From then on, he studied even harder, and finally became famous in the imperial examination and became an official. Let's go to the northeast of Gada, the old brothers of the royal Taoist priest, they are really a chivalrous master, going south and north, and traveling everywhere. His legendary stories are as many as the stars in the sky, and they are too many to count. Everyone said that this old guy has great powers, and with a wave of his hand, any crisis can be resolved, allowing people to escape a catastrophe, and he is really a master.

In the ruined temple to take shelter from the rain, the mysterious old man waved his hand, and the scholar escaped

In the small town of Jiangnan Water Town, Li Wenxuan's matter is more lively than the New Year. Everyone said that this kid went to Beijing to take the exam, took shelter from the rain in the broken temple, met the mysterious old man, not only helped him escape the pursuit of demons, but also went all the way to the capital, and finally won the test.

One day, Li Wenxuan finished his work in the official office and walked home alone. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on him, pulling out a long shadow. As I walked, I suddenly felt a chill, as if I had returned to the night of the ruined temple. At this moment, a familiar figure appeared—wasn't that the mysterious old man! The old man was still dressed in simple clothes, on crutches, and with a warm smile on his face.

When Li Wenxuan saw it, he was so surprised that he couldn't speak, so he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed: "Dao Chief, why are you here?" The old man smiled slightly and said, "Little friend, don't come unharmed." I'm here today to tell you a secret. When Li Wenxuan heard this, his heart moved, and he hurriedly asked, "What's the secret?" The old man looked at him deeply and said slowly: "Actually, I am not a master, just an ordinary old man." That day in the ruined temple, I was able to help you escape because I had an ancestral treasure in my hand - a jade pendant that can ward off evil spirits. This jade pendant is handed down from my family, and it is said to be able to drive away evil spirits and keep people safe. ”

In the ruined temple to take shelter from the rain, the mysterious old man waved his hand, and the scholar escaped

Li Wenxuan was dumbfounded when he heard this, he didn't expect the old man to have such a secret. He hurriedly asked, "Then why are you telling me about this today?" The old man sighed and said, "I am old, and my days are short. This jade pendant is useless to me. But you are different, you have a good heart and have the ability to help more people. Therefore, I decided to give this jade pendant to you, hoping that you can use it to benefit more people. After speaking, the old man took out a simple jade pendant from his arms and handed it to Li Wenxuan.

Li Wenxuan took the jade pendant, and felt a warm current coming from the palm of his hand, and the whole person was in a lot of spirits. He hurriedly thanked the old man and said that he would definitely make good use of this jade pendant to help more people. The old man nodded and said, "Okay, I believe in you." "Oh, although this jade Pei'er is a god, we can't use it indiscriminately. Remember, no strength can compare to the kindness in our hearts, and with a good heart, Yu Peier can exert its greatest ability. Li Wenxuan, this young man, heard this, nodded like pounding garlic, and carefully took Yu Pei'er in his arms. He looked at the old man's back and walked farther and farther, and the gratitude and admiration in his heart surged up like a tide. He understood that this mysterious old man not only saved his life, but also taught him a big lesson in life. Since then, Li Wenxuan has worked harder, using his own skills to help those in need. He always remembered the old man's teachings, and the kindness in his heart was like iron.

That Yu Pei'er has also become his talisman, making him prosperous and smooth in the officialdom. But Li Wenxuan didn't forget his roots, he often went back to the broken temple and gave food and shelter to those who had no home. He also used the money he saved to build a school so that those poor children could read and write. Everyone said that Li Wenxuan was really a good person, a good person. He is not only talented and capable, but also has a heart of gold. His story spread more and more widely, and became a good story in the small town of Jiangnan Water Town.

In the ruined temple to take shelter from the rain, the mysterious old man waved his hand, and the scholar escaped

As for the mysterious old man, gradually people could not see him. But his name and deeds are forever engraved in people's hearts. People say that he is a true master of the Tao and uses his wisdom and strength to help those in need. His story has also been sung from generation to generation and has become a legend that will never fade.