
The truth of 'Shen Teng's slippery gear' and 'Zhang Yi's adjustment is revealed! Netizen: It's so fake, I can't laugh anymore!

author:Entertainment Newsletter


Award turmoil: Zhang Yi and Shen Teng slippery

Zhang Yi transferred to the male supporting role, and this news caused a lot of turmoil in the entertainment industry. Zhang Yi, who originally thought that he would show his strength in the starring role, suddenly became a "transfer" to the male supporting role, which confused many fans. Someone ridiculed: "Zhang Yi also has to experience the adjustment policy of the academic world." ”

The truth of 'Shen Teng's slippery gear' and 'Zhang Yi's adjustment is revealed! Netizen: It's so fake, I can't laugh anymore!

Some netizens said: "Zhang Yi transferred to the male match, this professional adjustment is really ubiquitous!" Zhang Yi's acting skills are undoubted, but why there is such a change in award nominations has become a hot topic for a while. Some people think that this may be a reconsideration of the role positioning by the judges when they are selected, and some people speculate that it may be to balance the distribution of awards, but in any case, this change has undoubtedly brought a lot of surprises to Zhang Yi's fans.

The truth of 'Shen Teng's slippery gear' and 'Zhang Yi's adjustment is revealed! Netizen: It's so fake, I can't laugh anymore!

The news of Shen Teng's sliding gear is also a big surprise. As a leader in the comedy industry, Shen Teng's every appearance is highly anticipated. However, this time he was not even shortlisted, which makes people doubt the fairness of the award. Netizens expressed their opinions: "How could Shen Teng not even be shortlisted, it's too fake!" ”

The truth of 'Shen Teng's slippery gear' and 'Zhang Yi's adjustment is revealed! Netizen: It's so fake, I can't laugh anymore!

Some people also ridiculed: "Shen Teng skates, is this going to change careers to become a skateboarder?" Shen Teng's absence made the already controversial award even more confusing. His fans were even more puzzled, thinking that Shen Teng's performance strength was obvious to all, and such a result was really unacceptable.

The truth of 'Shen Teng's slippery gear' and 'Zhang Yi's adjustment is revealed! Netizen: It's so fake, I can't laugh anymore!

Netizens are hotly discussed: Hundred Flowers Award Best Actor nomination


After the nomination for Best Actor in the Hundred Flowers Award was announced, the discussion among netizens continued to heat up. Andy Lau and Zhu Yilong's nominations are considered well deserved, but the controversy over several other nominees continues. Some netizens bluntly said: "It's okay to watch Andy Lau and Zhu Yilong, and the others are really ......" This kind of outspoken comment reflects the public's dissatisfaction with the nomination list. Some people believe that the selection of awards should focus more on the acting skills and the overall performance of the work, rather than just based on popularity or a specific criterion.

The truth of 'Shen Teng's slippery gear' and 'Zhang Yi's adjustment is revealed! Netizen: It's so fake, I can't laugh anymore!

In this context, Shen Teng's new movie "Catching the Doll" has become a new expectation of netizens. Despite the Waterloo in the award, Shen Teng's creative ability and market appeal should not be underestimated. Some netizens said: "It's better to look forward to Shen Teng's new movie to catch dolls haha!" This optimistic attitude reflects the audience's love and support for Shen Teng. Even if he was disappointed in the grand prize, Shen Teng was still able to win the recognition of the audience with his talent and hard work.

The truth of 'Shen Teng's slippery gear' and 'Zhang Yi's adjustment is revealed! Netizen: It's so fake, I can't laugh anymore!

The true value of the award

As these events continue to unfold, people are beginning to re-examine the true value of the awards. Should there be more emphasis on artistry and professionalism, or should market and audience acceptance be considered? Zhang Yi's adjustment and Shen Teng's slippage undoubtedly added more complexity to this problem. Some netizens said: "The domestic jackpot is getting more and more watery anyway!" Although this view is extreme, it also reflects the dissatisfaction of some viewers with the current award selection mechanism.

The truth of 'Shen Teng's slippery gear' and 'Zhang Yi's adjustment is revealed! Netizen: It's so fake, I can't laugh anymore!

In such a controversy, we should perhaps pay more attention to the quality of the work itself and the actual performance of the actors, rather than relying too much on awards to judge the value of an actor or a work. After all, the beauty of art lies in its diversity and inclusivity, and awards are just one of many criteria. In any case, fans of Zhang Yi and Shen Teng will still support their idols and look forward to more surprises and touches from them in their future works.

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