
The stonemason kept his promise and sent the scholar home thousands of miles, and three years later the scholar married his wife to him

author:I love noodle fish

In our northeast, there is a place called Qingshi Town, and there is an old stonemason in the town, who is nicknamed Li Tiehammer. This Li Iron Hammer, the kung fu in his hand is not covered, and the stone in his hand is like magic, and he can make a bunch of vivid things. But what he admires the most has to count his iron mouth and copper teeth, and his strength to speak. If he agrees, even if the sky falls, he will have to do it for you.

That winter, heavy snow sealed the mountain, and a down-and-out scholar named Zhao Wenju came to Qingshi Town. Zhao Wenju was originally a scholar in the capital, but something happened at home, and he didn't pass the imperial examination, so he was disheartened and went all the way south, trying to find a place to live. But this heavy snow, and the silver on his body was almost spent, and he was about to live on the streets. Li Tiezhu saw that this scholar was very pitiful, so he let him live in his own house temporarily.

Although Zhao Wenju is down, he has a lot of ink in his stomach, and he sees that Li Tiezhu is very real, so he often chats with him and talks about poetry and songs. The two came and went, and they became New Year's friends. One day, Zhao Wenju suddenly received a letter from home, saying that his sister, who was married far away, was seriously ill and wanted to see him for the last time. When Zhao Wenju heard this, his heart was like a knife, and he immediately wanted to rush home. But this heavy snow covers the mountain, and the road is not easy to walk.

The stonemason kept his promise and sent the scholar home thousands of miles, and three years later the scholar married his wife to him

Li Tiezhu saw this situation, patted Zhao Wenju on the shoulder, and said, "Wenju, don't worry, I'm familiar with this road, I'll send you home!" When Zhao Wenju heard this, he was moved to tears and hurriedly thanked him. Li Tiezhu prepared dry food and water, put on the family's old horse, and pulled Zhao Wenju on the way home. Along the way, the wind and snow were blowing, and the two of them suffered a lot, but they finally arrived at Zhao Wenju's hometown safely.

Zhao Wenju's sister saw her younger brother come back safely, and she felt so comfortable in her heart, and left peacefully within a few days. After Zhao Wenju dealt with his sister's funeral, he thought about returning to his hometown to regroup. But he looked at Li Tiehammer's tired figure, and he didn't feel good in his heart, so he said: "Brother Tiehammer, I am really grateful that you have sent me all the way for me." If you don't dislike it, stay here and let's do something together. Li Tiezhu listened, shook his head, and said, "Wenju, I understand your kindness." I'm a rough man, how can I know the way of doing business? You'd better do it yourself. I promised to send you home, and now that the mission is complete, it's time for me to go back. ”

Zhao Wenju couldn't see that he couldn't keep Li Tiehammer, so he took out a piece of jade pendant at home and said, "Brother Iron Hammer, this jade pendant is my family heirloom, and I will give it to you now, which is a little bit of my heart for you." Li Tiehammer couldn't refuse, so he had to accept it. The two reluctantly said goodbye, and Li Tiehammer set foot on the way home. He thought in his heart that Zhao Wenju was good, and he was dusty all the way, and finally returned to Qingshi Town. Three years have passed. Zhao Wenju, a young man, relied on his own intelligence and the spirit of desperate Sanlang, he mixed well in the shopping mall, and the small life at home became more and more prosperous. As for Li Tiezhu, he is still the honest stonemason, tinkling every day and living a simple life.

The stonemason kept his promise and sent the scholar home thousands of miles, and three years later the scholar married his wife to him

One day, Zhao Wenju took a young and beautiful daughter-in-law, Liu Ruyan, back to Qingshi Town. He found Li Tiehammer and said, "Brother Tiehammer, I haven't forgotten your kindness to me in the past three years. Now that I have a successful career and my family is almost settled, I want to repay you. He pointed to Liu Ruyan beside him, "This is my daughter-in-law, called Liu Ruyan." I want to marry her to you, so that you can also taste what happiness is. ”

When Li Tiezhu heard this, he was stunned on the spot. He glanced at Liu Ruyan's beautiful face like a painting, and then looked at Zhao Wenju's serious face, with mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know what it was like. He hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Wenju, what do you mean?" I'm an old man, how can I match such a young and beautiful girl? Besides, I remember your kindness to me, and I don't need to repay it. ”

Zhao Wenju saw Li Tiezhu's resignation, so he said seriously: "Brother Tiehammer, what you said is not right. Back then, you saw me off thousands of miles away, how can I forget this love? Now that I have the ability, I naturally want to repay you. This Liu Ruyan is carefully selected by me, she is gentle and virtuous, knowledgeable, and just right for you. If you refuse, you'll look down on me. ”

The stonemason kept his promise and sent the scholar home thousands of miles, and three years later the scholar married his wife to him

When Li Tiezhu heard this, his heart was warm. He knew that Zhao Wenju really wanted to repay him, so he no longer shirked. But he still has a small pimple in his heart: What is the origin of this Liu Ruyan? Why did Zhao Wenju have to marry her to himself? This has to start from three years ago......

