
Zhou Chuanxiong's fans were angry, Meng Meiqi responded to the comment controversy, netizens: Respect the seniors!

author:Entertainment Newsletter


Meng Meiqi's clarification video sparked heated discussions

Meng Meiqi posted a clarification video on social platforms, responding to the controversy on the Internet about her comment on Zhou Chuanxiong. In the video, she showed screenshots of netizens' comments on her cyberbullying and abuse, as well as the music partner description of the 2021 "God-given Voice 2" program and her clarification statement.

Zhou Chuanxiong's fans were angry, Meng Meiqi responded to the comment controversy, netizens: Respect the seniors!

Meng Meiqi stressed that she did not make any comments about Zhou Chuanxiong and hoped that the rumors would stop at the wise. The act immediately sparked widespread discussion on social media, with many netizens expressing support for Meng Meiqi, believing that she has the right to clarify the facts, while also expressing dissatisfaction with online violence.

Zhou Chuanxiong's fans were angry, Meng Meiqi responded to the comment controversy, netizens: Respect the seniors!

Netizens questioned Meng Meiqi's qualifications

Although Meng Meiqi has clarified, some netizens still question her qualifications. They believe that as a newcomer who has just debuted, Meng Meiqi does not have enough works and experience to play the role of a guest commentator. These netizens pointed out that Zhou Chuanxiong, as a senior musician, has far more works and influence than Meng Meiqi, so she should not be the one to comment.

Zhou Chuanxiong's fans were angry, Meng Meiqi responded to the comment controversy, netizens: Respect the seniors!

This point of view sparked a heated debate on social media, with some netizens even joking: "Meng Meiqi's comment on Zhou Chuanxiong, isn't this trivial?" This humorous expression, although it carries a certain amount of irony, also reflects the true thoughts of some netizens.

Zhou Chuanxiong's fans were angry, Meng Meiqi responded to the comment controversy, netizens: Respect the seniors!

Zhou Chuanxiong's classic status is unquestionable


Regarding Zhou Chuanxiong's classic status, most netizens agreed. They believe that Zhou Chuanxiong's songs are the youthful memories of fans born in the 80s and 90s, and his musical works have irreplaceable value.

Zhou Chuanxiong's fans were angry, Meng Meiqi responded to the comment controversy, netizens: Respect the seniors!

Some netizens commented: "Zhou Chuanxiong's songs are classics, not everyone can comment on them casually." This view is supported by many who believe that the value and influence of classics is timeless, no matter how the times change. Therefore, any attempt to question or belittle Zhou Chuanxiong's musical status will be met with strong opposition.

Zhou Chuanxiong's fans were angry, Meng Meiqi responded to the comment controversy, netizens: Respect the seniors!

The lack of video evidence has sparked speculation

In Meng Meiqi's clarification video, she mentioned that some netizens claimed that she commented on Zhou Chuanxiong's songs, but did not provide specific video evidence. This situation has sparked more speculation and discussion. Some netizens said: "If there is really a video, why not release it for everyone to see?" ”

Zhou Chuanxiong's fans were angry, Meng Meiqi responded to the comment controversy, netizens: Respect the seniors!

This scepticism quickly spread on social media, and many people began to look for so-called "review videos" in the hope of finding the truth. However, the controversy is further complicated by the lack of video evidence, making Ms. Meng's clarification all the more necessary.

Zhou Chuanxiong's fans were angry, Meng Meiqi responded to the comment controversy, netizens: Respect the seniors!

Summary: An intergenerational dialogue in the music industry


Although Meng Meiqi's clarification video calmed some of the controversy to a certain extent, it also sparked more discussions and questions. Whether it is the questioning of Meng Meiqi's qualifications or the maintenance of Zhou Chuanxiong's classic status, it reflects the public's different views on musicians and works.

Zhou Chuanxiong's fans were angry, Meng Meiqi responded to the comment controversy, netizens: Respect the seniors!

This controversy not only reflects the diversity of voices on social media, but also reveals the complexities of how newcomers interact with veteran artists in the rapidly changing entertainment industry. Eventually, this incident may become a case worth pondering in the entertainment industry, triggering more discussions about artist evaluation standards and industry rules.

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