
Jia Ling mentions the Hundred Flowers Award for the second time! The director and actress have a bumper harvest, netizens: The charm of the goddess of strength is boundless!

author:Entertainment Newsletter


Jia Ling's box office miracle

Jia Ling, this name has become a legend in the film industry. From "Hello, Lee Huan Young" to "Hot and Hot", her films not only won laughter and tears from the audience, but also created remarkable results at the box office.

Jia Ling mentions the Hundred Flowers Award for the second time! The director and actress have a bumper harvest, netizens: The charm of the goddess of strength is boundless!

With a box office score of 5.413 billion, "Hello, Li Huanying" firmly sits the box office champion of new films in the 2021 Spring Festival, ranking third in the box office in film history. And "Hot and Hot" is not to be outdone, with a box office score of 3.460 billion, it has become the box office champion of new films in the 2024 Spring Festival, ranking 14th in the box office in film history. Such an achievement not only proves Jia Ling's talent as a director, but also shows her charm as an actor.

Jia Ling mentions the Hundred Flowers Award for the second time! The director and actress have a bumper harvest, netizens: The charm of the goddess of strength is boundless!

Double nomination for the Hundred Flowers Award


Jia Ling's talent was not only reflected at the box office, but also recognized on the list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award. The list of nominees for the 37th Hundred Flowers Awards was announced, and Jia Ling was nominated for Best Director and Best Actress for "Hot and Hot".

Jia Ling mentions the Hundred Flowers Award for the second time! The director and actress have a bumper harvest, netizens: The charm of the goddess of strength is boundless!

This is the second consecutive time she has been nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award, and the last time was nominated for Best Actress with "Hello, Li Huanying". Such consecutive nominations are undoubtedly a great affirmation of Jia Ling's talent. Netizens also expressed their support and congratulations to Jia Ling on social media, and some netizens ridiculed: "Jia Ling is going to contract the rhythm of the Hundred Flowers Award!" ”

Jia Ling mentions the Hundred Flowers Award for the second time! The director and actress have a bumper harvest, netizens: The charm of the goddess of strength is boundless!

Jia Ling's multi-faceted talent

Jia Ling's success is not accidental, her talent is multifaceted. From actor to director, every step is steady and steady, and her work always touches people's hearts. "Hello, Lee Hwan Young" tells a story about family and memories, while "Hot and Hot" is a comedy full of laughter and tears.

Jia Ling mentions the Hundred Flowers Award for the second time! The director and actress have a bumper harvest, netizens: The charm of the goddess of strength is boundless!

Jia Ling's directing style is unique, and she can always skillfully integrate personal emotions with the audience's emotions, so that the audience can feel the true meaning of life in laughter. Some netizens commented: "Jia Ling's movies can always make people laugh and cry, this is her magic." ”

Jia Ling mentions the Hundred Flowers Award for the second time! The director and actress have a bumper harvest, netizens: The charm of the goddess of strength is boundless!

Jia Ling's beauty and career


Jia Ling's success lies not only in her talent, but also in the double flowering of her beauty and career. Some netizens ridiculed: "After Jia Ling lost weight, she was so beautiful that I screamed, those who said Jia Ling was unhappy, look at it, people are thin and beautiful and make money, who is not happy?" Although such comments are ridiculous, they also reflect Jia Ling's image in the eyes of the public. Her success and beauty have made her an idol in the minds of countless people.

Jia Ling mentions the Hundred Flowers Award for the second time! The director and actress have a bumper harvest, netizens: The charm of the goddess of strength is boundless!

Jia Ling's future prospects

Jia Ling's success has become a phenomenon in the film industry, and her future is full of infinite possibilities. Netizens are full of expectations for her future works, and some netizens said: "It's amazing! We lack this kind of female director,

Jia Ling mentions the Hundred Flowers Award for the second time! The director and actress have a bumper harvest, netizens: The charm of the goddess of strength is boundless!

From "Hello, Li Huanying" to "Hot and Hot", you can really see Sister Ling's intentions for her works, with laughter and tears! It's really amazing! Looking forward to more works from Sister Ling in the future! "Jia Ling's future will undoubtedly be more exciting.

Jia Ling mentions the Hundred Flowers Award for the second time! The director and actress have a bumper harvest, netizens: The charm of the goddess of strength is boundless!

Jia Ling's brilliance and challenges

Jia Ling's success is undoubtedly worth celebrating, but it is also controversial. Some believe that her success is due to luck, and others think that her films are too commercial. But in any case, Jia Ling's talent and hard work cannot be ignored.

Jia Ling mentions the Hundred Flowers Award for the second time! The director and actress have a bumper harvest, netizens: The charm of the goddess of strength is boundless!

Her films not only won the box office, but also won the love of the audience. Some netizens commented: "Jia Ling's success is well deserved, and her movies can always touch people's hearts." Such a comment is undoubtedly the greatest affirmation of Jia Ling.

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