Although Li Tiehammer was moved in his heart, he still didn't know where Liu Ruyan came from. He looked at Zhao Wenju's sincere face, and muttered in his heart: "Brother Wenju, why are you so determined to marry this beautiful daughter-in-law to me, an old man?" Although he muttered a little in his heart, Li Tiezhu couldn't resist Zhao Wenju's enthusiasm. Liu Ruyan is also a polite girl, and she is respectful to Li Tiezhu, and she doesn't dislike him at all.

Li Tiehammer thought to himself, this might be fate, so he didn't think about it anymore. But as the days went by, he found that something was wrong with Liu Ruyan. Although she was respectful to Li Tiehammer on the surface, there was always an indescribable melancholy in her eyes. Sometimes, she would sit alone in the courtyard in a daze, and she would sit for most of the day. Li Tiehammer felt strange in his heart, but he was embarrassed to ask directly.

The stonemason kept his promise and sent the scholar home thousands of miles, and three years later the scholar married his wife to him

One night, Li Tiezhu couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning, and he pondered this matter in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, so he got up and planned to go to the yard to get some air. As soon as I walked to the gate of the courtyard, I heard a slight noise in the courtyard. He approached lightly, only to see Liu Ruyan sitting alone in the courtyard, playing with a jade pendant in his hand, staring at the moonlight. As soon as Li Tiezhu caught a glimpse of the jade pendant, his heart was shocked. Isn't this the jade pendant that Zhao Wenju gave him three years ago? He remembered very clearly that this jade pendant was the heirloom of the Zhao family, how could it fall into the hands of Liu Ruyan? Suspicious, he quietly approached, wanting to hear what Liu Ruyan was whispering.

Liu Ruyan didn't seem to notice Li Tiezhu's arrival, she stared at the jade pendant intently, and whispered to herself: "Wenju, why are you so determined to marry me to a person I don't love?" Do you know that the love of my heart has always been ......" The words came to an abrupt end, as if I was afraid of being overheard. When Li Tiezhu heard these words, he already understood a little in his heart. He couldn't help but step forward and asked, "Ruyan, what is the origin of this jade pendant?" Is there any secret between you and Wenju that you are hiding from me? "

Liu Ruyan was startled by Li Tiezhu's voice, and when she looked up and saw that it was him, her face suddenly showed a look of panic. She stammered, and couldn't say anything for a long time. When Li Tiehammer saw her like this, he was even more convinced of his conjecture in his heart. He sighed softly and said, "Like smoke, if you have anything unspeakable, just tell me." We are all family and there is nothing we can't say. When Liu Ruyan heard this, tears couldn't help but burst out of her eyes. She wiped away her tears and choked up, "Brother Hammer, I'm sorry for you." As a matter of fact...... Wenju and I are not husband and wife. "

The stonemason kept his promise and sent the scholar home thousands of miles, and three years later the scholar married his wife to him

Li Tiezhu was stunned when he heard this, his eyes widened, and he asked, "What?" Are you and Wenju not husband and wife? Then ...... you" Liu Ruyan took a deep breath and explained: "Actually, I am Wenju's cousin. Three years ago, when my family suffered a tragedy and both parents died, Wenju took me to his home. When he saw that I was alone, he wanted to find a good home for me. He knows that you are upright and righteous, and he wants to marry me to you. But I ...... I already have a love in my heart, and I don't want to marry someone else. "

After Li Tiezhu heard this, he already knew it in his heart. He sighed and said, "It's really inappropriate for Wenju to do this, but he is also out of concern for you. Now that you have a place in your heart, we have to reconsider it. Liu Ruyan listened, knelt in front of Li Tiehammer, tears rained down: "Brother Tiehammer, I beg you, let me go." I know I'm doing this to you, but I can't marry you. The one in my heart...... He is no longer alive. I just want to find him and be there for him. "

Li Tiezhu looked at Liu Ruyan's helpless appearance, and couldn't help but feel pity in his heart. He picked up Liu Ruyan and said gently: "Ruyan, since you have made up your mind, I will not stop you." Go and go after your beloved. "Oh, we'll have to talk about it. Look at it, in this world, there are a lot of good people, and there are a lot of bad guys, so you have to keep an eye on it, don't let people bluff it. When Liu Ruyan heard this, tears burst into her eyes, and her heart warmed. She knocked Li Tiehammer's head, then packed her luggage and left Qingshi Town in a puff of smoke. Li Tiehammer looked at Liu Ruyan's back, and said that he had mixed tastes in his heart. He sighed and said to himself: "Brother Wenju, you have done bad things with good intentions. However, Miss Ruyan is also miserable, I hope she can find her own happiness. "That's it.

The stonemason kept his promise and sent the scholar home thousands of miles, and three years later the scholar married his wife to him

Li Tiezhu is still the honest stonemason, knocking and beating every day, living an ordinary life. As for Zhao Wenju, he continued to work hard in the business world, but he never mentioned Liu Ruyan again. The villagers in Qingshi Town all said that Li Tiezhu is really a person who pays attention to love and righteousness. As for Liu Ruyan, although she failed to get together with her sweetheart, she can be regarded as having found her own home. Although Zhao Wenju is thriving in his career, there is always a stone in his heart, which makes him breathless.

As for Zhao Wenju, although he is thriving in the business world, the guilt in his heart is like a big stone, which makes him breathless. He often thinks of Liu Ruyan's tearful eyes, and when he thinks of his original decision, his heart aches. He began to reflect on himself, whether he was really too selfish, only caring about himself and ignoring others.

One day, Zhao Wenju decided to go back to Qingshi Town, he wanted to go to Li Tiezhu, wanted to apologize to him, and begged for forgiveness. With a repentant heart, he set out on his way home. When he stood on the streets of Bluestone again, everything changed. The shops on both sides of the street have new signs, and the pedestrians on the street have new faces. He found Li Tiezhu's home, only to find that it was in ruins. After inquiring, I learned that Li Tiehammer had passed away a few years ago, and his family had moved away.

The stonemason kept his promise and sent the scholar home thousands of miles, and three years later the scholar married his wife to him

Zhao Wenju stood in front of the ruins, and his heart was full of mixed tastes. He didn't expect that this departure would be a farewell. He regretted his decision and regretted not cherishing that friendship. He stood there silently until it was dark, and then he reluctantly left. After returning to the capital, Zhao Wenju began to do charity, using his wealth to help those in need. Our buddy Zhao Wenju is really a typical example of a makeover. He not only set up a school, so that those poor children can also read and write; A medical center has also been built so that sick children can receive timely treatment. That's not all, he also sponsored several poor families so that they could live a stable life. Everyone said that Zhao Wenju has changed, he is no longer the businessman who only has money in his eyes, and now he has become a caring and responsible person. His good deeds not only won the respect of the people, but also spread his reputation throughout the capital.

But Zhao Wenju always had a pimple in his heart, that is, he failed to apologize to Li Tiezhu in person and failed to ask for his forgiveness. This regret was like a thorn in his heart, piercing his heart. One day, he was flipping through an ancient book in his study when he suddenly found a yellowed note. When I opened it, it read: "Like smoke is gone, the promise is not fulfilled." May you be well, don't forget your original intention. "The payment turned out to be Li Tiezhu. Zhao Wenju held the note, and he was so excited in his heart, he didn't expect Li Tiezhu to remember him before he died, and left such a sentence.

Looking at the words on the note, Zhao Wenju seemed to see Li Tiezhu's kind face and heard his warm words. With tears in his eyes, he understood what Li Tiehammer meant: although Ruyan had left, their promise was still there. Li Tiezhu hopes that he can maintain his original intention and continue to be a caring and responsible person. Zhao Wenju kept this note as a treasure, always reminding himself not to forget Li Tiezhu's teachings.

The stonemason kept his promise and sent the scholar home thousands of miles, and three years later the scholar married his wife to him

He continued to devote himself to charity and fulfilled that promise with practical actions. His good deeds won the respect of more people, and his reputation spread all over the world. But in Zhao Wenju's heart, the most precious thing is the note and the unfulfilled promise. He knew that this was the most precious memory and bond between him and Li Tiezhu. He will always cherish these friendships and memories and let them become the eternal warm light in his life.

This is the story of our Bluestone Town, a story of promise, friendship, and redemption. It tells us that in this world, integrity and kindness are the most valuable. Only by staying true to our original aspirations and keeping our promises can we earn the respect and trust of others and live a truly meaningful life.